Topic: DOES GOD EXIST ? | |
A non-denominational one, white, maybe looking like father christmas in white robes, with cherubs and angels, and a quiver full of lightning bolts.
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just so you are not confused, only 3 sects of Peoples claim to know and follow the "TRUE" Living God. This would be the God of Abraham. and the GOD of ABRAHAM is the SAME GOD as the Hebrew/Jews. the Muslims, and the Christians. even the correct written New Testament in the Aramaic Language has Yeshua (Jesus) claiming the NAME of the HEBREW GOD is ALLALAH, which today is pronounced ALLAH. so it's the SAME LIVING GOD for 3 Sects of People and on the right platform, ALL 3 SECTS even will ADMIT it is the SAME DEITY!! |
I think if you do the research you will find that every belief system claims to follow 'the one true god' and every one of them also claims that the others are 'false gods' and of course you're not allowed to worship 'false gods'. All a bit confusing if you want to know which one is the true one. Yes, you can tell us, but someone from a different tradition to yours will say you're wrong and it is their god that is the true one!
I guess this is what happens when the whole thing is invented by man - men will disagree as to which one is 'right' - as if that really mattered! ![]() |
The medical assistant apparitions may have existed from before the religious cults started writing their books, and they just wrote them in, like with the giants, and the flood, etc.
Every fiction writer weaves real life, historical, and present day information into their fiction story, to 'flesh it out'. The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah may have been a real life Carrington Event. Why would any all powerful god need any man to write about him/her/it. Anything coming from the hand of man must be personally skewed misinterpretation at best, and outright manipulation for gain at worst. A creator would inform from within, like a heads up display in your head, not requiring clever words or poetry or songs or breathing patterns, or incense, or entranced states, or self agrandising orators with broad hems on their robes, or pointy buildings with bells, or beads and crosses. I know that it doesn't exist, because I don't KNOW that it exists. first of all, it was those men like Abraham who went around speaking about his God that eventually someone like MOses wrote all about it. it's not like God was "demanding" humans to write about Him, humans just do things like (like writing about things that Amaze them, Important to them, made an Impact upon them, etc)...even when someone is nice to You, NOTBEOLD, i would bet You will Remember it and maybe tell others and maybe even write down a Reminder of it....this is the same with how we have the Bible, People just felt Inspired by their God and wrote about the things He had done for them. and it is all good you find no evidence or proofs, You are ones of those Who Never will find it, because it was NEVER intended for YOU to find it!! |
I knew I would be tripped up when I said I only believe what I can prove. The asnwer is more detailed than that. For example I cannot see for myself that there is a Higgs Boson, but am prepared to believe it has been found after first being suggested as a theory which said it 'ought' to exist. Now it does!
just so you know MK, ANYONE OF US, with the use of Mathematics, Formulas, Electronics, Electromagnetics, CN FACTUALLY DUPLICATE THE HIGGS BOSOn because it is an INVENTION of MATHEMATICS!! it is not something Miraculous because IF YOU PULL THE POWER SWITCH, THE HIGGS BOSOn STOPS/BECOMES DEAD/ ALL BECAUSE IT IS A G-I-M-M-I-C-K!! |
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Sat 10/19/19 08:39 AM
Just like starting up a computer, the information is embedded and flashes up: the make of computer, and/or the motherboard name, and/or the sound card name, and/or other hardware. Then the operating system name and/or anti-virus app name, and so on.
The computer knows all this as soon as it is alive, because the creators embedded the information intrinsically in its encoding (in its current configuration). NOTBEOLD, you have just described in simple terms how DNA is PRogrammed by a PROGRAMMER. DNA has over 30k of info per cell that would take almost 50 years to break down ONE SINGLE CELL. NOTHING in Evolution is as complicated, Intricate, and as Precise as the programming found within DNA. You answered your own question with Proof, but will NEVER be able to put it together... |
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Sat 10/19/19 08:44 AM
I think if you do the research you will find that every belief system claims to follow 'the one true god' and every one of them also claims that the others are 'false gods' and of course you're not allowed to worship 'false gods'. All a bit confusing if you want to know which one is the true one. Yes, you can tell us, but someone from a different tradition to yours will say you're wrong and it is their god that is the true one!
Actually, the majority of beliefs begin with someone they have designated as a spiritual guide like Buddha and others. only the Hebrews claim humans are nothing, not an example to follow by, because they claim they spoke to God, not someone claiming to be a Spiritual Guide. so they are very very extreme and different... |
Nearly a half-century ago, Peter Higgs and a handful of other physicists were trying to understand the origin of a basic physical feature: mass. You can think of mass as an object’s heft or, a little more precisely, as the resistance it offers to having its motion changed. Push on a freight train (or a feather) to increase its speed, and the resistance you feel reflects its mass. At a microscopic level, the freight train’s mass comes from its constituent molecules and atoms, which are themselves built from fundamental particles, electrons and quarks. But where do the masses of these and other fundamental particles come from? When physicists in the 1960s modeled the behavior of these particles using equations rooted in quantum physics, they encountered a puzzle. If they imagined that the particles were all massless, then each term in the equations clicked into a perfectly symmetric pattern, like the tips of a perfect snowflake. And this symmetry was not just mathematically elegant. It explained patterns evident in the experimental data. But—and here’s the puzzle—physicists knew that the particles did have mass, and when they modified the equations to account for this fact, the mathematical harmony was spoiled. The equations became complex and unwieldy and, worse still, inconsistent. What to do? Here’s the idea put forward by Higgs. Don’t shove the particles’ masses down the throat of the beautiful equations. Instead, keep the equations pristine and symmetric, but consider them operating within a peculiar environment. Imagine that all of space is uniformly filled with an invisible substance—now called the Higgs field—that exerts a drag force on particles when they accelerate through it. Push on a fundamental particle in an effort to increase its speed and, according to Higgs, you would feel this drag force as a resistance. Justifiably, you would interpret the resistance as the particle’s mass. For a mental toehold, think of a ping-pong ball submerged in water. When you push on the ping-pong ball, it will feel much more massive than it does outside of water. Its interaction with the watery environment has the effect of endowing it with mass. So with particles submerged in the Higgs field. In 1964, Higgs submitted a paper to a prominent physics journal in which he formulated this idea mathematically. The paper was rejected. Not because it contained a technical error, but because the premise of an invisible something permeating space, interacting with particles to provide their mass, well, it all just seemed like heaps of overwrought speculation. The editors of the journal deemed it “of no obvious relevance to physics.” But Higgs persevered (and his revised paper appeared later that year in another journal), and physicists who took the time to study the proposal gradually realized that his idea was a stroke of genius, one that allowed them to have their cake and eat it too. In Higgs’ scheme, the fundamental equations can retain their pristine form because the dirty work of providing the particles’ masses is relegated to the environment. While I wasn’t around to witness the initial rejection of Higgs’ proposal in 1964 (well, I was around, but only barely), I can attest that by the mid-1980s, the assessment had changed. The physics community had, for the most part, fully bought into the idea that there was a Higgs field permeating space. In fact, in a graduate course I took that covered what’s known as the Standard Model of Particle Physics (the quantum equations physicists have assembled to describe the particles of matter and the dominant forces by which they influence each other), the professor presented the Higgs field with such certainty that for a long while I had no idea it had yet to be established experimentally. On occasion, that happens in physics. Mathematical equations can sometimes tell such a convincing tale, they can seemingly radiate reality so strongly, that they become entrenched in the vernacular of working physicists, even before there’s data to confirm them. But it’s only with data that a link to reality can be forged. How can we test for the Higgs field? This is where the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) comes in. Winding its way hundreds of yards under Geneva, Switzerland, crossing the French border and back again, the LHC is a nearly 17-mile-long circular tunnel that serves as a racetrack for smashing together particles of matter. The LHC is surrounded by about 9,000 superconducting magnets, and is home to streaming hordes of protons, cycling around the tunnel in both directions, which the magnets accelerate to just shy of the speed of light. At such speeds, the protons whip around the tunnel about 11,000 times each second, and when directed by the magnets, engage in millions of collisions in the blink of an eye. The collisions, in turn, produce fireworks-like sprays of particles, which mammoth detectors capture and record. One of the main motivations for the LHC, which cost on the order of $10 billion and involves thousands of scientists from dozens of countries, was to search for evidence for the Higgs field. The math showed that if the idea is right, if we are really immersed in an ocean of Higgs field, then the violent particle collisions should be able to jiggle the field, much as two colliding submarines would jiggle the water around them. And every so often, the jiggling should be just right to flick off a speck of the field—a tiny droplet of the Higgs ocean—which would appear as the long-sought Higgs particle. The calculations also showed that the Higgs particle would be unstable, disintegrating into other particles in a minuscule fraction of a second. Within the maelstrom of colliding particles and billowing clouds of particulate debris, scientists armed with powerful computers would search for the Higgs’ fingerprint—a pattern of decay products dictated by the equations. In the early morning hours of July 4, 2012, I gathered with about 20 other stalwarts in a conference room at the Aspen Center for Physics to view the live-stream of a press conference at the Large Hadron Collider facilities in Geneva. About six months earlier, two independent teams of researchers charged with gathering and analyzing the LHC data had announced a strong indication that the Higgs particle had been found. The rumor now flying around the physics community was that the teams finally had sufficient evidence to stake a definitive claim. Coupled with the fact that Peter Higgs himself had been asked to make the trip to Geneva, there was ample motivation to stay up past 3 a.m. to hear the announcement live. And as the world came to quickly learn, the evidence that the Higgs particle had been detected was strong enough to cross the threshold of discovery. With the Higgs particle now officially found, the audience in Geneva broke out into wild applause, as did our little group in Aspen, and no doubt dozens of similar gatherings around the globe. Peter Higgs wiped away a tear. With a year of hindsight, and additional data that has only served to make the case for the Higgs stronger, here’s how I would summarize the discovery’s most important implications. First, we’ve long known that there are invisible inhabitants in space. Radio and television waves. The Earth’s magnetic field. Gravitational fields. But none of these is permanent. None is unchanging. None is uniformly present throughout the universe. In this regard, the Higgs field is fundamentally different. We believe its value is the same on Earth as near Saturn, in the Orion Nebulae, throughout the Andromeda Galaxy and everywhere else. As far as we can tell, the Higgs field is indelibly imprinted on the spatial fabric. Second, the Higgs particle represents a new form of matter, which had been widely anticipated for decades but had never been seen. Early in the 20th century, physicists realized that particles, in addition to their mass and electric charge, have a third defining feature: their spin. But unlike a child’s top, a particle’s spin is an intrinsic feature that doesn’t change; it doesn’t speed up or slow down over time. Electrons and quarks all have the same spin value, while the spin of photons—particles of light—is twice that of electrons and quarks. The equations describing the Higgs particle showed that—unlike any other fundamental particle species—it should have no spin at all. Data from the Large Hadron Collider have now confirmed this. Establishing the existence of a new form of matter is a rare achievement, but the result has resonance in another field: cosmology, the scientific study of how the entire universe began and developed into the form we now witness. For many years, cosmologists studying the Big Bang theory were stymied. They had pieced together a robust description of how the universe evolved from a split second after the beginning, but they were unable to give any insight into what drove space to start expanding in the first place. What force could have exerted such a powerful outward push? For all its success, the Big Bang theory left out the bang. In the 1980s, a possible solution was discovered, one that rings a loud Higgsian bell. If a region of space is uniformly suffused with a field whose particulate constituents are spinless, then Einstein’s theory of gravity (the general theory of relativity) reveals that a powerful repulsive force can be generated—a bang, and a big one at that. Calculations showed that it was difficult to realize this idea with the Higgs field itself; the double duty of providing particle masses and fueling the bang proves a substantial burden. But insightful scientists realized that by positing a second “Higgs-like” field (possessing the same vanishing spin, but different mass and interactions), they could split the burden—one field for mass and the other for the repulsive push—and offer a compelling explanation of the bang. Because of this, for more than 30 years, theoretical physicists have been vigorously exploring cosmological theories in which such Higgs-like fields play an essential part. Thousands of journal articles have been written developing these ideas, and billions of dollars have been spent on deep space observations seeking—and finding—indirect evidence that these theories accurately describe our universe. The LHC’s confirmation that at least one such field actually exists thus puts a generation of cosmological theorizing on a far firmer foundation. Finally, and perhaps most important, the discovery of the Higgs particle is an astonishing triumph of mathematics’ power to reveal the workings of the universe. It’s a story that’s been recapitulated in physics numerous times, but each new example thrills just the same. The possibility of black holes emerged from the mathematical analyses of German physicist Karl Schwarzchild; subsequent observations proved that black holes are real. Big Bang cosmology emerged from the mathematical analyses of Alexander Friedmann and also Georges Lemaître; subsequent observations proved this insight correct as well. The concept of anti-matter first emerged from the mathematical analyses of quantum physicist Paul Dirac; subsequent experiments showed that this idea, too, is right. These examples give a feel for what the great mathematical physicist Eugene Wigner meant when he spoke of the “unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics in describing the physical universe.” The Higgs field emerged from mathematical studies seeking a mechanism to endow particles with mass. And once again the math has come through with flying colors. If anyone really thinks that any one of us, at home, can duplicate the work of thousands of physicists and a budget of $10m then they must be seriously deluded. |
I'm a bit unsure about your claim regarding Hebrews
What about Hindus for example How did that start I don't know I'm sure there's quite a few religions like that, that nobody really knows, how they started |
![]() It relates to the topic, me thinks. I love bill bailey |
This is revolting.
The Higgs boson is a boson as postulated by Higgs.
It is named after physicist Peter Higgs, who in 1964, along with five other scientists, proposed the Higgs mechanism to explain why particles have mass. This mechanism implies the existence of the Higgs boson. How do you know the Sun is shining? You detect it. You have faith in what you use to detect it. You accept it is shining because the evidence as revealed by your detectors prove it to you. The Higgs boson is one of many different types of particles that are also detected. It is dubbed the "God Particle" because it suggests a Higgs field exists. The Higgs field is thought to regulate the speed of mass. Without that field it is postulated everything would move at the speed of light. I first encountered Higgs theory before CERN was built. I watched a video called The Mystery of Empty Space 42:53 University of California UCSD physicist Kim Griest I knew people were looking for the Higgs boson at CERN. Eventually, they detected the Higgs boson. The image url of the Standard Model of Elementary Particles ![]() As you can see from the graphic the Higgs is not the only boson that exists. The Higgs is called a Scalar Boson. A scalar boson is a boson whose spin equals zero. Boson means that it has an integer-valued spin; the scalar fixes this value to 0. In particle physics, a gauge boson is a force carrier, a bosonic particle that carries any of the fundamental interactions of nature, commonly called forces. Elementary particles, whose interactions are described by a gauge theory, interact with each other by the exchange of gauge bosons These elementary particles have been detected. Just like your detectors detect the Sun shining on you. So, sunshine exists. Higgs bosons exist. Neither prove or disprove a God. |
I remember my Mother used to say, "Just look at the flowers!" in answer to anyone who said there was no god. To her, the beauty in nature was proof enough of the Catholic deity she believed in. Of course this is a very naive view, but I was too polite to tell her that the flowers are as they are and it is in the mind of the human observer to say they are beautiful. In truth, not everyone sees flowers as beautiful. I think arguments like that would have been confusing to her.
In the same way, the stuff about the Higgs boson in recent posts would be further 'proof' of the exitence of god to other believers. Some might deny the existence of these exotic particles and would possibly find a phrase somewhere in the bible that could be interpreted as saying such things cannot exist. Rather like Copernicus who was excommunicated from the church for daring to say that the earth is not in fact at the centre of the universe. Our own human sense of importance is to blame for people who believe we are at the centre of everything. These days, that arrogance is still there among those who believe that we humans are in some magical way 'better' than animals. Yes, we are more clever than animals and can do amazing things (like predict the Higgs boson and then find it) but in truth we are probably not always going to be the most 'advanced' of the beings on this planet. We are continually evolving and I suspect that the belief in some form of 'supernatural' being is nothing more than a childish distraction and will soon be forgotten about, relegated to the history of things that people believed 'in the past'. Just like those who believed that the earth is at the centre of all that is! |
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Sun 10/20/19 08:00 AM
If anyone really thinks that any one of us, at home, can duplicate the work of thousands of physicists and a budget of $10m then they must be seriously deluded.
to duplicate the dynamics we see on exhibit can definitely be duplicated with the right resources and formulas. it really is Mathematics and more specifically, it is Geometry, Trigonometry, Calculus, combined with known formulas relating to "QUANTUM MECHANICS." get a clue, MK, it can be done since Mathematics duplicates in these areas... |
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Sun 10/20/19 08:15 AM
I'm a bit unsure about your claim regarding Hebrews
What about Hindus for example How did that start I don't know I'm sure there's quite a few religions like that, that nobody really knows, how they started well, the Hebrews have factually kept record of their Heritage, Ancestry, and Lineage as Yah instructed them to do. (that is what the Bible is : these Heritage, Ancestry, and Lineage records that happen to include stories of their God, YAH). they have documented every promise and prophecy by Yah and have throughout the Centuries kept record of when those Promises and Prophecies would fulfill themselves...the last fulfilled Prophecy that was going on 2700 years was Donald Trump (Cyrus) claiming Jerusalem to be rightful Capital of Israel. some of the NEXT and LAST REMAINING Prophecies are rebuilding their Temple, which is in the works and the United Nations have BLOCKED IT 3 times now...but it will get REBUILT because the Hebrew God Prophesied it and SO FAR, every Prophecy has FULFILLED and COME TRUE!! the other religions are just knock offs that some person seemed wiser than beyond Norm and now they are honored. |
In the same way, the stuff about the Higgs boson in recent posts would be further 'proof' of the exitence of god to other believers. Some might deny the existence of these exotic particles and would possibly find a phrase somewhere in the bible that could be interpreted as saying such things cannot exist. Rather like Copernicus who was excommunicated from the church for daring to say that the earth is not in fact at the centre of the universe. Our own human sense of importance is to blame for people who believe we are at the centre of everything. These days, that arrogance is still there among those who believe that we humans are in some magical way 'better' than animals. Yes, we are more clever than animals and can do amazing things (like predict the Higgs boson and then find it) but in truth we are probably not always going to be the most 'advanced' of the beings on this planet.
We are continually evolving and I suspect that the belief in some form of 'supernatural' being is nothing more than a childish distraction and will soon be forgotten about, relegated to the history of things that people believed 'in the past'. Just like those who believed that the earth is at the centre of all that is! no one within their Right Mind is denying these Particles but Loving them!! what they are Jumping over Joy about is the Mathematics behind these Exhibition. that is the Language God spoke about, Mathematics, and it is the Language Einstein expanded and current Science cannot Live Without!! Thank You Galileo for making Science aware to claim for your Theories to have Proof, it must include MATHEMATICAL PROOF!! |
Are you saying that prophecies have been made, and been fulfilled? That is very interesting. I remember reading about some prophecies, one of which mentioned Hitler, although apparently the phophecy used the name 'Hister'. The writer of the book decided that it's close enough to be true!
The really interesting thing is that there are no prophecies about events that have not yet happened. Strange, that! Before Hitler arrived, there was no prophecy that gave the name, date and activities for which that person became well known. These stories only appeared AFTER the end of Hitler. If only a prophecy had been made that was clear at the time it was made, and came to pass exactly as prophesised, then perhaps non-believers would have a problem with that. But curiously, when believers quote a prophesy, it is in the realm of the apparently convincing things said by fortune tellers. As we all know, the saying of these people are carefully worded so that could be true. "You will meet a tall stranger" could have you expecting to see someone tall. And then you get on a bus and there is a tall man sitting just in front of you! Prophesy fulfilled! It's so easy to fool gullible people in this way. The JWs are convinced that the 'Second Coming' is due any day now. They have decided that only 144 thousand people will get to heaven and that now all those places are filled. So you can be a JW and as 'bad' as you like, because you're not losing your allotted place. Several times they have all run up into the hills waiting for judgement day and then a few days later come back down again looking rather sheepish and muttering something about a possible error in their calculations. It's always the same with predictions. Either they are so general they could mean anything at all, or so specific that when they don't happen, an error is claimed. I don't know if they have recalculated yet. Does anyone know the latest date to run into the hills? I remember reading last time that someone asked a rich JW friend if they would pass on their house and car as they will no longer be needing them. Strangely, this JW declined, which makes me thin that maybe they were doing as told but not really beliving it! |
I suspect that the prophecy that mentioned an American leader called Trump who would make a claim about Jerusalem was couched in such vague terms that, like the fortune tellers, it was too general to be regarded as a 'proof'. It was probably saying something like, "One day, we'll get this back!"
Likewise the stories about 'rebuilding the temple' have been 'interpreted' by some Christians as not getting a pile of bricks and starting to make a building somewhere. The word 'temple' actually refers to a 'covenant' and the story means that people will reaffirm their belief in god. Apparently. But of course you can interpret it in any way that suits your preconceptions. If anyone has a quote from an ancient text, correctly translated into modern English which mentions things that have recently happened or are yet to come, I would be very interested to see it. Not someone's interpretation of what it might mean, but an accurate statement that leaves no doubt by mentioning names like 'Trump' and places which are likely to be the USA and details that could not have been known that long ago. If it was that easy then everyone would accept the truth of these predictions and there would be no argument about where they came from or what they meant. But in real life, the vast majority of people will rubbish these claims. Occam's razor again. |
They're just knock
I've now got an image in my head of a spiv with a suitcase down the market ' get your religion here, half a pound of cabbages tuppence ' ' what religion you got mate ' ' allsorts brother, what kind do you want, I've also got some strawberries and some DVDs ' ' are they legit ' ' what are you trying to do? Give me an heart attack? God himself made them fall of the back of a lorry, of course they're legit ' Well as we've already mentioned the crusades, the conquistadors, and those Solomon temple replicaters Freemasons that seem so prevelant in society I'm sensing a link I mean as we've already said, vast swathes of history were destroyed by invaders Just about everybody in power is a freemason But that is of course a secret So all roads lead to Rome ( who built them ) Everything in the records points to a cabal of Jewish people ( who wrote them ) |