Topic: The Rapture Hmmmm
wouldee's photo
Wed 07/09/08 11:17 PM
Edited by wouldee on Wed 07/09/08 11:18 PM

so then this is what must take place in order for them to see there error- someone, anyone has to show from the futurist view that somewhere anywhere within their christ's words that he states that these things will take place at some far future time. He is their god, and his holy spirit dwells within them, and it is he that leads them to and in all truths contained within jesus' sayings. If this then be true then it is time to get to the core of the matter - and i say:

Show me and the others here - ONE TIME - where jesus states from "his own words" where ANY of the things he personally speaks of about the signs of his return to the present audience of that time of which he is then speaking, that ANYTHING he says has to do with far off future happenings? JUST ONE TIME! You cannot! he is speaking to THAT GENERATION ONLY!! how many times do you have to read it and not get that??? instead you go off subject and talk of other things out of context! Misinterpretations! trying to pin it on future events yet to come about! Again i say - NOWHERE, does christ put his words in a futuristic event PAST THAT GENERATION!! It does not take some spirit to live inside me to see that this is the case!! Your case stands or falls on christ personal words for HE is your TEACHER, and your guide
and all else!!!


I have already done so.....but here you go again.


27For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. 28Wherever there is a carcass, there the vultures will gather.

29"Immediately after the distress of those days
" 'the sun will be darkened,
and the moon will not give its light;
the stars will fall from the sky,
and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.'[c]

30"At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory. 31And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.

And believe me you.....if this had already happen....we would know it.......because all the prophecies have to be fulled in order for Jesus to come back......THE PROPHECIES HAVE NO BEEN ALL FULFILLED.....DO YOU GET THAT.........

how can i get that when you don't understand that the words nations and world are not meaning "the entire planet?" Surely the apostles did not understand this? Paul, after being converted and filled with your holy spirit states in romans chpt:10 vs 14-18, talking of the jews hearing the gospel and past that the gentiles read all in context please!! that:vs-18 "but I say (who? paul who is supposedly filled with gods spirit!)- Have they Not heard? Yes there words went out """into ALL the EARTH, and their Words unto the """ends of THE WORLD""" !!! empahsis mine always. vs:15 states and how shall they preach unless they be sent, as it is written, how beautiful are the feet of them who preach the gospel of peace. The meanings here are clear, as far as gods apostles is concerned the "gospel had while he still lived been preached to "ALL" the nation's and "ALL" the "world !! THEY the preachers only saw the world as that which was known then!!

now you could know this ferrel if you put your futurist views aside and actually rethought what you have been "taught" your info is not from spirit it is from teachers, futurist teachings nothing more.


the ones that preached Christ throughout the world at that time were killed where the people turned away from the advantaged and privileged.

That leaves future generations to be reached over and over again, tribo, until such time as none can hide behind their nefarious deceits and control people and enslave their hearts and minds, body and soul.

Some day, the task shall have reached its saturation point, tribo.

Pray not for that.

darkness is sure to follow the closing of the age.

but then, preterist excuses afford you that already.

Let's face it...

you do not want to see a world where Christians are in the majority.

It cramps your style.



of course future generations would be - the book didn't disappear, and according to it when you now die you go to be with your lord, i don't argue that it fine with me, but your futurist views are wrong in my opinion, which is a pretty good one. wouldee you may think as you will if you think I'm a preterist, fine if you think my agenda is heretical fine, if you think i'm pushing people to go join fine - all i see from you is your defense of a futurist view i know is wrong i knew that when i left your belief system long before hearing of amillenial or pretrsist views, i dont GAF - whos right as to being the dominant male king of the hill chritian sect, your cult does not have hold of me in any camp or sectarian branch, but believe as you will you fight with your own feelings and beliefs, not with me. evidentally your not satisfied with the thoughts that there are not more rewards waiting for you than just being in heaven? what makes the differece if the P's are correct? when you die you'll be with god! would you really rather believe that your gonna be raptured and escape all the terrible punishment that comes upon the world? Rather than just be at peace that you yourself are saved? why do you come at me your personal demon from hell the heretic of mingle2, the nazi stealer of childrens souls, and all else? with concerns of things that really should not matter to one if there saved any way what do you think your protecting wouldee? do you think that preterist who as of now believe in god the apostles creed and all else are going to hell?? are you really that paranoid to let anyone but you -see things from another point you personally dont agree with, what fears do you have - why dont you just let people make up thier own minds, i'm surely not going to tell anybody to become pretrsistic members of their cult anymore than i would shift them your way. i look for truth, i for one think your wrong on how the book reads thats my choice and i will continue to state so.

personally my take on the amount of true christians at any point in time is false, unqualified nubers at best, id say probalby 1% are true christians the rest are there for the thrills of the rides you offer. the church is full of audiences seeking entertainment. a cheap high - well not so cheap anymore.


I will agree with you that very few Christians are filled with the Holy Spirit and endued with an extreme unction.

It is doubtful, even to me, that such unctions can be corporately expressed in a setting like this with the power intended and determined to be poured out by the Holy Spirit in meetings like this.

But how preterist doctrines fall and their proponents are concerned, I am not of the slightest compunction to burdem myself with their eternal estate.

As far as why the significance you distract yourself with that is concerned even exists is just conjecture on your part; a guess.:wink:

Your insights into my motives, as moved by your imagination, give me an insight into you, tribo.

There is much anguish in your heart.

It is apparent.

And it was there long before you ever thought to address me with it's prejudice.

Perhaps your critical thinking skills have not been honed well by a harsh life, and comfort was found in preterist excuses for ongoing personal responibility in not embracing the incumbancy due individuals with regard to the whole duty of man before God, but I assure you, tribo, I do not suffer from such a lack.

learn, grow and be at peace.


wouldee's photo
Wed 07/09/08 11:36 PM
Edited by wouldee on Wed 07/09/08 11:40 PM

:smile: I haven't had a chance to read every single word of every post of Tribo's but as far as I can tell he is merely proposing an alternate translation of the prophetic scriptures.:smile: This is nothing new.:smile: The theories that he is discussing are centuries old.:smile: I think it is arrogant to presume to know the future just because you can quote a couple scriptures from the bible.:smile: I dont think you have to be a wannabe Nostradamus to be a christian.:smile:

maybe, mirror.

But only if we assume that there exists no anointing and no unctions given men today by the Holy Spirit, which testifies that preterist roadblocks are excuses, and not reason.

If it were merely intellectual machinations then much could be said for philosophical debate on the interpretation made by the preterists.

But it is not merely an intellectual exercise.:wink:

The gospel is a call to all people to have access to the Father, one on one, by the Holy Spirit, through Jesus Christ alone and the faith of Him, our Lord and Savior ; the Judge of mankind.

Let God be God and let men know their whole duty before God, clearly, in the heart of each.

Preterist doctrine concludes that the preaching of the gospel is moot. It is not.

It is driven by the fire of the Holy Spirit

"Our God is a consuming fire."

A wild fire when set loose at liberty by faith.

It tries the hearts of men, and melts the dross in the heart and softens even the stoniest of hearts when availed.

That has not been witnessed yet in this medium, to my knowledge, and may very well be too impersonal a means by which such a thing should occur.

But then, only God can change hearts, yet, as men, we can wrestle with falsehoiods that are not congruent with the whole of scripture, using the whole of the scriptures, as is the context for efficacy and veritas, when heresies call for their errant interpretations of partial and dissimulative knowledge of scriptures, alone.(void of understanding and wisdom)

God is not mocked, even though God is disguised from view by errors.

Which goes to the heart of the matter.


another word for sin.:wink:


davidben1's photo
Thu 07/10/08 02:21 AM

If it is written it is so huh? Well alot of things are written and I know they are not so, so that statement is not truth.

Also this rapture thing is just a false promise from a religion that wants you to believe that you are better than the rest of the world because you follow the religion.

We will all meet the exact same fate at death, sorry to disappoint all those who think they have a better ending.

indeed, as women that speaks the truth, and all truth come from where this came from......peace

davidben1's photo
Thu 07/10/08 02:31 AM
Edited by davidben1 on Thu 07/10/08 02:43 AM
even while each that sit here and discuss what is to be, and how it is to be, and the fate of others that see not, even so all things discussed have already taken place, and just as was once written, it has already happened and you did not see, as the holy spirit that divide the house of all unity, by saying what is holy and what is not holy, is accursed, and indeed the holy spirit has already come and smote the earth with a curse, and all that cling to claiming sight shall be blinded, and each you have claimed shall be last, shall be first in front of you, and the longer you shall suffer the plagues of wrath that you have assessed unto others, and surely you will not taste until each you have decieved you have bowed to, and begged be it

tribo's photo
Thu 07/10/08 10:53 AM

so then this is what must take place in order for them to see there error- someone, anyone has to show from the futurist view that somewhere anywhere within their christ's words that he states that these things will take place at some far future time. He is their god, and his holy spirit dwells within them, and it is he that leads them to and in all truths contained within jesus' sayings. If this then be true then it is time to get to the core of the matter - and i say:

Show me and the others here - ONE TIME - where jesus states from "his own words" where ANY of the things he personally speaks of about the signs of his return to the present audience of that time of which he is then speaking, that ANYTHING he says has to do with far off future happenings? JUST ONE TIME! You cannot! he is speaking to THAT GENERATION ONLY!! how many times do you have to read it and not get that??? instead you go off subject and talk of other things out of context! Misinterpretations! trying to pin it on future events yet to come about! Again i say - NOWHERE, does christ put his words in a futuristic event PAST THAT GENERATION!! It does not take some spirit to live inside me to see that this is the case!! Your case stands or falls on christ personal words for HE is your TEACHER, and your guide
and all else!!!


I have already done so.....but here you go again.


27For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. 28Wherever there is a carcass, there the vultures will gather.

29"Immediately after the distress of those days
" 'the sun will be darkened,
and the moon will not give its light;
the stars will fall from the sky,
and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.'[c]

30"At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory. 31And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.

And believe me you.....if this had already happen....we would know it.......because all the prophecies have to be fulled in order for Jesus to come back......THE PROPHECIES HAVE NO BEEN ALL FULFILLED.....DO YOU GET THAT.........

how can i get that when you don't understand that the words nations and world are not meaning "the entire planet?" Surely the apostles did not understand this? Paul, after being converted and filled with your holy spirit states in romans chpt:10 vs 14-18, talking of the jews hearing the gospel and past that the gentiles read all in context please!! that:vs-18 "but I say (who? paul who is supposedly filled with gods spirit!)- Have they Not heard? Yes there words went out """into ALL the EARTH, and their Words unto the """ends of THE WORLD""" !!! empahsis mine always. vs:15 states and how shall they preach unless they be sent, as it is written, how beautiful are the feet of them who preach the gospel of peace. The meanings here are clear, as far as gods apostles is concerned the "gospel had while he still lived been preached to "ALL" the nation's and "ALL" the "world !! THEY the preachers only saw the world as that which was known then!!

now you could know this ferrel if you put your futurist views aside and actually rethought what you have been "taught" your info is not from spirit it is from teachers, futurist teachings nothing more.


the ones that preached Christ throughout the world at that time were killed where the people turned away from the advantaged and privileged.

That leaves future generations to be reached over and over again, tribo, until such time as none can hide behind their nefarious deceits and control people and enslave their hearts and minds, body and soul.

Some day, the task shall have reached its saturation point, tribo.

Pray not for that.

darkness is sure to follow the closing of the age.

but then, preterist excuses afford you that already.

Let's face it...

you do not want to see a world where Christians are in the majority.

It cramps your style.



of course future generations would be - the book didn't disappear, and according to it when you now die you go to be with your lord, i don't argue that it fine with me, but your futurist views are wrong in my opinion, which is a pretty good one. wouldee you may think as you will if you think I'm a preterist, fine if you think my agenda is heretical fine, if you think i'm pushing people to go join fine - all i see from you is your defense of a futurist view i know is wrong i knew that when i left your belief system long before hearing of amillenial or pretrsist views, i dont GAF - whos right as to being the dominant male king of the hill chritian sect, your cult does not have hold of me in any camp or sectarian branch, but believe as you will you fight with your own feelings and beliefs, not with me. evidentally your not satisfied with the thoughts that there are not more rewards waiting for you than just being in heaven? what makes the differece if the P's are correct? when you die you'll be with god! would you really rather believe that your gonna be raptured and escape all the terrible punishment that comes upon the world? Rather than just be at peace that you yourself are saved? why do you come at me your personal demon from hell the heretic of mingle2, the nazi stealer of childrens souls, and all else? with concerns of things that really should not matter to one if there saved any way what do you think your protecting wouldee? do you think that preterist who as of now believe in god the apostles creed and all else are going to hell?? are you really that paranoid to let anyone but you -see things from another point you personally dont agree with, what fears do you have - why dont you just let people make up thier own minds, i'm surely not going to tell anybody to become pretrsistic members of their cult anymore than i would shift them your way. i look for truth, i for one think your wrong on how the book reads thats my choice and i will continue to state so.

personally my take on the amount of true christians at any point in time is false, unqualified nubers at best, id say probalby 1% are true christians the rest are there for the thrills of the rides you offer. the church is full of audiences seeking entertainment. a cheap high - well not so cheap anymore.


I will agree with you that very few Christians are filled with the Holy Spirit and endued with an extreme unction.

It is doubtful, even to me, that such unctions can be corporately expressed in a setting like this with the power intended and determined to be poured out by the Holy Spirit in meetings like this.

But how preterist doctrines fall and their proponents are concerned, I am not of the slightest compunction to burdem myself with their eternal estate.

As far as why the significance you distract yourself with that is concerned even exists is just conjecture on your part; a guess.:wink:

Your insights into my motives, as moved by your imagination, give me an insight into you, tribo.

There is much anguish in your heart.

It is apparent.

And it was there long before you ever thought to address me with it's prejudice.

Perhaps your critical thinking skills have not been honed well by a harsh life, and comfort was found in preterist excuses for ongoing personal responibility in not embracing the incumbancy due individuals with regard to the whole duty of man before God, but I assure you, tribo, I do not suffer from such a lack.

learn, grow and be at peace.


dont worry wouldee i give up, you will know the truth someday just as I, you peg me wrongly dear fellow, but i would expect no less. Nor do i care. - for almost 2000 yrs, there have been over 800 predictions or prophecys' of the rapture or parousia, - you will continue to do so as long as futurist holdings rule.

There is nothing that can be done by me about that. So I leave you to your claims, just as i leave preterist to theirs, it does no good to discuss it here, im not preterist, nor will i spend a dime to buy books of thiers or yours to prove anything, it's a waste of time. I've been their and done that already.

To go back again is stupid. keep holding your faith all of you, time will bring about what truths you hold as to their reality or not. To me history holds the key to your truths, not you book. Good luck - your going to need it.

sincerely, triboindifferent

feralcatlady's photo
Fri 07/11/08 01:58 PM

so then this is what must take place in order for them to see there error- someone, anyone has to show from the futurist view that somewhere anywhere within their christ's words that he states that these things will take place at some far future time. He is their god, and his holy spirit dwells within them, and it is he that leads them to and in all truths contained within jesus' sayings. If this then be true then it is time to get to the core of the matter - and i say:

Show me and the others here - ONE TIME - where jesus states from "his own words" where ANY of the things he personally speaks of about the signs of his return to the present audience of that time of which he is then speaking, that ANYTHING he says has to do with far off future happenings? JUST ONE TIME! You cannot! he is speaking to THAT GENERATION ONLY!! how many times do you have to read it and not get that??? instead you go off subject and talk of other things out of context! Misinterpretations! trying to pin it on future events yet to come about! Again i say - NOWHERE, does christ put his words in a futuristic event PAST THAT GENERATION!! It does not take some spirit to live inside me to see that this is the case!! Your case stands or falls on christ personal words for HE is your TEACHER, and your guide
and all else!!!


I have already done so.....but here you go again.


27For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. 28Wherever there is a carcass, there the vultures will gather.

29"Immediately after the distress of those days
" 'the sun will be darkened,
and the moon will not give its light;
the stars will fall from the sky,
and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.'[c]

30"At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory. 31And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.

And believe me you.....if this had already happen....we would know it.......because all the prophecies have to be fulled in order for Jesus to come back......THE PROPHECIES HAVE NO BEEN ALL FULFILLED.....DO YOU GET THAT.........

how can i get that when you don't understand that the words nations and world are not meaning "the entire planet?" Surely the apostles did not understand this? Paul, after being converted and filled with your holy spirit states in romans chpt:10 vs 14-18, talking of the jews hearing the gospel and past that the gentiles read all in context please!! that:vs-18 "but I say (who? paul who is supposedly filled with gods spirit!)- Have they Not heard? Yes there words went out """into ALL the EARTH, and their Words unto the """ends of THE WORLD""" !!! empahsis mine always. vs:15 states and how shall they preach unless they be sent, as it is written, how beautiful are the feet of them who preach the gospel of peace. The meanings here are clear, as far as gods apostles is concerned the "gospel had while he still lived been preached to "ALL" the nation's and "ALL" the "world !! THEY the preachers only saw the world as that which was known then!!

now you could know this ferrel if you put your futurist views aside and actually rethought what you have been "taught" your info is not from spirit it is from teachers, futurist teachings nothing more.


the ones that preached Christ throughout the world at that time were killed where the people turned away from the advantaged and privileged.

That leaves future generations to be reached over and over again, tribo, until such time as none can hide behind their nefarious deceits and control people and enslave their hearts and minds, body and soul.

Some day, the task shall have reached its saturation point, tribo.

Pray not for that.

darkness is sure to follow the closing of the age.

but then, preterist excuses afford you that already.

Let's face it...

you do not want to see a world where Christians are in the majority.

It cramps your style.



of course future generations would be - the book didn't disappear, and according to it when you now die you go to be with your lord, i don't argue that it fine with me, but your futurist views are wrong in my opinion, which is a pretty good one. wouldee you may think as you will if you think I'm a preterist, fine if you think my agenda is heretical fine, if you think i'm pushing people to go join fine - all i see from you is your defense of a futurist view i know is wrong i knew that when i left your belief system long before hearing of amillenial or pretrsist views, i dont GAF - whos right as to being the dominant male king of the hill chritian sect, your cult does not have hold of me in any camp or sectarian branch, but believe as you will you fight with your own feelings and beliefs, not with me. evidentally your not satisfied with the thoughts that there are not more rewards waiting for you than just being in heaven? what makes the differece if the P's are correct? when you die you'll be with god! would you really rather believe that your gonna be raptured and escape all the terrible punishment that comes upon the world? Rather than just be at peace that you yourself are saved? why do you come at me your personal demon from hell the heretic of mingle2, the nazi stealer of childrens souls, and all else? with concerns of things that really should not matter to one if there saved any way what do you think your protecting wouldee? do you think that preterist who as of now believe in god the apostles creed and all else are going to hell?? are you really that paranoid to let anyone but you -see things from another point you personally dont agree with, what fears do you have - why dont you just let people make up thier own minds, i'm surely not going to tell anybody to become pretrsistic members of their cult anymore than i would shift them your way. i look for truth, i for one think your wrong on how the book reads thats my choice and i will continue to state so.

personally my take on the amount of true christians at any point in time is false, unqualified nubers at best, id say probalby 1% are true christians the rest are there for the thrills of the rides you offer. the church is full of audiences seeking entertainment. a cheap high - well not so cheap anymore.


I will agree with you that very few Christians are filled with the Holy Spirit and endued with an extreme unction.

It is doubtful, even to me, that such unctions can be corporately expressed in a setting like this with the power intended and determined to be poured out by the Holy Spirit in meetings like this.

But how preterist doctrines fall and their proponents are concerned, I am not of the slightest compunction to burdem myself with their eternal estate.

As far as why the significance you distract yourself with that is concerned even exists is just conjecture on your part; a guess.:wink:

Your insights into my motives, as moved by your imagination, give me an insight into you, tribo.

There is much anguish in your heart.

It is apparent.

And it was there long before you ever thought to address me with it's prejudice.

Perhaps your critical thinking skills have not been honed well by a harsh life, and comfort was found in preterist excuses for ongoing personal responibility in not embracing the incumbancy due individuals with regard to the whole duty of man before God, but I assure you, tribo, I do not suffer from such a lack.

learn, grow and be at peace.


dont worry wouldee i give up, you will know the truth someday just as I, you peg me wrongly dear fellow, but i would expect no less. Nor do i care. - for almost 2000 yrs, there have been over 800 predictions or prophecys' of the rapture or parousia, - you will continue to do so as long as futurist holdings rule.

There is nothing that can be done by me about that. So I leave you to your claims, just as i leave preterist to theirs, it does no good to discuss it here, im not preterist, nor will i spend a dime to buy books of thiers or yours to prove anything, it's a waste of time. I've been their and done that already.

To go back again is stupid. keep holding your faith all of you, time will bring about what truths you hold as to their reality or not. To me history holds the key to your truths, not you book. Good luck - your going to need it.

sincerely, triboindifferent

Ahhhh sweet tribo it's not about winning or loosing....It is about the truth....And God's warriors will win every time my sweet man.


tribo's photo
Fri 07/11/08 04:58 PM

so then this is what must take place in order for them to see there error- someone, anyone has to show from the futurist view that somewhere anywhere within their christ's words that he states that these things will take place at some far future time. He is their god, and his holy spirit dwells within them, and it is he that leads them to and in all truths contained within jesus' sayings. If this then be true then it is time to get to the core of the matter - and i say:

Show me and the others here - ONE TIME - where jesus states from "his own words" where ANY of the things he personally speaks of about the signs of his return to the present audience of that time of which he is then speaking, that ANYTHING he says has to do with far off future happenings? JUST ONE TIME! You cannot! he is speaking to THAT GENERATION ONLY!! how many times do you have to read it and not get that??? instead you go off subject and talk of other things out of context! Misinterpretations! trying to pin it on future events yet to come about! Again i say - NOWHERE, does christ put his words in a futuristic event PAST THAT GENERATION!! It does not take some spirit to live inside me to see that this is the case!! Your case stands or falls on christ personal words for HE is your TEACHER, and your guide
and all else!!!


I have already done so.....but here you go again.


27For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. 28Wherever there is a carcass, there the vultures will gather.

29"Immediately after the distress of those days
" 'the sun will be darkened,
and the moon will not give its light;
the stars will fall from the sky,
and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.'[c]

30"At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory. 31And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.

And believe me you.....if this had already happen....we would know it.......because all the prophecies have to be fulled in order for Jesus to come back......THE PROPHECIES HAVE NO BEEN ALL FULFILLED.....DO YOU GET THAT.........

how can i get that when you don't understand that the words nations and world are not meaning "the entire planet?" Surely the apostles did not understand this? Paul, after being converted and filled with your holy spirit states in romans chpt:10 vs 14-18, talking of the jews hearing the gospel and past that the gentiles read all in context please!! that:vs-18 "but I say (who? paul who is supposedly filled with gods spirit!)- Have they Not heard? Yes there words went out """into ALL the EARTH, and their Words unto the """ends of THE WORLD""" !!! empahsis mine always. vs:15 states and how shall they preach unless they be sent, as it is written, how beautiful are the feet of them who preach the gospel of peace. The meanings here are clear, as far as gods apostles is concerned the "gospel had while he still lived been preached to "ALL" the nation's and "ALL" the "world !! THEY the preachers only saw the world as that which was known then!!

now you could know this ferrel if you put your futurist views aside and actually rethought what you have been "taught" your info is not from spirit it is from teachers, futurist teachings nothing more.


the ones that preached Christ throughout the world at that time were killed where the people turned away from the advantaged and privileged.

That leaves future generations to be reached over and over again, tribo, until such time as none can hide behind their nefarious deceits and control people and enslave their hearts and minds, body and soul.

Some day, the task shall have reached its saturation point, tribo.

Pray not for that.

darkness is sure to follow the closing of the age.

but then, preterist excuses afford you that already.

Let's face it...

you do not want to see a world where Christians are in the majority.

It cramps your style.



of course future generations would be - the book didn't disappear, and according to it when you now die you go to be with your lord, i don't argue that it fine with me, but your futurist views are wrong in my opinion, which is a pretty good one. wouldee you may think as you will if you think I'm a preterist, fine if you think my agenda is heretical fine, if you think i'm pushing people to go join fine - all i see from you is your defense of a futurist view i know is wrong i knew that when i left your belief system long before hearing of amillenial or pretrsist views, i dont GAF - whos right as to being the dominant male king of the hill chritian sect, your cult does not have hold of me in any camp or sectarian branch, but believe as you will you fight with your own feelings and beliefs, not with me. evidentally your not satisfied with the thoughts that there are not more rewards waiting for you than just being in heaven? what makes the differece if the P's are correct? when you die you'll be with god! would you really rather believe that your gonna be raptured and escape all the terrible punishment that comes upon the world? Rather than just be at peace that you yourself are saved? why do you come at me your personal demon from hell the heretic of mingle2, the nazi stealer of childrens souls, and all else? with concerns of things that really should not matter to one if there saved any way what do you think your protecting wouldee? do you think that preterist who as of now believe in god the apostles creed and all else are going to hell?? are you really that paranoid to let anyone but you -see things from another point you personally dont agree with, what fears do you have - why dont you just let people make up thier own minds, i'm surely not going to tell anybody to become pretrsistic members of their cult anymore than i would shift them your way. i look for truth, i for one think your wrong on how the book reads thats my choice and i will continue to state so.

personally my take on the amount of true christians at any point in time is false, unqualified nubers at best, id say probalby 1% are true christians the rest are there for the thrills of the rides you offer. the church is full of audiences seeking entertainment. a cheap high - well not so cheap anymore.


I will agree with you that very few Christians are filled with the Holy Spirit and endued with an extreme unction.

It is doubtful, even to me, that such unctions can be corporately expressed in a setting like this with the power intended and determined to be poured out by the Holy Spirit in meetings like this.

But how preterist doctrines fall and their proponents are concerned, I am not of the slightest compunction to burdem myself with their eternal estate.

As far as why the significance you distract yourself with that is concerned even exists is just conjecture on your part; a guess.:wink:

Your insights into my motives, as moved by your imagination, give me an insight into you, tribo.

There is much anguish in your heart.

It is apparent.

And it was there long before you ever thought to address me with it's prejudice.

Perhaps your critical thinking skills have not been honed well by a harsh life, and comfort was found in preterist excuses for ongoing personal responibility in not embracing the incumbancy due individuals with regard to the whole duty of man before God, but I assure you, tribo, I do not suffer from such a lack.

learn, grow and be at peace.


dont worry wouldee i give up, you will know the truth someday just as I, you peg me wrongly dear fellow, but i would expect no less. Nor do i care. - for almost 2000 yrs, there have been over 800 predictions or prophecys' of the rapture or parousia, - you will continue to do so as long as futurist holdings rule.

There is nothing that can be done by me about that. So I leave you to your claims, just as i leave preterist to theirs, it does no good to discuss it here, im not preterist, nor will i spend a dime to buy books of thiers or yours to prove anything, it's a waste of time. I've been their and done that already.

To go back again is stupid. keep holding your faith all of you, time will bring about what truths you hold as to their reality or not. To me history holds the key to your truths, not you book. Good luck - your going to need it.

sincerely, triboindifferent

Ahhhh sweet tribo it's not about winning or loosing....It is about the truth....And God's warriors will win every time my sweet man.


was never about winning PB, i agree with that, i meant its useless to talk of what i brought up within a futurist camp, thats all. your all gods warriors as you say,it makes no diff to me

feralcatlady's photo
Fri 07/11/08 09:01 PM
see darling this is the bottom line....It would not matter what you came up with....When God is on ones side.....You will always have a rebutal to whatever you might come up with to disclaim him not being so.....It's really simple why





tribo's photo
Fri 07/11/08 09:52 PM

see darling this is the bottom line....It would not matter what you came up with....When God is on ones side.....You will always have a rebutal to whatever you might come up with to disclaim him not being so.....It's really simple why





have a good night deb

feralcatlady's photo
Sat 07/12/08 06:32 AM
In the beginning [before all time] was the Word (Christ), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God Himself. He was present originally with God. All things were made and came into existence through Him; and without Him was not even one thing made that has come into being. ~John 1:1-3 (Amp)

If we [freely] admit that we have sinned and confess our sins, He is faithful and just (true to His own nature and promises) and will forgive our sins [dismiss our lawlessness] and [continuously] cleanse us from all unrighteousness [everything not in conformity to His will in purpose, thought, and action]. ~1 John 1:9 (Amp)

* I believe in One God who created the universe and everything in it.
(Isaiah 43: 10-13; Isaiah 44: 24; Deut. 6: 4; 1 Corinthians 8: 4-6)

* I believe that God became flesh, in Jesus Christ. So He is One with God.
(John 1: 1-5; Isaiah 9: 6-7)

* I believe Jesus Christ was born of a virgin. In saying this, I believe Mary was a virgin when she 'gave birth'.
(Luke 1: 26-38)

* I believe Jesus died on the Cross for our sins, that we may be forgiven. And that He was bodily raised to life on the third day.
(Luke 23: 33-34; Luke 24: 1-7; Isaiah 53: 3-7)

* I believe we shall have 'eternal life' by accepting God's plan of Salvation which is accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour.
(1 John 5: 10-12; Romans 10:9; 1 Timothy 2:5)

* I believe in being 'baptized' by full-immersion after receiving Jesus as Lord and Saviour. I do not believe that water baptism saves a person. Salvation is a free
gift by accepting Jesus.
(Romans 6: 3-4; Matthew 28: 19; Ephesians 2: 8-10)

* I believe in the work of the Holy Spirit through ordinary people, and that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are relevant for today.
(1 Corinthians 12, John 1: 33; Acts 1: 5-9, 2: 1-18; 1 Cor. 14: 2-4, 14-19)

* I believe that the word of God (the Bible) is the only authority, and is inspired by the Holy Spirit, and is the only truth that we must live by. I do not believe or accept any other teachings and beliefs, there is only 'One Truth'.
(2 Timothy 3: 16-17; Hebrews 4: 12; 1 Peter 1: 25; Mark 13: 31)

* I believe that Jesus Christ will come back again to gather up His Church.
(Acts 1: 11; 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18)

* I believe there is a real 'Heaven' and a real 'Hell'. And where we spend our eternity is determined by which one we choose while we're alive. There are no second chances after 'Death'.
(Revelation 21: 22-27, 20: 10-15; Hebrews 9: 27-28)

wouldee's photo
Sat 07/12/08 07:24 AM
I believe there is a real 'Heaven' and a real 'Hell'. And where we spend our eternity is determined by which one we choose while we're alive. There are no second chances after 'Death'.
(Revelation 21: 22-27, 20: 10-15; Hebrews 9: 27-28)


no photo
Sat 07/12/08 10:26 AM

I believe there is no death of the individual, and there is no eternal heaven or hell. If the universal mind has created a place or dwelling called heaven or hell it is only a temporary place to visit.

Soul is free. Soul is always free to come and go from both heaven or hell.

There are infinite places in the universal mind, and infinite worlds.


no photo
Sat 07/12/08 10:45 AM

Do you think Christ would ever let his people see the horror that will be hell on earth....not likely.... like these are the "better days" then???spock

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sat 07/12/08 11:03 AM
are we since being born have a immortal soul?

tribo's photo
Sat 07/12/08 11:16 AM

are we since being born have a immortal soul?

are we? or DO we?

no photo
Sat 07/12/08 11:44 AM

Do you think Christ would ever let his people see the horror that will be hell on earth....not likely.... like these are the "better days" then???spock

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

In all honesty... yep. This is as good as it gets.

At least at the present time anyway.

We created it after all. We are responsible.


feralcatlady's photo
Sun 07/13/08 01:54 PM

Do you think Christ would ever let his people see the horror that will be hell on earth....not likely.... like these are the "better days" then???spock

Oh honey you have no idea.....You can't even phantom how ugly it is going get.

feralcatlady's photo
Sun 07/13/08 01:56 PM

If it is written it is so huh? Well alot of things are written and I know they are not so, so that statement is not truth.

Also this rapture thing is just a false promise from a religion that wants you to believe that you are better than the rest of the world because you follow the religion.

We will all meet the exact same fate at death, sorry to disappoint all those who think they have a better ending.

indeed, as women that speaks the truth, and all truth come from where this came from......peace

Wow can turn your truth at the of a dime....rather interesting....

feralcatlady's photo
Mon 07/14/08 09:16 AM
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

tribo's photo
Mon 07/14/08 09:27 AM

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
