I've been all across Canada and back but I currently reside in Parksville BC.
I'm not the average guy and I'm not looking for the average girl.
I'm looking for a girl that swears a lot, hates the government, society and perhaps most people in general and isn't afraid to speak her mind about it. A girl that has the ability to view the world and everything in it(including herself) objectively.
But one that's kind to those that would show her compassion. I'm not a pothead myself but I wouldn't mind if she was. I dig stoner personalities. I mean the chatty ones, not the deadheads.
When I say a girl that swears a lot, I don't mean a mean girl that's a rageaholic but just one that doesn't give a **** and will let others know it.
As for me, my personality is close to what I've described as wanting in a girl. Don't get me wrong, I don't just want a girl that's going to agree with me all the time on everything but in my experience a relationship will go much better if we at least have a similar way of thinking.
Also I love heat, hot weather and beaches. So to girls that love the cold, we probably won't blend well.
Profession: Ambiguous