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Topic: Coronavirus
Duttoneer's photo
Thu 05/21/20 01:40 AM
Edited by Duttoneer on Thu 05/21/20 01:41 AM

Coronavirus: Hydroxychloroquine trial begins in the UK

A trial to see whether two anti-malarial drugs could prevent Covid-19 has begun in Brighton and Oxford.
Chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine or a placebo will be given to more than 40,000 healthcare workers from Europe, Africa, Asia and South America.
All the participants are staff who are in contact with Covid-19 patients.


Let's hope this is successful in providing protection, particularly to all the health workers around the world.

no photo
Thu 05/21/20 04:23 AM
Let's hope so, but most anti-malarial drugs are notorious for their mental and physical side-effects.

Toodygirl5's photo
Thu 05/21/20 05:44 AM
A nurse spoke on FB this week she was not wearing any mask !

It builds up Carbon dioxide.

It can poison you, after wearing a mask for long periods of time.

She was escorted out of Menards in Ohio after approving her to get her purchase.

On video , she ranted.

oldkid46's photo
Thu 05/21/20 06:28 AM

A nurse spoke on FB this week she was not wearing any mask !

It builds up Carbon dioxide.

It can poison you, after wearing a mask for long periods of time.

She was escorted out of Menards in Ohio after approving her to get her purchase.

On video , she ranted.
While it is possible that could happen with a poor mask, I doubt it is common. If it is, then the first indications would be a low blood oxygen level which would generally present as a tingle or discomfort in the muscles. If it were a common occurrence, it would have become a problem in the building trades where people are putting out a higher level of physical activity while wearing a mask for an extended period of time.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Thu 05/21/20 07:44 AM
Today we have a slight rise, over 200 again :( Yesterday was pushing 200. Fingers crossed.

UK finally seems to have a mild downward trend!

no photo
Thu 05/21/20 07:55 AM
Edited by Unknow on Thu 05/21/20 07:57 AM
Crystal I heard on the radio today about a abattoir somewhere in the Netherlands where a lot of the workers had the virus and it had to be shut down?
Oh, I can't find it but don't Google it. The other stories are horrible :sob:

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Thu 05/21/20 08:04 AM

Crystal I heard on the radio today about a abattoir somewhere in the Netherlands where a lot of the workers had the virus and it had to be shut down?
Oh, I can't find it but don't Google it. The other stories are horrible :sob:

I read there are 23 people put in isolation. They're 'working immigrants' from Roumania. Apparently that can happen because of living quarters not being too great, too many on top of one another.
I'm wondering if they already had it when they came here, but then again I don't know if they have been in the country for a longer time alread.
I saw Germany had issues in abatoirs too, from what I gather it's only one here, so far anyway.
But now that travel restrictions have eased... lord knows what's going to happen? We have a lot of seasonal workers from Eastern Europe. I doubt these people care much about anything as those are poor countries and they need money.

no photo
Thu 05/21/20 08:09 AM
Well yes, this is exactly what I have been saying. We have thousands here washing cars and other work and they are dirty living 6 to a room but the political correct brigade won't let you say that!

Toodygirl5's photo
Thu 05/21/20 02:27 PM
There's certain States in the USA that aren't doing good with the Corona virus.
Large cities with huge populations are the worse . Governor's of each State are in control of what steps to take in opening up their own State.
New York.

Arizona has huge number cases because of the Navajo reservation in that state.
Reported on local news station.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Thu 05/21/20 03:08 PM

There's certain States in the USA that aren't doing good with the Corona virus.
Large cities with huge populations are the worse . Governor's of each State are in control of what steps to take in opening up their own State.
New York.

Arizona has huge number cases because of the Navajo reservation in that state.
Reported on local news station.

Arizona doesn't have that many cases: 15315
The Navajo in Arizona have 2416 cases... Some of these are in Colorado, the area overlaps a bit.
Meaning 1/6 of the total number of Arizona is Navajo. I don't find that alarming.

I guess that local radio station has something against Navajo.
And also BS to say Arizona has a HUGE number cases. It doesn't.

no photo
Thu 05/21/20 03:12 PM

There's certain States in the USA that aren't doing good with the Corona virus.
Large cities with huge populations are the worse . Governor's of each State are in control of what steps to take in opening up their own State.
New York.

Arizona has huge number cases because of the Navajo reservation in that state.
Reported on local news station.

Arizona doesn't have that many cases: 15315
The Navajo in Arizona have 2416 cases... Some of these are in Colorado, the area overlaps a bit.
Meaning 1/6 of the total number of Arizona is Navajo. I don't find that alarming.

I guess that local radio station has something against Navajo.
And also BS to say Arizona has a HUGE number cases. It doesn't.

Check out Arkansas...they haven't had any stay at home orders and their numbers scrape the bottom of the list. 4923 cases...3739 recovered...102 deaths.

oldkid46's photo
Thu 05/21/20 05:42 PM

There's certain States in the USA that aren't doing good with the Corona virus.
Large cities with huge populations are the worse . Governor's of each State are in control of what steps to take in opening up their own State.
New York.

Arizona has huge number cases because of the Navajo reservation in that state.
Reported on local news station.

Arizona doesn't have that many cases: 15315
The Navajo in Arizona have 2416 cases... Some of these are in Colorado, the area overlaps a bit.
Meaning 1/6 of the total number of Arizona is Navajo. I don't find that alarming.

I guess that local radio station has something against Navajo.
And also BS to say Arizona has a HUGE number cases. It doesn't.

Check out Arkansas...they haven't had any stay at home orders and their numbers scrape the bottom of the list. 4923 cases...3739 recovered...102 deaths.
It was a bad day in Arkansas with 455 new cases but 229 were in the Federal prison.. Causing a lot of concern here as most things that were shut down have reopened with restrictions. Dept of health doing follow up to see if there is some common thread among new cases. Mostly spread out around the state but a couple counties stand out for concern. Late next week has the potential for a significant increase around the US with the 3 day Memorial weekend this weekend.

no photo
Thu 05/21/20 06:05 PM
Uk .. now trialling new rapid finger prick test for covid


SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Fri 05/22/20 06:20 AM
It's almost impossible now to stick to the 1,5m distance. Too many tourists, and especially Germans don't give a chit. They do care about themselves, they come in wearing facing masks but enter the shop with 2 people and 1 trolley while it clearly says in HUGE letters that each person needs to have a trolley, even children.
One of the F****** got called back to get his own trolley.
They now have a security guard walking around. Unbelievable that this is necessary while we -people who live here- have been careful up until now.

I've seen healthcare workers complain about the easing of lockdown too. They're totalled, and with all these thousands of tourists here already they may not get their well deserved break.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sat 05/23/20 11:42 AM
Currently progress seems to have come to a bit of a halt?

Countries that were improving are still there at approx the same level of new cases a day. No going down further.

Countries that were not improving still aren't improving.


no photo
Sat 05/23/20 09:57 PM
Uk vaccine trial continues ....


no photo
Sat 05/23/20 10:14 PM
Small study on autopsy of lungs shows evidence of new vessel growth .. believed to occur in response to associated hypoxia and poor gas exchange ...... . amazing and unexpected find !!!!


jaish's photo
Sun 05/24/20 06:08 AM

Small study on autopsy of lungs shows evidence of new vessel growth .. believed to occur in response to associated hypoxia and poor gas exchange ...... . amazing and unexpected find !!!!


thanks Blondey, though quite beyond me.

Meantime, these mosquitoes are killing me...
Why not you divert some of the research effort to ruining mosquito sex life.

At least we can preempt next wave of mosquito borne Covid series. think

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Mon 05/25/20 02:20 AM
I read some articles yesterdays saying that many companies will
likely keep doing the flexwork, so partly at home, partly at the office.
They discovered it actually works really well.
Now that is great change, it could lead to less stress in people,
less traffic and less pollution, less cost for the companies who
have to pay travel expense, and so on.

I am curious now to see how things will change now that it is on its
way out here, and later on in the rest of the world as well of course.

no photo
Mon 05/25/20 08:55 PM
Latest update from New Zealand ....


Sounding like our health ministry has increasing confidence There is currently no new community transmission in nz :thumbsup:

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