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Topic: What happened to good men 35-55?
suziq4222's photo
Tue 02/10/09 07:10 AM
You just have to be careful when you are talking to the men on here. Anywhere really. lol I thought I had met an incredible guy who seemed sweet and to really get me. Unfortunately, after a few weeks his true colors started showing and I realized that he is just a complete jerk. That is why you should always chat for a long time before that actual meet. Thank god I never met him for real! I know that there must be some good guys out there somewhere.... hopefully they aren't all taken yet. LMao

carebear19622's photo
Tue 02/10/09 09:16 AM
I'm right herebigsmile

canaryrx8's photo
Tue 02/10/09 04:27 PM
Edited by canaryrx8 on Tue 02/10/09 04:28 PM
yes, ALL men aged 35-55 are completely useless, you're totally screwed laugh

You might have better luck meeting people if you didn't assume and generalize and stepped away from the computer every now and then, so far I've not had much luck here either but then again, I realize there's a really big world outside of the internet so it's all good. I think the harder you look the less likely you are to find anybody so just have fun, relax, do stuff you enjoy, take the focus away from being single and live your life like it doesn't matter, I'd be willing to bet once you do something or someone will turn up, I did meet one person here who is pretty awesome, and she didn't turn up until after I'd been on here for quite some time and I hadn't even checked the site in weeks so Good luck out there happy

nicklazaro's photo
Wed 02/11/09 02:57 AM
well im here

moviewatcher's photo
Wed 02/11/09 05:56 AM

no photo
Wed 02/11/09 06:21 AM
Edited by cntryboy0037 on Wed 02/11/09 06:21 AM
I totally agree with all the posts containing references to why a "good" man has become "not-so-good".

There are a lot of good men out here that have been crushed emotionally by a past love, I'm one of them. And it does make us wary and stand-offish.

I'd like to add that I have read many profiles (haven't we all) on this site, as well as others, and have been so surprised by some of the "pie-in-the-sky" desires women seem to have. They place the bar at a level so high that it's not likely to ever be met.

Some examples:
(1) I'm 5'0" and want a man 6'2"... what's wrong with the guy that's 5'5"? After all, you're 5'0"... do you carry a stepladder around in your purse or something?

(2) I'm 40 years old looking for a man that's 35 - 42. What's wrong with the man that's 45? And I thought that men were the ones that were the "superficial" ones.

My overall summation...

Women "say" they're looking for that great guy who is loving, devoted, dependable, hard-working, romantic, passionate, affectionate, honest, etc, etc.... but what I have found is that they only "think" they want this type. They find him, date him, get to know him and then find out (like it was said before) that he's no fun. Why is he "not fun"? Because he spends his time being the man he is... he's working to provide for his family, he's at home watching a movie with you, he's working around the house... in short living up the the responsibilities that he knows are his as a husband, father and provider.

You can't have it all ladies! It's okay to want it, and you can keep waiting for the "perfect" man to come along, but in all honesty, if that's what you're waiting for you might as well delete your profile and succumb to a life of being single.

Just my humble opinion.

no photo
Wed 02/11/09 06:29 AM

I totally agree with all the posts containing references to why a "good" man has become "not-so-good".

There are a lot of good men out here that have been crushed emotionally by a past love, I'm one of them. And it does make us wary and stand-offish.

It does -- there are trust issues, seeing red flags (when there might not even be any!), reluctance to open up -- there's a point where you just get tired of trying. Because you know it isn't going to make any difference in the long run anyway.

Women "say" they're looking for that great guy who is loving, devoted, dependable, hard-working, romantic, passionate, affectionate, honest, etc, etc.... but what I have found is that they only "think" they want this type.

I don't even think they think they want this type. I think they know they DON'T, but are afraid to come right out and say so, for fear of appearing shallow and superficial.

I've said this before -- there are a LOT of great guys on this site, the kind the women always claim to want. I don't see much happening, in terms of relationships arising, from that direction, though.

Not that men don't so the same thing; the whole "looks don't matter at all, it's what's on the inside that counts" blahblah, is prevalent on both sides, but the point is that it would make more sense to just stop pretending you want something you really have no interest in.

PATSFAN's photo
Wed 02/11/09 07:32 AM

I totally agree with all the posts containing references to why a "good" man has become "not-so-good".

There are a lot of good men out here that have been crushed emotionally by a past love, I'm one of them. And it does make us wary and stand-offish.

It does -- there are trust issues, seeing red flags (when there might not even be any!), reluctance to open up -- there's a point where you just get tired of trying. Because you know it isn't going to make any difference in the long run anyway.

Women "say" they're looking for that great guy who is loving, devoted, dependable, hard-working, romantic, passionate, affectionate, honest, etc, etc.... but what I have found is that they only "think" they want this type.

I don't even think they think they want this type. I think they know they DON'T, but are afraid to come right out and say so, for fear of appearing shallow and superficial.

I've said this before -- there are a LOT of great guys on this site, the kind the women always claim to want. I don't see much happening, in terms of relationships arising, from that direction, though.

Not that men don't so the same thing; the whole "looks don't matter at all, it's what's on the inside that counts" blahblah, is prevalent on both sides, but the point is that it would make more sense to just stop pretending you want something you really have no interest in.

They find him, date him, get to know him and then find out (like it was said before) that he's no fun. Why is he "not fun"? Because he spends his time being the man he is... he's working to provide for his family, he's at home watching a movie with you, he's working around the house... in short living up the the responsibilities that he knows are his as a husband, father and provider.

You can't have it all ladies! It's okay to want it, and you can keep waiting for the "perfect" man to come along, but in all honesty, if that's what you're waiting for you might as well delete your profile and succumb to a life of being single.

Just my humble opinion.

Once again Lex has nailed it!

michiganman3's photo
Wed 02/11/09 08:29 AM
Still here.

no photo
Wed 02/11/09 01:27 PM

You just have to be careful when you are talking to the men on here. Anywhere really. lol I thought I had met an incredible

This oughta be good for a few pages of noise.

nomigetz's photo
Wed 02/11/09 01:37 PM

You know the saying - "Good men are hard to find and hard men are good to find."

good men aren't hard to find.
it's a mental choice really. woman consistently go for the bad boy and get burned. for some reason they don't learn and keep putting their hands in the fire. realize what it is that is causing you pain and then stop choosing it.

no the bad boy is consistently put himself out there to be found. the problem is being a jerk is thought of as being confident. a woman wants a man that can stand on his own. or at least appear to be. the superficial part is the appearance, whether looks, money, etc. we have know idea what good guy is. sorry ladies, we don't. we get so excited to see the good for now that we lose the true goal and settle for it. the truly good guys are out there but they get dismissed by us and then hide.

bigger_ray's photo
Wed 02/11/09 02:54 PM
i'm her i'm 42

no photo
Fri 02/13/09 08:09 PM
im lookin but noone looks at me but still trying

romeo1975's photo
Fri 02/13/09 08:19 PM
me too, except i fall in the 34 range, does that matter

MickyG's photo
Fri 02/13/09 08:20 PM

What happended to the good men ages 35-55 huh? Well, part of the men that age will be completely jaded by now, either through lack of luck (like me) or because some other woman ruined him for the rest of you (i.e. divorce). That's just part of them though.

You see, a truly honest to god good man is easy to find, you probably already know one, but just can't see him. He's that guy that's attentive to you, helps you out when you need it, sometimes shows up with pizza and beer just to watch movies with you. Oh, you probably tell the gals "he's just a friend," but I bet if you asked, he's dying to go out with you. Now a woman's first response is usually "I don't feel that way about him." But in fact, most ladies just have never thought of having those feelings for that type of guy, and a friendship is a great place to start a relationship. So, that's where you find a few more of the "good" ones.

Another place to find them, church. I'm not saying become a religious zealot by any means. But some people need the inner peace derived from sitting in a large room with 200 strangers. Meditation helps no matter where you do it, but some need that. These good men, probably aren't even on the internet dating sights. Might not have the self confidence to do it.

Just remember, most truly good men have had some person in the past take complete advantage of there soft hearts, and then dump the like a bad habit when something that only appeared better came into view. These men will be cautious, emotionally conservative and rather quiet. They know they can be easily hurt and are less likely to put themselves into situations where it can happen again. If you feel you're having to wait for a guy to come around, odds are, he's a good one. Be patient, and a little agressive, you'll bag him.

Very logical and oh so true. I agree 100% with your post

XxAchillesxX's photo
Fri 02/13/09 08:40 PM

Just remember, most truly good men have had some person in the past take complete advantage of there soft hearts, and then dump the like a bad habit when something that only appeared better came into view. These men will be cautious, emotionally conservative and rather quiet. They know they can be easily hurt and are less likely to put themselves into situations where it can happen again. If you feel you're having to wait for a guy to come around, odds are, he's a good one. Be patient, and a little agressive, you'll bag him.

Yeah...this part is the big one....indifferent

no photo
Wed 02/18/09 03:41 AM

You just have to be careful when you are talking to the men on here. Anywhere really. lol I thought I had met an incredible guy who seemed sweet and to really get me. Unfortunately, after a few weeks his true colors started showing and I realized that he is just a complete jerk. That is why you should always chat for a long time before that actual meet. Thank god I never met him for real! I know that there must be some good guys out there somewhere.... hopefully they aren't all taken yet. LMao

When u stated about the men on here not all men are bad and to be honest in 4 years all i seen was nothing but head games and im interested but now iam not or i been hurt or some lead u on to the point they mess with your amotions so what iam saying is its not all men there maybe a few granted but not all i seen my share of women who i spoke to in my past and boy i dont keep them long on my yahoo messenger.

As soon as i see a red flag pop up there gone lol.

no photo
Wed 02/18/09 05:44 AM
The net is like real life don't expect better or worse. Just have to be patient careful and talk a lot before committing to meet.

outdoorsgriz's photo
Wed 02/18/09 06:27 AM
Still alive and kickin' here.......

lovethelord's photo
Wed 02/18/09 08:38 AM

yes, ALL men aged 35-55 are completely useless, you're totally screwed laugh

You might have better luck meeting people if you didn't assume and generalize and stepped away from the computer every now and then, so far I've not had much luck here either but then again, I realize there's a really big world outside of the internet so it's all good. I think the harder you look the less likely you are to find anybody so just have fun, relax, do stuff you enjoy, take the focus away from being single and live your life like it doesn't matter, I'd be willing to bet once you do something or someone will turn up, I did meet one person here who is pretty awesome, and she didn't turn up until after I'd been on here for quite some time and I hadn't even checked the site in weeks so Good luck out there happy
Amen to that.. Keep living and loving life and love will find you....

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