Topic: Abortions | |
against... what? abortions? or lazy tramps? |
For, Against and mainly I don't really care.
A woman's body is her domain and it is hers to do as she pleases. It is not my business or right. <XenThra> I locked my keys in my car in front of planned parenthood. I'm terrified of going inside to ask to borrow a clothes hangar. <DevXen> Just tell them you need to fix a mistake real quick. |
How has this thread not been moved?? OK,,,real answer,,,who knows??????lol's one of two things.... Either the mods are asleep at the switch.... or None of them happen to be online at this If this thread becomes such, it will be removed. The absolute majority of posts in this thread have been respectful, which is why we've chosen to watch. I'm certain you know what would happen if we switched it to Current Events... Fair enough, Lulu. I was just wondering how it managed to stay where it is. :-) |
So let me get this right the girl wnats to abort OK. embroy dies. Guy wants to keep babies to f---ing bad. where's my choice?
So let me get this right the girl wnats to abort OK. embroy dies. Guy wants to keep babies to f---ing bad. where's my choice? You get one when you can carry the baby inside your body. Promise her you will care for the baby and never persue child support and maybe she will have it for you. Sadly, all the men who leave their children because of their issues with the mom or whatever have made it hard for the men who may actually care for their children. You see, a woman cannot believe him when he promises he will always be there for the child because more than half do not stay and care for their children. |
I've been drivin abortions my whole life. Hey, if they run good, who cares.
So let me get this right the girl wnats to abort OK. embroy dies. Guy wants to keep babies to f---ing bad. where's my choice? your choice is whether to keep it in your pants or not. |
It's not been moved because it's a simple question. It's not a political debate, nor a moral one ^thank you, ha least my site isn't the only one that has it's mods policed, this was funny..... back to topic, you're right it's not my business what you do with your body, I'm a motorcyclist and I hate wearing a helmet (I never was too bright), but I carry a do not resussitate card and much insurance therefore nobody has to foot the bill, but when mass abortions are performed and tax dollars pay for them, then the tax payerr has a right to be heard, don't you think.... Don't know about all being paid by taxpayors. I've know friends who have had to pay out of pocket for the whole procedure. |
So let me get this right the girl wnats to abort OK. embroy dies. Guy wants to keep babies to f---ing bad. where's my choice? your choice is whether to keep it in your pants or not. Oh, you mean the same choice women get. |
for. too many stupid people reproducing. if only mom and dad had loved me enough not to have me. what could have been. hahahaha
For or against? I'm totally pro-choice. It's none of my business what a woman does with her own body. I was looking through this entire thread for a comment I could quote and simply state...I concur. ![]() |
I am not only pro-choice, but I've also paid for two abortions. I am all done having and raising kids.
Birth control. It's cheap. It's accessible. Whether you're pro-choice or not, most people agree that less abortions is better. The majority of abortions occur because of a "woops". Forgot to use birth control. It's BOTH parties responsibility. USE IT!
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Birth control. It's cheap. It's accessible. Whether you're pro-choice or not, most people agree that less abortions is better. The majority of abortions occur because of a "woops". Forgot to use birth control. It's BOTH parties responsibility. USE IT! ![]() Thanks mom. I'll keep that in mind. ![]() |
Birth control. It's cheap. It's accessible. Whether you're pro-choice or not, most people agree that less abortions is better. The majority of abortions occur because of a "woops". Forgot to use birth control. It's BOTH parties responsibility. USE IT! ![]() Thanks mom. I'll keep that in mind. ![]() Responible grown ups don't need "mom" to remind them of these things. They do it all on their own. Of course, some people never grow up. ![]() |
its evil so against it
totally against, that's one problem with this country. No Morals. if anyone thinks partial birth abortion is ok. (delivering a live baby feet fist then sucking its brains out) you are a sicko. just like the damn president that brought it back. that is worse then anything hitler ever did.
totally against, that's one problem with this country. No Morals. if anyone thinks partial birth abortion is ok. (delivering a live baby feet fist then sucking its brains out) you are a sicko. just like the damn president that brought it back. that is worse then anything hitler ever did. Worse than anything Hitler ever did? I think you went a little to far on that one there bub. |
totally against, that's one problem with this country. No Morals. if anyone thinks partial birth abortion is ok. (delivering a live baby feet fist then sucking its brains out) you are a sicko. just like the damn president that brought it back. that is worse then anything hitler ever did. You know, there are hundreds of babies born each year with their hearts outside of their bodies. If the mom and dad have no insurance to cover the cost of surgery these babies are laid on a stainless steal table and left to die. I think "partial birth" abortion is a far less curl practice. So, I guess that makes me a sicko. |
totally against, that's one problem with this country. No Morals. if anyone thinks partial birth abortion is ok. (delivering a live baby feet fist then sucking its brains out) you are a sicko. just like the damn president that brought it back. that is worse then anything hitler ever did. Worse than anything Hitler ever did? I think you went a little to far on that one there bub. |