I take it you mean clergy that claim to be part of my religion but only use it as a backdrop to push their agenda? They're still criminals and should be treated as such. I've read the Koran I wish you guys would be more precise in the parts you are wanting to talk about . Most of the parts that can be criticized were reactions to politics at the time . The right to criticize them comes from the people not standing up and defeating the people who use gods name to kill their own who gang rape their women to make it impossible for them to ever have a normal life . There is a lot more about the Koran that's better than most religions so never believe its a bad religion just not as kind as the others .However, as in all things sometimes the problem is the uninformed person who is not able to convey what is necessary to dispel the misinformation . You have to pick your battles to win . |
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NO deseam dejar el pesimismo .. sie wollen nicht aus dem trog they won't go back because who would give them there welfare . We don't give them welfare either. They come here for the jobs. Our money by ratio is a lot more than theirs. Not as much as it used to be but it still is. thats funny the ones i know get welfare and vote to . both are illegal aren't they . but the police don't enforce all the laws do they . In fact in our government and country people only do what they feel like . |
I am more worried that his type are breeding myself. ![]() Seriously though, anyone who says anything about other humans breeding is a bigot. No matter whether they are talking about economic status, intelligence level, mental capacity, etc... It is all bigotry and not a healthy mindset. the word bigot does not apply to anything in sex , so dig out a book and see if you can come up with an english sentece so that we may debate it . ![]() |
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NO deseam dejar el pesimismo .. sie wollen nicht aus dem trog
they won't go back because who would give them there welfare . |
he said it on tv .
Edited by
Tue 01/26/10 10:17 PM
if you have read what he said today and if he means it we are in trouble big time .
Edited by
Tue 01/26/10 10:13 PM
Has the job got to be to much .? was asking him to be different than bush to much . enforcing our laws instead of doing like gw bush to much to expect . Giving money to people who had no intention of helping him in return to get the country back to work . Has all the pressure broken him ?
Are we going into a depression greater than the great depression ? Is it time to stop this stupid country and do something right in stead of just meandering down dumb a$$ road til the money is gone for ever and we stand around wondering WHAT HAPPENED ? Are the illiberals back out in the pasture running around with baskets of flower petals throwing them in the air singing ol lang syn . plotting there next drug trip ? In truth you all better sit down and kiss you a$$ go by cause the life your living today is gone . we are now a third world nation . congradulations . |
A Very Angry Woman
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Is this a joke? Mexico already takes Mexican prisoners from us if the prison is welling tears now back . for over 20 years now .
i second that. There is no official declared war on any country, so the incident is treated as a crime not act of war. This notion of sending people to military court is your way of advocating the torture of human beings. as long as he gets the death sentence i don't care . |
A Very Angry Woman
The Pittsburgh Police
Edited by
Mon 01/25/10 05:52 PM
true and as long as we are over run with crime that cops are not immune to committing,, innocent people will continue to run its a vicious circle, but like a parent with a child,, the cop is expected to know better [/quote I had a friend in la who is black and old . he was going home on a bus 1 night after work . he is skinny lite weight guy . he got of the bus and a big black guy pounded him into dirt and took his 4 dollars . He had called the cops and they searched the neighborhoods around the bus stop and saw a black that matched the describion and he took of running what would YOU do to stop him , say please ? in real the cops , they didn't look any one for the reasons all ready stated . |
of course he is out of touch he is an established corner stone of the Republican party and they (as much as are the Democrats) are all caught up in the right wing ideology and as such ARE out of touch with what the people want. What he is really working for is the Republican party. not the people of america |
with a little luck both the left and the right should fall off the earth .
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The rich and the powerful create 'laws' to keep the rich powerful,,,story hasnt changed really... now theres two of us that know that . to change it you really need to scream a lot .. |
The Pittsburgh Police
they really kicked the crap out of him.. he looks like the elephant man.. these cops are going down.. you should not judge them to much . its hard enough to get them to respond as is . if they continue to come down on cops they won't even answer there calls . a punch in the head is not normally lethal. they work out so that they can drop a guy fash . the kid did try to run and they wouldn't know why . Of course he well get a lot of tax money for this . that well help in his college years . if there is someone out there who thinks they can do better have at it but this place is over run with crime and as long as its that way and the inocent are running expect this to happen more . |
Have you reached a conclusion about this yet? I tend to think he may be deft or doesn't understand ENGLISH . I hope he understands that it well be democrats who write his history for him . not foreigners .
He seems s to think we should be understanding him instead of his understanding us . Did he think he was being elected dictator? This is still a democracy , I hope . ![]() |
obama cabienet
I don't understand . The guy over the fed couldn't see the depression until it ran him down . Gietner , his adviser on controlling the banks doesn't support him so has let the country know it and last but not least JANET NEAPONO LETS A TERIOST BOMBER IN THE COUNTRY . All of them very highly paid eat up our tax money, as if we didn't have to work for it . Why doesn't he fire them , are the highest offices in the country training jobs .Is he grading them on a curve? Does he feel smarter when he around them ? Is it an igo trip for him? Is that why he likes the Mexicans they can't speak or write their own language . Do we need this to feel better ?
The Lady and The Arlen
Edited by
Sun 01/24/10 04:00 PM
when you have a lot of garbage in your closet you should avoid politics ... BIG TIME .
there was an idiot from the hippy movement the was convicted of some thing back then that thought he had out lived his crime that came out and applied to run for a office in phoenix az. . It took the Republicans about 1 hour to start digging up his whole life and found the crime . to say the least he got a couple years in jail instead of a political office . I;d be welling to bet he has learned to accapt his fate , he di do it to himself . any demo who is heading for the hills because of an election isn't needed . there to week to be a leader of men . might i suggest they try to form a girlly boy party that would be safer when they feel its safe to come back. |