Topic: DOES GOD EXIST ? | |
the Scientists who deny Carbon Dating and such do so because you are removing a "test sample" that is existing in a literal "UNSTABLE ENVIRONMENT" and placing it in a "STABLE ENVIRONMENT." FOR ONE, MANY UNSTABLE SAMPLES CANNOT BE TESTED IN THEIR OWN ENVIRONMENT... but, when you remove that sample, you remove the conditions that apply. by placing this sample in a LAB (Stable Environment) these samples will Change/adapt to their settings and change the validity of the conditions it comes from and factually skews the Results. i completely agree with them that this is not a correct way to sample and test due to removing from environment and conditions. Carbon Dating is not accurate to precision but it can tell you things about the age of something. It has to do with the decay rates of isotopes er something. We know how long it takes for different isotopes to decay. We watch it decay and not the amount of change over time. Then we can extrapolate how much decay is present in the sample. It can give is a 'round' number of years based on the samples we measured. A sample can't be dated to my birthday 65 million years ago but it can be estimated to be about 65 million years old based on the amount of decay in the tested isotope. That estimate is then compared to the layer where it is found. There is consistencies in that layer which yield similar decay. As for using isotope decay to determine time. Our clocks are set from an atomic clock. It determines the rate of change we experience as seconds. The most precise atomic clock ever made has been created by arranging strontium atoms in a grid-like pattern and then stacking those grids like pancakes. Most atomic clocks use atoms of the isotope caesium-133. Today, cesium clocks measure frequency with an accuracy of from 2 to 3 parts in 10 to the 14th, i.e. 0.00000000000002 Hz; this corresponds to a time measurement accuracy of 2 nanoseconds per day or one second in 1,400,000 years. It is the most accurate realization of a unit that mankind has yet achieved. Oh, by the way, In reality there is no such thing as -1 second. The jiffy is the amount of time light takes to travel one fermi (about the size of a nucleon) in a vacuum. Planck time is the time light takes to travel one Planck length. Theoretically, this is the smallest time measurement that will ever be possible. |
and yes, the Bible is a Book. but it is a Compilation of Holy Spirit filled experiences of the People who followed Yah. Separately as a bunch of "Letters or as a conglomerate group," those Books within the Bible contain answers to many things, including time, and age.
but, the 6,000 years is the lineage of David to the Messiah by way of Adam. it has nothing to do with the time elapsed before the Creation of Adam, and the Creation mentioned in the very first verse of Genesis 1:1... Mathematics is inconsistent when using for skewed results. happens within Science all of the time. it's really quick and simple to know if a Formula repeats or not. if it repeats, it's obviously Golden. but generally, if it repeats, Mathematics is the purest way to Calculate the facts/numbers. yes, there are only negative numbers when using the number scale with Zero being the beginning point positively and negatively. but a number scale has nothing to do with aging by way of dating methods. most are relative to what the sample contains carbon wise, or by the method being used (uranium, etc). |
i would think, since understanding decomposition is a process through bacteria, that Science and Mathematicians would Formulate a scale based upon microorganisms. understanding their digestive systems, the relationship to time via consumption vs rotting, and if the bacteria actually speeds up or slows down the decaying process.
this would be a perfect find considering the dirt in your backyard, your worm tanks, your gardens, your dust in your home all contain these microorganisms. you could be in the ballpark using that Data i believe. |
this is all this is!!
As I was building my career I worked hard, showed dedication and commitment to me employer. Tried to learn everything about my job I could so I could do it easily and accurately. When I got my advancements, it was because I happened to have bosses that noticed my dedication and contributions. Bosses which rewarded productive employees. Bosses which were not restricted by corporate laws or company policies. When I became boss, I too rewarded employees for doing good jobs. I also restricted employees who did not but I chose to train my employees how to do a good job. I treated people fairly. Your God had nothing to do with it. It did have everything to do with people and circumstances in reality. I could have credited your God but I saw the reality as it was before me in the real world each day. I was a 'hands on' boss. I got cut while working on my car at home. It got infected. I went to the doctor. I got sicker and sicker over time till I was hospitalized. When I died, it was the quick action of the hospital staff that brought me back. I eventually went back to work but was still out sick more than at work. The doctor explained it was long-duration toxicity and put me out of work. I continue to get sicker and sicker. I can't get anywhere near automotive chemicals without a flare up. I am a 35 year mechanic that can't even change his own oil. Do I blame your God? NO. It was all my own fault for not wearing the personal protective equipment available to me. It was my choice which lead to unfortunate circumstances. I have wisdom now but its too late. I am certainly not being punished or blessed by your God. Its just a result of random chaotic circumstances in the reality of a chaotic Universe. |
99.9% of the trouble in your life is completely your own doing and fault.
it rains equally on good and bad people. reaping will always sow if it's done by way of God or good deed. but i am not trying to reap anything during this life, i have all i need and most of my wants. there are things we do for our own reason, for someone else' (a boss), a friend, a spouse, a child, and for my life...what i do is for the purpose of God. |
i would think, since understanding decomposition is a process through bacteria, that Science and Mathematicians would Formulate a scale based upon microorganisms. understanding their digestive systems, the relationship to time via consumption vs rotting, and if the bacteria actually speeds up or slows down the decaying process. this would be a perfect find considering the dirt in your backyard, your worm tanks, your gardens, your dust in your home all contain these microorganisms. you could be in the ballpark using that Data i believe. I remember seeing a special on TV (one of those documentary shows) where they have a set of decay rooms where they do record decay rates of different things over time. I forget what its called? If the Universe were focused on life being the major factor, decay rates might have merit. However, the Universe is not based on life. The Universe is based on mass and the properties related to mass and energy. Life is merely a random occurrence of the mass/energy interactions. it's really quick and simple to know if a Formula repeats or not. if it repeats, it's obviously Golden.
However, as we encounter new things by using our new detectors we find things in which the golden formula no longer holds true. This was evident when the atom and molecules were found, when the atom was split and when quantum was discovered. The golden formula was revised according to our understanding. It is our understanding which makes the formula golden. If the formulas were truly golden, they would never change to explain the unknown. They would remain pristine no matter what we discover. If we knew everything about everywhere, everywhen, our golden formulas would remain pristine. Since we don't, no formula is entirely golden. Well, no formula is golden that we know about. We may have some that are but until we know everything about everywhere, everywhen, we can't be sure can we? Oh, hey on the Organic Material Decay Rate Experiment I did find this which is pretty interesting... Decaying Science by Teachers Talking Science and Decomposition of Organic Matter From: Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, 2016 |
99.9% of the trouble in your life is completely your own doing and fault.
likewise: 99.9% of the good in your life is completely your own doing and fault. While I might disagree with the percentage in each statement the intent is fairly accurate. However, the remaining percent (no matter the number) is not due to your God but to other people and circumstances. |
there are things we do for our own reason, for someone else' (a boss), a friend, a spouse, a child, and for my life...what i do is for the purpose of God.
And...You can call an apple a banana but its still just an apple. |
from our viewpoint, the Universe is always expanding.
if God is real, then from God's viewpoint, the Universe is just following order of the Plan. either way, we can only assume from our viewpoint. its when our viewpoints don't make sense that we rely upon our own understanding. we choose to ignore the possibility of another Factor calling the shots. clearly, not a single human has ever made the Universe stop and consider them. therefore, it would take God to accomplish that... |
i copied/pasted the articles on decaying and will read soon.
thank you!! |
However, the remaining percent (no matter the number) is not due to your God but to other people and circumstances.
that depends on classification...if it's a miracle then you are wrong, in my opinion. |
and you might classify the unknown factor as a fluke, but i call it God.
and, i put faith in some of the Ancient Reasoning, especially the Greek views. they were thought of as leaders in open mindedness. thus why there are no hidden agendas behind their writings who they claimed was GOD in human form, Yeshua. |
we use medical practices, law practices, civilization structures, and many things in how we live today are by following how the Greeks lived.
i therefore accept they claim Yeshua was real. and i know of Yeshua as claiming to be God. and i choose putting the Greek together and believing that Yeshua is God!! |
You stood on the shoulders of geniuses to accomplish something as fast as you could, and before you even knew what you had, you patented it, and packaged it, and slapped it on a plastic lunchbox, and now you wanna sell it
~ Ian Malcolm in Jurassic Park What is failed with this quote is the fact that human advancement ALWAYS stands on the backs of those that did the work. All science is based on previous discoveries. All infrastructure is based on past builders whose plan worked. From columns and archways to roads and bridges. From societies laws and customs to medical practices. Plus, humans have a knack for taking something that works and making it better. Plus, we still invent new things which one day may be the foundation of future societies. To select one society and credit them for everything is ludicrous. It is called selective reasoning. Selective reasoning cannot explain a random Universe. Selective reasoning explains a selective Universe but the Universe in which we exist is not selective, it is random. If it were selective it would be predictable in all ways. There would be no need for inconsistencies in mathematics. The golden formula would always apply. But... that is not what we experience. Then one must consider the source. Of the entire Universe, the only opinion on it is human opinion. We live on a planet with trillions of other lifeforms yet we only have our opinion. Ask an earthworm a ficus, a humpback whale, a dolphin, a chimpanzee or any other form of life on this planet about your God and see what they tell you. I know, lets load up our spaceship with our greatest minds both religious and non-religious and go find another form of life able to communicate its thoughts and ask them about your God and the nature of the Universe. Good luck with all that. The cold stark reality is we have an opinion of one, based on a limited understanding of the reality in which we exist. Limited by our environment on a tiny planet circling an average star in the gravitational event horizon of a supermassive black hole at the center of a typical spiral galaxy on a supercluster string of a random Universe. Our little minds can't handle the vastness so we have to devise a fantasy being that explains everything. We NEED our quick insignificant lives to mean something important. Some look to religion. Some look to science. Some do not need to look. If you need science to feel complete, you are not complete. If you need your God to feel complete, you are not complete. If you need nothing and already feel complete, it all looks like entertainment. |
God is not completion, only Time it's Completion when you reach Spiritual exponents.
completion is a state of mental awareness and of sound mind. you can be delusional and still find this state of existence... |
i am not selecting one Society, we as a Whole Society evolved into the same pattern as the Greeks, because it worked and still does. and if it still works, it could be the same for Yeshua.
That is called "Common Sense and Survival. i enjoy posting here because my Faith is challenged by several ideas that oppose my Faith. i am not challenged by something that causes me to rethink the position is God real, but i am challenged by where even though i am capable of doing so many things and doing them possibly well, it's after reading Your Independent and Self Dependent views that i am challenged to allow God to do what I am clearly capable of doing myself. but then again, my creations in my ways have not always lasted, but following God's Advice, my creations are lasting and with no end in sight. |
completion is a state of mental awareness and of sound mind. you can be delusional and still find this state of existence... Okay but does it really matter? If you live in contentment, whether delusional or not, what difference does it make? So if you live in contentment with your religion and your God, I don't see that as a bad thing. Its when there is discontent, stress and uneasy feelings that drive some to extreme actions that harm others. The way I see it, if you are happy in life, no matter the reason, you are less likely to hurt others. Problem is, even with your God, some people can't find their contentment in life and do extreme things trying to force an outcome that is delusional. Kill the infidels. Kill the heathens. Hang the witches. All in an attempt to bring a random chaotic Universe under their idea of the way it should be. People seem to NEED to convert others to think like them. When others do not, it stresses them out. When stressed out, we don't make the right choices. Because we are thinking with minds stuck in our own delusion. If one can accept reality at face value, there is no need for a magical anything to make one feel contentment. It gives one an inner peace that never wanes. That inner peace allows one to make better decisions and choose wisely. Less likely to try to change others to their idea of how they should think. Its easier to let them think what they will. It has no impact on your contentment. we as a Whole Society evolved into the same pattern as the Greeks
As you see it. I don't see it that way. I see many influences that formed society in reality. However, the society in which I exist is not the same society for everyone. Greeks inhabited a specific region. There were other societies, cultures and customs in other parts of the world. All were valid and as world-wide communication improves, those differences are being merged. It is fundamentally flawed thinking to believe everything everywhere on Earth is rooted in Greek. Someone rooted in Chinese history may see things very differently. An open mind, a complete mind, can embrace the differences and still find contentment. A delusional, restricted mind, can't. If Yeshua were reality, wouldn't all societies have the same belief structure? Wouldn't it be the common denominator to which all belief structures are formed? While it is a common belief structure on an 'informed' planet, the history is geographically locked. It is common because of communication. Not because of experience in reality. Take any isolated society. Say absolutely nothing to them and look at their belief structure. If it were reality it would have universal history of experiences. Your God did not exist till someone convinced the natives it does. They had their own beliefs. Look at the different religions in the world today. There are a set number of belief systems dating back in history. The reason is not what you might think. The reason is, those societies who have preserved their belief structures are the societies that could withstand the forced change. Kill the heathens, kill the infidels was actually done. Believe what I say or die. After all non-believers are killed, the only ones left are the ones who believe. This causes an distortion in the population which might stop conversion. The conversion process is brutal. In the past, they sent armies to wipe out the resistance. No wonder so many people believe the same. In today's age, the conversion process takes a different form hoping for the same results. Communication is the sword now. However, rationality and reasoning with knowledge is the shield. Conversion is most effective now when one is feeling vulnerable. Ignorance allows delusion to take control. Delusion preserves that ignorance by will. However, once the delusion is lifted, and the ignorance is fixed, conversion is more difficult. When someone finds contentment in reality and feels complete, they are no longer vulnerable to conversion techniques. That's why it is getting more and more difficult to convert the common person. Society has advanced to an age of reality and reason. I remember defending my faith. Easy at first but as more people started presenting better evidence of reality it got difficult. I did a whole lot of soul searching looking for the actual reality and all investigations lead me to the inevitable conclusion that my religion was a lie designed to keep my mind thinking how someone else wanted me to think. The more reason I used, the less sense it made. If someone gets contentment and completion from their God, I am happy for them. But, that isn't what I see on a regular basis. What I see is people with stress and confusion, unhappiness and strife and they plead with their God in prayer and ceremony for relief but relief never comes. Then, say it isn't so, they accept reality and bingo bango, things start looking up for them. They have an inner peace and tranquility they didn't have. They make better decision and better life choices and things get better for them. I'm not saying their God failed them, all I am saying is their religion was not what it promised. |
just because people read black letters off a white page don't mean they understand what those letters together as words mean.
just because there were wars does not mean it was led by God. just because the South USA thought reading Jews were slaves so they decided having African People as slaves must be a good thing...but that does not mean it was led by God. just because a Preacher says, GOD told me...does not always means that is the case. too often, it's what the Preacher personally believes and ADDS God said to it. just because Christians many times judge does not mean it is being led by God to bring Judgement. ...and the thing is, those who know God and His WORD, they know when Preachers are doing wrong. what we need is People willing to confront those Preachers with the"Tuth," the Church needs a thorough CLEANING of the very bad seeds that have maligned the Perfect Image of God. |
If Yeshua were reality, wouldn't all societies have the same belief structure?
Literally within ALL Societies there can be found Believers of Yeshua. ironically though, not in all Societies can you find the knockoffs. Grant it, today, everything can be found because it's all out in the open. but the Societies trying to thwart the Belief of Yeshua are struggling as it spreads like wildfire. but not all other beliefs spread like that in other Societies. to me, that is quite revealing, because in the Nations trying to thwart following Yeshua, some kill followers of Yeshua and it is still thriving in the midst of being attacked. simply incredible and the true penetration of how God slips in to those wanting Him when others are trying to keep Him out!! |
what we need is People willing to confront those Preachers with the"Tuth," the Church needs a thorough CLEANING of the very bad seeds that have maligned the Perfect Image of God.
Perhaps but truth is relative to the observer. While truth can be truth, not all truth is reality. Literally within ALL Societies there can be found Believers of Yeshua.
I agree, outstanding marketing. But see, that isn't what I am saying. just because people read black letters off a white page don't mean they understand what those letters together as words mean.
just because there were wars does not mean it was led by God. just because the South USA thought reading Jews were slaves so they decided having African People as slaves must be a good thing...but that does not mean it was led by God. just because a Preacher says, GOD told me...does not always means that is the case. too often, it's what the Preacher personally believes and ADDS God said to it. just because Christians many times judge does not mean it is being led by God to bring Judgement. Correct again but yet again, not what I'm saying. I have no problem with the concept of God. I have problem with religion. The reason why I refer to 'your God' is explained in this thread when talking about the tendancy for people to insert their God when I say God. It defines the common God of religions. Granted not all religions have the same God but no religion has the God as I understand it. I already said I believe there is a God but it is not what others think of when they think of God. There are no books, quotes I can reference because my God is known by me alone. I have no religion yet still believe my God could exist. That belief has little sway over my life. I know I am a random interaction of a long string of random interactions between mass and gravity. I have no religion, yet my God could exist. If y'all had no religion, would your God still exist? How dependent on religion is your belief in your God? By 'your God' I am not singling out any specific person. Its meant as an identification of difference. Take a moment and try to have the same comments but without religious reference. I suspect it will be harder than ya think. Religion is the foundation of belief in 'your God'. Not mine. Reality is the foundation of my belief. Just so you know, I still have delusions about some things. Its something I constantly try to remedy. The good thing is, once the delusion is lifted, it stays gone. Its really difficult to re-delude yourself. Ya can substitue one delusion for another but its a delusion all the same. |