Beware the babbling crap!
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Sun 07/07/13 05:27 PM
I would watch what I say ias proof. I have many friends who are from Assembly of god. They believe it and my friends are very good people. To call someone a Heretic then you must look in the mirror 1st. all of you call yourself Christian. by that very name being called by the majority of believers you put yourself in the same situation as those you call such names. The disciples are never recorded as calling themselves Christians so by your own logic you are a HERETIC.. huh Let me get this straight for clarification, if someone exposes a heresy in the church they are heretics themselves. BUT If many GOOD PEOPLE believe the heresy to be true, then they are not heretics. If that's logic them I am a mokeys uncle. So according to you the majority rules not scriptural application. |
Beware the babbling crap!
I have tested this thing by scripture and found it to be a lie.
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I stopped watching after they killed my Shane :'( I still can't bare to watch old episodes of him alive... sniff Well I can sympathize with you because I cannot watch past season three of charmed because they killed off the oldest sister, but the Shane character was a wanker and all the talk of being the one to keep them all safe, he fired the gun shot that caused the herd to overun the farm. Lets face it, you don't care about that cause you think he is hot, typical ![]() |
Beware the babbling crap!
Most important of all is that you Pentecostals are the very ones Jesus is talking below...
Matthew 7:22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 7:23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
See they do not even know that they are not known by Jesus. WHAT A TERRIBLE DELUSION! READ AND UNDERSTAND!!! Why is the act of babbling (Tongues) dangerous. 1: Never in scripture has anything like it been recorded. On the day of Pentecost, they spoke in other languages as the Holy Spirit gave them utterance and we need to understand what Paul was talking about from that perspective. (Acts 2:4-12, 1 Corinthians 14) 2: They who interpret it are falsely prophesying. Saying it is from God gives the message they speak divine authority. The hearers then believe that we should give special heed to what is being said, and so obeyed and believed as if from God. This gives the messenger great power and influence over people. (Ezekiel 13) 3: The practice of it is giving the user false confidence, and on holding such great reverence for it, they cannot and will not give it up and so try with much enthusiasm to encourage others to practice it.(2 Peter 2:13) 4:It makes them think they are getting close to God when in fact by sinning they are moving further and further away from Him. (Jude 12) 5: They think that it is from the Holy Spirit when in fact it is a spirit that is causing them to sin. 6:It stems from a desire for experience, causing others to focus on experience and not faith in Gods goodness and Mercy as seen in the Bible. (2 Peter 1:19-21, Hebrews 10:38, Romans 10:17) 7: Since it is not from God, they who practice it must twist scriptures out of context to justify it ( 2 Peter 3:16) Thus driving them on to sin more and more. So this gift only drives the user on to sin on several different levels. It doesn't edify the church but introduces several serious sins. Deceiving people, falsely prophesying, twisting scripture and putting the focus on experience and not faith. Nothing good has ever or will ever come from this false gift that is not from God. They who practice it love a lie, and so love deceiving others. Not only do they delight in sin, but also delight in others who sin as well. Christianity is suppose to save people from their sins, not encourage them to sin. (Mat 5:13-15) So being a lie it hides the truth, causing people to sin means that the church is no longer purifying its members as salt purifies and preserves, thus losing its saltiness. |
So are you accusing me of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit because I point out from scripture that this worthless gibbering crap Pentecostals call tongues, is not the gift of tongues?
You Pentecostals have no special claim to the Holy Spirit or power or gifts. It's just voodoo that you do ![]() |
aquatic apes?
They did a good job of laying out theit evidence & stating their case.. ![]() So do evolutionary biologist until a creation scientist comes along and points out the real issues and then we see that pointing out similarities in species, cannot satisfy the lack of transitional foosils, problems with abiogenesis and beneficial mutations. |
i used to love skippy So did I but it's time for a reboot. Skippy with a mobile phone would be unstoppable. My fav has to be the Battlestar Galactica reboot but the Clone Wars animated series is a very close second. |
Interesting ending to season 3. I wonder if they will get to stay in the prison or if the Govenator will return?
It is wise to know the difference between what issues need complete honesty and when you can tell little white lies. If your girlfriend asks you who is more attractive to you, her or some model in a magazine, you have to say it is her. Why say the model even if it's true. The model is not the one your sleeping with. BUT things like cheating, your girlfriend has a right to know.
Acts 2:7 And they were all amazed and marvelled, saying one to another, Behold, are not all these which speak Galilaeans? 2:8 And how hear we every man in our own tongue, wherein we were born? 2:9 Parthians, and Medes, and Elamites, and the dwellers in Mesopotamia, and in Judaea, and Cappadocia, in Pontus, and Asia, 2:10 Phrygia, and Pamphylia, in Egypt, and in the parts of Libya about Cyrene, and strangers of Rome, Jews and proselytes, 2:11 Cretes and Arabians, we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God.
There is the gift of tongues at work, how on earth can you confuse that with the joke they pass off as the gift and also say that chanting that gibberish will make Christians wise to deal with all lifes affairs? That is a perfect example of moronic tradions entering the church, and superceeding scriptural truth, and also taking certain scriptures out of context to justify a pagan practice in church. |
As you speak in tongues, your Spirit is sensitized to receive the wisdom you require to handle different issues and deal excellently in all your affairs.
By the way that's what a perfect understanding of scripture if for, not chanting gibberish. 2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 3:17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. |
As you speak in tongues, your Spirit is sensitized to receive the wisdom you require to handle different issues and deal excellently in all your affairs.
What you are talking about is the practice of voodoo. Chanting to invoke the spirits. The gift of tongues is no longer present and was given to the first Christians, to preach the gospel in the world and the gift of tongues gave them the ability to preach the gospel in foreign languages. How can you speak of the spirit of truth, then encourage christians to adopt pagan practices as a gift of the Holy Spirit. What you don't know the Bible enough to perceive the difference between biblical gift of tongues and pagan voodoo chanting? The Pentecostal movement is a pseudo Christian cult that has incorporated pagan practices as the gifts and work of the Holy Spirit. That could only be abhorrent to God and a sinister work of Satan. |
There is no such thing as dark matter. It was an idea invented to explain why galaxies can exist, due to a constant gravity force rather then a curve. Dark matter like the big bang are ideas upon which so many other theories have been built upon, that it no has to be spoken of as fact.
Choosing your religion
I studied, Buddhism, Islam, Plato, Krishna, Mormanism, New Age, philosophies and philosophers but Christianity was the one that gave me the true answers. Religion is like a horse race, you can bet on whatever horse is in the race, but after researching all the horses in the race, the history, health and breed, I am putting all my money on Christianity to win. For whatever horse you put your money on and why, the stakes are high. In the end it's your money i.e. life, just let me give you a good betting tip, don't bet on a horse, just because it's new or because it's got a nice coat
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Glad that Mel is back. He is the world's biggest *******, but is a great asset to the group. I have yet to see the last three episodes of season 3 but I cannot imagine them killing him off. The only bigger ******* then Mel is the govenor. The difference between Mel and the govenor, is that Mel is a likeable *******.
Are you a doomsday prepper?
Venues atmosphere is co2 and it is so hot because the suns heat cannot escape.
co2 is a greenhouse gas and is building up in our atmosphere every second as trillion of tons in volume with no end in sight. The problem with co2 is that it is invisible to the naked eye. I just cannot get that song by Shiza Minelli out of my head now... People who eat people are the hungriest people in the world. ![]() |
Are you a doomsday prepper?
I saw a lecture at university about how the worlds glaciers are dwindling and they provide much of the world with fresh water, especially asia. Imagine what is going to happen when billions of people have no fresh water.
The lecturer said that we are withdrawing all the money from natues bank account, not putting anything back, and when that money runs out, there will be 9 billion people on the earth. I would say that canibalism will be one way that people will survive. History has shown that in times of great famine, people have and will eat people. Believe me if you are hungry enough you will even eat your own children. These people storing food are very wise but I believe that a runaway greenhouse effect will set the surface of the earth on fire and earth will become like venus. It's just a matter of the co2 level to reach the point where the suns heat cannot escape the atmosphere, then you better get out your disco shoes, cause it's burn baby burn. Venus is a planet with a runaway greenhouse effect and the surface temperatures are around 500 degrees on a cold day. ![]() |
Ghosts are absolutely real but they are demons i.e. fallen Angels, caste out of heaven and forced to rome the earth.
They want to possess people but can only do so if you open yourself up to them. They get people to open themselves up to them, by posing as good spirits, Angels, dead relatives or whatever you are inclined to believe. The even pose as God. All supernatural phenomenon are demonic. It is imperative that you do not seek to communicate or try and experience any kind of supernatural experience. Once you are possessed by a demon they are hard to get ride of and they can influence your thoughts and impulses. If you experience any supernatural happenings, just tell the demon to go away. They can only possess you through subtlefuge. People who have lost lived ones are especially vulnerabile. There are no spirits of the dead, only demons posing as them, to trick you. |
Maternity or Eternity
So you waste your energy and anger on what others do or do not do that is against what you believe hoping to get validation from others for this judgement.
The consequences of having children when they have no job, is validation. You don't need to validate wisdom, it is justified by her children. Children born into poverty are less likely to succeed, and are greatly disadvantaged, whereas children born in a rich family have every advantage. There is no need for education when an application is needed to have children. If there are certain lawful requirments to having children, like a steady job, then someone wanting a child will have to get a steady job first. It's logical. I do not have to validate my religious views, the crime, diseases and aimless persiuts that are the results of secularism, is validation enough for me. ![]() |
Questions for Pentecostals
First of all who is a Pentecostal here?