Topic: The current state of the U.S. legal system
CatsLoveMe's photo
Sat 01/16/10 09:22 PM
Are you satisfied with the way the courts interpret justice today? Judges? Juries? Prosecution? Defense? Law enforcement? Appeals? I sense there is something seriously wrong in the courts today, and how true justice is interpreted. Law enforcement is getting out of hand, and even though they(law enforcement) claim they "enforce" the law, they also play the role of judge, before they enforce the law. It would appear that the spirit of Constitutional law has been tainted and that perhaps the standards of the true spirit of the law needs to be analyzed and reset to what its true intentions were. The U.S. has gone astray in interpreting what the true spirit of Constitutional law is. Sure there are exceptions, but it seems that the outcomes are getting further away from the original intent. The U.S. judicial system is the best system we have, true, but come on, it needs to be overhauled. Prejudice and presumption of guilt are outweighing true justice.

cashu's photo
Sun 01/17/10 12:39 PM
I'm not . the discions I read about are so far out in space i have lost all my respect for the courts we have .
one decision one of our courts made a couple years ago was . A 15 year old girl was raped in the stair well at a public school by 3 boys . the judge over ruled the jury and said they were innocent because the girl looked so good that she asked for it . she was wearing blue jeans and a turdle neck shirt on the day of the rape ...
So no I don't think a court that lets that happen is worth the cost .

msharmony's photo
Sun 01/17/10 01:08 PM

Are you satisfied with the way the courts interpret justice today? Judges? Juries? Prosecution? Defense? Law enforcement? Appeals? I sense there is something seriously wrong in the courts today, and how true justice is interpreted. Law enforcement is getting out of hand, and even though they(law enforcement) claim they "enforce" the law, they also play the role of judge, before they enforce the law. It would appear that the spirit of Constitutional law has been tainted and that perhaps the standards of the true spirit of the law needs to be analyzed and reset to what its true intentions were. The U.S. has gone astray in interpreting what the true spirit of Constitutional law is. Sure there are exceptions, but it seems that the outcomes are getting further away from the original intent. The U.S. judicial system is the best system we have, true, but come on, it needs to be overhauled. Prejudice and presumption of guilt are outweighing true justice.

I agree, with the advent of media and commentating 'pundits' there is less and less opportunity for people to be tried by a jury of peers. The world, the community, and the cops have usually made up their mind (thanks to media factoids and opinions) of a persons guilt or innocence