Community > Posts By > Peacekeeper101

Peacekeeper101's photo
Tue 01/29/08 08:35 AM

got any rolling papers?

I once said that one jokeingly... and he did.

Peacekeeper101's photo
Tue 01/29/08 08:29 AM

I think marriage is a commitment between a man and a woman, don't need any papers, ever heard of common law marriages? I think the papers are Caesar(govt) sticking his nose where it don't belong.Are you marrying the govt too?(H--- NO!!!) 3 parties in your marriage? Tell Caesar to BUTT out!!

Besides have we not proved millions of times :THOSE PAPERS DON"T WORK!!!THEY DO NOT KEEP PEOPLE TOGETHER!!

HEY, my wife left me for another woman, those papers did not stop her from leaving me!!

Let me say it AGAIN, those papers don't WORK!!!And GOD does not need your PAPERS or your MONEY!!!HE NEVER DID!!!

It's not the paper that should interest you in marriage. But rather the symbol of comitment, the joining of 2 families, the life long memories of the ceremony and gathering afterwords... the papers have very little to do with marriage, and honestly mean nothing to me.

Peacekeeper101's photo
Tue 01/29/08 08:22 AM
Sorry, taken...

Peacekeeper101's photo
Tue 01/29/08 08:20 AM
Personally, I like this site just to chat it up. I'm happily married, not looking for anything but conversation here... it's a nice way to pass the time during a deployment ;).

Peacekeeper101's photo
Tue 01/29/08 08:18 AM
I have to agree, don't try so hard, don't worry about it. Live life, have fun, be positive and confident... it will only help draw men to you, and the best things are found when you're not seeking them out.

Peacekeeper101's photo
Tue 01/29/08 08:16 AM
Sorry, I can't stay and work today... I'm entirely too drunk.

Peacekeeper101's photo
Tue 01/29/08 08:14 AM
I'm pro life, yet I'm currently deployed... consider that ;)

Peacekeeper101's photo
Tue 01/29/08 08:12 AM
Consider the idea that the news reflects less, because there IS less... Consider the idea that our efforts are finally paying off...

Peacekeeper101's photo
Tue 01/29/08 08:09 AM
The problem isn't that people are getting married, but that people no longer take their vows seriously. This is ESPECIALLY seen in the military, and it sickens me. If you don't have the discipline, maturity, and moral values to devote yourself to someone, then don't lie to them, god, and yourself to make that mistake.

PS. I'm married, happily.

Peacekeeper101's photo
Tue 01/29/08 08:05 AM
Edited by Peacekeeper101 on Tue 01/29/08 08:06 AM
Depends on your outlook. Right now you may consider it more safe because of the security measures to protect civilians... or you may consider it less safe because of us soldiers over here in the dirt... No matter how you look at it though, the over all goal is to make it more safe.

Not just for america, but for the locals too

Peacekeeper101's photo
Thu 06/07/07 05:54 PM

Peacekeeper101's photo
Thu 06/07/07 05:06 PM
Right, I must be a very un-educated person, huh? It seems you're
falling right back in to attack mode, so I'm gonna just take the high
road and ignore this topic. Good luck.

Peacekeeper101's photo
Thu 06/07/07 04:39 PM
-What's that smell?

-Wrong hole dummy

-Z Z Z

-This is boring...

-Oh, You're done?

Peacekeeper101's photo
Thu 06/07/07 04:35 PM
Hehe, there's always the army... First time enlistees can be up to 42
years old now ;).

Peacekeeper101's photo
Thu 06/07/07 04:22 PM
See now that's much better, I can actually see a point to what you're
saying. In which case, I agree somewhat. However, I do think SOME
things should be open to compromise.

Peacekeeper101's photo
Thu 06/07/07 11:03 AM
Karizman, are you at all capable of having a mature discussion without
personally attacking someone, or a group of people? I get it, you don't
like me. If you want to personally attack me, at least have the decency
to do so in private. Besides that, I've yet to see a valid argument in
ANY discussion you've had. I've seen only insulting, without the least
bit of substance to back those insults up. Get a grip man, we all have
our opinions, and we all have people or groups we might not like..
Restraint is a part of compromise though, I suppose.

Peacekeeper101's photo
Thu 06/07/07 10:42 AM
<-- knows all about personal attacks in ANY political forum... comes
with the job lol

Peacekeeper101's photo
Wed 06/06/07 10:33 PM
Who's the matchmaker? Hook me up lol

Peacekeeper101's photo
Wed 06/06/07 04:04 PM
Ok sorry, really gotta go now... This topic was just too much to pass
up.. TTYL

Peacekeeper101's photo
Wed 06/06/07 04:03 PM
Tests and trials are false situations that produce fake results. If
both of you are straight with each other from the beginning and don't
play those little games, you'll know exactly what you're getting into,
and won't be shocked later when you find out you're dating someone
completely different than who you thought. All these games do is make
people try to act a certain way to fall into a "likable" image. Just be
who you are, keep it real, and you'll know for sure if you're where you
want to be.