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iam_resurrected's photo
Mon 10/28/19 09:22 AM
My point was that many works of fiction contain truths.
That truth does not then make them non-fiction.

I wanted to use Spike Milligan as an example, but americans wouldn't know who I'm talking about.
Spike's war stories are hilarious, and often factual, but not to be taken as historical fact.

you make many good points. but in all of that, it literally escapes yo that on the subject of God and His existence, you only assume He does not exist because He has never dealt with you to ever notice.

i understand that many are the same way, until God does something to make them notice, He will never be real to them.

but no one ever wants to know that unfortunately, the God some hate, some despise, some claim never existed, is many times due to the "fact" God did not choose YOU to make Himself known. He most likely has revealed Himself and You thought of it as some stupid freak coincidence.

the facts are clear that even many who claim to believe in this God will not be with this God in Eternity. there are no specific numbers like Jehova's want to claim, but not everyone who believes and does not Believe in God will be with God.

i went into this a long time ago with 2 thoughts.

1. if God is real then if I make that connection i will know
2. if God is not real and living life like He is still has not wasted my life if it has allowed peace to be among those i know.

i had nothing to lose.

now, i am glad and would never change my mind concerning what I believe about God!!

iam_resurrected's photo
Mon 10/28/19 09:31 AM
The point is, your always saying, look to the Torah, for the correct translation, etc.

But the Torah is Jewish
They don't believe in the concept of Satan or the resurrection
So it's like you can't have your cake, and eat it
Well both the Torah and Koran mention Jesus, so that's proof of Jesus, plus A, B and C
But it's not. To some extent, it may prove a person called Jesus existed
But seen as neither Muslims or Jews, believe in the resurrection, or that he was the son of god, it doesn't really prove anything
2 fundamental things, in Christianity, are Satan and the resurrection
So any scource you choose to prove, can also be used to disprove
And it seems nutty, god appeared, to a Jew, gave him the Torah / bible etc, and then said, don't be Jewish anymore

And isn't it a tad unbelievable god just appeared to a few people, and said, right, your my chosen people, not the others, you lot

Oh, we are the chosen people, do as we instruct, and we might share with you the knowledge that the supreme being has entrusted us with

No room for a con job there, at all

I mean which is more likely, A) they invented this .. Or B) God really did speak to them, and say, you lot are my favourite

I'm an open minded person, and I like to ask questions, and to try to understand things

This is 1 of the main reasons I don't like religion
Its like asking, where's my cheque
And being told, have faith, it's in the post
And only being told that, after a few hours, and 10000 other words
I instinctively, don't believe it


God never claimed someone had to be Hebrew/Jewish.

when God first appears to the CORE PEOPLE He reveals Himself to, they were just a mixture of Mesopotamians (arabs, Hebrews, Africans, Middle Easterners).

and God only propelled the Hebrew People due to them accepting Him like they openly did.

but R2d2,
go back to Adam.
what does Adam lead to?
the Messiah.

so, before God appears to the Masses of Mesopotamia, He creates a Lineage for the Messiah.

and when the Messiah gets here, He preaches that Jews/Gentiles are equal and God wants all of them to have the chance to be with Him.




you need to remove this have to be JEW crap because THAT'S NOT WHAT IT CLAIMS EVEN IF THE JEWS LIE AND SAY SO!!

iam_resurrected's photo
Mon 10/28/19 09:43 AM
Edited by iam_resurrected on Mon 10/28/19 10:02 AM

i will be clearer since you seem to be struggling over the simplest of issues...




it's truthfully hard for me, after figuring you out, to want to waste time on you knowing that you are genetically hardwired as so means you are never going to get the JEST of most everything in life!!

when you don't get that i am discussing current Science and tell me you only follow current Science makes me think YOU ARE FULL OF NOTHING GOOD!!

iam_resurrected's photo
Mon 10/28/19 10:28 AM
i specifically said the BBT is around only 100 years old. i went onto even clarify it's a relatively new idealism to us from Science. so, this BBT, less than 100 years old, IS CURRENT SCIENCE EVENTS.

when ex Arizona State and world renowned "Lawrence Maxwell Krauss, theoretical physicist and cosmologist, spoke about how there not being the same element, soup theory prior to the "original" thinking behind the BBT, but rather was connecting the dots to portions of the "string theory," THEY ARE DISCUSSING CURRENT SCIENCE EVENTS RELATING TO THE 100 YEAR OLD PROPOSAL OF THE BIG BANG THEORY, THAT STILL HAS NOT FULLY BEEN PROVEN...AND WHY...SCIENCE IS STILL [[CURRENTLY]] AS OF IN LAST WEEKS DISCUSSED THE POSSIBILITIES STILL TRYING TO SEAL THIS AS BEING A DONE DEAL "THEORY!!"

so it is a very current event.

but you took 100 years and then pronounced you only follow current events.

i can tell you specifically what you follow, but YOU AINT GONNA LIKE IT!!

iam_resurrected's photo
Mon 10/28/19 10:36 AM
the BIG BANG THEORY proposal is so CURRENT, it's nt even yet a fully accepted THEORY, it's still on the CONCEPT/IDEALISM/WE NEED TO FIND PROOFS PORTION of this THEORY!!

so, it is still UNRESOLVED.


you should know this BEFORE ME if you are up to date on SCIENCE CURRENT EVENTS.

i think you personally wake up to a new world every day having no concrete connection to the day before. and then all you do is repeat the basic posts claiming the 3 staples of your existence.

i don't buy any of it!!

no photo
Mon 10/28/19 04:22 PM
I'm tired
So I'll be brief
So now it's like god invented a time machine in order to prove his existence through lineage, like royal families
It's all very bizarre to me, and makes no sense
And I totally agree, I'd love to hear Spikes take on it

He did write a book called the Bible, and he was a kind and funny soul

And God said, 'Let there be light' and there was light, but the Electricity Board said He would have to wait until Thursday to be connected.

Spike Milligan

Tom4Uhere's photo
Mon 10/28/19 11:21 PM
and I do mean ...WOW!

By your own words, iam_resurrected, God knew he would give man a messiah while Adam and Eve were in the garden.
This all-honest, all-powerful, all-loving, all-knowing eternal being chose not to give Adam and Eve the messiah before the first sin was committed.
The sin which caused the need for a messiah.

When does that start making sense?

If the temptation did not exist, no first sin would happen and none of us or anyone else in history would exist.
We would still be Adam and Eve in the Garden.

Religion wants you to have unwavering faith in God yet God, by the actions you wrote, does not have faith in us.
His perfect creation.
Hypocritical behavior any way you look at it.

From what I understand about religion, it is common to stress forgiveness in others.
Yet you are attacking people attempting to break them.
Since you can't break them, you forcibly try to stress them into compliance with bold text and capital letters.
Something a child might do when someone does not give them their way.
A tantrum, so to say.

Perhaps you could consider this...
I understand your need to defend your faith (delusion).
I understand your need to stress specific points in bold or caps.
I understand your disgust in people's integrity which doesn't align with your beliefs.
I understand your desire to jump up and proclaim your beliefs at the only true belief.

What I don't understand, an this is pretty significant.
The thread topic is specific.
samawi30, on Wed 10/19/16 07:16 PM asked "?????"
The OT and OP did not ask Which God Exists?, Can You Justify God? or Can You Defend Your Faith?.
No, It asks DOES GOD EXIST ?
A very simple question.
Here are the possible answers:
A) Yes
B) No
C) Maybe
D) Maybe Not
E) Undecided
F) No Comment

My Answer was, Fri 07/06/18 12:58 PM:
I believe that some outside force initiated the change of state that allowed the Universe to erupt.
I call that unknown force God.
The Big Bang Theory might try to explain what is and how it happened but the Why? remains unanswered.
That unknown Why is God.

Which translates to
C) Maybe

Your answer was, Fri 07/06/18 06:26 PM:
to the OP of this thread?
your question:
does God exist?
my answer:
YES, God does in fact exist!!

Which Translates to
A) Yes
Then you started in with the ALL CAPS STYLE you insist on using on subjects that do not apply and were not asked.
Then BlakeIAM did exactly what you do for a few pages.
Then, on Sat 07/13/19 01:21 AM, you return so you can insult my comments.
your eyes are dead. There is something missing about you. Something definitely is disconnected

Aimed at me for one purpose, to attempt to unsettle me in hopes of my believing what you need me to believe.
But, that didn't work and still hasn't.
You also give the same responses to others who don't believe what you believe.
Think about the behavior you exhibit towards others who do not agree with you.
Narcissistic by anyone's standards of assessment.
Typical of a religion follower.
I've been in a few intense conversations in the past at other forums and the behavior you demonstrate is typical.
You might want to take a look at that, especially if you are here trying to find someone.

iam_resurrected's photo
Mon 10/28/19 11:59 PM
interesting, in examples where people give extensive answers there is a summation of belief due to much substance being presented. i on the other hand choose to give simple answers. the fact my answers are so simple, they don't follow typical protocol and that simply confuses people.

is God elaborate?
but to explain God does not require being elaborate but direct and to the point.

you give examples of when i began first posting in this thread and now you can clearly see i am simplifying things. there is no need for unnecessary info when even this threads question can be answered by a single word.

iam_resurrected's photo
Tue 10/29/19 12:05 AM
and Yes, God knew the Messiah would still be required well past Adam...and after all, Adam was only created to begin the Lineage of the Messiah, he fulfilled his duty the moment his children had children.

no photo
Tue 10/29/19 09:23 AM
How did Adam's children have children? One was killed, so who did the survivor sleep with to make more children? His own mother, Eve, seems to me to be the only female in existence. At least that is so if you believe the bible is literally true.

All Christians (in the UK) (Catholics, Methodists, Baptists, Anglicans, United reform Church members) will tell you that the Old Testament is not to be believed as a historically accurate and strictly true account of life. It is accepted that the stories are allegoric in nature. They are 'fairy tales' designed to illustrate a point, although I don't remember any sort of index which attempts to explain what each story really means. I guess that's left for the interpreters to argue about!

Which is why we have such fun discussing religion, although these arguments are only arguments about religion, as if the existence of a god is already assumed and the argument is really only about what things mean, who said what, who did what to whome and why, etc. None of them actually address the issue, as Tom does in his list of A to F above.

I might argue that 'maybe', 'maybe not', and 'undecided' are actually the same thing. That leaves, 'Yes', 'No', 'Maybe' and 'No comment'. But it's only a very small point.

I would really be interested to know for those who say 'Yes' to which religion they belong? Muslim? Hindu? Jew? Christian (and which denomination)? Or something else I've not mentioned? I've asked before but nobody has given me their answer!

no photo
Tue 10/29/19 09:35 AM

How did Adam's children have children? One was killed, so who did the survivor sleep with to make more children? His own mother, Eve, seems to me to be the only female in existence. At least that is so if you believe the bible is literally true.

All Christians (in the UK) (Catholics, Methodists, Baptists, Anglicans, United reform Church members) will tell you that the Old Testament is not to be believed as a historically accurate and strictly true account of life. It is accepted that the stories are allegoric in nature. They are 'fairy tales' designed to illustrate a point, although I don't remember any sort of index which attempts to explain what each story really means. I guess that's left for the interpreters to argue about!

Which is why we have such fun discussing religion, although these arguments are only arguments about religion, as if the existence of a god is already assumed and the argument is really only about what things mean, who said what, who did what to whome and why, etc. None of them actually address the issue, as Tom does in his list of A to F above.

I might argue that 'maybe', 'maybe not', and 'undecided' are actually the same thing. That leaves, 'Yes', 'No', 'Maybe' and 'No comment'. But it's only a very small point.

I would really be interested to know for those who say 'Yes' to which religion they belong? Muslim? Hindu? Jew? Christian (and which denomination)? Or something else I've not mentioned? I've asked before but nobody has given me their answer!
If I remember my Bible correctly, the Children of Adam married people from the land of Nod. Of course, where these people came from isn't actually explained.

no photo
Tue 10/29/19 10:39 AM
I'd just like to interject by saying
No, you really, do not give simple answers
Really, really, not at all

Tom4Uhere's photo
Tue 10/29/19 01:04 PM
Adam was only created to begin the Lineage of the Messiah

I suppose Eve was just the last straw that got Adam kicked out of Eden?
Perhaps Noah was a glitch in the GPS software?
Then there is Lilith, Adam's crazy first wife/sister.

Now, anyone who has done any genealogy searching knows lineage follows the female. All 'begating' is via the female. All children carry the mother's genes positively and the father's genes on assumption. That's because the child grew and came out of the mother. Undeniable reality up till a few decades ago when test-tube babies were initiated. Before genetic tests were available, the only real proof available as to lineage was the birth from the mother. So, genealogy follows the female.

Religion is male dominated so it only acknowledges the male influences.
If your God only created Adam to begin the Lineage of the Messiah and Mary was a virgin when she begat Jesus, why is there no lineage of Mary?
Mary's lineage is never mentioned.
Till she appeared with Joe as a pregnant virgin, nobody knew anything about her.
Was her great, great, great grandma and grandpa on Noah's ark?
But, religion doesn't follow women, only men are important so what about Joe's family?
Even if Joe is Adam's long distant grandson, Joe did not sire Jesus.
He was a virgin birth. So, that lineage of Jesus is entirely of female descent.

Adam was only created to begin the Lineage of the Messiah

You, a man, claim to know the mind of God?
How does that go over with other people in your religion?
Does everyone come to you for wisdom?
Do people scoff at you and think you think you are God?

I might argue that 'maybe', 'maybe not', and 'undecided' are actually the same thing. That leaves, 'Yes', 'No', 'Maybe' and 'No comment'.

Yeah, when I was writing it I started with the first 3 but added the others because people tend to gaff at limited selections. 'Undecided' was another I considered because people tend to not want to commit to anything.
Since 'maybe' is positive supposition I added 'maybe not' to represent negative supposition. "No Comment ' was me playing. The moment anyone writes 'no comment' they have made a comment.
(Didn't think many would get it, lol)

The Land of Nod, now known as Crate&Kids, was a catalog, internet and retail store company, based in Northbrook, Illinois, specializing in children's furniture, bedding and accessories.

The biblical Nod was a place of anguished exile rather than of peaceful sleep. It is mentioned right at the beginning of the Bible and is located 'East of Eden'
So basically the lower east side past the tracks dominated by trailer parks.
This means the lineage of the messiah is basically trailer park trash from the wrong side of the tracks.
But hey, it was all according to God's plan.

I would really be interested to know for those who say 'Yes' to which religion they belong? Muslim? Hindu? Jew? Christian (and which denomination)? Or something else I've not mentioned? I've asked before but nobody has given me their answer!

Well, actually, I did.

iam_resurrected's photo
Tue 10/29/19 01:05 PM
Edited by iam_resurrected on Tue 10/29/19 01:06 PM
If I remember my Bible correctly, the Children of Adam married people from the land of Nod. Of course, where these people came from isn't actually explained.

this is correct.


the People of NOD were in existence already (descendants of the Creation representing Genesis 1:1 which claims the heaven(s) and Earth was COMPLETED/FINISHED = life is in existence at this point...and fits the scenario to where Job fits in since the Book of Job is the oldest Book of the Scriptures.

and this mess here (People of Nod)(Adam) is another REASON why i use the T-O-R-A-H!!

iam_resurrected's photo
Tue 10/29/19 01:09 PM
if i can teach children to understand their responsibility as an offensive lineman (tackle-guard-center) with blocking schemes


teach children martial arts


i can teach adults.

and if the adult has issue understanding when a CHILD can get it...it's typically due to the ADULT OVERTHINKING THINGS BECAUSE ADULTS ARE MORONS at times like that :)

iam_resurrected's photo
Tue 10/29/19 01:17 PM

you are like MOST of THOSE in mt Faith, as in, your views are strictly from the king james version from when you went to church and when you read the Bible.

i face the king jamers, who cannot see their bible is a translation, as in, their Jesus DID NOT SPEAK ENGLISH all of the time.

and i have to break it down to them by side by side comparison to their Bible and what that SAME PASSAGE OF SCRIPTURE looks and reads like in the Torah or from the Aramaic Scrolls.

so doing this with you is nothing/second hand at best.

people really are trapped with the king james and thinking it's the original and God literally spoke ENGLISH...

i have to break their hearts all of the time....but.....it is for their own GOOD in the long run!!

iam_resurrected's photo
Tue 10/29/19 01:21 PM
for MK,

my answer to this thread is YES!!

iwas raised Pentecostal, but chose Independent due to i choose to follow the words of Yah and Paul, which are the words from Yeshua alone!!

Tom4Uhere's photo
Tue 10/29/19 03:29 PM
Edited by Tom4Uhere on Tue 10/29/19 03:30 PM
I was raised Christian.
Sometimes Baptist, sometimes Penecostal and sometimes Missionary.
I chose my own separate belief in God because none of the religions made sense while I experienced the reality of existing.
What I did not do, nor do now is base my beliefs on what other people (alive or dead, verbal or written) tell me.
So now, I am the only member in the religion of Tom and it makes sense so I'm not interested in changing it.

no photo
Tue 10/29/19 03:39 PM
An independent?
And the religon of Tom!

When I meet cats, they tell me I should refer to them, as their royal highness, acknowledge their divine status, feed them should they will it
And in return, they may ( or may not ) allow me to stroke them
God and his pals, the other gods, and goddesses, are in fact cats, and I can assure you, they are highly amused by all this

no photo
Tue 10/29/19 03:42 PM

An independent?
And the religon of Tom!

When I meet cats, they tell me I should refer to them, as their royal highness, acknowledge their divine status, feed them should they will it
And in return, they may ( or may not ) allow me to stroke them
God and his pals, the other gods, and goddesses, are in fact cats, and I can assure you, they are highly amused by all this

or as douglas adams told us

so long and thanks for all the fish

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