Topic: Abortions
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Sat 11/21/09 07:08 AM
I dispise the thought of abortions BUT I have NO right to tell someone what to do with their body, its a womans choice, NOT mine!!!

WiTeddyBear71's photo
Sat 11/21/09 09:59 AM

So let me get this right the girl wnats to abort OK. embroy dies. Guy wants to keep babies to f---ing bad. where's my choice?

your choice is whether to keep it in your pants or not.

you dont want to get pregnant then dont have sex and keep your pants on,simple as that.

msharmony's photo
Sat 11/21/09 10:20 AM

So let me get this right the girl wnats to abort OK. embroy dies. Guy wants to keep babies to f---ing bad. where's my choice?

your choice is whether to keep it in your pants or not.

you dont want to get pregnant then dont have sex and keep your pants on,simple as that.

Gosh, what a novel idea. I do empathize with those who dont have the will power and find themselves in such difficult situations. We all fall sometimes. I just dont think taking human life helps any lesson to be learned and I think it is better to be a part of bringing life in the world than terminating it,, even if you cant be the one to raise it.

bridgetjones27's photo
Sat 11/21/09 10:23 AM

So let me get this right the girl wnats to abort OK. embroy dies. Guy wants to keep babies to f---ing bad. where's my choice?

your choice is whether to keep it in your pants or not.

you dont want to get pregnant then dont have sex and keep your pants on,simple as that.

Gosh, what a novel idea. I do empathize with those who dont have the will power and find themselves in such difficult situations. We all fall sometimes. I just dont think taking human life helps any lesson to be learned and I think it is better to be a part of bringing life in the world than terminating it,, even if you cant be the one to raise it.
bravo that was a great answer :)

Quietman_2009's photo
Sat 11/21/09 10:31 AM
for some people some times the brain they hold in their hand gets all excited and sucks all the blood out of the brain that holds their hat

and then they quit thinking with the brain that holds their hat and the brain they hold in their hand takes over

msharmony's photo
Sat 11/21/09 10:32 AM

for some people some times the brain they hold in their hand gets all excited and sucks all the blood out of the brain that holds their hat

and then they quit thinking with the brain that holds their hat and the brain they hold in their hand takes over that the sound of birds and crickets chirping next to the ocean?

Quietman_2009's photo
Sat 11/21/09 10:38 AM
that happens to me in real life a lot too

Dragoness's photo
Sat 11/21/09 10:39 AM

So let me get this right the girl wnats to abort OK. embroy dies. Guy wants to keep babies to f---ing bad. where's my choice?

your choice is whether to keep it in your pants or not.

you dont want to get pregnant then dont have sex and keep your pants on,simple as that.

Yup, if all men applied that philosophy there would be a whole lot less abortions.

RKISIT's photo
Sat 11/21/09 10:42 AM

So let me get this right the girl wnats to abort OK. embroy dies. Guy wants to keep babies to f---ing bad. where's my choice?

your choice is whether to keep it in your pants or not.

you dont want to get pregnant then dont have sex and keep your pants on,simple as that.

Yup, if all men applied that philosophy there would be a whole lot less abortions.

isnt it easier for a woman to walk away with her skirt up than it is for a man with his pants down.......just typing

Dragoness's photo
Sat 11/21/09 10:46 AM

So let me get this right the girl wnats to abort OK. embroy dies. Guy wants to keep babies to f---ing bad. where's my choice?

your choice is whether to keep it in your pants or not.

you dont want to get pregnant then dont have sex and keep your pants on,simple as that.

Yup, if all men applied that philosophy there would be a whole lot less abortions.

isnt it easier for a woman to walk away with her skirt up than it is for a man with his pants down.......just typing


msharmony's photo
Sat 11/21/09 10:47 AM

that happens to me in real life a lot too

lol, I bet

TexasScoundrel's photo
Sat 11/21/09 10:54 AM
Even when you take all the proper precautions things cam still go wrong. I haven't had sex without a condom sense my divorce and yet I've still paid for two abortions. Who knows, maybe the kid wasn't even mine. But, I was still happy to pay if only for the peace of mind.

Conservatives always make me laugh about this issue. first, they don't want condoms passed out in schools. Second, they don't want women getting abortions. And third they don't want to have the mothers on welfare.

Personally, I'd rather my taxes went to free condoms and abortions than supporting the kid for the next 18 years. Seems a lot less expensive to me. But, I'm just a stupid liberal.

msharmony's photo
Sat 11/21/09 11:02 AM

Even when you take all the proper precautions things cam still go wrong. I haven't had sex without a condom sense my divorce and yet I've still paid for two abortions. Who knows, maybe the kid wasn't even mine. But, I was still happy to pay if only for the peace of mind.

Conservatives always make me laugh about this issue. first, they don't want condoms passed out in schools. Second, they don't want women getting abortions. And third they don't want to have the mothers on welfare.

Personally, I'd rather my taxes went to free condoms and abortions than supporting the kid for the next 18 years. Seems a lot less expensive to me. But, I'm just a stupid liberal.

Not stupid, but I think you are uneducated about taxes. The average span a mother receives assistance for children is 3-5 years. It is not likely your taxes will support a child into adulthood. It is also impossible to know which portion of all the TAXES collected (including those collected from the parent who will actually have to work most their lives despite of temporary hard times) is going to which child. IT makes me laugh when people say they dont want their taxes paying for someone elses the money earmarked as it comes in ,,whose belonged to whom so that it can only be dispensed for those things THAT taxpayer chooses?

Welfare is such a non issue anymore but it still comes up. I guess that will be the case until healthcare reform takes hold and then those who complain about their taxes helping children can switch to complain about their taxes helping the sick.

bridgetjones27's photo
Sat 11/21/09 11:03 AM

Even when you take all the proper precautions things cam still go wrong. I haven't had sex without a condom sense my divorce and yet I've still paid for two abortions. Who knows, maybe the kid wasn't even mine. But, I was still happy to pay if only for the peace of mind.

Conservatives always make me laugh about this issue. first, they don't want condoms passed out in schools. Second, they don't want women getting abortions. And third they don't want to have the mothers on welfare.

Personally, I'd rather my taxes went to free condoms and abortions than supporting the kid for the next 18 years. Seems a lot less expensive to me. But, I'm just a stupid liberal.
i would not mind condoms passed round in schools or sex education at 8 years ols as they have started in places. kids are having sex younger and younger these days. i think all babies are a blessing no matter what circumstances they come into the world by. they are not just things to get rid of when they come at an "inconvieniant" time. these babies will grow up and be a part of society, have kids of there own, abortion is taking away human life which is in my mind murder regardless of what the goverment says. think about it like this...a lot of us have children of our own im guessing we all love them and would do anything for them as i do my own. if you could turn back the clock and were given the option of abortion because it wasnt the right time would you do it ??

TexasScoundrel's photo
Sat 11/21/09 11:08 AM
My post was about what I hear conservatives shouting about. Not my own views. I think welfare is a great thing. Without it we'd be likely in another depression right now. Welfare money goes right back into the economy and helps everyone.

My point is that there are times when abortion is the moral choice.

msharmony's photo
Sat 11/21/09 11:08 AM

Even when you take all the proper precautions things cam still go wrong. I haven't had sex without a condom sense my divorce and yet I've still paid for two abortions. Who knows, maybe the kid wasn't even mine. But, I was still happy to pay if only for the peace of mind.

Conservatives always make me laugh about this issue. first, they don't want condoms passed out in schools. Second, they don't want women getting abortions. And third they don't want to have the mothers on welfare.

Personally, I'd rather my taxes went to free condoms and abortions than supporting the kid for the next 18 years. Seems a lot less expensive to me. But, I'm just a stupid liberal.
i would not mind condoms passed round in schools or sex education at 8 years ols as they have started in places. kids are having sex younger and younger these days. i think all babies are a blessing no matter what circumstances they come into the world by. they are not just things to get rid of when they come at an "inconvieniant" time. these babies will grow up and be a part of society, have kids of there own, abortion is taking away human life which is in my mind murder regardless of what the goverment says. think about it like this...a lot of us have children of our own im guessing we all love them and would do anything for them as i do my own. if you could turn back the clock and were given the option of abortion because it wasnt the right time would you do it ??

No to condoms in schools, because I think that should be discussed and carried out by parents, not educators.

No to abortion, because I think that life is precious.

Yes to welfare, because I think that life(particularly children) is precious.

TexasScoundrel's photo
Sat 11/21/09 11:20 AM
Go to and look for a book called "Freakonomics." You can read the relevant part free in the look inside link. It may blow your mind. It did mine.

TheShadow's photo
Sat 11/21/09 11:32 AM
For me looking at this, there is a few different things to think about. Just a no/yes answer doesn't work these days. The probblem is, some woman use it as birth control. Then you have some that might of been sexually asulted. Then you have teens that have no clue about life. So there are some situations id say yes, and others id say no, like someone not caring enough about themselves to use protection. Hell if you spread your legs then take responsiblity for your own action. Then you have the parents that push for it, and that to me is BS. The list goes on, so my over all my answer would be. It depends on the situation.

Dragoness's photo
Sat 11/21/09 11:47 AM
There are no women who use abortion as birth control, I wish people would get over that misinformation.

Abortion is a medically invasive procedure that takea a little bit to recover from physically and emotionally it is worse. Abortion costs 500.00 dollars or so if you are in your first month or so and the state does not help pay for it. Later abortion are in the thousands of dollars, I believe these have been pretty much eliminated except in the cases where the mother is in danger. If a woman thinks she is going to use this as birth control, after the first one, she will have a change of heart.

If we could attach the kid to the guy permanently from birth 24/7/365 until it is grown, guys would be more careful.

IndnPrncs's photo
Sat 11/21/09 11:51 AM
Dragon, I have to disagree with you.. There are "some" women that are irresponsible when having sex and then just go and get an abortion.. Had a friend in high school that had a sister that did that EVERY time she messed around and got knocked up. To me that is using abortion as a form of birth control... Evasive or not, some things bother people less than others and some people consider evasive differently than others.. We can't speak for the whole of society, we can only speak for ourselves and experiences that we know of through others...