Community > Posts By > cashu

cashu's photo
Mon 04/19/10 05:52 PM
If it goes on very long we well have an ice age an all that co2 well go away .

cashu's photo
Mon 04/19/10 05:44 PM
Edited by cashu on Mon 04/19/10 05:45 PM
Not me I live on top of the hill . Just in case any of you cute 30 years old are not sure of the future nows a good time to start talking to me . Its gona be crowded if you wait for the last minute .

cashu's photo
Mon 04/19/10 05:39 PM

warrants prove cause,, I agree with the decision, although 'cause' can leave a very broad window of interpretation

but perhaps this can set the precedent for other OVERREACHING practices,, like detaining people without cause,,,,

cause in court talk is very limited to exactly what you are asking for . fishing in your home is not allowed under the consitution . unless the courts have taken a swing from stupid to illegal. things are changeing faster now days .

cashu's photo
Mon 04/19/10 05:32 PM

Protest or debate government policies, not the government itself. To do the latter might label you an extremist.

I would rather be labeled an extremist than a fool , someone who sits by while his life is crumbleing around them .

cashu's photo
Mon 04/19/10 05:25 PM

I heard 8 out of 10 don't trust the government. regardless of the party in charge I don't, I think we need to put the government on a choke collar. This election i hope 60% of incumbents are fired, but I will be happy with 30%. Get the career politicians out of Washington and get fresh blood in there and maybe I feel differently for a while.

we need to stop the corps. from corrupting our government , I don't think we can get them under control until we end the big money flow and new faces won't cure that by there selfs .

cashu's photo
Sun 04/18/10 05:18 PM

bigotry maybe? Fox makes up stories all the time and even if this were true, it's brilliant because now all the racists will be policing themselves.
if you actually believe every example of racism pointed out at these rallies were actually liberal plants, you may as well believe in the tooth fairy as well.

I do not believe in all the reports of raceism on here . actually one of the people thats always on here claiming to be picked on admitted she has never been decrimated against , she's just jerking on peoples chains .
All I can tell you is try and take all people with a grain of salt . people have reasons for doing things and it doesn't always seem apparent to you at first . so like every where else ask your self why are they telling you something ..

cashu's photo
Sun 04/18/10 05:06 PM
they can give them back if they don't like it .. but if the kids are juviniles the teacher is commiting a felony by downloading there nake pics . another story of schools doing really stupid thing , and these are the people with whom you trust your kids ......

cashu's photo
Sun 04/18/10 04:57 PM
he's right!

cashu's photo
Sun 04/18/10 04:23 PM

Actions speak louder than words, Mr. President. If you do not execute the deportation order for your aunt, then your lip service about the Rule of Law is no change from George Bush.

Why would he want to execute the deportation of his aunt??? slaphead

depends whither you believe in the law .doesn't it ? In this country only the losers believe in the laws of our country . all the rest of just do what ever we want . uck this place no one cares do they ?

cashu's photo
Sun 04/18/10 04:08 PM
Why is it when a citizen of the usa demands that criminals be sent back to there gettos some one jumps up and screams racistism .
As I remember it the mexicans are running the blacks out of THERE nieaborhoods . Now that its blacks that are supporting the idea of keeping them here ,Ijust laugh when I read about it . Its in the newspapers and writen about in books now days so there s no reason for you not to know . So I guess your just scare .
I haven't seen anyone saying to only deport the mexicans . I my self want all the illegals gone . we have a legal system that lets any one who qualify to come here as we need them . but as the mexicans and others have not seen fit as to ask to come here the others who have signed up and waited there turn haven't been allowed because the ilmannered pigs who think they have some suppior rights to all others came instead .

cashu's photo
Sat 04/17/10 02:16 PM

why am i not surprised this came from Fox?

why am i not surprised this came from you ?

cashu's photo
Sat 04/17/10 02:14 PM
Edited by cashu on Sat 04/17/10 02:17 PM
I hope he loses his right to teach any where . He doesn't have the right to inflick his stupid ideas on hostages .

cashu's photo
Sat 04/17/10 01:47 PM

Based on these figures, Obama was their man..

No it didn't . What it meant was [ They were expecting to win ,thats all .]

cashu's photo
Sat 04/17/10 01:43 PM
Edited by cashu on Sat 04/17/10 01:51 PM
actually i use to have a piece of GE and immelt was one of the best ceo's around . they were haveing a hard time lately but i would bet they intend to start makeing green machines and all those wind turbines would be a nice chunk of money for them .
when makeing big money you look at the market not the politics . that moron the other day who was ranting about obama was a real idiot .
as an investor all i want a ceo to do is make money . not bring down the government .... MAKE ME MONEY NOT SOUP LINES

cashu's photo
Fri 04/16/10 01:24 PM

I see the numbers and I am just offering one perspective. People probably wouldnt BE dependent and exempt from taxes if they had ENOUGH INCOME to begin with. so low income has alot to do with the issues of dependency and taxes

Your right but another true is great countrys are made off the backs of low paid or slaves . there loss of a decent wage makes life good for the rest . And once there gone the country well wither .

cashu's photo
Fri 04/16/10 01:18 PM
Edited by cashu on Fri 04/16/10 01:41 PM

the government wants the people to be dependent on them - therefore the people must serve the government

The smarter people who get this help VOTE .. The smarter party well see that 33.3% is enought to win an election . Most elections are won with less than 21% of the vote . So what do you think is going to happen ?
As far as the life of the country goes your right . Its dieing from it . History books tells you there have been a lot of really good countrys that failed because of stupid people who do not care about the country because it allowed people who didn't care what happens to stay .
There is a old saying that applys here . Every body rises to there highest level of incompetency..
Then you throw in greed and thats like greeseing the track . So buy gold like all the smart people do .
As far as SS goes it is going broke because of the people who are not retired but collecting it and of course the main reason is congress . They stole it . They loaned it to there selfs at almost free interest rate . They used it for there spicial contracts .
Bush was half right in his suggestion about investing it . But they need to lock it away from congress and hire a investor who can insure it against losses . It would never be bankrupt again . Being smart is easy but geting past the crooks is really hard .

cashu's photo
Thu 04/15/10 07:44 PM

I personally feel that if you didn't pay into social security you shouldn't get the benefits.

If a woman worked her whole life paying into SSI and her lazy husband didn't work a single day why the hell should he get her money when she dies?

Im going to have to work until im 85 before I can collect any of my money, so enough with the freeloading we can't afford it anymore.

well I could give you a lot of reasons but to put it simply its the law .
Now i'm going to tell you one group who collect there whole life with out working .people with children collect without working and without any such as a husband doing it either .

cashu's photo
Thu 04/15/10 07:36 PM

I asked this a while ago....and I'll ask again.

Has anyone noticed that OUR society is the only one in the history of the world to try normalizing homosexuality??

For thousands upon thousands of years, homosexuality was considered something abnormal. By many, it still is.

Is normalizing that behavior supposed to make us more ' enlightened '??

Now...before anyone starts ranting about me being a raging homophobe I would like to point out that my half brother is gay. I love him to death, and I don't consider him to be some kind of freak.

I am simply making an observation and asking a question.

Your wrong some of the most famous warriors in histoy were queer . . one was Alaxander the great was one , he had been molested before he became a famous person , his molester was one of his generals . most of the old time ship captains were puting it to the cabin boys . the young slaves were all molested I can go on an on with this our congress is well known for bumping the pages in congress even today . just in case you kids ever get a chance to be a page remember this . It's not new it didn't just start . It was once completly acceptable to do the slaves and others . alex kept a bunch of young boy and girls for his generals they could do which ever one they wanted . In most of the old royal courts they had the same thing . concubines ..
I personelly don't like it but if both agree i don't care . i don't want to hear about it but if they pay as much taxes as they are suppose to . then they should have the same rights .
I only get mad when people HAVE MORE RIGHTS THAN EVERYONE ELSE ....

cashu's photo
Thu 04/15/10 06:55 PM

..and getting mad changes what, about as much as writing about it in a date site..NOTHING..smokin
I'll bet writeing on this site and others gets way more attention than yelling at the white house . as long as your thoughts are ratiocinated . they are political people you know and they do hear the wind .

cashu's photo
Thu 04/15/10 06:46 PM

Finally. Something he promised wound up getting cut and he took the initiative.

"Early in the next decade, a set of crewed flights will test and prove the systems required for exploration beyond low Earth orbit," the president said. "And by 2025, we expect new spacecraft designed for long journeys to allow us to begin the first-ever crewed missions beyond the moon into deep space. We’ll start by sending astronauts to an asteroid for the first time in history. By the mid-2030s, I believe we can send humans to orbit Mars and return them safely to Earth. And a landing on Mars will follow. And I expect to be around to see it."


On this one, I give him a positive " Way to go! "

sounds like a waste of time to spend billions of dollars and just fly out go around and come back . thats what we have been doing all my life . I vote for a big step this . Do 10 things instead of just one . leave a base on the moon to jump from but baby steps are as big of a waste as welfare .

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