Topic: Abortions | |
pro-choice. Until someone walks in another's not easy to understand
It's not a moral is a personal choice for a woman. I agree completely, but to reach that conclusion we've had to think about ethics, and I don't believe people should be dismissed from ethical dialogue. JT and I are friends, we banter..don't feel like you need to defend him... I am not dismissing him, he can and does say whatever he wants to me. |
okay you don't walk in everyday life as it is? Damn, I'm sorry you went over my head old son. For 1: you have no power over nature,as your headliner reads>>>an're 20 yrs of age??? ![]() |
So...just a theoretical question to those who are totally against abortion no matter the circumstance. What if you were raped by your father or brother? Then would your mind change? Like I said...I know this is rare circumstance but it is something that does happen. ok so getting an abortion is going to make everything that happened,go away?was it the baby's fault that it happened? if a woman doesn't want to look at a baby and be reminded of what happened,there is always adoption to parents that can't have kids and would always love to give it a loving home i'm all for not having an abortion, i wouldnt. but generally adopted kids want to eventually find there birth parents. imagine that poor child knowing that he was a mistake due to rape. that would destroy my life. and i used to think that having an abortion was murder, but after reading all these comments im starting to think its not. your just preventing that childs life? sorry but abortion isn't Prevention,it's an Execution and besides i don't believe a childs birth is a mistake.i think everything happens for a reason ![]() Other-wise,,,,,an abortion like the HEART,,,THEY (mother and child) Could never be seperated or THEY BOTH would die....yet THEY can BE seperated,,,,,,,,,,,,so then,,,,,? ok so when i said everything,i meant things that happen that we have no control over.pregnancy,people really have no control over.some try for years to conceive and they fail.others might not even try and all it takes is one time therefore,we have no control over it |
It's not a moral is a personal choice for a woman. I agree completely, but to reach that conclusion we've had to think about ethics, and I don't believe people should be dismissed from ethical dialogue. JT and I are friends, we banter..don't feel like you need to defend him... I am not dismissing him, he can and does say whatever he wants to me. ![]() |
It's not a moral is a personal choice for a woman. I agree completely, but to reach that conclusion we've had to think about ethics, and I don't believe people should be dismissed from ethical dialogue. JT and I are friends, we banter..don't feel like you need to defend him... I am not dismissing him, he can and does say whatever he wants to me. I think I've sounded too caustic? My thoughts were light hearted as I typed the message, I'm sorry. ![]() |
okay you don't walk in everyday life as it is? Damn, I'm sorry you went over my head old son. For 1: you have no power over nature,as your headliner reads>>>an're 20 yrs of age??? ![]() Well quite, I mean, my dog usually sits when i tell him to, but the headline's meant to be foolery. And yes, I'm 20. |
It's not a moral is a personal choice for a woman. I agree completely, but to reach that conclusion we've had to think about ethics, and I don't believe people should be dismissed from ethical dialogue. JT and I are friends, we banter..don't feel like you need to defend him... I am not dismissing him, he can and does say whatever he wants to me. I think I've sounded too caustic? My thoughts were light hearted as I typed the message, I'm sorry. ![]() No apology necessary... ![]() |
Against. In 2009 we have very advanced forms of birth control, readily available to women. In rare cases a woman may have a medical problem preventing use of the bc pills or injections but we still have "old fashioned methods" that can be effective. For Birth Control, against abortion. Pro-Choice and did have one. And birth control doesn't always work. I was on the pill, he used a condom, and I used the foam gel stuff. Still got pregnant. I'd had heart surgery 2 months previously and the doc and I both thought it would do more damage. I ended it. |
![]() Before being a Christian I felt that every women should have the right to do with her own body and all it encompasses. And in seeing and talking with many women who have had to go through losing a baby,,it is a subject that as a MAN,,we have NO REAL understanding of the ALL that feeds into THAT,,,from a womens perspective,,,being she's the only one to feel,that inside her. When looking at life and GOD and thinking way to much about this,,,I will now say this. IF,,,,our LORD did not want babies to ever be able to be aborted, WOULD HE NOT THEN,,,Have made the ACT of ABORTION to a WOMEN,,,impossible to DO,,,as to not have the mother positively die in THAT PROCESS??? SO,,,if GOD did not MAKE a determination of a positive NO,,, WHO are WE to TRY TO? I think MANY CHRISTIANS use THE STANDPOINT THAT TO KILL IS AGAINST GOD, YES,,,,but how MANY Christians do we have and ALLOW to kill through WARS? PEOPLE,,,, MANY who SAY their Christians, USE GOD to cause hate and anger in OTHERS to the POINT of KILLING THEM(Abortion Doctors)and it some how JUSTIFIES THAT KILLING,,,,, NO,,,IT DOES NOT! Sure they will say,,,,,WE DIDN'T CAUSE THAT, but sorry,,,YOU WHO CONDEMN OTHERS AND WHO SHOW HATE TO OTHERS IN GOD'S NAME,,,,,, YOUR ALL WRONG!! Foe doing that,,and or allowing it to be voiced or preached... NO ONE IS 'HE'. And 'HE' is the ONLY JUDGE of the women who have had this done. I will not cast the first stone.... If your son or daughter or brother or sister KILLS in the act of a war,,,,,THEY HAVE KILLED,,,,,yet WE SHALL CONGRATULATE THEM BACK AT HOME. As well,,,,WE ALL SHOULD,,,but to so powerfully put-down the act of a women's decision to do an abortion, do YOU THINK this was EASY for her? Do you know the conflicting be-trails in her own mind,,,,for the rest of her life she may live a different women. And then all THESE MEN who THINK THIS and THINK THAT,,,,GUYS.. HELLO,,,we are all men,,,WE HAVE NO IDEA the inner ANYTHING that exists in and through mother-hood...WE JUST WANT TO SAY,,, THATS WRONG,,,,ITS A LIFE!!!!! WELL,if your daughter was raped by three men all different races of that of her's......all ugly sick sweating pigs of manhood. doing her over and over,, beating her slapping her,till her mind was not strong enough to care. YOU WOULD MAKE HER HAVE THAT BABY? Then there is SOMETHING seriously WRONG with YOU! And IF abortions became OUT LAWED,,,,YOU nor YOUR daughter would HAVE THAT CHOICE,,,,SHE would just have to have that baby,,,or go to an alley butcher to get one,,,and probably die doing that. THIS is the WRONG in MAKING DECISIONS BASED ON WHAT YOU THINK SOMEONE ELSE SHOLUD HAVE DONE!!!! OK,,bring on the HATE ME mail.....wink,,Im a big guy,,I can handle it... This is JUST my OPINION,,,NOT A LAW! Well said. And it brings up a good point. Why is it okay to slaughter children who are already born? God is the Master Killer, as it's in the Bible that he ordered the death of men, women and children, except for those who "didn't know a man". And since he knows all and does all, that would make him the Master Abortionist, since women miscarry frequently, with nothing that they did! |
No apology necessary... ![]() Bravo! ![]() |
For or against? Well, it's pretty easy to see how wars start, eh? ![]() |
Against. In 2009 we have very advanced forms of birth control, readily available to women. In rare cases a woman may have a medical problem preventing use of the bc pills or injections but we still have "old fashioned methods" that can be effective. For Birth Control, against abortion. Pro-Choice and did have one. And birth control doesn't always work. I was on the pill, he used a condom, and I used the foam gel stuff. Still got pregnant. I'd had heart surgery 2 months previously and the doc and I both thought it would do more damage. I ended it. See,,its LAWS,,,that OTHERS MAKE,,,,which OVER-SEE and OVER-LOOK,,,our own abilities to DO.... And a LAW,,,on a PERSONAL RIGHT OF A HUMAN BODY,,,IS just WRONG! What next,,,,MAKE YOU KEEP YOUR TEETH? MAKE IT SO YOU CAN ONLY HAVE ONE CHILD,,,OR NONE AT ALL? WHEN YOUR CHILD HAS SEX,,,OR NEVER GETS TO? THEN,,,lets just say that a LAW has now passed saying NO-MORE abortions,,,,,OK.....OK.. NOW,,,,,guess what,,,,,THERE TRYING TO PASS ANOTHER LAW.. The process of PREVENTING A CHILD'S CONCEPT ON,,,IS WRONG! So they pass a New Law saying ITS ILLEGAL TO USE ANY DEVICE OR DEVICES EXTERNALLY OR INTERNALLY THAT PREVENTS A WOMAN FROM BECOMING PREGNANT!!! TRUST ME,,,THAT would be a thought as to the NEXT CHOICE made human rights law, to be considered..... |
Against. In 2009 we have very advanced forms of birth control, readily available to women. In rare cases a woman may have a medical problem preventing use of the bc pills or injections but we still have "old fashioned methods" that can be effective. For Birth Control, against abortion. Pro-Choice and did have one. And birth control doesn't always work. I was on the pill, he used a condom, and I used the foam gel stuff. Still got pregnant. I'd had heart surgery 2 months previously and the doc and I both thought it would do more damage. I ended it. See,,its LAWS,,,that OTHERS MAKE,,,,which OVER-SEE and OVER-LOOK,,,our own abilities to DO.... And a LAW,,,on a PERSONAL RIGHT OF A HUMAN BODY,,,IS just WRONG! What next,,,,MAKE YOU KEEP YOUR TEETH? MAKE IT SO YOU CAN ONLY HAVE ONE CHILD,,,OR NONE AT ALL? WHEN YOUR CHILD HAS SEX,,,OR NEVER GETS TO? THEN,,,lets just say that a LAW has now passed saying NO-MORE abortions,,,,,OK.....OK.. NOW,,,,,guess what,,,,,THERE TRYING TO PASS ANOTHER LAW.. The process of PREVENTING A CHILD'S CONCEPT ON,,,IS WRONG! So they pass a New Law saying ITS ILLEGAL TO USE ANY DEVICE OR DEVICES EXTERNALLY OR INTERNALLY THAT PREVENTS A WOMAN FROM BECOMING PREGNANT!!! TRUST ME,,,THAT would be a thought as to the NEXT CHOICE made human rights law, to be considered..... I can certainly see that. Look how hard the Catholic Church fights against birth control. Granted, Catholic women got on the pill to "regulate" themselves, but the Church still squawks about the evils of it. |
It's simple.
Is a fetus a human being? Yes/Maybe/I don't know = Against No = For Personally, I don't see how you can deny the humanity of the fetus. A fetus is one of the stages of human development. There is no chance that the fetus will be a dog. So I'm really not clear on what argument there is to suggest that a fetus isn't human. It's not a religious issue, though some try to make it so. It's a question of the right to life. Every innocent human has the right to live, regardless of their mother's position on the subject. Use protection. Get your tubes tied. Or have the baby. |
And THUS,,,THAT was your RIGHT! and your husband,,or mans choice to reason through,,and the doc's place was an added plus to that decision...
Actually, I don't believe it's a man's choice in any way, shape, or form. And in my case, he'd called it quits and walked away, so he especially negated his choice in the matter. |
And THUS,,,THAT was your RIGHT! and your husband,,or mans choice to reason through,,and the doc's place was an added plus to that decision... Actually, I don't believe it's a man's choice in any way, shape, or form. And in my case, he'd called it quits and walked away, so he especially negated his choice in the matter. ![]() ![]() My reply was because if it was a part of my seed,,then yes,,I would not want her to make that choice on her own,,,and to be real with you on this and me,,with GOD as my witness and all of you. I have never been with any women who had this done through any acts of her and I, just for that record. I will say my only biological child was an accident at the time. But it was NEVER a thought for us to do,,anything but keep it and move on,,so one time,,one son,,one marriage,, would I if I could ,,,go back and change any of that,,,NO... I raised two other children that I was not their real dad,,,but in them three,,,is all of who I am...and in them,,,me,wink.. Life and each persons actions,,truly rests with and in their minds and hearts forever,,,WE WILL ALL forget an issue that we heard or read about and go on,,,,,,,,MANY will never allow their selves to forgive them as to how OTHERS PUSH their beliefs and ways and morals on them. The way to STOP abortions is NOT THROUGH LAWS, to change human beings personal rights of their bodies,,,but through education and through watched over and reviewed filing of claims by women who HAVE A TRACK RECORD of abortions...... AND TRUST ME HERE,,,if the people behind the PRO-LIFE MOVEMENTS stopped advertising and USE THAT MONEY for a mother to CHANGE HER MIND,,,,MANY would keep THAT BABY TO BIRTH,,GIVE it to then and TAKE THERE DAMN MONEY AND RUN.... Most of the wasted and wronged abortions are through ignorance to contraceptive devices...or lack of WANTING TO CARE ABOUT all the Ifs,,,,,if they get pregnant.... NO,,,,NOT ALL mother's to be could be offered money to change their minds,,,,but MANY could be,,as THATS one reason they WANT TO KILL IT...THEY FEEL they don't have enough to bare it into this world.. or they just don't care what their doing by killing it... so for and to THEM KIND OF MOM'S,,,YES,,,money would SAVE MANY BABIES LIVES..... BETTER than these war-zones kids are put through NOW.... Just my deeper thoughts of this sense-less slaughter and bad judgements passed by this world. |
Edited by
Wed 11/18/09 11:35 PM
IN general, I see it as taking a human life which I oppose. However, there are times when the choice is not so simple and becomes one persons life over another,, as in self defense. When a life is in immediate danger and can only be saved by stopping another life, I believe it should be up to the person whose life is endangered.
SIDENOTE::; Where in the bible did GOD actually say to kill children, other then when he tested someones faith (never actually allowing that person to harm the child). |
Edited by
Wed 11/18/09 11:38 PM
I think people should mind their own business. : )
^really, not when over 70 percent of abortions are being done as a means of birth control and the tax payer foots the bill.... I've always had a problem with the decision process of it, yes the woman carries the child and along with it the majority of the burden, but does it not take two to make the child, therefore shouldn't the decision involve the other person as well...Now the argument is, where are they during the process, half of them don't know, the other half either don't care or support the decision, but what of the one who may want the child.....hmmmmm In essence from the moment of conception the fetus becomes a living organism, if something is living and you kill it, what have you done.......Then we get to the argument of rapes, molestations and incest, or the child may be developmentally now we are to pick and choose who we bring into the world, sounds like an advocate for cloning, thing is, the one killed could have been the one this world really needed.....The conscience is a terrible thing when you get older or think of what could have been, decisions like that aren't easy, but anyone with a heart and soul has to be haunted by such a decision somewhere down the line....sad, but even sadder is the fact the world will never see that smile that could have been. But my opinion is biased in this, long ago I was with someone and we lost two, both stillborn. Blood thing, ab neg, O positive I'll go mind my business now..... |
I think people should mind their own business. : ) ^really, not when over 70 percent of abortions are being done as a means of birth control and the tax payer foots the bill.... Are you sure about those numbers? I have known many women who have chosen to terminate their pregnancy and they and or the man paid for it...there are no "welfare abortions". I know not one who did not have to come up with the money for this procedure.... And you may very surprised by how many very well to do wives choose to do this after having a few babies, or their marriage has gone down the toilet... |