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Topic: God is NOT a loving god.
Kleisto's photo
Fri 06/14/13 05:49 PM
Edited by Kleisto on Fri 06/14/13 05:50 PM

Just seen not long ago on the History channel that Scientist went into a large silent prayer meeting and their instruments started spiking when they started praying.. They had no explanation for what was happening at all

So? They have no reason to assume the spiking was caused by the praying either.

Or that it was the Christian God that answered the prayer. A friend once told me that the major reason every religion thinks their way is right, is because they ALL experience and feel God if they seek it, no matter how or what name they give it. So assuming that to be the case, what you saw WAS God answering them, but not YOUR God specifically, just God period. They sought it, so they were answered.

no photo
Fri 06/14/13 05:52 PM

Just seen not long ago on the History channel that Scientist went into a large silent prayer meeting and their instruments started spiking when they started praying.. They had no explanation for what was happening at all

So? They have no reason to assume the spiking was caused by the praying either.

Or that it was the Christian God that answered the prayer. A friend once told me that the major reason every religion thinks their way is right, is because they ALL experience and feel God if they seek it, no matter how or what name they give it. So assuming that to be the case, what you saw WAS God answering them, but not YOUR God specifically, just God period. They sought it, so they were answered.

As scientists, they should consider the idea that their very thoughts in unison could have been having an effect on the reality they create with their minds.


Milesoftheusa's photo
Fri 06/14/13 06:25 PM

Just seen not long ago on the History channel that Scientist went into a large silent prayer meeting and their instruments started spiking when they started praying.. They had no explanation for what was happening at all

So? They have no reason to assume the spiking was caused by the praying either.

Or that it was the Christian God that answered the prayer. A friend once told me that the major reason every religion thinks their way is right, is because they ALL experience and feel God if they seek it, no matter how or what name they give it. So assuming that to be the case, what you saw WAS God answering them, but not YOUR God specifically, just God period. They sought it, so they were answered.

As scientists, they should consider the idea that their very thoughts in unison could have been having an effect on the reality they create with their minds.


all I am doing is saying what the showed talked about.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Fri 06/14/13 06:25 PM

Just seen not long ago on the History channel that Scientist went into a large silent prayer meeting and their instruments started spiking when they started praying.. They had no explanation for what was happening at all

So? They have no reason to assume the spiking was caused by the praying either.

Or that it was the Christian God that answered the prayer. A friend once told me that the major reason every religion thinks their way is right, is because they ALL experience and feel God if they seek it, no matter how or what name they give it. So assuming that to be the case, what you saw WAS God answering them, but not YOUR God specifically, just God period. They sought it, so they were answered.

As scientists, they should consider the idea that their very thoughts in unison could have been having an effect on the reality they create with their minds.


all I am doing is saying what the showed talked about.

William8's photo
Fri 06/14/13 09:21 PM
Edited by William8 on Fri 06/14/13 09:28 PM
But all that is self defeating, instead of confronting our fear of death and helping to seek a method of prolonging our lives through science, we run to religion which has a long standing history of stifling science.

Oh the irony. Science has only brought mankind on the brink of extinction.

Overpopulation, global warming and dwindling resources , all the results of science, has set up the worst case scernario for the widest possible suffering.

Also inventing biological fairytales such as evolution, and supporting it through missinformation and humanist propaganda, is the biggest scientific fraud since the Peking man.

The Peking man was a complete fraud but sat in a museum and influenced thought about human evolution, for 40 years.

Think of that, a lie, a forgery hailed as the greatest proof of evolution.

Lies like that are still influencing thinking even today, Abiogenesis, beneficial mutations are just as bogus but just as influential.

RKISIT's photo
Sat 06/15/13 05:51 AM
Edited by RKISIT on Sat 06/15/13 06:02 AM

But all that is self defeating, instead of confronting our fear of death and helping to seek a method of prolonging our lives through science, we run to religion which has a long standing history of stifling science.

Oh the irony. Science has only brought mankind on the brink of extinction.

Overpopulation, global warming and dwindling resources , all the results of science, has set up the worst case scernario for the widest possible suffering.

Also inventing biological fairytales such as evolution, and supporting it through missinformation and humanist propaganda, is the biggest scientific fraud since the Peking man.

The Peking man was a complete fraud but sat in a museum and influenced thought about human evolution, for 40 years.

Think of that, a lie, a forgery hailed as the greatest proof of evolution.

Lies like that are still influencing thinking even today, Abiogenesis, beneficial mutations are just as bogus but just as influential.

But yet it's ok for your imaginary god to wipe out humans with a flood.
The whole entire abrahamic trilogy is fake.So your point is?
Funny thing about you theist you'll try and turn the table by saying it's us atheist that need to prove god doesn't exist.That's not how it works ya'll claim god does now show me the proof.Atheist don't claim that sky daddys exist.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
Please put up or shut up.
As for peltdown man yeah it was fake but what about all the other evidence for evolution.You sure do cherry pick and badly at that.
Where's your ark of the covenant and holy grail.Why was joshephus documents forged by the church to promote their messiah that has very little evidence to support his existence either.
So a book that has no evidence for it's main characters has been brainwashing people for 2,000 years and makes people delusional is ok .Creationism wheres the evidence for this?

msharmony's photo
Sat 06/15/13 06:07 AM
that book has survived alot longer and through alot more than any of us ever could,,,

I pray that people learn to embrace and study about their creator as fervently as they study His creation,,,,

RKISIT's photo
Sat 06/15/13 08:19 AM

that book has survived alot longer and through alot more than any of us ever could,,,

I pray that people learn to embrace and study about their creator as fervently as they study His creation,,,,

So did the ebla tablets but it still doesn't mean the bible isn't a faction

Lazarus102's photo
Sat 06/15/13 09:00 AM
Edited by Lazarus102 on Sat 06/15/13 09:03 AM

'vicrtim' mentality is rampant in humans as well

rarely as often do we here why didnt 'we'...?

its so much easier to point the finger away from ourself and ask

why didnt 'HE'?

That's what God is for. When life gets too rough, when things get scary or bad, don't take any responsibility, don't try to fix it, just pray and hope that there is a God to save you.

The act of prayer works for one reason and one reason only, because it acts as a placebo, people believe it works and therefore it does, they seek the answers not in an old dusty book but within themselves. They may use some of the words from the bible to guide them in the same way that normal people would use words from a self help book; but the concept is all the same. God does not show anyone the way, unless you can literally say that god or one of his messenger boys(IE: Jesus, Moses .etc) came to you in person and told you to follow a specific path then you can not blame the path you follow on them whether it be righteous or evil. I think msharmony speaks a very specific double standard in the words she chooses to use. Things like "god shows me the way" but at the next turn "God has no power over man, we all make our own choices". There is no god showing us the way, there's words in the bible(written by man) and the experiences we choose to take with us throughout our lives.

Psychology is something very much in direct conflict of religion, because it near-perfectly explains why we make the choices that we do, and has many enlightening teachings that are beyond what the bible is capable of explaining because it's a science far more advanced than anything known when the bible was pieced together.

"Just seen not long ago on the History channel that Scientist went into a large silent prayer meeting and their instruments started spiking when they started praying.. They had no explanation for what was happening at all"

That's the problem with the way many people think, if we cannot explain something, make something up to fill in the blanks. Proof of that is all too evident in the way we talk to one another. If one person is talking to another and a question is asked to which they do now know the answer, we verbalize "umm, er.., uhh." to fill in the blanks of what we cannot explain, we always feel a need to fill in the blanks even if we have nothing comprehensive to fill them with. So the bible is basically a massive compilation of the umms,uhhs and er's of man over a thousandish year span. Let it be remembered that man at one point thought god was responsible for the rising of the sun in the day and the moon coming out at night; but science has proven a much more realistic answer for that.

no photo
Sat 06/15/13 09:08 AM
The act of prayer works for one reason and one reason only, because it acts as a placebo, people believe it works and therefore it does, they seek the answers not in an old dusty book but within themselves.

Yes this is very true, and you can find this information in the Bible too!

The power of belief. Where is belief anyway? It is in the mind!

What do Christians want you to do? They want you to believe in the power of Jesus.

What if you believe in your own power to believe in yourself?

People don't realize that the power is in their own hands. The church has convinced them they have no power, but the power is in their belief. Without belief in the Church's myths, they have NO POWER AT ALL.

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 06/15/13 12:41 PM

The act of prayer works for one reason and one reason only, because it acts as a placebo, people believe it works and therefore it does, they seek the answers not in an old dusty book but within themselves.

Yes this is very true, and you can find this information in the Bible too!

The power of belief. Where is belief anyway? It is in the mind!

What do Christians want you to do? They want you to believe in the power of Jesus.

What if you believe in your own power to believe in yourself?

People don't realize that the power is in their own hands. The church has convinced them they have no power, but the power is in their belief. Without belief in the Church's myths, they have NO POWER AT ALL.

Who wants power? I'm just a lowly servant of Jesus Christ.

no photo
Sat 06/15/13 01:03 PM

The act of prayer works for one reason and one reason only, because it acts as a placebo, people believe it works and therefore it does, they seek the answers not in an old dusty book but within themselves.

Yes this is very true, and you can find this information in the Bible too!

The power of belief. Where is belief anyway? It is in the mind!

What do Christians want you to do? They want you to believe in the power of Jesus.

What if you believe in your own power to believe in yourself?

People don't realize that the power is in their own hands. The church has convinced them they have no power, but the power is in their belief. Without belief in the Church's myths, they have NO POWER AT ALL.

Who wants power? I'm just a lowly servant of Jesus Christ.

If you don't want any power over your own life and your own thinking then that is your choice. You will do as you have done. You will give your power away.

And there are plenty of Churches and gurus and politicians who will gladly take it.

RKISIT's photo
Sat 06/15/13 02:19 PM

'vicrtim' mentality is rampant in humans as well

rarely as often do we here why didnt 'we'...?

its so much easier to point the finger away from ourself and ask

why didnt 'HE'?

That's what God is for. When life gets too rough, when things get scary or bad, don't take any responsibility, don't try to fix it, just pray and hope that there is a God to save you.

The act of prayer works for one reason and one reason only, because it acts as a placebo, people believe it works and therefore it does, they seek the answers not in an old dusty book but within themselves. They may use some of the words from the bible to guide them in the same way that normal people would use words from a self help book; but the concept is all the same. God does not show anyone the way, unless you can literally say that god or one of his messenger boys(IE: Jesus, Moses .etc) came to you in person and told you to follow a specific path then you can not blame the path you follow on them whether it be righteous or evil. I think msharmony speaks a very specific double standard in the words she chooses to use. Things like "god shows me the way" but at the next turn "God has no power over man, we all make our own choices". There is no god showing us the way, there's words in the bible(written by man) and the experiences we choose to take with us throughout our lives.

Psychology is something very much in direct conflict of religion, because it near-perfectly explains why we make the choices that we do, and has many enlightening teachings that are beyond what the bible is capable of explaining because it's a science far more advanced than anything known when the bible was pieced together.

"Just seen not long ago on the History channel that Scientist went into a large silent prayer meeting and their instruments started spiking when they started praying.. They had no explanation for what was happening at all"

That's the problem with the way many people think, if we cannot explain something, make something up to fill in the blanks. Proof of that is all too evident in the way we talk to one another. If one person is talking to another and a question is asked to which they do now know the answer, we verbalize "umm, er.., uhh." to fill in the blanks of what we cannot explain, we always feel a need to fill in the blanks even if we have nothing comprehensive to fill them with. So the bible is basically a massive compilation of the umms,uhhs and er's of man over a thousandish year span. Let it be remembered that man at one point thought god was responsible for the rising of the sun in the day and the moon coming out at night; but science has proven a much more realistic answer for that.

It is psychological.Lets look at the aussie who keeps trying to say evolution is a lie.Well he is from Ken Ham country so that isn't surprising but he has himself so psychologically locked in on Ken Hams beliefs that he hasn't even seen the overwhelming evidence that supports evolution.
I can copy and paste it cause i won't type everything but on the other hand it does have a few unanswered questions.Give it time it will be answered with facts.
Theist have had their unproven fun for 2,000 years it's time science gets it's own proven time.

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 06/15/13 02:26 PM

'vicrtim' mentality is rampant in humans as well

rarely as often do we here why didnt 'we'...?

its so much easier to point the finger away from ourself and ask

why didnt 'HE'?

That's what God is for. When life gets too rough, when things get scary or bad, don't take any responsibility, don't try to fix it, just pray and hope that there is a God to save you.

lol what are you on about?

"don't try to fix it, just pray and hope that there is a God to save you"

That won't work either. Pray about it and God will show you the way and help you achieve whatever it is that is in question. But you first gotta put the first step forward.

That is what I see Christians doing constantly. When something scares them, or overwhelms them or when they get hit with a load of their own causal karma, they all start begging and crying and praying to the Lord God Almighty to save them.

And they ask others to pray for them too, as if the number of prayers to God make a difference.

Hey, its cause and effect. Take your medicine and stop whining.

Just seen not long ago on the History channel that Scientist went into a large silent prayer meeting and their instruments started spiking when they started praying.. They had no explanation for what was happening at all
Pray tell,what sort of Instruments?
Electric Field-strength-Meters maybe?

no photo
Sat 06/15/13 04:31 PM

'vicrtim' mentality is rampant in humans as well

rarely as often do we here why didnt 'we'...?

its so much easier to point the finger away from ourself and ask

why didnt 'HE'?

That's what God is for. When life gets too rough, when things get scary or bad, don't take any responsibility, don't try to fix it, just pray and hope that there is a God to save you.

lol what are you on about?

"don't try to fix it, just pray and hope that there is a God to save you"

That won't work either. Pray about it and God will show you the way and help you achieve whatever it is that is in question. But you first gotta put the first step forward.

That is what I see Christians doing constantly. When something scares them, or overwhelms them or when they get hit with a load of their own causal karma, they all start begging and crying and praying to the Lord God Almighty to save them.

And they ask others to pray for them too, as if the number of prayers to God make a difference.

Hey, its cause and effect. Take your medicine and stop whining.

Just seen not long ago on the History channel that Scientist went into a large silent prayer meeting and their instruments started spiking when they started praying.. They had no explanation for what was happening at all
Pray tell,what sort of Instruments?
Electric Field-strength-Meters maybe?

Yes, what sort of instruments.... and btw, what KIND OF SCIENTISTS?

Kleisto's photo
Sat 06/15/13 04:40 PM

that book has survived alot longer and through alot more than any of us ever could,,,

I pray that people learn to embrace and study about their creator as fervently as they study His creation,,,,

I think some of you could take your own advice, you think you know your creator, but you support one that acts anything but what a divine being is. Why? Because a book says so. Please. God is not that limited.....

Really all you want is people to learn what YOU believe, you don't care about their personal relationship, you just want them to be like you. It is psychological terrorism in effect, trying to force them to think as you do. What free will is there if we have no choice?

no photo
Sat 06/15/13 04:55 PM

that book has survived alot longer and through alot more than any of us ever could,,,

I pray that people learn to embrace and study about their creator as fervently as they study His creation,,,,

That book is just a book. It does not "survive." It is peddled by an elite group of self righteous so-called holy men who manipulate the masses for their own evil agenda. (Genocide being one of them)

There is no particular way to "embrace and study" the creator with that book. If you want to know more about the creator, then learn who you truly are.

Know yourself, and you will know God.

Kleisto's photo
Sat 06/15/13 04:58 PM

that book has survived alot longer and through alot more than any of us ever could,,,

I pray that people learn to embrace and study about their creator as fervently as they study His creation,,,,

That book is just a book. It does not "survive." It is peddled by an elite group of self righteous so-called holy men who manipulate the masses for their own evil agenda. (Genocide being one of them)

There is no particular way to "embrace and study" the creator with that book. If you want to know more about the creator, then learn who you truly are.

Know yourself, and you will know God.

For that matter, if you know and understand others (something again the book doesn't teach), you will know God there too. When you divorce yourself from it.....you see people different.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sat 06/15/13 04:59 PM

'vicrtim' mentality is rampant in humans as well

rarely as often do we here why didnt 'we'...?

its so much easier to point the finger away from ourself and ask

why didnt 'HE'?

That's what God is for. When life gets too rough, when things get scary or bad, don't take any responsibility, don't try to fix it, just pray and hope that there is a God to save you.

lol what are you on about?

"don't try to fix it, just pray and hope that there is a God to save you"

That won't work either. Pray about it and God will show you the way and help you achieve whatever it is that is in question. But you first gotta put the first step forward.

That is what I see Christians doing constantly. When something scares them, or overwhelms them or when they get hit with a load of their own causal karma, they all start begging and crying and praying to the Lord God Almighty to save them.

And they ask others to pray for them too, as if the number of prayers to God make a difference.

Hey, its cause and effect. Take your medicine and stop whining.

Just seen not long ago on the History channel that Scientist went into a large silent prayer meeting and their instruments started spiking when they started praying.. They had no explanation for what was happening at all
Pray tell,what sort of Instruments?
Electric Field-strength-Meters maybe?

Yes, what sort of instruments.... and btw, what KIND OF SCIENTISTS?

Found it on the History.com but they want u to buy the dvd but I believe this is where it was from but not sure.

I arrived in Medjugorje on March 14, 1985 carrying with me a portable, recharchable Electroscope (BT-400, Biotech-Electronics, Lachine, Que. Canada). This instrument can measure both electrically charged air ions and ionizing radiation from radioactive sources. It should be noted that soon after the incident at Podboro Hill, Yugoslav authorities had forbidden any such outdoor meetings, so the visionaries started to gather in a small room adjacent to the altar in St. James church. Although originally the measurements were intended to be made during an actual apparition, due to the change of the rules no one could be present anymore in this room at such a time. Therefore I left the Electroscope inside the room connected to a tape-recorder. At 5 PM March 15, 1985, St.James church was already filled with local people and some Italian pilgrims who have already started their daily prayers and chanting. When the Electroscope was turned on it showed an extremely high reading of air ions concentration ( close to 100 000 per cu.cm of air! ) which has never been observed in a natural environment, except in the vicinity of the powerful air ion generator. However, switching the instrument into the mode for the detection of nuclear radiation, displayed an even more bizarre reading of 100 000
millirads (mR) per hour! It should be noted that such a dose of ionizing radiation would in about 8 hours expose everyone present in the room to a lethal dose of
ionizing radiation. Two hours later, while people were still praying in the church, the instrument still showed the same extremely high reading. It was so unusual that since that time I was taking measurements every 30 minutes at various places. For example, after the Mass a reading outside the church was only 4000 milliards/hr, which was still much higher than the normal background reading of about 100 mR/hr.

According to all known laws of radiobiology the visionaries exposed to such an intense nuclear radiation should have died in a couple of weeks due to the post-radiation sickness. Unexpectedly albeit fortunately, the next morning on Saturday March 16, the reading in the room of the apparitions was only less than a thousand mR/hr, with a small group of people present in the church. However, at about 4 PM, when parishioners and pilgrims started to gather and beganpraying, the reading went up slowly and reached a maximum of 20 000 mR/hr, to decrease again after the Mass. Such peaks of radiation were recorded altogether on six different occasions at three separate locations. Clearly then the Electroscope was recording some kind of radiation which was not of a nuclear origin, otherwise the visionaries would be dead long ago. Besides, no known radiation behaves in such a cyclical fashion. Was it then induced by prayers, and if so, by what mechanism?

Some witnesses of this phenomenon have suggested that it may have resulted from the fluctuation in electrical lines bringing power to the village. However, when on Monday March 18 the measurements were conducted at the home of two girls who have experienced locutions ( hearing Our Lady’s voice without seeing Her) the power was off. Yet the instrument recorded a very high reading of 20 000 mR/hr. This particular measurement was recorded on two separate tape recorders. One recorder was monitoring the Electroscope readings, and the other, smaller, the voices of Mirjana and Elena, who were talking about their experiences. When, after returning to the United States, this tape was sent for translation from Croatian into English, the tape was practically inaudible due to strange repetitious noises, like a car engine running. Yet nothing could be heard by anyone during the recording session in Medjugorje! The nature of this incidence was never solved. At least it had eliminated the possibility of power lines affecting the instrument readings.

One physicist has suggested that this same kind of energy may be created by human emotions, for example during the excitement of sporting events. Nothing like that could be confirmed. However, the same physicist later on proclaimed: “What has been recorded in Medjugorje is an artifact - the instrument was simply broken!” And
for him as a scientist this problem was solved, despite the obvious nonsense of his statement. An analogy can be made of a situation in a deep tunnel that no radio waves can penetrate. Suddenly one hears beautiful music and the explanation is given that this is because the radio is broken! Many other highly implausible causes of this phenomenon were suggested by other scientists, but none offered a rational explanation.

Is it possible that prayers induce some kind of energy similar to that observed in Medjugorje, which affects the human body by non-local interactions? Can
this type of energy explain why bombs which were dropped by Serbian pilots on St.James church in Medjugorje did not explode? Is this energy a link between the natural and supernatural worlds, a “ spiritualized energy ” as suggested by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin? These are the questions which cannot be currently answered, but perhaps science can solve this mystery like it did in many other cases in the past.

For the next 20 years I have struggled to comprehend the meaning of this energy demonstrated in Medjugorje in 1985, then in 2006 I learned about the Earth precession, a phenomenon previously unknown to me. Precession was discovered by the astronomer Hipparchus in 120 BC and first theoretically explained by Isaac Newton in the 17th century. The Earth wobbles as it spins due to torque created primarily by the sun and moon and therefore has cycles of non-perfect elliptical orbits of the Sun. The north pole sweeps out a cone shape in the celestial sphere. The circle this cone scribes has a diameter of 46.878 degrees. The length of one period of the precession is 25 770 years and its current cycle ends on December 21, 2012 as predicted by current astronomical data. It is, however, quite amazing that the Mayan calendar, which began on August 13, 3114 BC, ends exactly on December 21, 2012, after which a new spiritual civilization is predicted to emerge. It should be noted that the Mayans, by contrast to contemporary scientists, considered science and religion as one.

What could precipitate such a sudden end of our civilization? Amongst all possible factors. One stands out as the most likely culprit namely, the lack of electricity. And this can happen in 2012 for the following reasons. First of all, we should remember the fact that we on Earth are not cooked like chickens in a microwave oven, This is due to the protective effect of the geomagnetic field which effectively deflects solar radiation continuously generated by solar flares. The intensity of which fluctuates periodically in 11-year cycles.

The next maximum burst occuring in 2012. An example of a dramatic effect of concerted increase in solar flares and decreased geomagnetic field, is an event recorded
on March 13, 1989, at 2:44 AM. At that time a transformer failure on one of the main power transmission lines in the HydroQuebec system precipitated a catastrophic collapse of the entire power grid. Six million people lost electrical power for 9 or more hours. The transformer failure was a direct consequence of ground induced currents caused by a high density of protons (positively charged hydrogen atoms) emerging from the Sun at high speed. In 2005, sunspot 798 released a series of monster solar flares, the largest ever recorded, and caused a blackout of many radio transmissions on our planet. In addition to the electromagnetic effects of solar flares, they also affect the weather on Earth. For example, Hurricane Katrina and all other record-setting hurricanes in 2005 were connected to the unusually intense solar activity for this year. Some scientists believe that the increased solar activity may cause earthquakes as

All these catastrophic events are not as consequential for our civilization as a sudden breakdown of electrical power. In 2012 as a result of combined effects of a null geomagnetic field and intense solar flares, the Earth will be bombarded with high density proton winds. The positively charged particles will short-circuit not only electrical power grids but also all electronic devices.

On a smaller scale such an effect was already observed in the International Space Station on June 7, 2007 when a sudden spike of proton density (from 2.1 to 10.3 protons/cu.cm) disabled electrical power switches designed to protect the computers from the station’s solar panels. The problem lasting for 48 hours was so severe that there was a real possibility of abandoning the ship. In 2012 it is very unlikely that we will be able to abandon our ship, Planet Earth.

Although it is very hard to imagine life without electricity, it should be remembered that our current technological era is based on previous civilizations that lived for
millennia without electricity. Hence, we have to learn how to survive without it and how to harness the power of nature by other less destructive means, possibly by employing our spiritual capacities. As Jesus Christ said once - we could move trees and mountains if we have sufficiently strong faith. Perhaps, the year 2012 is going to be a lesson for us how to regain such faith.

It is quite striking for me that the events of year 2012 are so similar to those prophesied to take place during so called Three Days of Darkness (3DD). According to The M+G+F Foundation, this prophecy is based on revelations to 19th Century Blessed Anna Maria Taigi and Marie Julie Jahenny of La Fraudais. Their description of events during 3DD is almost identical to that written by Padre Pio in his two letters to the Commission of Heroldsbach appointed by the Vatican. Padre Pio described his revelations given Our Lord to him on two different occasions (on January 28, and February 7, 1950) as follows:

“Hurricanes of fire will pour forth from the clouds and spread over the entire earth. It will begin during a very cold night. The wind will roar. Keep your windows well covered. Do not look out. Light a blessed candle which will suffice for many days. Pray the rosary. Provide yourself with sufficient food and water, including animals for they shall be in need of sustenance afterwards. My elect shall not see My wrath. No harm will come to those who are in the state of grace and who seek My Mothers’s protection. Those who disregard this advice will be killed instantly. But after three nights, the earthquake and fire will cease. On the following day the sun will shine again and it will be SPRINGTIME. Angels will descend from Heaven and will spread the spirit of peace on the earth. “

These are only some of the excerpts from Padre Pio’s letters, but just sufficient to give us an idea what is going to happen during those days of darkness. From my reading of many books on the Year 2012, I see that this scenario is very similar to that described in these books, the common theme being that there will be no electrical power to heat and light our homes, and the only protection will come from prayers, especially to the Mother of God, and by lighting a blessed candle. It is very likely that far-infrared light emanating from blessed candles may also offer additional protection, as demonstrated by an American physicist, Prof. Phillip Callahan of the University of Florida. It may sound presumptuous, but I believe that electromagnetic energy generated during prayers in Medjugorje, where The Mother of God is appearing daily, may form a kind of a protective umbrella against deadly radiation coming with the solar wind.

It should be noted that a group of Jesuits survived without any scratch of an atomic explosion right in the middle of Hiroshima, Japan, where they lived near ground
zero. Even their animals and the grass on their property was protected. The Jesuits have been medically investigated for over the next 30 years, but no scientific explanation was offered for their survival of atomic blast. It is believed that they were protected because “ they lived the Message of Fatima”. It is worth mentioning here, that Medjugorje is considered by some to be a continuation of the Fatima apparitions and miracles. Another similarity between events of the year 2012 and 3DD is
that after these three days there will be Spring again. Due to closing of the recent precession cycle in 2012, the Earth axis will assume a perpendicular position to
the Galactic eclipse and thus geographic areas between Poles and the Equator will have a constant, Spring-like weather. - A thousand years of Peace ?

In conclusion, despite terrifying predictions associated with the year 2012, we will survive if we follow the instructions given to us by God. It is possible that many people will perish, but we cannot consider it to be God’s wrath, but a kind of a self-punishment resulting from our lack of faith particularly in a protective love of Our Lady of Fatima and Medjugorje that is the belief and trust in God and His Providence.

Lazarus102's photo
Sat 06/15/13 06:30 PM

The act of prayer works for one reason and one reason only, because it acts as a placebo, people believe it works and therefore it does, they seek the answers not in an old dusty book but within themselves.

Yes this is very true, and you can find this information in the Bible too!

The power of belief. Where is belief anyway? It is in the mind!

What do Christians want you to do? They want you to believe in the power of Jesus.

What if you believe in your own power to believe in yourself?

People don't realize that the power is in their own hands. The church has convinced them they have no power, but the power is in their belief. Without belief in the Church's myths, they have NO POWER AT ALL.

Who wants power? I'm just a lowly servant of Jesus Christ.

With an attitude like that I foresee you being a sad little man that will never make great accomplishments in life; I am sorry for your naivety.

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