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Topic: Coronavirus
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Mon 05/25/20 09:03 PM

Small study on autopsy of lungs shows evidence of new vessel growth .. believed to occur in response to associated hypoxia and poor gas exchange ...... . amazing and unexpected find !!!!


thanks Blondey, though quite beyond me.

Meantime, these mosquitoes are killing me...
Why not you divert some of the research effort to ruining mosquito sex life.

At least we can preempt next wave of mosquito borne Covid series. think

apparently high vibrational electronic music is a turnoff for randy mosquitos jai biggrin

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Tue 05/26/20 01:29 PM
292.000 children die each year just from drinking dirty water in 3rd world countries....... Just saying

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Tue 05/26/20 04:16 PM
WHO halt clinical trial of antimalarial medication hydroxychloroquinine .. ..

wonder if trump is still taking it ??


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Tue 05/26/20 04:18 PM
study links Dementia gene to increased covid risk


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Tue 05/26/20 04:20 PM
Warning from WHO.....fears covid is actually increasing globally


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Tue 05/26/20 04:31 PM

292.000 children die each year just from drinking dirty water in 3rd world countries....... Just saying

U.S. Abortions in 2017: ~ 862,320 (Guttmacher Institute)
U.S. Coronavirus deaths ~ 100,504

Toodygirl5's photo
Tue 05/26/20 04:39 PM
Ozarks Missouri hundreds were having pool partiies all last weekend!
Online photo s
In USA iSome States are not taking Corona virus serious enough! Imo

PSX you are right! Sad thing abortions count in USA.

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Tue 05/26/20 04:59 PM

PSX you are right! Sad thing abortions count in USA.

just pointing out the hypocrisy

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Tue 05/26/20 05:38 PM

WHO halt clinical trial of antimalarial medication hydroxychloroquinine .. ..

wonder if trump is still taking it ??


i doubt he ever was.

i wish he would though.

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Tue 05/26/20 05:48 PM
Comparing covid deaths to abortions has little relevance ...

Covid is a pathogen without a cure ..

Unplanned and unwanted pregnancies are not a disease .. abortion in many cases is a choice .

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Tue 05/26/20 05:50 PM

WHO halt clinical trial of antimalarial medication hydroxychloroquinine .. ..

wonder if trump is still taking it ??


i doubt he ever was.

i wish he would though.
yes... I would rather trump is the guinea pig than a poor little lab rat laugh laugh laugh laugh

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Tue 05/26/20 06:02 PM

Comparing covid deaths to abortions has little relevance ...

Covid is a pathogen without a cure ..

Unplanned and unwanted pregnancies are not a disease .. abortion in many cases is a choice .

Every death is equal

no photo
Tue 05/26/20 06:10 PM

Comparing covid deaths to abortions has little relevance ...

Covid is a pathogen without a cure ..

Unplanned and unwanted pregnancies are not a disease .. abortion in many cases is a choice .

Every death is equal
then why try to minimise death associated with covid ???

perhaps you would like to start a thread about abortion .. from a male perspective :thumbsup:

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Tue 05/26/20 06:25 PM

Comparing covid deaths to abortions has little relevance ...

Covid is a pathogen without a cure ..

Unplanned and unwanted pregnancies are not a disease .. abortion in many cases is a choice .

Every death is equal
then why try to minimise death associated with covid ???

Simply put...only lives that push an agenda count...others are conveniently swept under the rug.

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Tue 05/26/20 06:29 PM
The Navajo Nation is mostly in Arizona, New Mexico with some in Utah and Colorado. It's really not a big population, but when 2,000 people get the Coronavirus, or whatever the total is, it's a lot.

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Tue 05/26/20 06:43 PM

The Navajo Nation is mostly in Arizona, New Mexico with some in Utah and Colorado. It's really not a big population, but when 2,000 people get the Coronavirus, or whatever the total is, it's a lot.

I wonder how many of them got the flu last year...80,ooo people died of the flu in America in the 2017-18 flu season...


I don't remember them shutting down the country for that amount of deaths. US totals for Covid are 100000+ right now...People act like it's a death sentence to get Covid-19. It's not. But once again, flu deaths don't push an agenda...so they don't count either

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Tue 05/26/20 06:57 PM
This topic was about the Coronavirus. That was what I'm thinking of. I live in a large state, and there has been 2,700 cases.

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Tue 05/26/20 07:08 PM
Thanks cat waving are they using containment measures or just leaving the virus uncontrolled . There seems to be a discrepancy state to state in the USA as to how they are attempting to contain covid .

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Tue 05/26/20 07:18 PM

The Navajo Nation is mostly in Arizona, New Mexico with some in Utah and Colorado. It's really not a big population, but when 2,000 people get the Coronavirus, or whatever the total is, it's a lot.

I wonder how many of them got the flu last year...80,ooo people died of the flu in America in the 2017-18 flu season...


I don't remember them shutting down the country for that amount of deaths. US totals for Covid are 100000+ right now...People act like it's a death sentence to get Covid-19. It's not. But once again, flu deaths don't push an agenda...so they don't count either
again ... there are annual flu vaccines against prevalent flu strains .. vaccination is a choice . . Deaths ascribed to flu are seldom from flu it’s self .. even the cdc acknowledges that fact ...

Personally I think it is warranted to treat any new pathogen with the respect it deserves .. if you are happy it does not represent any threat to you ... or those close to you .. I suggest you visit an Icu when it is overwhelmed with covid patients . I am sure they would appreciate your help .

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Tue 05/26/20 07:19 PM
My state was put on lockdown by the governor March 25. The Coronavirus cases I've seen are from the western part of the state. I think they are from California. The county I live in is controlling it. Not one case at the moment.

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