Topic: I Have a Quick Question
whispertoascream's photo
Sun 02/17/08 11:54 PM
At least thi9nk it should be a quick fix and I am just not awake enough to see it. OK so here is the problem.

I can not get my Forefox to open. I ckick on it and nothing happens. The curser turns into the hour glass for like 2 seconds that's it.

I am stuck using my IE right now and I am hating it. For some reason it is making my computer run REALLY slow now. ANd I keep getting these skript errors and then the darn browser crashes on me and I have to restart it.

So PLEASE help?

Suzanne20's photo
Sun 02/17/08 11:55 PM
Firefox always ran slow for me, but oddly enough I am having the exact same problem with IE, I keep getting script errors then it closes

Peccy's photo
Sun 02/17/08 11:56 PM
tried re-installing it?

Peccy's photo
Sun 02/17/08 11:57 PM
Edited by Peccy on Sun 02/17/08 11:57 PM

Firefox always ran slow for me, but oddly enough I am having the exact same problem with IE, I keep getting script errors then it closes
must all be those porn sites for you two doing

polaritybear's photo
Sun 02/17/08 11:58 PM

Firefox always ran slow for me, but oddly enough I am having the exact same problem with IE, I keep getting script errors then it closes
must all be those porn sites for you two doing


whispertoascream's photo
Sun 02/17/08 11:58 PM

tried re-installing it?

Yup twice! Once I deleted it from my computer first before re-installing it first, then a second time juto repair it. And still notthing.

no photo
Sun 02/17/08 11:58 PM
Sounds like a registry problem. Do you have registry repair software?

polaritybear's photo
Sun 02/17/08 11:58 PM
I say screw IE I always use Firefox but, I have re-installed it once due to malfunctions.

Suzanne20's photo
Sun 02/17/08 11:59 PM

Firefox always ran slow for me, but oddly enough I am having the exact same problem with IE, I keep getting script errors then it closes
must all be those porn sites for you two doing

Damn am I that predictable?explode

Suzanne20's photo
Mon 02/18/08 12:00 AM

I say screw IE I always use Firefox but, I have re-installed it once due to malfunctions.

IE is the only thing that really works for the most part on my computer. Everything else takes 12.5yrs to load up.

Peccy's photo
Mon 02/18/08 12:02 AM

Firefox always ran slow for me, but oddly enough I am having the exact same problem with IE, I keep getting script errors then it closes
must all be those porn sites for you two doing

Damn am I that predictable?explode
from the rumors I hear Sue

Suzanne20's photo
Mon 02/18/08 12:03 AM

Firefox always ran slow for me, but oddly enough I am having the exact same problem with IE, I keep getting script errors then it closes
must all be those porn sites for you two doing

Damn am I that predictable?explode
from the rumors I hear Sue

Rumors?huh Lies! All lies!devil devil My computer is screwed up enough without me going to those siteslaugh Myspace is hard enough on it

whispertoascream's photo
Mon 02/18/08 12:05 AM

I say screw IE I always use Firefox but, I have re-installed it once due to malfunctions.

I can not get my Firefox to open that is my problem.

And not I do not think I do have a registry repair program. Any suggestions?

wilkit's photo
Mon 02/18/08 12:10 AM
switch to netscape
have had it for years rarely have problems
good luck

FearandLoathing's photo
Mon 02/18/08 12:12 AM
Depends on how much time you have...Google TrendMicro housecall, scan takes about an hour and a half to two hours but will go through your entire computer and clean what it can for free...which is what I'm assuming you need.

no photo
Mon 02/18/08 12:15 AM
It's an issue with a corrupt addon. run firefox -safe and disable your addons

Donnar's photo
Mon 02/18/08 02:19 AM
off topic: Rosie with chest hair makes me gag, but then, Rosie at all makes me nauseas