My family has been here over 300 years and I don't want any illegals here and I don't care where they come from JUST GET OUT AND TAKE THESE HUMAN RATS WITH YOU ..
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Wed 04/28/10 01:51 PM
I don't want to tell Alabama how to waste there money but this driver lic . thing probaly waste at least $500000 of it . But hey they are a bunch of yahoos aren't they ?
You don't have to mandate it . its already the law . when you are tested to become a citizen you are supposed to be able to speak it then . But the buracrates no longer ask that anymore . We have a government strait from a toilet . WE DO NOT NEED A FEDERAL GOVERNMENT ANY LONGER WE WOULD BE BETTER OFF WITH A RETARD .....Janet Napalatano is a human rat .. |
if you don't like the rules our don't feel they apply to you . GET OUT .... HOO RAY FOR ARIZONA AT LAST A STATE TAKES A STAND AGAINST THIS INVASION ... WE need to get even with any co. or state that stands against Arizona . boycott any business that says any thing against ARIZONA |
if you don't like the rules our don't feel they apply to you . GET OUT ....
try living in Italy or Japan,, their debt to gdp ratios are much higher ... I actually wouldnt mind living in Italy,,lol Now if this isn't a good reason to go on like it is , I have never seen one . Stupid is as stupid does . |
The Goldman Sachs scandal that is emerging isn't going to help the situation. How much faith can someone have that the government is going to do anything about Goldman's fraudulent actions after you look at this chart? Obama got almost $1 million in campaign contributions during the 2008 presidential election cycle... Cycle Total Democrats Republicans 2008 $5,934,089 $4,463,788 $1,459,961 75% 25% 2006 $3,495,866 $2,185,461 $1,276,455 63% 2004 $6,411,038 $3,956,253 $2,436,285 62% 2002 $3,487,835 $2,292,040 $1,194,795 66% 2000 $4,431,977 $2,763,185 $1,662,292 62% 1998 $1,938,166 $1,225,252 $683,914 63% 1996 $1,816,563 $997,747 $816,316 55% 1994 $1,026,235 $562,760 $462,675 55% 1992 $1,659,310 $908,295 $750,515 55% 1990 $717,621 $473,716 $243,905 66% TOTAL $31,612,375 $20,304,872 $11,204,413 64% These are the numbers we need to see . we all need to see . how large are the bribes that cost us our freedom ... but we need to know about ALL OF THEM ! |
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Fri 04/23/10 07:52 PM
Personally, I couldn't care less where he born. What possible difference could the accident of where one was born have on the abilty of being able to do a particular job? We should be able to hire the best human to be president. From where ever. IT's a constitutional thing . |
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Fri 04/23/10 07:42 PM
illegal is not a race illegal is a crime why did obama want to be the top law enforcement officer in the usa if he wasn't willing to do the job .IS HE JUST ANOTHER WH ORE . |
illegal is not a race illegal is a crime we are on the same side on this . but it never supprises when the rats this country has comes out against us . they are easy to find though there are the ones with the funny breath oder . |
I don't believe obama well do anything about it .
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Fri 04/23/10 06:50 PM
CONGRADULATIONS ARIZONA THIS COUNTRY NEEDS MORE OF YOU . I think the women who is govenor of az. would make the best president in 2012 . GOOD LUCK IN THE FIGHT YOU HAVE AHEAD OF YOU IN WASHINGTON . Win and i'll support you for president ....
obama do you feel the heat . thats the real voters here . |
Your Fired!!
Lance Baxter, better known as D.C. Douglas but perhaps best known as the voice of certain Geico commercials (primarily as the tag announcer of a 2007-2008 celebrity ad campaign) has been fired by the insurance company after leaving a voicemail for Tea Party group FreedomWorks. Douglas asked FreedomWorks in his voicemail what "the percentage of people that are mentally retarded who are working for FreedomWorks and who are following it," or as he has since put it, he "inquired as to their intelligence level." In the voicemail, Douglas also questions how FreedomWorks will "spin it when one of your members does actually kill somebody, wondering if you've got a PR spinning routine planned for that or are you just gonna take it when it happens." Ok its finaly gotten weird enough for me ![]() Good he should be unemployed what a bit*h . we should get his whole family fired for not aborting that bag of trash .. |
A working person voteing republican is like a chicken voteing for Col. Sanders. A working person is a mule , he carries the worlds burden on his back and the liberals and the republicans don't care . They both suck the life out of them . |
You ROCK, EPA ... !
It may be better but I don't believe its thats good yet . and if they can't figure whats right that should tell you they have a way to go before its right . STOP WASTEING TAX MONEY JUST DO WHAT WE PAY YOU FOR .NOW .
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Wed 04/21/10 02:07 PM
Better watch out , He also owns your mortage and car loan papers . If he wants he'll raise your credit card interest rates [ there is no limit on how high he wants to make them , one bank is chargeing 75% on there cards . ]
I don't have time to debate this issue... but I would really encourage those that are looking into undocumented workers.... to look past the rhetoric... and look at how US economy is forcing economic destruction in other countries. Think of it this way.... if your local economy was trashed .... and there was no work, or work for wages that couldn't support you or your family.... what would you do? one never knows,,but if I broke a law and got CAUGHT , I would accept and expect some consequences and probably not make demands instead. an if you were white they would be calling you a white supremacist . not much left to do except except start shooting is there . you should of been around in the 60's people were dieing like flys . different today people just lie to get money from the government not realizing what can happen because of it .. |
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Tue 04/20/10 05:06 PM
one never knows,,but if I broke a law and got CAUGHT , I would accept and expect some consequences and probably not make demands instead. I guess that would be all depending on the mood huh . NOT THE ETHICS OF IT . |
1. Did I claim anything about 'reverse discrimination' ( a term itself I find to be a comical admission that discrimination is real)? I bet you wouldn't be saying this if YOU HAD EVER BEEN DISCRIMIATED AGAINST . |
Infiltration and Subversion
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Mon 04/19/10 06:20 PM
The democrates did a head count that day . and were laughing there tiny heads off . better planing and advertiseing is needed . and a hugh voter count later this year ..
The Dinner Roll...
Its a pretty good analogy but half way thru it it dawned on me he's proably one of the ceo's that hired the illegals instead of hireing people from here . and then I said to my self . Hey I do like OBAMA !