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Topic: Where in the Genesis is Jesus - part 2
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Wed 12/07/11 07:27 PM

Since money was not invented or in use at that current time, here is the meaning of valuable outside of money.

Valuable - having desirable or esteemed characteristics or qualities

money like God has alway existed side by side and goes by many names...during the times of the garden of eden money came in the form of Barter

Adam tended the garden and got paid with food

funches, are you saying money and God existed side by side?

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Wed 12/07/11 07:32 PM

Howso? What does Gold and have anything specific to do with money? Yes, money is used to buy gold, but no one is selling gold especially in the bible. It is a valuable metal because of it's beauty, has nothing to do with money or anything financial.

the bible mention nothing about the beauty of Gold or that Gold can be used as a super conductor,...the bible only mention Gold and gives reference to Gold...and because it mention Gold places a materialistic value upon which equates to "want"

You still spreading false gospel funches?

funches mention nothing about the beauty of "Rib" or that "Rib" can be used as a super conductor,...funches only mention "Rib" and gives reference to "Rib" ...and because it mention "Rib" places a materialistic value upon which equates to "want"

And we all know what funches thinks a "Rib" is... the exact opposite of what it really is!

Peter_Pan...you were spreading some crap about Yahweh taking an angular organ out of Adam instead of a Rib....but fail to explain what an angular orgain is

can you supply a passage from the bible as to what it is


make sure it's in English

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Wed 12/07/11 07:34 PM

Since money was not invented or in use at that current time, here is the meaning of valuable outside of money.

Valuable - having desirable or esteemed characteristics or qualities

money like God has alway existed side by side and goes by many names...during the times of the garden of eden money came in the form of Barter

Adam tended the garden and got paid with food

funches, are you saying money and God existed side by side?

that would explain why all the U.S. currency has "In God We Trust" on it

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Wed 12/07/11 07:37 PM

Since money was not invented or in use at that current time, here is the meaning of valuable outside of money.

Valuable - having desirable or esteemed characteristics or qualities

money like God has alway existed side by side and goes by many names...during the times of the garden of eden money came in the form of Barter

Adam tended the garden and got paid with food

funches, are you saying money and God existed side by side?

that would explain why all the U.S. currency has "In God We Trust" on it

The pickles are in the bread drawer.

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Thu 12/08/11 10:03 AM
Genesis 2:21
And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up its place with flesh;

God slipped Adam a Mickey Finn and jacked his rib, clearly an example of how intervention by God automatically takes away any delusions of having "Free Will"

proper etiquette requires that one should always ask for permission before borrowing or removing someone else body parts ...

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Thu 12/08/11 10:11 AM
Genesis 2:22
And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her to the man.

God should work for Mingle2 and get people mates ...but the question becomes...if God can find you the perfect mate would you be willing to give up a body part

but anyway this passage provides the fail safe in the bible to insure that any and all human reproduction that takes place after the creation of Adam takes sex in order to be achieved...

this way no one or no other God can claim that they created a human or that they exist as a human that has no Mother or Father ...this is why when God created Eve from the rib of Adam it classifies as being sex

this passage makes Adam unique as the only Man that was ever created without the inclusion of another Human ...all humans that came after Adam will be born of seed or of womb or of blueprint

it also makes Adam the true son of God

Adam becomes the first Man that became flesh

Adam is technically The Word

could Adam be the Jesus that we search for in Genesis...but this would mean that Jesus was created and created Original Sin

Eve is created and becomes the love child of God and Adam ..

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Thu 12/08/11 10:13 AM
Genesis 2:23
And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

this passage proves that Eve was the daughter of Adam and he was Eve's Mother

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Thu 12/08/11 10:17 AM
Genesis 2:24
Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall join to his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

in this passage God is indicating that Adam should leave him and join with Eve

God is giving Adam permission to listen to Eve instead of him ....this explains why Adam took from The fruit when Eve offer it to him ...but yet was condemn for doing so

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 12/08/11 10:34 AM

Genesis 2:21
And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up its place with flesh;

God slipped Adam a Mickey Finn and jacked his rib, clearly an example of how intervention by God automatically takes away any delusions of having "Free Will"

proper etiquette requires that one should always ask for permission before borrowing or removing someone else body parts ...

For one, that didn't take any "free will" away. Look at the word itself, free.... will. You have the ability to make your will what you want. You can have the will to serve the LORD, or the will not to, ect. The taking of Adam's rib by no means effect Adam's free will. He still has the choice to make his will either way.

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 12/08/11 10:40 AM

Genesis 2:22
And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her to the man.

God should work for Mingle2 and get people mates ...but the question becomes...if God can find you the perfect mate would you be willing to give up a body part

but anyway this passage provides the fail safe in the bible to insure that any and all human reproduction that takes place after the creation of Adam takes sex in order to be achieved...

this way no one or no other God can claim that they created a human or that they exist as a human that has no Mother or Father ...this is why when God created Eve from the rib of Adam it classifies as being sex

this passage makes Adam unique as the only Man that was ever created without the inclusion of another Human ...all humans that came after Adam will be born of seed or of womb or of blueprint

it also makes Adam the true son of God

Adam becomes the first Man that became flesh

Adam is technically The Word

could Adam be the Jesus that we search for in Genesis...but this would mean that Jesus was created and created Original Sin

Eve is created and becomes the love child of God and Adam ..

this way no one or no other God can claim that they created a human or that they exist as a human that has no Mother or Father ...this is why when God created Eve from the rib of Adam it classifies as being sex

By no means does that classify that as sex.

it also makes Adam the true son of God

Adam becomes the first Man that became flesh

Adam is technically The Word

Jesus is the only BEGOTTEN child of God. Adam was not "begotten". Adam was created.

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 12/08/11 10:41 AM

Genesis 2:23
And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

this passage proves that Eve was the daughter of Adam and he was Eve's Mother

How does it prove that? It does not say that Adam begot Eve, does not say he gave birth to her, or anything of such. How exactly does this verse infer her to be his daughter?

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 12/08/11 10:43 AM

Genesis 2:24
Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall join to his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

in this passage God is indicating that Adam should leave him and join with Eve

God is giving Adam permission to listen to Eve instead of him ....this explains why Adam took from The fruit when Eve offer it to him ...but yet was condemn for doing so

How so? Jesus is the only begotten child of God our father. One becomes a child of God when one is born again. Adam was not a "child" of God. He was a creation of God.

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Thu 12/08/11 11:27 AM

For one, that didn't take any "free will" away. Look at the word itself, free.... will. You have the ability to make your will what you want. You can have the will to serve the LORD, or the will not to, ect. The taking of Adam's rib by no means effect Adam's free will. He still has the choice to make his will either way.

God put Adam to sleep ....now explain how Adam can use his "Free Will" to defy the power of God and not fall asleep

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Thu 12/08/11 11:31 AM

By no means does that classify that as sex.

I see that you paid tithes in church but didn't pay attention in biology class....any form of human reproduction no matter the form can not take place without sex...

this is why God did not create Eve from the dust but used Adam to create her and this constitute as sex

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Thu 12/08/11 11:35 AM

Jesus is the only BEGOTTEN child of God. Adam was not "begotten". Adam was created.

Jesus popped out of a womb...Adam didn't...this is why Adam was his true son

also you claim that Jesus is God.....a True God has no Father or Mother.... only demi-Gods have them

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Thu 12/08/11 11:38 AM

Genesis 2:23
And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

this passage proves that Eve was the daughter of Adam and he was Eve's Mother

How does it prove that? It does not say that Adam begot Eve, does not say he gave birth to her, or anything of such. How exactly does this verse infer her to be his daughter?

isn't a child of bone and flesh of their parents ...and when Adam said it, he wasn't speaking in a metaphor

God made Eve from the flesh and bone of Adam...that makes Adam Eve's Mother

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 12/08/11 11:39 AM

For one, that didn't take any "free will" away. Look at the word itself, free.... will. You have the ability to make your will what you want. You can have the will to serve the LORD, or the will not to, ect. The taking of Adam's rib by no means effect Adam's free will. He still has the choice to make his will either way.

God put Adam to sleep ....now explain how Adam can use his "Free Will" to defy the power of God and not fall asleep

Adam wanted someone to be with. Adam did not specify how this was to be done or how he wanted it to be done. So God had all the right in the world to do it the way he pleased, for again Adam did not specify how he wanted it done.

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 12/08/11 11:41 AM

For one, that didn't take any "free will" away. Look at the word itself, free.... will. You have the ability to make your will what you want. You can have the will to serve the LORD, or the will not to, ect. The taking of Adam's rib by no means effect Adam's free will. He still has the choice to make his will either way.

God put Adam to sleep ....now explain how Adam can use his "Free Will" to defy the power of God and not fall asleep

Adam willed to have a spouse. He did not again specify how this was to be done.

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 12/08/11 11:42 AM

By no means does that classify that as sex.

I see that you paid tithes in church but didn't pay attention in biology class....any form of human reproduction no matter the form can not take place without sex...

this is why God did not create Eve from the dust but used Adam to create her and this constitute as sex

I see you did not pay attention in Sex Ed in school.

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Thu 12/08/11 11:43 AM

Genesis 2:24
Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall join to his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

in this passage God is indicating that Adam should leave him and join with Eve

God is giving Adam permission to listen to Eve instead of him ....this explains why Adam took from The fruit when Eve offer it to him ...but yet was condemn for doing so

How so? Jesus is the only begotten child of God our father. One becomes a child of God when one is born again. Adam was not a "child" of God. He was a creation of God.

where in Genesis did God tell Adam that to be his child he must be reborn .....exactly how was Adam supposed to be reborn....especially since we can't find Jesus in Genesis and wombs have not yet been invented

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