Topic: Euthanasia/abortion/war-comments? | |
If "people" are against abortions are those same "people against wars? Why can't an individual also "chose to be put to"sleep" when death is inevitable and that person choses to be spared the agony of pain and cost instead of "milking every penny from them and or their families,and make a conscious decision accordingly to their own wishes? Where are these Do-gooders? the girl on the pill unless she plans for a baby, "No" bloodshed should be "No" bloodshed and suffering a slow painful death could & should be eliminated.Pro-life =antiwar. Keeping senior adults alive with NO quality of life ? I believe in choices. PEACE OUT
because we neither create nor own life
I'm all for youth in Asia. What else are we gonna do with those kids in China?
I'm all for youth in Asia. What else are we gonna do with those kids in China? HAHAHAHA |
You cannot put abortion and war into the same mix. Abortion usually involves one person, the woman carrying the child, although sometimes the father might come into the equasion. War involves all of the peoples in one or more nations.
Perhaps someone can explain to me the difference between suffering Iraqis when Saddam killed between 500,000 to 1 million of his people and Darfur where people are being killed and mutilated each day?
Why would anyone be for helping one suffering people but not another? I believe, if we can, we should help all suffering people who are bullied by dictators or murderous regimes. Why do people who care about Darfur are somehow less caring about Iraqi's? |
There is no difference between what is going on in Iraq and Darfur. Hundreds of thousands of people are being killed in civil wars in both countries, and it is a tragedy. In connection with the above, the reason we went into Iraq was because Saddam was a clear and present danger, because of his pursuit of WMD's and his harboring terrorists and destablizing the region. Therefore, it was in America's national interest to go into Iraq. There is no clear and present danger in Darfar to America or to our national interests. |
I think that a clear and present danger should not be the only criteria. If people are being brutalized we should help if we can. Obviously there is a limit to how thin we can spread ourselves. If we are prudent and careful we can get involved in other situations even if there isn't a clear and present danger. Caring is what makes America a great country. PreciousLife..... There is no difference between what is going on in Iraq and Darfur. Hundreds of thousands of people are being killed in civil wars in both countries, and it is a tragedy. In connection with the above, the reason we went into Iraq was because Saddam was a clear and present danger, because of his pursuit of WMD's and his harboring terrorists and destablizing the region. Therefore, it was in America's national interest to go into Iraq. There is no clear and present danger in Darfar to America or to our national interests. |
PreciousLife..... There is no difference between what is going on in Iraq and Darfur. Hundreds of thousands of people are being killed in civil wars in both countries, and it is a tragedy. In connection with the above, the reason we went into Iraq was because Saddam was a clear and present danger, because of his pursuit of WMD's and his harboring terrorists and destablizing the region. Therefore, it was in America's national interest to go into Iraq. There is no clear and present danger in Darfar to America or to our national interests. The US didn't go "to war" it invaded a soverign (sp?) country... Its especially in light of the fact that the so called WMD were never found...America's national interest in Iraq was oil..they let the cities burn while sending troops to protect the oil wells..While Osama Bin Ladden was hiding out in some cave in Afghanistan, remember him?--HE was the one responsible for the death of thousands of Americans. With the removal of Saddam, one of the worlds most vicious dictators, terrorists were free to group and multiply there...and now continue to be a threat to Americans abroad. |
Do you believe we should help the people in Darfur? If yes, do you believe that the Iraqi people under Saddam were suffering less then the people in Darfur? People tend to respond with Bush’s motivation. Lets say you are correct and he was trying to protect the oil (which you and I use and if our supply was threatened it would destroy the economy. Imagine $500 a barrel of oil. Shouldn’t a president look out for the interests of our country?) Why is that relevant? If ultimately we did a good thing by stopping the wholesale murder and torture by Saddam on his people? I don’t understand where this hatred for Bush comes from. Do you really believe he is an evil person? You can be free to disagree with his policies but do you honestly believe he is evil and doesn’t care about human life? The US didn't go "to war" it invaded a soverign (sp?) country... Its especially in light of the fact that the so called WMD were never found...America's national interest in Iraq was oil..they let the cities burn while sending troops to protect the oil wells..While Osama Bin Ladden was hiding out in some cave in Afghanistan, remember him?--HE was the one responsible for the death of thousands of Americans. With the removal of Saddam, one of the worlds most vicious dictators, terrorists were free to group and multiply there...and now continue to be a threat to Americans abroad. |
What about the Armenian genocide? There are still states that don't even accept that it happened, and of the 40 that do accept it occured the United States still doesn't recognize it as a genocide (look it up). Where does the hatred for Bush come from? Thousands of American deaths that didn't need to happen, but he missed his memo. That on top of the on going failure of a war that was claimed a success years ago, so if it was a success why aren't the troops home? How does Bush gauge success? We have numerous oil reserves in the United States and Canada, on top of numerous countries under treaties with oil reserves. When it comes down to it the war isn't about oil or Saddam's murder and torture of his people (by the way this happens all the time in numerous other countries, why don't we bomb them too?) this war to me is a "daddy couldn't finish, but I will" war...and it is an utter failure.
Symbelmyne, Do you believe we should help the people in Darfur? If yes, do you believe that the Iraqi people under Saddam were suffering less then the people in Darfur? People tend to respond with Bush’s motivation. Lets say you are correct and he was trying to protect the oil (which you and I use and if our supply was threatened it would destroy the economy. Imagine $500 a barrel of oil. Shouldn’t a president look out for the interests of our country?) Why is that relevant? If ultimately we did a good thing by stopping the wholesale murder and torture by Saddam on his people? I don’t understand where this hatred for Bush comes from. Do you really believe he is an evil person? You can be free to disagree with his policies but do you honestly believe he is evil and doesn’t care about human life? The US didn't go "to war" it invaded a soverign (sp?) country... Its especially in light of the fact that the so called WMD were never found...America's national interest in Iraq was oil..they let the cities burn while sending troops to protect the oil wells..While Osama Bin Ladden was hiding out in some cave in Afghanistan, remember him?--HE was the one responsible for the death of thousands of Americans. With the removal of Saddam, one of the worlds most vicious dictators, terrorists were free to group and multiply there...and now continue to be a threat to Americans abroad. |
Why would I hate Bush? I don't even know the man...when a country ASKS for help then help should be given if possible. America's corporate imperialism does more harm than good. America's foreign policy appears to be nothing more than exploitation of other countries resources for the benefit of Americans. This administration has created more chaos and division among Americans at home and the world abroad than any other administration, even Reagan wasn't THIS bad.
Bush is a bad president with bad policies and inept cabinet members. I don't hate him, I just hate the America he represents. Thats why I don't live there anymore. ![]() |
Zap i think you're right this lady sounds really familiar to me.
The America it represents? can you say fell off the turnip truck and forgot the prozac? Sorry honey no matter how much you may long for a socialist or communist country it aint never, ever gonna happen pull your head out! |
I don't believe in euthanasia(intentional killing)even if it seems to be for a good reason.I used to think maybe it was ok, but now I think we came here on this planet and so we should try to tough it out.(Smiles)I now think we need to play the cards that we have been dealt and try to see what we can do with them.
But ,I do believe that this planet is highly over populated, but I do not think we have the right to go out and start killing people off.(do unto others as you would have them do to you.) But ,I think we need to come up with a way to limit the number of children each family can have,(Without killing) otherwise ,we will all start starving soon. |
I'm pro life, yet I'm currently deployed... consider that ;)
First of all recognizing the Armenian Genocide is now a political matter with our relations with Turkey and not a question of actually rescuing suffering people. Secondly Saddam's brutality and murder was on a scale beyond most tragic situations. Saddam killed between 500,000 to 1 million people in his life time. That moves him into Stalin or Hitler territory. What about the Armenian genocide? There are still states that don't even accept that it happened, and of the 40 that do accept it occured the United States still doesn't recognize it as a genocide (look it up). Where does the hatred for Bush come from? Thousands of American deaths that didn't need to happen, but he missed his memo. That on top of the on going failure of a war that was claimed a success years ago, so if it was a success why aren't the troops home? How does Bush gauge success? We have numerous oil reserves in the United States and Canada, on top of numerous countries under treaties with oil reserves. When it comes down to it the war isn't about oil or Saddam's murder and torture of his people (by the way this happens all the time in numerous other countries, why don't we bomb them too?) this war to me is a "daddy couldn't finish, but I will" war...and it is an utter failure. |
Why would I hate Bush? I don't even know the man...when a country ASKS for help then help should be given if possible. Symbelmyne, How can a country ask for help when the country is run by a brutal dictator? The people in Iraq were suffering terribly. Its kind of like if the Nazis were exterminating the Jews but didn't attack other countries. Should the United States intervene? |
PreciouosLife.... I copied/pasted your post to me.
"Leahmarie, I think that a clear and present danger should not be the only criteria. If people are being brutalized we should help if we can. Obviously there is a limit to how thin we can spread ourselves. If we are prudent and careful we can get involved in other situations even if there isn't a clear and present danger. Caring is what makes America a great country." ================================================================================================================================ Yes, you are correct in that a clear and present danger and national interests should not be America's only criteria for going to war/helping those in need. However, we have to use that way of thinking since, as you put it, there is a limit to how thin we can spread ourselves. We are a country that is getting too involved with other nations in that we have our armed forces all over the world. That is costing us American lives and money. We have to put limitations on helping other nations. Prudent and careful? When we enter into another country and there is war/civil war/unrest, it is extremely difficult to be prudent and careful. Look at the mess in Iraq! Caring is what makes America a great country --- I agree with your sentiments. But once again, we cannot help everyone in need. |
Rwandan genocide, circa 1994 (estimates at the upwards of 1,000,000 but most have accepted 500,000 deaths)...where was big brother America then? Versus, Saddam's genocide
circa 1980's...why is that one more important to the United States, you know, given we have such a caring president and all. By the way I have loads of these, so just keep going and I will continue. FearandLoathing, First of all recognizing the Armenian Genocide is now a political matter with our relations with Turkey and not a question of actually rescuing suffering people. Secondly Saddam's brutality and murder was on a scale beyond most tragic situations. Saddam killed between 500,000 to 1 million people in his life time. That moves him into Stalin or Hitler territory. What about the Armenian genocide? There are still states that don't even accept that it happened, and of the 40 that do accept it occured the United States still doesn't recognize it as a genocide (look it up). Where does the hatred for Bush come from? Thousands of American deaths that didn't need to happen, but he missed his memo. That on top of the on going failure of a war that was claimed a success years ago, so if it was a success why aren't the troops home? How does Bush gauge success? We have numerous oil reserves in the United States and Canada, on top of numerous countries under treaties with oil reserves. When it comes down to it the war isn't about oil or Saddam's murder and torture of his people (by the way this happens all the time in numerous other countries, why don't we bomb them too?) this war to me is a "daddy couldn't finish, but I will" war...and it is an utter failure. |
fearand loathing..... to answer your question .... where was big brother America? Please read my posts for the answer.