I will only do it once, I never come back to fail things, when i leave it will be forever, I have been here over a year and still do not see the difference with any other sites, still lots of bullshitters, know it all and clicks like on all sites.
I joined here because it was completely free but even that is slowly changing so...... actually you can never leave here your username is here for ever, still do not understand why since I was in many other sites with forums and that was never an issue and you could delete your account not just deactivate it, if I had known that when I signed in I would not have joined since i do not like to leave my name (username) in places that do not interest me anymore. |
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Easy and basic you read their profile and say something relating to it. If they say nothing in it then you speak about their pics and if no pics on top you skip their profile.
I never had problem with getting answers to first emails my problem is the answers i got in them so I got tired of it and this is why when i joined Mingle I decided not to send emails and just enjoy (try to anyway) the forum. |
Just the fact that the vast majority of the literature written for God was only done by men tells me that no real God would ignore one of its child in the revelation of his word, so anything you ever read is man made and nothing more.
Men (mostly) created God to control other humans and give himself a special place in the kingdom of mother earth (human better than the rest of animals). When we are actually just another animal that adapted way better and pass the point of the rest of the animal kingdom, so much pass that in the near future we will be one of the only animal left on this planet (reason for it humans). |
Their profiles their choices, each of us are here for a reason and each of them either put or not a pics for their own personal reasons. I prefer to talk to people that I can see what they look like but that is me and i would never say no to someone without a pic cause I'm talking to them not just looking at them so who they are and what they think is more important then what they look like. Thats the point here. Does a profile with a picture get more responses. Pics attracts but what they have to say will keep you talking or not, (for me anyway) |
Their profiles their choices, each of us are here for a reason and each of them either put or not a pics for their own personal reasons.
I prefer to talk to people that I can see what they look like but that is me and i would never say no to someone without a pic cause I'm talking to them not just looking at them so who they are and what they think is more important then what they look like. |
Best ways....
What are some of the best, or most secure ways of wiping a hard drive? Before getting rid of that old computer. ![]() There are programs like Maxblast for Maxtors drive or Seagate Tools that will boot from the cd and erase all the data on your HD filling it with 0's and unless you are a professional it is impossible to retrieve any old data from them. |
Check this site http://www.freewarefiles.com/ it as lots of free programs and games some will be trials but the majority are completely free.
Not for me and I prefer not for my love but that is not for me to decide (not my body). Can't stand the same pics on my wall for more than 3 months so can't stand looking a the same tatoo for ever. I love to lick and the idea of licking skin with ink (even if no taste) is not for me. To each is own. Not even if it was a tattoo of an ice cream cone? ![]() Would lick around the cone unless the cone is her.............. then sorry can't help myself I need to lick it. |
Not for me and I prefer not for my love but that is not for me to decide (not my body). Can't stand the same pics on my wall for more than 3 months so can't stand looking a the same tatoo for ever.
I love to lick and the idea of licking skin with ink (even if no taste) is not for me. To each is own. |
Bigger Ladys/Slim ladys
I myself am bigger young lady. I dont have a problem with not being a size 0 I´m also far from it hahaha. I feel like all you ever see now a days in the media is exstreamly skinny women. Dont get me wrong theres nothing wrong with being skinny! I often hear guys saying "I love a girl with a bit of meat on her" but my question is when is "a bit of meat" to much. (im just using this as an example and I dont mean this in a mean way) If your a bigger girl you probably shouldnt be wearing exstreamly tight clothing and If your 80 pounds you proabably shouldnt be wearing the shortest shirt you could find where you can see every single rib. I think every women or girl is beautiful no madder what shape or size she is but I also think its what she makes out of her featurs and how she prasents herself. I wanna hear some thoughts on this topic and I just notist that I put this in the wrong duiscusion bord thing hahha. When is a "bit of meat to much" when it starts to affect your health. Personally love big woman it as never been an issue for me the weight of a woman until it affects their health then it matters but never for how they look just how they feel (healthy or not). |
Computer woes
You need at least 15% free space on your main drive for windows to swap and run programs without problems. If your drive is getting to full your computer will slow down (because windows has to work harder with the limited space).
So if you have a 80go drive you need at least 12go of free space for optimal work it can go down to 10% (8go) without a problem but anything under that and your computer will have problems working properly. If when you try to watch video or install programs those balloons open it is because you have limited space to either install new programs and to open flies to run videos. Check by right clicking on your hard drive in My Computer and selecting Properties in there it will show how much frre space you have. After get rid of any programs you do not need and make back ups of your personal files and then delete the ones on your pc. Best solution would be to buy a new drive and then transfer all your personal files and video on that drive so to free space on your C:\ Also do a defragmentation often, always empty your recycle bin and use a program like CCleaner to delete any temp or useless files on your PC. |
windows xp won't boot, help?
Reason not to boot:
Your bios is not set to boot from hard drive Your hard drive is finish Your hard drive is corrupted (boot sector) Your windows XP installation is damaged Your wires to the hard drive are loose (check both) Your power supply is not sending electricity to drive If you can start your pc try to go into the bios (usually by pressing "delete or F2 or F10) once in there go to the menu where it shows your drive and see if the bios sees your drive if it does then you know you have electricity and that your wires are connected ok if not check the wires first then if still not seen change the electric one for another if you have any spare and check if still not seen if not then it is probably finished. If your bios sees the drive but still cannot boot then your xp installation is damage. Would help if you could write the message you get when trying to boot. |
What a difference
amazing what scheduled maintenance will do for ya'! If you use the built in defrag (Windows) it will do a decent job but not a good one, it will always leave fragmented files, use a more professional one if you can (either buy or find a good free one). Also system files are not defragmented when your drive C:\ is in use you need a program that will defrag the system files before you boot to C:\ most good ones have the option but not the default Windows one, so maybe the fragmented files you see are system files. |
Stupid Computer!
If people had brains they would do like for the display device (will work anyway with basic colors even if no driver installed for graphic cards) and have a default driver that work on all network cards or modems (old days) so you could at least connect even if at a slow rate to download the right drivers but noooooo people are to stupîd to think of that and make eveything more complicated then it should be.
I guess Microsoft and all manufacturers of hardware devices are to lazy to make things easy , its more fun when complicated. |
People should worry about who they are and stop complaining about what others are, just sounds like a cry baby thread to me.
Nobody is perfect so there will always be red flags about anybody, how big the flags depends on the person looking and who your looking at.
There will always be red flags and each as to decide which one they will accept and which are to red for them. |
sextest man alive
they said that johnny depp is going to be on the mag.who do u think it should be? Those things are such ********, it only takes in account the well known people and we all know there are lots of sexier people in what they consider normal people. Just another way to boost their already over rated ego, they always need to be told they are beautiful, good and the best. |
Women Always Lie About That.
If i was a woman I could answer but I'm not so could never talk in their place.
Stupid Computer!
Edited by
Wed 11/18/09 12:22 PM
You have a labtop then your network card is integrated and the only thing you can do is to find the driver for it, try a little program called "UNKNOWNDEVICE" its a freeware (free) and small and will tell you the brand name and model number for you to find the right drivers.
Usually would download the program but since you can't access internet you will have to find it through a friend and have them put it either on CD-R or USB device and once you know what model to look for you then do the same for downloading the drivers and then bring them to your computer. |