Community > Posts By > Peacekeeper101

Peacekeeper101's photo
Tue 06/05/07 10:53 PM
I nominate myself! Cause, well yeah just cause...

Peacekeeper101's photo
Tue 06/05/07 06:40 PM
Speaking of thread... has anyone ever seen that movie "Dreamcatcher"?
God that movie is disgusting... Anal invading aliens.. I mean c'mon,
seriously, who thinks of that kind of crap??

Peacekeeper101's photo
Tue 06/05/07 06:13 PM
Hmm why just leave? Don't leave me hanging, what's on your mind?

Peacekeeper101's photo
Tue 06/05/07 06:04 PM
Haha, sounds great Jess, don't think I've ever been on a push bike.
Definately would have to take in the views, that's half the fun of being
out on a lake. I'm sure the debating would be VERY interesting too...
Not sure about the 8 ball though, I'm pretty good lol

Peacekeeper101's photo
Tue 06/05/07 05:37 PM
LOL, I dunno... Maybe if I get to plan the next day

Peacekeeper101's photo
Tue 06/05/07 05:24 PM
As far as tattoos go, I love tattoos on a woman, but it has to be done
with some kind of class... I can't say any of those 3 appeal to me, it's
jut too much. I am a sucker for those low riding belly or lower back
tattoos though.

As far as piercings, again it has to be with class. I've seen women
with eye brow piercings and/or studs in the nose that actually looked
kinda cute, but there's a fine line to cross there. I love belly button
piercings, other than that I'm indifferent.

Peacekeeper101's photo
Tue 06/05/07 05:18 PM
Hmm, I don't know... Personally, I'm not quick to use the word love. I
think you truly have to experience what life is like WITH that person
before you can decide if you love them.

Peacekeeper101's photo
Tue 06/05/07 05:16 PM
Happy birthday, this isn't by me but I thought it was kinda funny..

We're over the hill but don't feel sad
This side of the hill ain't all that bad.
So give us "five" and then a smile
To us who have been here for awhile.

With by-pass pain and mended hip
And plumbing fixtures prone to drip;
We all may seem a sorry lot,
But we rejoice for what we've got.

We have each day and what it brings
And on our pensions live like kings.
For the press that accuses what we take
To coin a phrase, "Let them eat cake."

We've paid our share for unused knowledge
As the kids are now all done with college.
We complain to them about our health
As they worry about our dwindling wealth.

And though our wardrobes may be plain
We'll suffer no more labor or pain.
Now it's with cane we do our strut
And if we can't drive - we still can putt.

We're mean and tough, meet all demands,
Why, M&M's melt in our hands.
Yes, we're still here, and it does delight us
That you join our fight against arthritis.

But we ask you make a pledge today
That you'll be careful what you say.
We have to spread "Over the Hill" fear
Or we'll have those young folks over here.

Peacekeeper101's photo
Tue 06/05/07 04:54 PM
To be honest Jess, I don't know. It just came up in a conversation the
other day. I said I was thinking about building one, and several of my
"co-workers" advised against it, said it was very expensive to
maintain... I havn't done any research on it yet though.

Peacekeeper101's photo
Tue 06/05/07 04:51 PM
I would love to, but I hear they're VERY expensive to maintain...

Peacekeeper101's photo
Tue 06/05/07 04:47 PM
I agree with ya 100% songbird, unfortunately there doesn't seem to be
any better alternative than our currently horrible prison program.

Peacekeeper101's photo
Tue 06/05/07 04:37 PM
Sounds great, can't say I've heard of them... Been out of the loop a
while I guess.

Peacekeeper101's photo
Tue 06/05/07 04:29 PM
LOL, good one, I'm gonna use that

Peacekeeper101's photo
Tue 06/05/07 04:24 PM
Thermogenics are a great way to lose weight, but not as a sole method.
They are typically effective only for the first month to month and a
half. Other things to take into consideration are what exactly they're
doing to your body. Thermogenics work by raising your body's core
temperature, essentially forcing your body into a state that will burn
fat and water weight. While this may sound great, keep in mind that
purpose of fat in your body is to store glucose which is burned for the
energy needed to build muscle or tone up. Simply burning away this fat
without using it can cause several issues. Ever seen someone that lost
50lbs using only a dietary supplement? You'll notice things like loose
looking or sunken in skin (and stretch marks a lot of the time), an over
all loose and sometimes flabby look, despite being "skinny". Other
issues that can result are lack of appetite, chronic nausea, chemical
dependency (yes, they're addictive), crashes (just like those from
drinking too much coffee), loss of muscle (after the fat's burned, your
body will start burning muscle tissue for energy).

All that said, don't get me wrong, thermogenics are a great supplement
to add to your routine, if used properly.

A good way to start would be a 5-6 week program involving the use of
thermogenics every other day, preferably right before your workout. A
good aroebics program, or simply jogging is perfect for your excersize
routine, and a good healthy diet to go along with it. Also make sure to
drink PLENTY of water, as raising your body temperature (which
thermogenics do) can easily dehydrate you.

Peacekeeper101's photo
Tue 06/05/07 04:08 PM
Grab your climbing gear, we'd start out early and go spelunking (cave
exploring). The cave we'd head to is along side a river which happens
to be a great kayaking spot, so we'd get there by kayak or canoe. After
that, we'd set up and relax on the bank of the river to do a little
fishing. Once evening starts to creep up, we'd pack up and head back to
the house to store our catch for the next day's adventure. We'd then
part ways to get cleaned up and ready for the dinner and live show we'd
catch in Nashville. Where of course, I'd find a way to get you pulled
on stage for kicks. If there wasn't a live show, it'd be a kareokee
night. We'd probably head out early being tired from the rest of the
day, and well... use your imagination from there

Peacekeeper101's photo
Tue 06/05/07 03:58 PM
It's 5 o'clock somewhere...

Peacekeeper101's photo
Tue 06/05/07 03:51 PM
Excersize. No matter what anyone tells you, there is NO good diet that
will help you lose weight in a healthy way without working out. You
need to keep yourself in a catabolic state (rather than anabolic). Ways
to do this are:

Fast acting carbs
Don't eat late at night before bed.
Cardio workouts (like jogging or running) in excess of 30 minutes.

When you drink water (and you should be drinking plenty), try to drink
it cold, it makes your body work to process the water.

Yogurt is also great, it's been shown to actually burn calories just by
eating it, because your body has to work to process it.

Hope some of these tips can help. I don't consider myself a credible
expert... However, at one point in my life before the army I was an ACE
certified personal trainer and nutritionist.

Peacekeeper101's photo
Tue 06/05/07 03:18 PM
Sorry all, I didn't disappear on ya, I was at work. Wow, lot's of great
suggestions here. For those that read my profile, I'm pretty much down
for anything, but stuff that's outdoors takes the win for me. Thanks
for all the great ideas

Peacekeeper101's photo
Tue 06/05/07 10:06 AM
Oh nono, I didn't say it was a bad topic in general, just bad for me

Peacekeeper101's photo
Tue 06/05/07 07:15 AM
What would we do?

I'm off to work but I figured I'd drop this question for kicks.. Be
creative, let's see who can wow me ;)