Topic: Massachusetts Senate seat race tightens
TJN's photo
Wed 01/13/10 04:40 PM
And I thought that it was the Republicans were the ones in the pockets of Big pharma and the insurance companies.
Guess I've been told wrong.
Now we know who really will gain from this health reform.

With Democrat Martha Coakley in trouble in the Massachusetts special election to fill Ted Kennedy's seat, Democrats could lose vote No. 60 for President Obama's health-care bill. In response, an army of lobbyists for drug companies, health insurance companies, and hospitals has teamed up to throw a high-dollar Capitol Hill fundraiser for Coakley Tuesday night.

Of the 22 names on the host committee--meaning they raised $10,000 or more for Coakley--17 are federally registered lobbyists, 15 of whom have health-care clients. Of the other five hosts, one is married to a lobbyist, one was a lobbyist in Pennsylvania, another is a lawyer at a lobbying firm, and another is a corporate CEO. Oh, and of course, there's also the political action commitee for Boston Scientific Corporation.

All the leading drug companies have lobbyists on Coakley's host committee: Pfizer, Merck, Amgen, Sanofi-Aventis, Eli Lilly, Novartis, Astra-Zeneca, and more. On the insurance side of things, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Cigna, Humana, HealthSouth, and United Health all are represented on the host committee.

Those HMOs (like Aetna) or drug companies who don't have lobbyists in Coakley's top tier of fundraisers? They're covered, because the host committee includes four lobbyists representing the Pharmaceutical Researchers and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), two representing America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), and one representing the Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO)

So think of these top donors to health-care reform's 60th vote next time President Obama claims that he's battling the special interests in this battle. The army listed below is on Obama's side, and these clients will all benefit from "reform."

Here are some of Coakley fundraiser hosts with some of their current health care clients:

•Thomas Boggs, Patton Boggs: Bristol-Myers Squibb
•Chuck Brain, Capitol Hill Strategies: Amgen, BIO, Merck, PhRMA
•Susan Brophy, Glover Park Group: Blue Cross, Pfizer
•Steven Champlin, Duberstein Group: AHIP, Novartis, Sanofi-Aventis
•Licy Do Canto, Raben Group: Amgen
•Gerald Cassidy, Cassidy & Associates: U. Mass Memorial Health Care
•David Castagnetti, Mehlman, Vogel, Castagnetti: Abbot Labs, AHIP, Astra-Zenaca, General Electric, Humana, Merck, PhRMA.
•Steven Elmendorf, Elmendorf Strategies: Medicines Company, PhRMA, United Health
•Shannon Finley, Capitol Counsel: Amgen, Astra-Zeneca, Blue Cross, GE, PhRMA, Sanofi-Aventis.
•Heather Podesta, Heather Podesta & Partners: Cigna, Eli Lilly, HealthSouth
•Tony Podesta, Podesta Group: Amgen, GE, Merck, Novartis.
•Robert Raben, Raben Group: Amgen, GE.
If Coakley pulls it out, this is the crowd that will have brought her here. If health-care reform passes, this is the crew that will have won.

peppydog50's photo
Wed 01/13/10 05:25 PM
I hope the Democrats shove health care reform down the throats of Republicans and the insurance companies.

TJN's photo
Wed 01/13/10 05:49 PM

I hope the Democrats shove health care reform down the throats of Republicans and the insurance companies.

Did you read any of this?
If it's going to stick it to the big bad insurance companies why did they help in organizing a fund raiser for the Democrates?

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 01/13/10 05:50 PM

I hope the Democrats shove health care reform down the throats of Republicans and the insurance companies.

why would you hope that? this health care effects everyone not just Republicans.

SitkaRains's photo
Wed 01/13/10 11:16 PM

I hope the Democrats shove health care reform down the throats of Republicans and the insurance companies.

Did you read any of this?
If it's going to stick it to the big bad insurance companies why did they help in organizing a fund raiser for the Democrates?

I also am nonplussed by this since the truth is starting to come out and this health care bill is not a good one.

I want health care reform as much as the next person I just want a good one that more can afford.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Wed 01/13/10 11:20 PM
They simply don't CARE whether or not the bill is a good one for the country.

They HAVE to get something passed before the elections this year.

They know that, if they don't, they will not get it passed.

have no fear, Democrats.

You leaders have already let it be known that, if a Republican wins the seat, they will delay his swearing in until AFTER a vote is taken.

No matter how long it takes.

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 01/13/10 11:28 PM
oh no....they need to get it going and THEN work out the details whoa

TJN's photo
Thu 01/14/10 04:09 AM
And I thought that it was the Republicans were the ones in the pockets of Big pharma and the insurance companies.
Guess I've been told wrong.
Now we know who really will gain from this health reform

Where is everyone who was speaking out saying the Republicans were in the pockets of big pharma and the insurance companies?

Oh I get it! That's the hypocrisy of the Democrats. It's horrible and bad for our country if the Republicans do it, but if the Democrats do it then it's ok and we wont speak out about it.

Quietman_2009's photo
Thu 01/14/10 06:20 AM
Edited by Quietman_2009 on Thu 01/14/10 06:21 AM

I hope the Democrats shove health care reform down the throats of Republicans and the insurance companies.

people forget that "Republicans" happen to be about half of the (voting) people in the United States

and that does seem to be the Democrat way

shoving things down the throats of Americans that is

they have to get this healthcare thing passed as fast as possible. they are gonna lose the fillibuster proof majority with the 2010 elections and after that they wont have a chance with it

TJN's photo
Mon 01/18/10 05:50 PM

Curt Schilling is a Yankee fan slaphead

No more terrorists in Afghanistan slaphead

I feel for the people of "Massachussetts" if she wins.

cashu's photo
Mon 01/18/10 07:02 PM
Edited by cashu on Mon 01/18/10 07:03 PM

And I thought that it was the Republicans were the ones in the pockets of Big pharma and the insurance companies.
Guess I've been told wrong.
Now we know who really will gain from this health reform

Where is everyone who was speaking out saying the Republicans were in the pockets of big pharma and the insurance companies?

Oh I get it! That's the hypocrisy of the Democrats. It's horrible and bad for our country if the Republicans do it, but if the Democrats do it then it's ok and we wont speak out about it.
pharma is on both sides . they just want to make the money . but we are the ones who cough up the money they give away . they just raise our prices .

TJN's photo
Mon 01/18/10 07:13 PM

And I thought that it was the Republicans were the ones in the pockets of Big pharma and the insurance companies.
Guess I've been told wrong.
Now we know who really will gain from this health reform

Where is everyone who was speaking out saying the Republicans were in the pockets of big pharma and the insurance companies?

Oh I get it! That's the hypocrisy of the Democrats. It's horrible and bad for our country if the Republicans do it, but if the Democrats do it then it's ok and we wont speak out about it.
pharma is on both sides . they just want to make the money . but we are the ones who cough up the money they give away . they just raise our prices .

But you wouldn't know that buy the posts of those who believe only the republicans are in the pockets pharma and the insurance companies.