Topic: Abortions
lulu24's photo
Thu 11/19/09 05:23 AM

How has this thread not been moved??
WE have special powers that prevent silly things from happening,,,we just can't control all the bigger ones,wink..

OK,,,real answer,,,who knows??????lol's one of two things....

Either the mods are asleep at the switch....


None of them happen to be online at this
It's not been moved because it's a simple question. It's not a political debate, nor a moral one.

If this thread becomes such, it will be removed.

The absolute majority of posts in this thread have been respectful, which is why we've chosen to watch.

I'm certain you know what would happen if we switched it to Current Events...

HuckleberryFinn's photo
Thu 11/19/09 06:40 AM
It's not been moved because it's a simple question. It's not a political debate, nor a moral one

^thank you, ha least my site isn't the only one that has it's mods policed, this was funny.....

back to topic, you're right it's not my business what you do with your body, I'm a motorcyclist and I hate wearing a helmet (I never was too bright), but I carry a do not resussitate card and much insurance therefore nobody has to foot the bill, but when mass abortions are performed and tax dollars pay for them, then the tax payerr has a right to be heard, don't you think....

no photo
Thu 11/19/09 07:33 AM

It's not been moved because it's a simple question. It's not a political debate, nor a moral one

^thank you, ha least my site isn't the only one that has it's mods policed, this was funny.....

back to topic, you're right it's not my business what you do with your body, I'm a motorcyclist and I hate wearing a helmet (I never was too bright), but I carry a do not resussitate card and much insurance therefore nobody has to foot the bill, but when mass abortions are performed and tax dollars pay for them, then the tax payerr has a right to be heard, don't you think....

Very well said and excellent point.

I will fight for the innocent unborn baby to live and fight for the murderer to die. :thumbsup:

Jtevans's photo
Thu 11/19/09 07:40 AM

It's not been moved because it's a simple question. It's not a political debate, nor a moral one

^thank you, ha least my site isn't the only one that has it's mods policed, this was funny.....

back to topic, you're right it's not my business what you do with your body, I'm a motorcyclist and I hate wearing a helmet (I never was too bright), but I carry a do not resussitate card and much insurance therefore nobody has to foot the bill, but when mass abortions are performed and tax dollars pay for them, then the tax payerr has a right to be heard, don't you think....

Very well said and excellent point.

I will fight for the innocent unborn baby to live and fight for the murderer to die. :thumbsup:

i'm really starting to like you flowerforyou

Quietman_2009's photo
Thu 11/19/09 07:48 AM
every abortion by definition stops a beating heart

that sound like death to me

maybe sometimes you have to take the choice to kill the baby. Doing it to save a mom maybe. Doing it for convenience I cant see

and some people get puppies and decide they don't want em and kill them too

no photo
Thu 11/19/09 07:49 AM

It's not been moved because it's a simple question. It's not a political debate, nor a moral one

^thank you, ha least my site isn't the only one that has it's mods policed, this was funny.....

back to topic, you're right it's not my business what you do with your body, I'm a motorcyclist and I hate wearing a helmet (I never was too bright), but I carry a do not resussitate card and much insurance therefore nobody has to foot the bill, but when mass abortions are performed and tax dollars pay for them, then the tax payerr has a right to be heard, don't you think....

Very well said and excellent point.

I will fight for the innocent unborn baby to live and fight for the murderer to die. :thumbsup:

i'm really starting to like you flowerforyou

:wink: flowerforyou Good to know the younger generation hasn't forgotten the unborn!! Whew there's hope.laugh

Quietman_2009's photo
Thu 11/19/09 07:51 AM
have you ever noticed that all the pro-choice people were actually born?

no photo
Thu 11/19/09 07:54 AM

have you ever noticed that all the pro-choice people were actually born?

:thumbsup: Yep, they're not a figment of our imagination that's for sure. Their mothers chose life:wink:

My ex asked me to have an abortion, without any hesitation I said hell no. flowerforyou

Jtevans's photo
Thu 11/19/09 08:00 AM

It's not been moved because it's a simple question. It's not a political debate, nor a moral one

^thank you, ha least my site isn't the only one that has it's mods policed, this was funny.....

back to topic, you're right it's not my business what you do with your body, I'm a motorcyclist and I hate wearing a helmet (I never was too bright), but I carry a do not resussitate card and much insurance therefore nobody has to foot the bill, but when mass abortions are performed and tax dollars pay for them, then the tax payerr has a right to be heard, don't you think....

Very well said and excellent point.

I will fight for the innocent unborn baby to live and fight for the murderer to die. :thumbsup:

i'm really starting to like you flowerforyou

:wink: flowerforyou Good to know the younger generation hasn't forgotten the unborn!! Whew there's hope.laugh

see us young dudes ain't so bad flowerforyou

Dragoness's photo
Thu 11/19/09 08:28 AM
For all women, I will never choose for other women. They will always have the right to abortion if they so choose.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 11/19/09 08:31 AM

every abortion by definition stops a beating heart

that sound like death to me

maybe sometimes you have to take the choice to kill the baby. Doing it to save a mom maybe. Doing it for convenience I cant see

and some people get puppies and decide they don't want em and kill them too

So does the death penalty, war, etc...

So I hope you feel the same about those things too.

Quietman_2009's photo
Thu 11/19/09 08:33 AM

every abortion by definition stops a beating heart

that sound like death to me

maybe sometimes you have to take the choice to kill the baby. Doing it to save a mom maybe. Doing it for convenience I cant see

and some people get puppies and decide they don't want em and kill them too

So does the death penalty, war, etc...

So I hope you feel the same about those things too.

everybody dies

sometimes we just have to adjust the timing for some people. It's not like you're doin something to em that wouldn't happen anyway

no photo
Thu 11/19/09 09:14 AM

every abortion by definition stops a beating heart

that sound like death to me

maybe sometimes you have to take the choice to kill the baby. Doing it to save a mom maybe. Doing it for convenience I cant see

and some people get puppies and decide they don't want em and kill them too

So does the death penalty, war, etc...

So I hope you feel the same about those things too.

You see no difference between the death penalty or war and abortion?

Well, if you oppose war and the death penalty, then I hope you oppose abortion.

no photo
Thu 11/19/09 01:18 PM

For or against?

For if paid for out of your own pocket.
Against my taxes paying for lazy tramps.

no photo
Thu 11/19/09 02:25 PM

For or against?

I'm totally pro-choice. It's none of my business what a woman does with her own body.

WiTeddyBear71's photo
Thu 11/19/09 03:24 PM
I am against abortion,it's the taking of an innocent life which in the real world is called murder and if you have ever seen one performed it would turn your stomach.if you pay and deal with the consequences of your actions.

Quietman_2009's photo
Thu 11/19/09 03:26 PM

For or against?

For if paid for out of your own pocket.
Against my taxes paying for lazy tramps.

damn those lazy tramps!

damn them all I say!

papersmile's photo
Thu 11/19/09 03:30 PM

For or against?

I'm totally pro-choice. It's none of my business what a woman does with her own body.


while i don't think it's something i'd ever choose (i've never put myself in that position before) it certainly isn't something i'd ever tell another woman to, or not to, do.

Quietman_2009's photo
Thu 11/19/09 03:32 PM

For or against?

I'm totally pro-choice. It's none of my business what a woman does with her own body.


while i don't think it's something i'd ever choose (i've never put myself in that position before) it certainly isn't something i'd ever tell another woman to, or not to, do.

except for the lazy tramps

we can tell them

4974's photo
Thu 11/19/09 03:53 PM