are you a dog ?
I know a lot of illiberals , and they all say things like that when there with there own . In fact as I see libs they are the lowest form of life . In a perfect world we would stop killing the animals and go after the libs . it would be way more fun and more satisfying .
man gets 130years
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Tue 01/19/10 02:12 PM
Good for the judge. As for the death penalty remark, it cost us more to put them to death than it does to house them. So no advantages there. Its our moron court system that causes the high cost , maybe we should take the extra cost out of there checks . do it my way and he gets to come home to you sooner ...... |
man gets 130years
Its a horrable thing that the guy did but I don't see one reason why we have to pay to warehouse him . put the dog to sleep and escape later seeing him released by some stupid judge on parol .
Why do we have to feed these freaks . |
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Mon 01/18/10 08:10 PM
Faux news, it probably never happened. ![]() this may be correct I don't know . But I do know that MAYO CLINECT HAS STOPPED TAKING IN NEW PATENTS OFf AND ON FOR A LONG TIME because they have so many people go there .they just can't treat as many people who come there and it had nothing to do with madicare . but when it comes to medicaid not many people well take it except hmo's . |
Pact With The Devil
See that's the problem with the First Amendment. Bat **** crazy still get to tell you their thoughts. I think the first and second amendments are the most important amendments we have . but i guess those people who are above it all and illiberal don't feel like equal right are important are they ? Who is saying they don't feel that equal rights are important? People like Pat Robertson are free to say what they want. We're free to think they're completely crazy. |
Pact With The Devil
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Mon 01/18/10 07:51 PM
Haitian Earthquake: Made in the USA Why the Blood Is on Our Hands by Ted Rall As grim accounts of the earthquake in Haiti came in, the accounts in U.S.-controlled state media all carried the same descriptive sentence: "Haiti is the poorest country in the Western hemisphere..." Gee, I wonder how that happened? You'd think Haiti would be loaded. After all, it made a lot of people rich. How did Haiti get so poor? Despite a century of American colonialism, occupation, and propping up corrupt dictators? Even though the CIA staged coups d'état against every democratically elected president they ever had? It's an important question. An earthquake isn't just an earthquake. The same 7.0 tremor hitting San Francisco wouldn't kill nearly as many people as in Port-au-Prince. "Looking at the pictures, essentially it looks as if (the buildings are of) breezeblock or cinderblock construction, and what you need in an earthquake zone is metal bars that connect the blocks so that they stay together when they get shaken," notes Sandy Steacey, director of the Environmental Science Research Institute at the University of Ulster in Northern Ireland. "In a wealthy country with good seismic building codes that are enforced, you would have some damage, but not very much." When a pile of cinderblocks falls on you, your odds of survival are long. Even if you miraculously survive, a poor country like Haiti doesn't have the equipment, communications infrastructure or emergency service personnel to pull you out of the rubble in time. And if your neighbors get you out, there's no ambulance to take you to the hospital--or doctor to treat you once you get there. Earthquakes are random events. How many people they kill is predetermined. In Haiti this week, don't blame tectonic plates. Ninety-nine percent of the death toll is attributable to poverty. So the question is relevant. How'd Haiti become so poor? The story begins in 1910, when a U.S. State Department-National City Bank of New York (now called Citibank) consortium bought the Banque National d'Haïti--Haiti's only commercial bank and its national treasury--in effect transferring Haiti's debts to the Americans. Five years later, President Woodrow Wilson ordered troops to occupy the country in order to keep tabs on "our" investment. From 1915 to 1934, the U.S. Marines imposed harsh military occupation, murdered Haitians patriots and diverted 40 percent of Haiti's gross domestic product to U.S. bankers. Haitians were banned from government jobs. Ambitious Haitians were shunted into the puppet military, setting the stage for a half-century of U.S.-backed military dictatorship. The U.S. kept control of Haiti's finances until 1947. Still--why should Haitians complain? Sure, we stole 40 percent of Haiti's national wealth for 32 years. But we let them keep 60 percent. Whiners. Despite having been bled dry by American bankers and generals, civil disorder prevailed until 1957, when the CIA installed President-for-Life François "Papa Doc" Duvalier. Duvalier's brutal Tonton Macoutes paramilitary goon squads murdered at least 30,000 Haitians and drove educated people to flee into exile. But think of the cup as half-full: fewer people in the population means fewer people competing for the same jobs! Upon Papa Doc's death in 1971, the torch passed to his even more dissolute 19-year-old son, Jean-Claude "Baby Doc" Duvalier. The U.S., cool to Papa Doc in his later years, quickly warmed back up to his kleptomaniacal playboy heir. As the U.S. poured in arms and trained his army as a supposed anti-communist bulwark against Castro's Cuba, Baby Doc stole an estimated $300 to $800 million from the national treasury, according to Transparency International. The money was placed in personal accounts in Switzerland and elsewhere. Under U.S. influence, Baby Doc virtually eliminated import tariffs for U.S. goods. Soon Haiti was awash predatory agricultural imports dumped by American firms. Domestic rice farmers went bankrupt. A nation that had been agriculturally self-sustaining collapsed. Farms were abandoned. Hundreds of thousands of farmers migrated to the teeming slums of Port-au-Prince. The Duvalier era, 29 years in all, came to an end in 1986 when President Ronald Reagan ordered U.S. forces to whisk Baby Doc to exile in France, saving him from a popular uprising. Once again, Haitians should thank Americans. Duvalierism was "tough love." Forcing Haitians to make do without their national treasury was our nice way or encouraging them to work harder, to lift themselves up by their bootstraps. Or, in this case, flipflops. Anyway. The U.S. has been all about tough love ever since. We twice deposed the populist and popular democratically-elected president Jean-Bertrand Aristide. The second time, in 2004, we even gave him a free flight to the Central African Republic! (He says the CIA kidnapped him, but whatever.) Hey, he needed a rest. And it was kind of us to support a new government formed by former Tonton Macoutes. Yet, despite everything we've done for Haiti, they're still a fourth-world failed state on a fault line. And still, we haven't given up. American companies like Disney generously pay wages to their sweatshop workers of 28 cents an hour. What more do these ingrates want? Ted Rall is the author of the new book "Silk Road to Ruin: Is Central Asia the New Middle East?," an in-depth prose and graphic novel analysis of America's next big foreign policy challenge. Hmmm maybe there is something to this pact with satan My history book says it use to be the top spot to vacation in the caribbean until they drove the french out and stole there businesses . its a lot like Rhodesia's in Africa's . they use to grow all the food Africa needed but now the can't even feed themselves . but i do know also they didn't honer there treaties they robbed the farmers of there land and gave it to the new old boy net . all I can say beyond this is , the old statement that if you tell a lie long enought it becomes true is not always true . some of us read books .and PAT ROBINSON IS SENILE . |
Pact With The Devil
See that's the problem with the First Amendment. Bat **** crazy still get to tell you their thoughts. I think the first and second amendments are the most important amendments we have . but i guess those people who are above it all and illiberal don't feel like equal right are important are they ? |
are you a dog ?
I heard juan williams call us a bunch of barking dogs .. hes on tv every week on a political talk shows and a strong backer of OBAMA . I 'm not a dog so I guess he didn't know I am on the Internet . I'm not a dog . So I guess hes talking about the rest of you ..ARE YOU A BUNCH OF DOGS ? OR ARE THE SUPER LIBERALS A BUNCH OF LACKEYS AND GIRLY BOYS ? Strong backer of Obama?!?!? Williams?!?!?! This is sarcasm for sure!!! Juan Williams is a staunch conservative, with equally staunch views and positions on the whole civil rights movement, which in and of itself, makes it hard to label him as a typical republican, and harder yet to box him in the now mainstream religious right flavored GOP agenda. Given this odd fabric, and the fact that Williams himself has always played on this oddity by pushing his 'independent journalist' status over his conservative political bias, the far right media and religious fanatics of the republican party have jumped on this 'grey zone', and have used Williams as their 'token moderate' inside the republican family. Now, to actually go the distance and fall for this 'FOX-Horse-of-Troy' con; that this man is a liberal, and supports Obama, would be reaching levels of naivety of a ridiculous extent. Taking this obvious 'con' out of the equation, there is nothing more trivial and inconsequential than hearing a Republican practice some juvenile Democrat 'name-calling'; however well disguised this Republican may appear to some?!?!?! ... so I'll maintain that this thread is pure sarcasm! |
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Mon 01/18/10 07:12 PM
I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. MLK As long as we have affirmative action MLK juniors dream is dead.Because we are judging people only by their skin color and not the content of their character. |
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Mon 01/18/10 07:03 PM
And I thought that it was the Republicans were the ones in the pockets of Big pharma and the insurance companies.
Guess I've been told wrong. Now we know who really will gain from this health reform Where is everyone who was speaking out saying the Republicans were in the pockets of big pharma and the insurance companies? Oh I get it! That's the hypocrisy of the Democrats. It's horrible and bad for our country if the Republicans do it, but if the Democrats do it then it's ok and we wont speak out about it. pharma is on both sides . they just want to make the money . but we are the ones who cough up the money they give away . they just raise our prices . |
Americans are too smart.....
Topic: Americans are too smart.....
and one of our most popular TV shows is "Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader" AND THERE NOT . |
are you a dog ?
I'm a moderate demo . I don't even care what the the rable rousers are saying . but i don't care for the far left either . but more than that I dislike the corruption i see . i know it well always be that way but not this bad .
Businesses aren't stupid....cost go up....consumers PAY. Businesses that ARE stupid and who can't rely on the principle of Moral Hazard to pass the price for their stupidity onto consumers get eaten alive by their competition. Their bones are left for the vultures who buy dead businesses like Polaroid for the brand names. Their competitors don't have to pay the Dunce Tax and can therefore get and keep customers the old-fashioned way-- better service and lower prices. The investment banking business has continually sought to put the watchdogs to sleep under presidents like GWB so they could form a more effective cartel to shakedown the American people a flea bite at a time. How much of the banks debt is at 30%? It's a drop in the bucket when you consider all the home loans, commercial loans, etc. So maybe when the banks raise your home loan to 30% you will have a valid argument as to chargin the banks 30% for bailout monies that many have paid back. Well, I don't have a home loan, I pay what little I charge on credit cards within the 30 day grace period. And my argument IS logically consistent-- borrowers with awful financials have always been forced to pay the highest interest rates the law allows. Yet people who worked hard all their lives but become beset by terrible illnesses have their savings drained and become paupers for NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN have to pay these kind of rates. Yet, the same soulless Suits who appear before Congress to justify their greedy behaviours were the SAME people who had their lobbyists before Congress to lobby for changes in the usuary and bankruptcy laws that allowed a little relief for the unfortunate. Seems to me, if you want to talk about American fairness, that would be a good place to start. What about the banks that were forced to take the bailout monies? Now here is the killer - How in the world, if the banks were in such bad shape did they manage to pay most of the bailout money back so quickly? Lots of reasons-- less competition, the TARP program funded AIG to make good on some of its credit default swaps to some of these banks, the high interest rates they charge on some forms of consumer debts and the FEDs giving them money at almost zero percent interest for them to collect on the spread. Not to mention a ton of layoffs, as well. CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
Banks are just enemy # 1 now for the American people...kinda like the oil companies were shortly ago...Obama goes after the banks...oh my, all of a sudden he's more popular.... So who is really to blame? Congress and the Feds keeping interest rates too low. Yeah well, the banks can't blame all their troubles on Obama like most of his hardcore detractors do. It's not like they weren't VERY complicit in their own downfalls. So let's ask everyone to reach real deep and write a check today to the Save the Bankers Foundation. Your generous donation will help a Fat Cat keep his Gulfstream and avoid the indignity of having to fly commercial. -Kerry O. Too bad the government didn't allow more Lehman lessons so some people could figure it out. If Bank of America or Citigroup had been allowed to go under, most Americans would be unemployed. I heard that Lehman didn't get the money because they had made someone mad in the white house . before the country went to hell . KARMA i guess . |
are you a dog ?
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Sun 01/17/10 12:49 PM
Something like that is a surprise?? It's been quite obvious for a while now that the Dems in power and those who love them are quite the arrogant bunch. And many of the conservatives aren't arrogant? ![]() none of them have went on tv and called everyone barking dogs . but I have said it before OBama DIDN'T PICK HIS HELP VERY WELL. I suspect the fox knew what they were doing when the picked old juan as the far left rep . |
I'm not . the discions I read about are so far out in space i have lost all my respect for the courts we have .
one decision one of our courts made a couple years ago was . A 15 year old girl was raped in the stair well at a public school by 3 boys . the judge over ruled the jury and said they were innocent because the girl looked so good that she asked for it . she was wearing blue jeans and a turdle neck shirt on the day of the rape ... So no I don't think a court that lets that happen is worth the cost . |
are you a dog ?
surely not Juan Williams the FOX commentator? yea i think that's the show ... arr arr I'm practicing so I can get a new job in the government . |
Obama's latest B R I B E
Mr President....why is Bill special? We have basicaly the same job, the same wages, the same healthcare plans. So the presidents says, Why Johnnie, Bill belongs to a union and you don't. You have to pay for that. Even a child could understand this one.. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS waaaaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaaaa |
Obama's latest B R I B E
Sounds fair to me! Quit whining! ![]() RIGHT ON .. |
are you a dog ?
I heard jaun williams call us a bunch of barking dogs .. hes on tv every week on a political talk shows and a strong backer of OBAMA . I 'm not a dog so I guess he didn't know I am on the Internet . I'm not a dog . So I guess hes talking about the rest of you ..ARE YOU A BUNCH OF DOGS ? OR ARE THE SUPER LIBERALS A BUNCH OF LACKEYS AND GIRLY BOYS ? Did he really call you PERSONALLY a dog? I dont know him or you but thats pretty strange..... AND ? |
are you a dog ?
I heard juan williams call us a bunch of barking dogs .. hes on tv every week on a political talk shows and a strong backer of OBAMA . I 'm not a dog so I guess he didn't know I am on the Internet . I'm not a dog . So I guess hes talking about the rest of you ..ARE YOU A BUNCH OF DOGS ? OR ARE THE SUPER LIBERALS A BUNCH OF LACKEYS AND GIRLY BOYS ?