Topic: The Rapture Hmmmm | |
and no this is not a joke post. I am serious here!
Then again do I really need to know a holy spirit?? I mean could one live without knowing and still be happy. It seems to be working for me so far, although I am always curious how others know they feel the faith or know of a spirit?? If you really are serious... Try deep breathing for relaxation. That is when it happened to me. It was a light that appeared in the room. Seriously I was not seeking enlightenment, I was just focused on breathing and my physical health, meditation and breathing. After that day my life did change dramatically overnight. JB Is that not like meditation? I did this with Buddhism and watched everyone around me feel different? They always say I am not serious, but I am. I sit and contemplate on this and try my best to do what is told in each religous book, but nothing happens!! So now I am just adapted to the natures of attractions by the documentary 'The Secret'. I know you are familiar with this. The only problem is that it is about positive thinking and how to stay positive. I do that very well, but it doesn't give me the chance to experience anything unusual like 90% of this world does with all te different belief systems they practice. Okay today I will try your method. Sit and breathe hard, but perhaps that is just another way of getting dizzy if you breathe hard and the reason why one sees little fizzly things in front of your eyes. I am sure you know what I am talking about right. No no no, You don't sit and breath hard and get dizzy. LOL Learn a slow, relaxing yoga breathing technique. Don't force it, don't "expect" something to happen. It is probably not going to work the first few times you do it. Focus takes practice. You cannot force yourself to relax. LOL I think you are trying too hard. Stop trying. Just practice the slow relaxed breathing. Do it every day. JB ah there we go. Yoga breathing technics. Something to look up! I will see if this is what brings me closer to a spiritual being of somesort. If not then oh well back to writing fantasy stories for fun! Imagination is powerful in itself and a good way to enjoy a different ride in life. Thanks for the advice. |
ah there we go. Yoga breathing technics. Something to look up!
I will see if this is what brings me closer to a spiritual being of somesort. If not then oh well back to writing fantasy stories for fun! Imagination is powerful in itself and a good way to enjoy a different ride in life. Thanks for the advice. smile Smiles, You don't have to get heavily involved with yoga, but any deep breathing technique will work wonders in your life in many ways, not only spiritual. But with your attitude... you will fail. You don't "try" and if it does not work ...oh well ... back to doing something else. LOL Have you read Esther and Jerry Hicks books on the Law of Attraction? They are great books on manifesting your reality and putting your mind on the right track. The breathing techniques are a discipline that involves doing it for oh about ten minutes a day is all. Every day. JB |
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Mon 07/07/08 05:08 PM
| after reading, click on " next chapter", at bottom of each page |
I remember when the Left Behind Book series came out. I read the entire thing and really liked it, but now Ive come to realize that it mocked and made the Rapture look cheap and stupid Like some kind of bad sci-fi story I have seen both the orginal Left Behind and the new one with Kirk Cameron and his wife....It's pretty darn what I think is going to happen. |
I can't speak for JB, but I did not loose him MS, i left him behind on purpose.
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Mon 07/07/08 05:27 PM
I can't speak for JB, but I did not loose him MS, i left him behind on purpose. Only because of some misconceptions you have had of God, Tribo. But God ain't done. As we seek and find God ..... in the is actually God who Finds Us. God is just waiting for us to seek Him with our whole heart....and then that is when we are found of Him But sometimes God will get our attention, even when we are not seeking Him at all. Ouch. |
I can't speak for JB, but I did not loose him MS, i left him behind on purpose. Only because of some misconceptions you have had of God, Tribo. But God ain't done. As we seek and find God ..... in the is actually God who Finds Us. God is just waiting for us to seek Him with our whole heart....and then that is when we are found of Him But sometimes God will get our attention, even when we are not seeking Him at all. Ouch. sorry MS, it's like a drug, someone tells you to take it or try it, but it doesn't do anything for you - been there / done that already. If you go to a restaurant and keep getting served terrible meals, sooner or later you will stop eating there, even if others think its the best home cooking they have ever tasted. we all have different taste bud's, mine tend towards fillet Mignon and lobster, or chateaubriand for 2 and king crab legs. or prime rib MED rare and sauteed shrimp, now see!! I've made myself hungry!! Never the less, i don't prefer leg of sheep with mint sauce, I'll leave that to you and the other's. |
ah there we go. Yoga breathing technics. Something to look up!
I will see if this is what brings me closer to a spiritual being of somesort. If not then oh well back to writing fantasy stories for fun! Imagination is powerful in itself and a good way to enjoy a different ride in life. Thanks for the advice. smile Smiles, You don't have to get heavily involved with yoga, but any deep breathing technique will work wonders in your life in many ways, not only spiritual. But with your attitude... you will fail. You don't "try" and if it does not work ...oh well ... back to doing something else. LOL Have you read Esther and Jerry Hicks books on the Law of Attraction? They are great books on manifesting your reality and putting your mind on the right track. The breathing techniques are a discipline that involves doing it for oh about ten minutes a day is all. Every day. JB Thank you for those books! I will order them on Amazon. 10 minutes isn't bad at all to tell you the truth. Yes need to get a more positive attitude for this. You are right. |
| after reading, click on " next chapter", at bottom of each page Will read this thank you. |
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Tue 07/08/08 03:26 PM
I am sooo open to try and see and learn anothers belief...but the way it is presented and then percieved is almost attackingly. It becomes harder and harder to read what some say due to their presentaion. Thank you Red. Kat Are you saying you perceive it (the way it is presented) as being "attackingly?" If so, why do you perceive it that way? JB Sometimes it is the wording. The presentation. Sometimes it sounds belittleing. It gets exhausting to read. Like; I try and read you with an open mind...then it becomes sorta like you (not just you) think some of us as being stupid. It is easy to say all the right words to sound so much smarter and knowledgable, making it difficult for some to respond too because the smart ones make a good "words" case. I like you, I want to read you openly...but it is increasingly hard for me to do without feeling attacked by what you percieve as the most intelligent way. I will not argue...but want to conversate. Kat sorry, scatter, i know i get carried away but when all i hear is that i have to become filled with the spirit to understand whats clearly written as to being jesus' words and the disciples, it becomes frustrating, it in truth is not the case. Let me lay this out more clearly for you please: when we look at Matthew or Luke and the disciples talking the conversation starts as thus - luke:21vs 3 - And they (the discples) asked him (JESUS) saying, Master, but when shall these things be? and what sign will there be when these things shall come to pass? in matthew it says : and as he (JESUS) sat upon the mount of olives, the disciples came unto him "privately" saying - Tell "US" when shall these things be? "And" what shall be the signs of thy coming, and the end of the world (as they knew it) from there on out jesus tells his disciples the signs of that time. Read vs; 4 -8 - then jesus states that " Then shall they deliver "YOU" up (the disciples) to be afflicted and kill "YOU" the disciples) and "YE" again the disciples, shall be hated of all nations (known at that time) for my names sake. What one has to keep in perspective here is the "audience factor" who was the audience being told all these things? well it says plainly the audience here is "THE DISCIPLES" that they even came to him "PRIVATELY" this was not some statement for some far off mankind but a personal talk with jesus' disciples and himself, period. secondly, if the disciples had uderstood his words to others he talked to before they came to him and asked about these signs, would not they then have asked if they had understood these things to be some far future event - master, in what time period are these events to take place? but they did not, which shows their questions were for their own knowledge and understanding of what "THEY" would be looking for to know the time was at hand. to continue: jesus again goes on to tell them many more signs matt; vs; 10 thru 32 - then he states to the disciples - So like wise "ye" "when "YE" shall see all these things, know that it is near "EVEN AT THE DOORS! vs34 - Verily (TRULY) I say unto "YOU" (the disciples) "THIS GENERATION" SHALL NOT!!!! (emphasis mine always) pass away, till ALL these things have been fulfilled. vs 42: Watch therefore ( who is to watch? the disciples) for ye no not what hour your lord cometh. - quite true, but the time line he layed out for them would let them know of its impending nearness which was for "THAT GENERATION. NONE of what christ says in matthew, luke or elsewhere gives even the slightest indication that jesus is talking about distant future things to come otherwise there would be no need for him to state over and over "THIS GENERATION" that's pretty much it in a nutshell. everything else that is bought up is to uphold the futurist view they cling to so tightly. the power is in Christ words as to when. Ok this for me is where I just get sooooooo upset. now this just my opinion.....But I just feel the Lord so leading me to say it..... I don't deny tribo, redy, or jb their beliefs....never will.....But when you come with your beliefs and try to convert by destroying my beliefs this is not a good thing in my heart and soul. You do not know scripture and to me satan gives you just enough to toil with those that are seeking.....It is different when you put the information out there and then let the people do with it as they see fit. But when take scripture and butcher to fit you ideas of what "YOU" think.....No way people.......If people are looking for an accurate account of scripture you don't go to someone who doesn't believe.....would that make sense to anyone.....and just as I would never be an authority on and pantiest or preterist, or athiest view... So let me say to all the good people reading these careful as it talks about in the very subject that this thread is about....There are false prohets, false teachers......and people led not of God. don't know scripture like you you falsely lead people to believe....and I won't sit here and not say anything for the simple fact that Mr Lord & Savior will not let me...... AND WHEN JESUS WAS TALKING TO THE DISCIPLES IT WAS FOR THE FUTURE BECAUSE IF YOU KNEW SCRIPTURE AT ALL.....YOU WOULD KNOW THAT ALL THE PROPHECY WOULD HAVE TO BE FULFILLED BEFORE THE RETURN OF CHRIST....THE SIMPLE FACT IS....THE PROPHECY HAS NOT "ALL" BEEN FULFILLED And remember also...I was led here by God, for God, and in the Glory of God....and I will be right behind you every step of the the people the truth...... THIS IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW PEOPLE...... 4Jesus answered: "Watch out that no one deceives you. 5For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am the Christ,[a]' and will deceive many. 6You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8All these are the beginning of birth pains. ANSWER: There are many false prophets, many ugly wars, World War 1 and 2 earthquakes now just all over claiming many many lifes.....the key to the above scripture is this is the "beginning" of birth pains....meaning that for all the nasty that we have already had....wars, world trade center, floods, typhoons, fires....this is just the beginning. TRIBO WROTE: jesus again goes on to tell them many more signs matt; vs; 10 thru 32 - then he states to the disciples - So like wise "ye" "when "YE" shall see all these things, know that it is near "EVEN AT THE DOORS! vs34 - Verily (TRULY) I say unto "YOU" (the disciples) "THIS GENERATION" SHALL NOT!!!! (emphasis mine always) pass away, till ALL these things have been fulfilled. vs 42: Watch therefore ( who is to watch? the disciples) for ye no not what hour your lord cometh. - quite true, but the time line he layed out for them would let them know of its impending nearness which was for "THAT GENERATION. NONE of what christ says in matthew, luke or elsewhere gives even the slightest indication that jesus is talking about distant future things to come otherwise there would be no need for him to state over and over "THIS GENERATION" THE PROPHECIES HAVE NOT NOT NOT NOT BEEN FULFILLED Now the pitbull for Christ is I am known.....has her dander up......You are in big big trouble now Mr. Of course you are correct. Trying to change people's minds instead of understanding what is being SHARED by EXPERIENCE what Christians are saying is such hypocrisy. Not to mention an evil deception. We are not mind numb robots but they call us that because they have not experienced that life of the spirit...therefore to them it doesn't exist. They make fun of what they have no knowledge or experience in, & even knowing that, they still insist they are right. LOL How's that for being dumb????? They also make fun of faith because Jesus said for the carnal man is emnity with God but for the regenerated person it is the very life & love of God. It is ....what it is. |
In Israel, preparations have already been made for the prophetic rebuilding of a Jewish temple, which has not existed for 1,926 years. Such websites as catalog the efforts of many towards this end. There are factions of people with certain agendas who purposely attempt to fulfill Biblical prophecy. To me, that is not true prophecy. It is self fulfilled for a reason, it has an agenda. I would be very skeptical of that kind of goings on. I hope you aren't getting sucked into that. JB You are joking are going to try to tell me who believes that aliens are going to beam her up....pleaseeeee Oh I give up LOL...someone give that girl a chill pill!!! Feral you are a saint dear girl. |
Quickstepper this is for you, My Sister in Christ.
We are not here to LAUGH at the unsaved, but to pray for them and Love them . Remember, we Once were UNSAVED too, and did not see the Light. Remember? Spoken in Love.... |
Quickstepper this is for you, My Sister in Christ. We are not here to LAUGH at the unsaved, but to pray for them and Love them . Remember, we Once were UNSAVED too, and did not see the Light. Remember? Spoken in Love.... don't judge my intentions.... I put that there...didn't want people to think I was being harsh is all... |
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Tue 07/08/08 05:02 PM
Nothing will self fulfill, as long as God is attributed with saying the prophesy in Christ.
The Church Age must finish it's course, as the gospel being preached world wide to the last generation that will be the saturated one. (with the gospel) When that is done, we all will know it. The Church will be full, and the rest of the world will know what we know, that remain living in the earth in the flesh, at that time, upon the return of Jesus Christ Himself, and not a minute sooner. Every mind shall know then. Every heart shall bear the Lord's truth and love and grace. But being the Church of Jesus Christ? NOT!!!!! Then everything about Jesus and His Church will make sense. Whatever happens with Isra-el rebuilding the temple and renewing temple sacrifices will only occur when the Lord Jesus Chriist allows it, right on time. Until then, it only appears as if a self fulfilling usurping of prophesy. Meanwhile, the righteousness of God is present to those that seek it. Also, the righteousness of each individual is present to prove to others that mmight seek to judge it of any. The two are mutually exclusive realities engendering entirely different conclusions for any witness. Now that!!!!! is confusing, isn't it? but biblically sound. peace. |
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Tue 07/08/08 05:58 PM
no generation will see the rebuilding of the temple as you understand it, your wait will be fruitless, your hopes are in vain.
who cares?
Jesus is LORD. He always will be. |
no generation will see the rebuilding of the temple as you understand it, your wait will be fruitless, your hopes are in vain. |
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Tue 07/08/08 06:59 PM
who cares? Jesus is LORD. He always will be. can't argue that wouldee, i agree he will always be "your" lord. |
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Tue 07/08/08 07:49 PM
so then this is what must take place in order for them to see there error- someone, anyone has to show from the futurist view that somewhere anywhere within their christ's words that he states that these things will take place at some far future time. He is their god, and his holy spirit dwells within them, and it is he that leads them to and in all truths contained within jesus' sayings. If this then be true then it is time to get to the core of the matter - and i say: Show me and the others here - ONE TIME - where jesus states from "his own words" where ANY of the things he personally speaks of about the signs of his return to the present audience of that time of which he is then speaking, that ANYTHING he says has to do with far off future happenings? JUST ONE TIME! You cannot! he is speaking to THAT GENERATION ONLY!! how many times do you have to read it and not get that??? instead you go off subject and talk of other things out of context! Misinterpretations! trying to pin it on future events yet to come about! Again i say - NOWHERE, does christ put his words in a futuristic event PAST THAT GENERATION!! It does not take some spirit to live inside me to see that this is the case!! Your case stands or falls on christ personal words for HE is your TEACHER, and your guide and all else!!! let me put it another way so there is no misunderstanding - if ALL YOU HAD WAS NOTHING ELSE BUT JESUS" WORDS TO GO BY, WHAT WOULD BE YUOR CONCLUSION AS TO WHAT HE TELLS HIS DESCIPLES ABOUT THE COMING AND HIS RETURN????? I have already done so.....but here you go again. THIS IS JESUS SPEAKING......... 27For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. 28Wherever there is a carcass, there the vultures will gather. 29"Immediately after the distress of those days " 'the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.'[c] 30"At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory. 31And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other. And believe me you.....if this had already happen....we would know it.......because all the prophecies have to be fulled in order for Jesus to come back......THE PROPHECIES HAVE NO BEEN ALL FULFILLED.....DO YOU GET THAT......... how can i get that when you don't understand that the words nations and world are not meaning "the entire planet?" Surely the apostles did not understand this? Paul, after being converted and filled with your holy spirit states in romans chpt:10 vs 14-18, talking of the jews hearing the gospel and past that the gentiles read all in context please!! that:vs-18 "but I say (who? paul who is supposedly filled with gods spirit!)- Have they Not heard? Yes there words went out """into ALL the EARTH, and their Words unto the """ends of THE WORLD""" !!! empahsis mine always. vs:15 states and how shall they preach unless they be sent, as it is written, how beautiful are the feet of them who preach the gospel of peace. The meanings here are clear, as far as gods apostles is concerned the "gospel had while he still lived been preached to "ALL" the nation's and "ALL" the "world !! THEY the preachers only saw the world as that which was known then!! now you could know this ferrel if you put your futurist views aside and actually rethought what you have been "taught" your info is not from spirit it is from teachers, futurist teachings nothing more. |
You are very well read Tribo. I have heard many of these concepts before. Unfortunately,Im not sure that most of the others understand what your trying to say.