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Topic: The Rapture Hmmmm
tribo's photo
Sun 07/06/08 02:20 PM

so then this is what must take place in order for them to see there error- someone, anyone has to show from the futurist view that somewhere anywhere within their christ's words that he states that these things will take place at some far future time. He is their god, and his holy spirit dwells within them, and it is he that leads them to and in all truths contained within jesus' sayings. If this then be true then it is time to get to the core of the matter - and i say:

Show me and the others here - ONE TIME - where jesus states from "his own words" where ANY of the things he personally speaks of about the signs of his return to the present audience of that time of which he is then speaking, that ANYTHING he says has to do with far off future happenings? JUST ONE TIME! You cannot! he is speaking to THAT GENERATION ONLY!! how many times do you have to read it and not get that??? instead you go off subject and talk of other things out of context! Misinterpretations! trying to pin it on future events yet to come about! Again i say - NOWHERE, does christ put his words in a futuristic event PAST THAT GENERATION!! It does not take some spirit to live inside me to see that this is the case!! Your case stands or falls on christ personal words for HE is your TEACHER, and your guide
and all else!!!


I have already done so.....but here you go again.


27For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. 28Wherever there is a carcass, there the vultures will gather.

29"Immediately after the distress of those days
" 'the sun will be darkened,
and the moon will not give its light;
the stars will fall from the sky,
and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.'[c]

30"At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory. 31And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.

And believe me you.....if this had already happen....we would know it.......because all the prophecies have to be fulled in order for Jesus to come back......THE PROPHECIES HAVE NO BEEN ALL FULFILLED.....DO YOU GET THAT.........


Redykeulous's photo
Sun 07/06/08 02:21 PM
Edited by Redykeulous on Sun 07/06/08 02:24 PM
TLW - your post was insightful, I got a lot of information from it. I wanted you to know the time you took was worth the effort, at least to me.

JB wrote:

Admit that you believe differently, but admit that you don't know, then others will respect you more. People who claim to know, are unreasonable people, and it is pointless to converse with them because they are so certain they are right they do not look at anything objectively. So to a reasonable person, they appear to be a hopeless cause. No reason to debate anything with them because their ears are plugged and they are shut off from all but their own view of reality.

and as if to prove the point that JB just made - Feral wrote:

Tribo: Honey if your going to debate scripture with me you need to understand the scripture....."9" This is not talking about the disciples at all....This is talking about the Jewish people....The people that wanted nothing to do with God's son and stuck to the laws of the old testament.

We all try to speak the truth and the truth is offensive when we don't know each other. What we say here we may be able to get away with in the company of friends, but then, in the company of friends we might give a little, accept a little more, we dont' do that here.

JB is correct as far as I can see. Knowing something and believing something have one difference. The knowing depends on the number of people to believe they know the same thing, before it is considered truth.

Because there are so many beliefs it must be conceded that ones' individual beliefs are only truth to that one and remain only beliefs to the rest.

It is possible to discuss beliefs with open mindedness, but it is impossible to have an intellectual discussion with one whose KNOWLEDGE surpasses you on every level.

To Feral I concede - perhaps if all Christians listened only to her, there would be a continuity of all those of the Christian faith and before too long what she KNOWS would eventually become truth, as attested to by the great majority.

I would stipulate, however, that any who would NOT concede to the insights of Feral as inspired by the Holy Spirit, discontinue the self-label of Christian and choose another.

Wouldee - the wind speaks to me, it always has, and the poetry it gives me inspires words on a page for which I can take no credit. Perhaps someday I will publish them anonymously because I don't know whom to attribute the words.
Don't you think if they were the inspiration of the H.S. I might have been moved to believe differently than I do?

And do you believe that one can have such an intimate connection and still be cursed to suffer the fate that Christians would assign to me?

tribo's photo
Sun 07/06/08 02:24 PM

Redykeulous's photo
Sun 07/06/08 02:35 PM
:laughing: Tribo are you board? It's a tireless effort to teach people to see thing your way.

Take a break drinks and then try again!


tribo's photo
Sun 07/06/08 02:39 PM
makes no fiff R, im nt tired just bored of the whole thinglaugh

feralcatlady's photo
Sun 07/06/08 02:40 PM

I am sooo open to try and see and learn anothers belief...but the way it is presented and then percieved is almost attackingly.

It becomes harder and harder to read what some say due to their presentaion.

Thank you Red.


Are you saying you perceive it (the way it is presented) as being "attackingly?" If so, why do you perceive it that way?


Sometimes it is the wording. The presentation. Sometimes it sounds belittleing. It gets exhausting to read.

Like; I try and read you with an open mind...then it becomes sorta like you (not just you) think some of us as being stupid.
It is easy to say all the right words to sound so much smarter and knowledgable, making it difficult for some to respond too because the smart ones make a good "words" case.

I like you, I want to read you openly...but it is increasingly hard for me to do without feeling attacked by what you percieve as the most intelligent way. I will not argue...but want to conversate.


sorry, scatter, i know i get carried away but when all i hear is that i have to become filled with the spirit to understand whats clearly written as to being jesus' words and the disciples, it becomes frustrating, it in truth is not the case.

Let me lay this out more clearly for you please:

when we look at Matthew or Luke and the disciples talking the conversation starts as thus - luke:21vs 3 - And they (the discples) asked him (JESUS) saying, Master, but when shall these things be? and what sign will there be when these things shall come to pass?

in matthew it says : and as he (JESUS) sat upon the mount of olives, the disciples came unto him "privately" saying - Tell "US" when shall these things be? "And" what shall be the signs of thy coming, and the end of the world (as they knew it)

from there on out jesus tells his disciples the signs of that time. Read vs; 4 -8 - then jesus states that " Then shall they deliver "YOU" up (the disciples) to be afflicted and kill "YOU" the disciples) and "YE" again the disciples, shall be hated of all nations (known at that time) for my names sake.

What one has to keep in perspective here is the "audience factor" who was the audience being told all these things? well it says plainly the audience here is "THE DISCIPLES" that they even came to him "PRIVATELY" this was not some statement for some far off mankind but a personal talk with jesus' disciples and himself, period.

secondly, if the disciples had uderstood his words to others he talked to before they came to him and asked about these signs, would not they then have asked if they had understood these things to be some far future event - master, in what time period are these events to take place? but they did not, which shows their questions were for their own knowledge and understanding of what "THEY" would be looking for to know the time was at hand.

to continue:

jesus again goes on to tell them many more signs matt; vs; 10 thru 32 - then he states to the disciples - So like wise "ye" "when "YE" shall see all these things, know that it is near "EVEN AT THE DOORS! vs34 - Verily (TRULY) I say unto "YOU" (the disciples) "THIS GENERATION" SHALL NOT!!!! (emphasis mine always) pass away, till ALL these things have been fulfilled. vs 42: Watch therefore ( who is to watch? the disciples) for ye no not what hour your lord cometh. - quite true, but the time line he layed out for them would let them know of its impending nearness which was for "THAT GENERATION. NONE of what christ says in matthew, luke or elsewhere gives even the slightest indication that jesus is talking about distant future things to come otherwise there would be no need for him to state over and over "THIS GENERATION"

that's pretty much it in a nutshell. everything else that is bought up is to uphold the futurist view they cling to so tightly. the power is in Christ words as to when.

Ok this for me is where I just get sooooooo upset. now this just my opinion.....But I just feel the Lord so leading me to say it.....

I don't deny tribo, redy, or jb their beliefs....never will.....But when you come with your beliefs and try to convert by destroying my beliefs this is not a good thing in my heart and soul. You do not know scripture and to me satan gives you just enough to toil with those that are seeking.....It is different when you put the information out there and then let the people do with it as they see fit.

But when take scripture and butcher to fit you ideas of what "YOU" think.....No way people.......If people are looking for an accurate account of scripture you don't go to someone who doesn't believe.....would that make sense to anyone.....and just as I would never be an authority on and pantiest or preterist, or athiest view...

So let me say to all the good people reading these forums......be careful as it talks about in the very subject that this thread is about....There are false prohets, false teachers......and people led not of God.

Tribo...........you don't know scripture like you you falsely lead people to believe....and I won't sit here and not say anything for the simple fact that Mr Lord & Savior will not let me......


And remember also...I was led here by God, for God, and in the Glory of God....and I will be right behind you every step of the way.....giving the people the truth......


4Jesus answered: "Watch out that no one deceives you. 5For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am the Christ,[a]' and will deceive many. 6You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8All these are the beginning of birth pains.

ANSWER: There are many false prophets, many ugly wars, World War 1 and 2 earthquakes now just all over claiming many many lifes.....the key to the above scripture is this is the "beginning" of birth pains....meaning that for all the nasty that we have already had....wars, world trade center, floods, typhoons, fires....this is just the beginning.


jesus again goes on to tell them many more signs matt; vs; 10 thru 32 - then he states to the disciples - So like wise "ye" "when "YE" shall see all these things, know that it is near "EVEN AT THE DOORS! vs34 - Verily (TRULY) I say unto "YOU" (the disciples) "THIS GENERATION" SHALL NOT!!!! (emphasis mine always) pass away, till ALL these things have been fulfilled. vs 42: Watch therefore ( who is to watch? the disciples) for ye no not what hour your lord cometh. - quite true, but the time line he layed out for them would let them know of its impending nearness which was for "THAT GENERATION. NONE of what christ says in matthew, luke or elsewhere gives even the slightest indication that jesus is talking about distant future things to come otherwise there would be no need for him to state over and over "THIS GENERATION"


Now the pitbull for Christ is I am known.....has her dander up......You are in big big trouble now Mr.

Redykeulous's photo
Sun 07/06/08 02:42 PM
Tribo - let me wake you up with a personal question. A puzzle of sorts ...

What purpose would one have to dispell the beliefs of another by using a similiar set of dogmatic beliefs that are likewise plagued with as many issues?

Rather counter to a movement intended to STOP a thing from continueing, don't you think?

If the intent is to get someone to see another side or a different angle what does it prove except that a person can go between extremes if enough preassure is applied. Is that the idea?

tribo's photo
Sun 07/06/08 02:46 PM

whatcha gonna do spank me - haaaaaaaa

your funny deb.

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

pitbulls are known for there ferociousness not thier intellegence.laugh laugh

feralcatlady's photo
Sun 07/06/08 02:46 PM

If it is written it is so huh? Well alot of things are written and I know they are not so, so that statement is not truth.

Also this rapture thing is just a false promise from a religion that wants you to believe that you are better than the rest of the world because you follow the religion.

We will all meet the exact same fate at death, sorry to disappoint all those who think they have a better ending.

Feralcatlady stated:

You go ahead and think that.....I know different.

You see Feralcatlady, that is what destroys your credibility. Saying that you know different. You don't know different, you only believe different.

Yes, you have had plenty of miracles in your life and some wondrous things happened in your personal reality and you gave full credit for them to your god. But all of those things could be explained in any number of ways, particularly in my world view of them.

But you believe in yours, and that is fine and okay by me, but you lose people when you say you KNOW.

You don't know. Nobody knows. They only THINK THEY KNOW.

If a person says they know something that cannot be known, then they truly appear to be delusional to others.

Admit that you believe differently, but admit that you don't know, then others will respect you more. People who claim to know, are unreasonable people, and it is pointless to converse with them because they are so certain they are right they do not look at anything objectively. So to a reasonable person, they appear to be a hopeless cause. No reason to debate anything with them because their ears are plugged and they are shut off from all but their own view of reality.


I know what I know....BECAUSE THE LORD MY GOD HAS SHOWN ME.....I listen to him and only to him.....I love him with all my heart, all my soul and all my mind.......so therefore know......because I know HIM. And it is not a matter of right or wrong....it's a matter of FAITH......which is stronger and leads me through all.......When I asked God to show me HE did.....can I ignore that.....would I ignore that........I am here with one sole purpose......and that is to do the work of the Lord......Like I said.....believe what you wish......but there is no way on God's green earth that people that don't know what they are talking about..are going to take scripture that is divine of my Lord and use it for their own selfish needs.......not going to happen.......and I am not saying you JB....I am just saying in general.

Redykeulous's photo
Sun 07/06/08 02:51 PM
Feral writes:
But when take scripture and butcher to fit you ideas of what "YOU" think.....No way people.......If people are looking for an accurate account of scripture you don't go to someone who doesn't believe.....would that make sense to anyone.....and just as I would never be an authority on and pantiest or preterist, or athiest view...

So let me say to all the good people reading these forums......be careful as it talks about in the very subject that this thread is about....There are false prohets, false teachers......and people led not of God.

In the context of this new light I withdraw my suggestion that every Christian follow the beliefs of Feral. After all she is correct.

If one is going to take scripture to heart, if that is where one believes they will find all the answers, then they CAN NOT depend on ANY human to lead them in any way. The interpretation of scripture must be in the hands of the ONE TRUE KNOWN BELIEVER, the individual.

Compare your particular beliefs all day long with another and you will only find differences. Who is the unbeliever, who is the fals prophet, who is the false teacher.

I tell you it is ANYONE who offers an opinion to you. YOU alone must walk that path and you risk a great deal of your own peace of mind when you listen to anyone.

Instead belive what you have come to know through your own personal work and leave the voice of error to those who would speak of what they proclaim to KNOW.

feralcatlady's photo
Sun 07/06/08 02:51 PM


please if I was bored I would leave.....

no photo
Sun 07/06/08 02:53 PM

Tribo - let me wake you up with a personal question. A puzzle of sorts ...

What purpose would one have to dispell the beliefs of another by using a similiar set of dogmatic beliefs that are likewise plagued with as many issues?

Rather counter to a movement intended to STOP a thing from continueing, don't you think?

If the intent is to get someone to see another side or a different angle what does it prove except that a person can go between extremes if enough preassure is applied. Is that the idea?

I would like to answer that question.

It should serve to get a person to at least look at the history of their own belief system and maybe question their own beliefs a little instead of blindly accepting the ideas of their authority (The Church fathers or whatever.)

I think a lot of Christians have already done this but just do not admit it to others or even to themselves.

Wouldee even admitted that he thinks that the Holy Spirit is Jesus Christ returned but he also believes that Jesus Christ will return in the physical body. So that would mean he belieives that the next coming of Christ will actually be the third coming, not the second coming.

If they hold so much strength to what the Bible actually says, then the Bible itself should show them that something went wrong somewhere in their understanding.

If not, then they will continue to redesign Christianity until it becomes something else entirely, which is okay by me. I will be glad when they stop declaring that the Bible is Gods holy word.


tribo's photo
Sun 07/06/08 02:53 PM
scared ohwell asleep

feralcatlady's photo
Sun 07/06/08 02:56 PM


whatcha gonna do spank me - haaaaaaaa

your funny deb.

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

pitbulls are known for there ferociousness not thier intellegence.laugh laugh

yea well meet your first extremely intelligent and ferocious pitbull........Your scary tribo.......you spew what you don't have a clue about.......your messing in things that you know nothing of......and trust me.....as much as I respect you as a human being....I will not stand for someone who doesn't believe with their heart, soul, and mind, to "Think" they know scripture and has the audacity to try and preach using that scripture to denounce that it is not so.......no way no how.....not while I have a breath left in me.....And not ever ever as long as I have the Lord guiding me......

Who guides you tribo?

tribo's photo
Sun 07/06/08 03:01 PM
laugh then i advise you to sit down deb.

i'm not a human being deb, i'm one of JB's lizard people, come to take your soul frustrated

bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

feralcatlady's photo
Sun 07/06/08 03:01 PM

Feral writes:
But when take scripture and butcher to fit you ideas of what "YOU" think.....No way people.......If people are looking for an accurate account of scripture you don't go to someone who doesn't believe.....would that make sense to anyone.....and just as I would never be an authority on and pantiest or preterist, or athiest view...

So let me say to all the good people reading these forums......be careful as it talks about in the very subject that this thread is about....There are false prohets, false teachers......and people led not of God.

In the context of this new light I withdraw my suggestion that every Christian follow the beliefs of Feral. After all she is correct.

If one is going to take scripture to heart, if that is where one believes they will find all the answers, then they CAN NOT depend on ANY human to lead them in any way. The interpretation of scripture must be in the hands of the ONE TRUE KNOWN BELIEVER, the individual.

Compare your particular beliefs all day long with another and you will only find differences. Who is the unbeliever, who is the fals prophet, who is the false teacher.

I tell you it is ANYONE who offers an opinion to you. YOU alone must walk that path and you risk a great deal of your own peace of mind when you listen to anyone.

Instead belive what you have come to know through your own personal work and leave the voice of error to those who would speak of what they proclaim to KNOW.

And redy you just say the same blah blah blah.......I am not saying for all you believe me...redy where did I say that.......Haven't I always said follow the Lord.....all in his name....so again all I see is blah blah blah....because as usual you say something and say nothing.


feralcatlady's photo
Sun 07/06/08 03:03 PM

laugh then i advise you to sit down deb.

i'm not a human being deb, i'm one of JB's lizard people, come to take your soul frustrated

bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

I knew it......laugh laugh laugh

And you can try...but again not in a million years would Christ let you touch a hair on my head.....

tribo's photo
Sun 07/06/08 03:04 PM

Feral writes:
But when take scripture and butcher to fit you ideas of what "YOU" think.....No way people.......If people are looking for an accurate account of scripture you don't go to someone who doesn't believe.....would that make sense to anyone.....and just as I would never be an authority on and pantiest or preterist, or athiest view...

So let me say to all the good people reading these forums......be careful as it talks about in the very subject that this thread is about....There are false prohets, false teachers......and people led not of God.

In the context of this new light I withdraw my suggestion that every Christian follow the beliefs of Feral. After all she is correct.

If one is going to take scripture to heart, if that is where one believes they will find all the answers, then they CAN NOT depend on ANY human to lead them in any way. The interpretation of scripture must be in the hands of the ONE TRUE KNOWN BELIEVER, the individual.

Compare your particular beliefs all day long with another and you will only find differences. Who is the unbeliever, who is the fals prophet, who is the false teacher.

I tell you it is ANYONE who offers an opinion to you. YOU alone must walk that path and you risk a great deal of your own peace of mind when you listen to anyone.

Instead belive what you have come to know through your own personal work and leave the voice of error to those who would speak of what they proclaim to KNOW.

And redy you just say the same blah blah blah.......I am not saying for all you believe me...redy where did I say that.......Haven't I always said follow the Lord.....all in his name....so again all I see is blah blah blah....because as usual you say something and say nothing.


yep!! sure is!! look in the mirror deb.

no photo
Sun 07/06/08 03:17 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 07/06/08 03:21 PM
My personal take on it is that it seems strange that people have been expecting the imminent return of Jesus Christ for over 2000 years. When is he coming? They say: "SOON!"

Many have claimed he will come on clouds from the sky. That sounds like an aliens invasion to me. LOL

Did you know that there is a cult that believes that Jesus has a space ship parked behind the moon called "Hope?" His current incarnation goes by the name of Sananda. Yep. They believe he will come down in that ship which will come out of a cloud.

The mother ship goes by a different name. Can't seem to remember it... but it hides on the other side of the sun, and has been seen other places too.

They are waiting for the right time to invade or return and take control of the earth.

This cult may have evolved into something different since I last learned of it. Here is a message from the alleged Sananda:


Redykeulous's photo
Sun 07/06/08 03:17 PM
JB - some questions.
Do you ever look at something or an event and see it as a sign? A sign requiring further action from you?

Do you or have you, ever heard a voice in your head urging you to follow a certain course of action?

Have you ever felt removed from your current circustance only to be shown somthing meant to have an effect on your thoughts or actions?

If you say yes to any of these questions then you, no doubt have so theories to account for these happenings.

I personally call them delusions, for lack of any scientific confirmation to the contrary - HOWEVER, I'm open to possiblities, but only if they can be sceintifically exemplified.

For some Christians, the answer to all the above questions is that the Holy Spirit shows them signs and because it has, however they interpret that sign, so it must be. Some also claim to hear the voice of the HS or have conversation with the HS. Some believe that the HS only speaks through them and the language cannot be interpreted except through another kind of HS gift. And finally, many believe they experience religious revelations akin to near death experiences in which they are given certain information. And then there are those who believe that simply becasue they believe and are born again, that they cannot be led astray, if they follow all the communications of the HS.

Now what makes you think that those beliefs can be moved once they've proclaimed these delusions over and over again to their family, peers, children and the world around them at truth from knowledge inspired by their god.

Most people, once they get that far, are incapable of admitting their error or making a change. It is, in my opinion, a psychologically intracate issue tied at its deepest roots to the mental stability of the individual.

That is why I subscribe to your ideas that people should maintain their 'beliefs' without professing their 'knowledge' of these beliefs. For almost anyone can see a new light and change a belief, but changing a proclaimed and TAUGHT truth, is having to eat crow, to admit to subverting people, and never being able to apologise to all those that got caught up in the delusion because of the lead they took.

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