my dad
Thank you all!! You all are the best. Yes, Dad will not suffer anymore and we made some great memories in his last month. I just miss him already. That's all.
Shunka, I am sorry for your loss too. I will keep you in my prayers! |
my dad
passed away at 1:51 am. My sister and I were with him when he took his last breath. He is the best man I have ever known. I can't sleep now....just wanted to share with my JSH family. Thanks.
my father is dying. So fu_cking what about your.....whatever
What do you believe
nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah nah, respect yourself
What do you believe
I never heard of you.
Al Qaeda at it's finest...
Edited by
Tue 02/19/08 05:26 PM
smo, I guess its no news to you that you are anti-semitic/ Against the Jews. You better be careful, for that is where the beginning of the end of the world will start. You know, without the Jews taking back Palestine as theirs-God given, Jesus cannot return, for there will be no temple in Jerusalem and He cannot make "a new Jerusalem" without the Jewish people in control of the Temple. I am sick of your anti-semitic views. Guess what? The Jews are Gods chosen people. Was and are. Can't take that, can you? Maybe you should read the Bible again. This time, both the old and the new testaments. Are you German or what? Related to Hitler?(who by the way of his mother was half Jewish himself). Before you go to answering any of this, I am Roman Catholic. The Church started by the followers of Jesus Christ, who was, after all, a Jew.
Where have the leaders gone
I am sorry, Troubled. I am one of the most patriotic people you will ever know. I love our Armed Forces and have lived and worked near all of the branches all of my life. I believe Marines are dedicated and great people. I was raised 5 miles from Aberdeen Proving Ground and 10 miles from Bainbridge Naval Station. I married a guy who got out of the Army just before we got married. We lived in Dale City and Manassas, VA, when he worked at Ft. Belvoir, and were near Quantico Marine Base. We lived in Newport News, VA, near Langley Air Base. Norfolk Naval Air Station was across the river. Ft. Eustis was 15 miles down the road and Ft. Monroe was 20 miles away. We also lived in Germany, where my husband (now ex) was a non-combatant military observer/advisor with the DOD in Heidelburg 1987-1990. I am proud to have lived among the bravest and most honorable people I have ever known. It is the circumstances that John McCain has suffered that has got to have an effect on his judgement as a leader, if he were to become one. I do not think he could have a clear prospective in a war again after what happened to him in Vietnam. I should not have said "Marines" in my statement. I do apologize for that to all services members. I should have referred to McCain as an ex prisoner of war. He is in his 60's and grateful as I am to all our service people, I stand behind my judgement of my doubts about McCains mental stability to perform the country's top job.
"everybody" did not forget about watergate. Ford was never elected president because he pardoned Nixon. We were more angry at Nixon over Vietnam than watergate. Because Ford pardoned Nixon, we got Jimmy Carter for the USA's most backward president. He was a total embarassment. Not surprised that Bush slipped in a "safety" about not being held for war crimes. That should cover everything he has done as far as Iraq is concerned. He is a self rightous jackass, to say the very least!! It was his fault!! He wanted to go to war with Iraq so bad, that he made up total fabrications about weapons of mass destruction to make sure we did go to war. 8 yrs later we are still there!! Al Queda/the terrorists were in Afghanistan, not Iraq!! Thats the only place we had any business being after 9/11!! Pardons himself!! Pffft!! Can't believe that you are so naive that you believe all that you just said. Oh well Which part are you referring to? |
The same way we missed Clinton banging an intern in the white house. Oh wait he never banged that woman, he never had sexual relations with that woman And I think everybody forgot about watergate not fair she didnt swallow so it doesn't count !! does that go with Clintons claim that he smoked pot once, but, he never inhaled? ![]() Ever had a contact buzz?? |
Thanks all. I will do some research in my area. There are a lot of tattoo artists around here.
Love that fresh earth smell after a brief rain shower. I read about a little girl whose heart had stopped and she was revived. She told her mother she met Jesus. One day a rain shower came and the litte girl asked her mother if she smelled "that". She asked her several times because her mom was not really listening to her. Her mom smelled the familiar smell and said yes, rain was coming. The little girl said "that's what Jesus smells like".
does anyone know if it is possible to cover up scar tissue with a tattoo? I am talking about a 3rd degree burn in a particular shape that needs to be hidden or at least disguised. Hopefully there is someone on here who does tattoo's or knows how the ink works. Thanks.
Edited by
Mon 02/18/08 04:13 PM
"everybody" did not forget about watergate. Ford was never elected president because he pardoned Nixon. We were more angry at Nixon over Vietnam than watergate. Because Ford pardoned Nixon, we got Jimmy Carter for the USA's most backward president. He was a total embarassment. Not surprised that Bush slipped in a "safety" about not being held for war crimes. That should cover everything he has done as far as Iraq is concerned. He is a self rightous jackass, to say the very least!! It was his fault!! He wanted to go to war with Iraq so bad, that he made up total fabrications about weapons of mass destruction to make sure we did go to war. 8 yrs later we are still there!! Al Queida/the terrorists were in Afghanistan, not Iraq!! Thats the only place we had any business being after 9/11!! Pardons himself!! Pffft!! Hmmm, you know for a fact that they were in Afghanistan?!?! And you didn't tell anyone? Wow, you coulda saved us a lotta trouble. ![]() ![]() Yeah, the government knew too. You don't recall the USA going after the terrorists and bombing the caves in Afghanistan after 9/11 trying to get Bin Laden et al? While we were in Afghanistan, we freed the people and whipped a little old fashioned "democracy" on the country, freeing the people of the "laws" imposed on them by Bin Laden and friends. It was all for their good and the country is better off than it was. Women can uncover their faces and go to school again among other freedoms. Then we should have left the middle east, even though we never did find Bin Laden himself, the slippery devil!! We did put Al Queida(sp?) on the run. Last I heard they were reorganizing in Pakistan. I guess you were drinking through all that?? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Rise and Fall of the Taliban The Taliban had risen to power in the mid 90's in reaction to the anarchy and warlordism that arose after the withdrawal of Soviet forces. Many Taliban had been educated in madrassas in Pakistan and were largely from rural southern Pashtun backgrounds. In 1994, the Taliban developed enough strength to capture the city of Kandahar from a local warlord and proceeded to expand its control throughout Afghanistan, occupying Kabul in September 1996. By the end of 1998, the Taliban occupied about 90% of the country, limiting the opposition largely to a small mostly Tajik corner in the northeast and the Panjshir valley. The Taliban sought to impose an extreme interpretation of Islam--based upon the rural Pashtun tribal code--on the entire country and committed massive human rights violations, particularly directed against women and girls. The Taliban also committed serious atrocities against minority populations, particularly the Shi'a Hazara ethnic group, and killed noncombatants in several well-documented instances. In 2001, as part of a drive against relics of Afghanistan's pre-Islamic past, the Taliban destroyed two huge Buddha statues carved into a cliff face outside of the city of Bamiyan. From the mid-1990s the Taliban provided sanctuary to Osama bin Laden, a Saudi national who had fought with the mujahideen resistance against the Soviets, and provided a base for his and other terrorist organizations. Bin Laden provided both financial and political support to the Taliban. Bin Laden and his Al-Qaida group were charged with the bombing of the U.S. Embassies in Nairobi and Dar Es Salaam in 1998, and in August 1998 the United States launched a cruise missile attack against bin Laden's terrorist camp in southeastern Afghanistan. Bin Laden and Al-Qaida have acknowledged their responsibility for the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks against the United States. Following the Taliban's repeated refusal to expel bin Laden and his group and end its support for international terrorism, the U.S. and its partners in the anti-terrorist coalition began a military campaign on October 7, 2001, targeting terrorist facilities and various Taliban military and political assets within Afghanistan. Under pressure from U.S. military and anti-Taliban forces, the Taliban disintegrated rapidly, and Kabul fell on November 13, 2001. Afghan factions opposed to the Taliban met at a United Nations-sponsored conference in Bonn, Germany in December 2001 and agreed to restore stability and governance to Afghanistan--creating an interim government and establishing a process to move toward a permanent government. Under the "Bonn Agreement," an Afghan Interim Authority was formed and took office in Kabul on December 22, 2001 with Hamid Karzai as Chairman. The Interim Authority held power for approximately 6 months while preparing for a nationwide "Loya Jirga" (Grand Council) in mid-June 2002 that decided on the structure of a Transitional Authority. The Transitional Authority, headed by President Hamid Karzai, renamed the government as the Transitional Islamic State of Afghanistan (TISA). One of the TISA's primary achievements was the drafting of a constitution that was ratified by a Constitutional Loya Jirga on January 4, 2004. GOVERNMENT AND POLITICAL CONDITIONS On October 9, 2004, Afghanistan held its first national democratic presidential election. More than 8 million Afghans voted, 41% of whom were women. Hamid Karzai was announced as the official winner on November 3 and inaugurated on December 7 for a five-year term as Afghanistan's first democratically elected president. On December 23, 2004, President Karzai announced new cabinet *From Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs 12/2007** |
"everybody" did not forget about watergate. Ford was never elected president because he pardoned Nixon. We were more angry at Nixon over Vietnam than watergate. Because Ford pardoned Nixon, we got Jimmy Carter for the USA's most backward president. He was a total embarassment.
Not surprised that Bush slipped in a "safety" about not being held for war crimes. That should cover everything he has done as far as Iraq is concerned. He is a self rightous jackass, to say the very least!! It was his fault!! He wanted to go to war with Iraq so bad, that he made up total fabrications about weapons of mass destruction to make sure we did go to war. 8 yrs later we are still there!! Al Queda/the terrorists were in Afghanistan, not Iraq!! Thats the only place we had any business being after 9/11!! Pardons himself!! Pffft!! |
Edited by
Mon 02/18/08 02:36 AM
my comment was to Peccy.
by the way, the open mouth photo totally obliterates my attention to what you are posting. If you care. You probably don't. Tough on me!
off topic: please change your picture. I hate pictures of babies with their mouths open and apparently I'm not fond of adults with their mouths open either. Your perogative, of course, but, could you shut your mouth? (of course I mean literally, not to stop posting) The pic is not attractive, but, I am old, so you probably don't care.
I Have a Quick Question
off topic: Rosie with chest hair makes me gag, but then, Rosie at all makes me nauseas
Spirits, Spectors, and Ghost
I believe in a spiritual realm. Its like there are levels of time and space. I have seen many "ghosts" in my lifetime, so far. I worked in a nursing home that was previously a Manor house Plantation. The main house was used as the lobby and offices etc. and the wings for the Residents rooms were built on both sides of the Manor. I and many others have seen a little girl 1880's period, with ringlets and the dress of the period playing in the 1st floor of the main manor house. She was there, solid, not transparent. We all accepted her. She did not interact with us, but, rather, was playing. I guess her spirit never left the plantation. They also used the house as a hospital in the civil war and we have all seen nurses of "the period, walking around the different areas. The weirdest thing about those nurses was that they would materialize and disappear before our eyes!
As a child, I experienced a "spirit" when I was going downstairs to the bathroom. It was not human form. It was "vaporish" and green in color. It communicated with me mentally and told me not to be afraid. I was though and I ran back to bed! Years later, my brother told me he saw the same type thing in that house only his was brown in color and it told him not to be afraid. I have no idea what those were. Maybe souls whose bodies had already decayed, so they appeared as vapors? Those are some of the things I have seen. Oh, in my parents condo, I see shadows/swiftly moving people and animals all the time. Mom told me she does too. That area where the condos were built was farmland for many years. |
i dont know what to do
Sometimes you just have to be straight(no pun intended) forward and just tell him loud and clear "Look, I like women. I am not interested in men. Period. The end."