innate racism? first time I ever heard of that I didnt see anything racist in that article maybe because he said they couldnt say it in english? but then Mexican isnt a race, its a nationality I was acused of racism once by a mexican . I had called him a ***** ...... does this mean that every time I call some one a ***** < i'm calling him a mexican ? I mean every time some chicken fines himself on the spot , thats racism ????????????????????? |
He just doesn't get it...
I have an idea lets use the liberals as fertilizer .
I don't believe he is a racist , he may not say what is politically correct but it comes from what he believes and not from hate of another group ....
so is america and Israel and i've neen neither one of them attempt to get rid of their nukes. Until this happens, Iran has every right to possess one which isn't why they want nuclear power. Right. If we can have nuclear weapons so should everyone. Me to a dz of those suit case bombs the russians made . but i don't think the people who know me would want that .. at my age there wouldn't be much you could do to me if i blew you up ... I wouldn't mind having my own nuclear weapon.. |
well pardon me ( WHATS WRONG WITH Socialism ) IN TRUTH IT'S ALL WORKS GREAT IF YOU BALANCE IT OUT . STOP THE CHEATS .to qoute the great philosopher .Rodney king Can't we all just get a long ?
it's his fault because: #1: His daily anti-business rhetoric...his constant attacks on Wall St...and...big business... #2: Allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire...means less working capital...hence...layoffs... #3: His healthcare monstrosity would mandate that business's insure ALL workers and if the don't...they are taxed / fined at 8 1/2 per you own a business and you need to make up this shortfall...layoffs... #4: His cap and trade bill would cost business billions of dollars to either retool to meet stricter EPA standards or face massive to make up for the shortfall...layoffs... #5: his tax policy to raise taxes on people that make more then $200,000 a year...those are small business's that you're hitting...with less working capital...layoffs... ummmm...does that help you out a bit...see when you own a business...and the government confiscates your income through higher either pass that on to the comsumer in higher keep the bottom line in lay people off... None of us want the copy and paste crap from racist Rush. This list in not correct anyway. i MAY NOT AGREE WITH Rush but not being a liberal I don't want him censored . Only liberals think they have some umgodly right to stop free speach .. |
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Tue 02/09/10 06:23 PM
we tear up treatys when ever we want why not them ... besides this would end the crap over there ..
I don't want to go into all the different nations who cheat on treatys .. BE BRAVE NOW . |
He just doesn't get it...
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Tue 02/09/10 06:15 PM
Obamanation is still pushing the man made global warming HOAX.. This guy just doesn't get it.. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ He is a very stiff neck guy . Every liberal I know is that way . They think they are superior to us mortals . God I hate liberals . |
it's his fault because: #1: His daily anti-business rhetoric...his constant attacks on Wall St...and...big business... #2: Allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire...means less working capital...hence...layoffs... #3: His healthcare monstrosity would mandate that business's insure ALL workers and if the don't...they are taxed / fined at 8 1/2 per you own a business and you need to make up this shortfall...layoffs... #4: His cap and trade bill would cost business billions of dollars to either retool to meet stricter EPA standards or face massive to make up for the shortfall...layoffs... #5: his tax policy to raise taxes on people that make more then $200,000 a year...those are small business's that you're hitting...with less working capital...layoffs... ummmm...does that help you out a bit...see when you own a business...and the government confiscates your income through higher either pass that on to the comsumer in higher keep the bottom line in lay people off... He said yesterday that small business won't hire new employees because they can't get loans to pay them... what the hell is he talking about? what kind of business takes out loans to hire new employees? WTF Oh wait... He has never held a real job or owned a business.... I guess we shouldn't expect him to know everything...LMAO A lot of mid size co's brorrow money each week to pay there bills because they haven't collected there money yet . OBAMA did not cause the unenployment but he hasn't done enought to end it . he is surrounded by a staff of people who require basic training and refuses to get rid of them . and they are takeing the whole party down with them and when history writes about him that is what they well say . he couldn't do his job . |
Dictionary pulled ...
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Tue 02/09/10 05:54 PM
Prayer never left school. I remember plenty of kids praying over tests and what-not. And the Catholic kids were constantly transferring in and out of the local private school depending on who they were boinking at any given point in time. It's the sheer lack of parental responsibility that is what is missing. Basic sex education won't kill anyone, at any age. What do you think kinder garden IS THAT A GOOD STARTING POINT, ok . I heard the pedophiles were complaining about there lack of training . I read that teachers were working hard to change that .What they need is picture dictionaries .The parents are very very wrong not having them trained before the start school .They just won't support us . Dam them . |
i heard a report today that iran may be able to build a necular bomb by the end of this year. iran stated that will enrich their nuclear material to 20%. the point that the IAEA considers the material to be only useful for military programs. 90% enrichment is neeacary to build a working nuclear bomb. but if they can get to 20% geting to 90% is well within reach. this issue will most likely come to a head vary soon. it may allready be too late for santions to work. The only thing we have to worry about is do they think if they set one off here well we do it to them . Other wise there a free nation and can make whatever. they want . Persia has been a country a lot longer than most countrys . with a right to defend it's self . |
Now last year it was "Obama is all about change we can believe in." Well I seen a protest outside of a bank in Redondo Beach. A sign read "Obama is a Cracker," while another one had Obama's picture on it but he had a Hitler paintbrush mustache and a caption on the poster said "This is your president!" That unto itself is not funny. What was funny was the protesters... They were all black. Now what the heck is up with that??? ![]() The one time I decide to leave my camera at home!!! ![]() well, that would explain the cracker comment,, dont usually hear white folks using that one whatca ya black folks mean ? what cracker comment tis it ? |
It's getting worse
Support the Minute Men! The real Minute Men organization here in Arizona, not the fringe splinter group out of California. Our government has sided with business for cheap labor and sold us out. They have failed us miserably and it is up to citizens to protect this country since politicos are more worried about their image throughout the globe than protecting the sovereignty and way of life in this country. To me the biggest difference between republicans and democrats is the spelling, other differences are minor at the end of the day. Americans need to open their eyes and see that this two party system is a scam and is a tool used by politicos to drive a wedge between Americans, and drive a wedge they have. The majority of people in this country are either lefties or conservatives, a small number are independent and don't fall for party loyalty. The lefties and conservatives should take a note from the independents and vote according to the candidates voting record and not because Oprah, or Bono says so. Now that the Supreme Court declared that corporations both domestic and foreign can contribute to campaigns is a really bad sign for us, our environment, and wildlife. I have NO HOPE for this country. the supreme court also ruled lately ( Roberts court )that people who are convicted in other countries of a felonly can come here and own and carry guns . but this story if true sounds like a great opportunity . |
President Obama Could Sue Limbaugh for Libel and Defamation, and Likely Win With America's Free Speech rights, libel and defamation cases are hard to win, particularly when the comments' target is a public figure. That's why celebrities always bring libel cases in the U.K.'s more accommodating courts. Nonetheless, it seems Rush Limbaugh may have gone far enough in his attacks on President Obama to meet the tough American standards. Limbaugh claimed, among other inflammatory things suggesting that Obama is a failure that other people always covered for, that Obama didn't write his own law review article while at Harvard Law. To win a libel suit asserting that Obama did in fact write his own article, Obama would have to show the accusation was false, and that Limbaugh said it with actual malice. Proving the statement false is pretty easy, according to a former Harvard law classmate. But what about actual malice? While many might think Limbaugh's actual malice toward Obama to be self-evident, the standard is "reckless disregard" for whether the statement was false. Rush reckless with the truth? What would Obama's odds be of proving that? I can't imagine we'll find out, as it's hard to see the President filing suit over this. I know the president has too much class to do it but wouldn't it be nice!!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() At least one lie of the millions he spouts would get justice Theres one part of the law that you missed . It has to of cost him something . MONEY . Other wise it's just an insult . That is not true. |
I never though much of his talent with charlies trail . He turned lose an admitted killer so that they could get one person to say manson was involved in those killings .The girl he turned lose is the one that stabbed sharon tate and wrote on the walls with her blood .
the reason bush is not guilty here is because congress approved the invasion . there was and is a lot of laws they should get him on but not murder . |
Edited by
Sun 02/07/10 05:48 PM
how do you know when you've an arguement with a Liberal ?...they call you a racist... ![]() HOW TRUE AT least he doesn't censor people . |
how do you know when you've an arguement with a Liberal ?...they call you a racist... ![]() VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV |
how do you know when you've an arguement with a Liberal ?...they call you a racist... ![]() VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV |
President Obama Could Sue Limbaugh for Libel and Defamation, and Likely Win With America's Free Speech rights, libel and defamation cases are hard to win, particularly when the comments' target is a public figure. That's why celebrities always bring libel cases in the U.K.'s more accommodating courts. Nonetheless, it seems Rush Limbaugh may have gone far enough in his attacks on President Obama to meet the tough American standards. Limbaugh claimed, among other inflammatory things suggesting that Obama is a failure that other people always covered for, that Obama didn't write his own law review article while at Harvard Law. To win a libel suit asserting that Obama did in fact write his own article, Obama would have to show the accusation was false, and that Limbaugh said it with actual malice. Proving the statement false is pretty easy, according to a former Harvard law classmate. But what about actual malice? While many might think Limbaugh's actual malice toward Obama to be self-evident, the standard is "reckless disregard" for whether the statement was false. Rush reckless with the truth? What would Obama's odds be of proving that? I can't imagine we'll find out, as it's hard to see the President filing suit over this. I know the president has too much class to do it but wouldn't it be nice!!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() At least one lie of the millions he spouts would get justice Theres one part of the law that you missed . It has to of cost him something . MONEY . Other wise it's just an insult . |