Topic: U.S. Soldier, Citing His Muslim Religion, Seeks Conscientiou | |
Any time a trainee wants to be treated as "special" they are either put teough the wringer by the training officers and/or his fellow trainees. When one act out, the rest suffer the consequences. They are traeted as a team. One screws up, they all give 'em 20. His fellows prolly got pretty tired of his, wanting to not be part of the team. Lots of times, they will throw the trouble maker a blanket party. The trouble maker will either drop out or fall int line. Just like the rest of the team. Marching and cadence are just walking if theye aren't all following the same beat. If he is found guilty and out of line, I recommend Dishonerable discharge. yeah, thats PROLLY what happened, small chance some GUNG HO ALL AMERICAN TYPES would be guilty of PREJUDICE against someone just because they found out he was muslim,,,it must have been something HE did wrong for them to do that,,,,,, come to think of it thats PROLLY what happened with ALL the conscientous objector applicants in the military,, just whinging because of the treatment they got for not 'falling in line' He has already admitted to wanting "special" treatment and the Drill Instructors or his Superior Officers disallowed it. FYI; The Conciencious Objector thang, pretty much went out of fashion after the draft was abolished. Very rare someone who inlisted and chose a killing field would be real inclined to say,"OOPS! Ah fergots. iSLAM don't wants me to kill Muslims. I call BS to his not wanting to kill anyone claim. He has the specialized training he needs now. Muslim martyrs come in all ages. |
Not to mention major Muslim groups are calling for his prosecution and that he is a liar. They want him charged with Treason, which sounds good to me.
he hasnt committed treason
and 'very few' still translates to others who have been granted the same CO discharge this soldier is requesting,, |
he hasnt committed treason and 'very few' still translates to others who have been granted the same CO discharge this soldier is requesting,, Sure he has. He is giving comfort to our enemies and emboldening them just like Major Hassan did. Not to mention refusing to deploy is a serious felony by itself. |
he hasnt committed treason and 'very few' still translates to others who have been granted the same CO discharge this soldier is requesting,, Also with Major Muslim groups coming out and saying that he is full of $hit and should be tried with treason, pretty much seals the deal about him being a CO. I've personally already sent a letter to the CENTCOM Commander demanding that he be deployed since he was held back because he refused to go. More people need to do this then we get definately get this guy on a criminal offense. |
he hasnt committed treason and 'very few' still translates to others who have been granted the same CO discharge this soldier is requesting,, Sure he has. He is giving comfort to our enemies and emboldening them just like Major Hassan did. Not to mention refusing to deploy is a serious felony by itself. he is following a legal procedure offered by the MILITARY ITSELF,,,and changing his mind about serving is not in any way OVERTLY giving comfort to an enemy just by choosing not to serve or else |
he hasnt committed treason and 'very few' still translates to others who have been granted the same CO discharge this soldier is requesting,, Sure he has. He is giving comfort to our enemies and emboldening them just like Major Hassan did. Not to mention refusing to deploy is a serious felony by itself. he is following a legal procedure offered by the MILITARY ITSELF,,,and changing his mind about serving is not in any way OVERTLY giving comfort to an enemy just by choosing not to serve or else It is when you cite the Muslim religion as the reason. I guarantee it just upped the enemies morale. |
Edited by
Sat 09/04/10 12:00 PM
he hasnt committed treason and 'very few' still translates to others who have been granted the same CO discharge this soldier is requesting,, Sure he has. He is giving comfort to our enemies and emboldening them just like Major Hassan did. Not to mention refusing to deploy is a serious felony by itself. he is following a legal procedure offered by the MILITARY ITSELF,,,and changing his mind about serving is not in any way OVERTLY giving comfort to an enemy just by choosing not to serve or else It is when you cite the Muslim religion as the reason. I guarantee it just upped the enemies morale. and why is citing muslim belief any more treasonous the citing christian belief or any other? sad day when americans start believing a young american is an enemy because they subscribe to muslim faith,,,,he is still an american, his muslim religion is every bit as lawful a reason as someone elses christian religion or personal oath( I think I read of a doctor who was discharged for CO) the muslim bigotry has GOT to stop would any of this talk of treason even occur if he had said he was a christian who was changing his mind about war? I doubt it treason is a serious offense that isnt supported by an overt action to FOLLOW The law |
he hasnt committed treason and 'very few' still translates to others who have been granted the same CO discharge this soldier is requesting,, Sure he has. He is giving comfort to our enemies and emboldening them just like Major Hassan did. Not to mention refusing to deploy is a serious felony by itself. he is following a legal procedure offered by the MILITARY ITSELF,,,and changing his mind about serving is not in any way OVERTLY giving comfort to an enemy just by choosing not to serve or else It is when you cite the Muslim religion as the reason. I guarantee it just upped the enemies morale. and why is citing muslim belief any more treasonous the citing christian belief or any other? sad day when americans start believing a young american is an enemy because they subscribe to muslim faith,,,,he is still an american, his muslim religion is every bit as lawful a reason as someone elses christian religion or personal oath( I think I read of a doctor who was discharged for CO) the muslim bigotry has GOT to stop would any of this talk of treason even occur if he had said he was a christian who was changing his mind about war? I doubt it treason is a serious offense that isnt supported by an overt action to FOLLOW The law Because the terrorists, AQ and the Taliban are using their religion to justify what they are doing. |
Although look at a portion of At-Tawba (Surah 9:5), stating Koran 9:5 "Kill the disbelievers wherever you find them."
Yea, they are really a religion of peace and tolorance. |
he hasnt committed treason and 'very few' still translates to others who have been granted the same CO discharge this soldier is requesting,, Sure he has. He is giving comfort to our enemies and emboldening them just like Major Hassan did. Not to mention refusing to deploy is a serious felony by itself. he is following a legal procedure offered by the MILITARY ITSELF,,,and changing his mind about serving is not in any way OVERTLY giving comfort to an enemy just by choosing not to serve or else It is when you cite the Muslim religion as the reason. I guarantee it just upped the enemies morale. and why is citing muslim belief any more treasonous the citing christian belief or any other? sad day when americans start believing a young american is an enemy because they subscribe to muslim faith,,,,he is still an american, his muslim religion is every bit as lawful a reason as someone elses christian religion or personal oath( I think I read of a doctor who was discharged for CO) the muslim bigotry has GOT to stop would any of this talk of treason even occur if he had said he was a christian who was changing his mind about war? I doubt it treason is a serious offense that isnt supported by an overt action to FOLLOW The law Because the terrorists, AQ and the Taliban are using their religion to justify what they are doing. whats that got to do with him having second thoughts about killing? |
he hasnt committed treason and 'very few' still translates to others who have been granted the same CO discharge this soldier is requesting,, Sure he has. He is giving comfort to our enemies and emboldening them just like Major Hassan did. Not to mention refusing to deploy is a serious felony by itself. he is following a legal procedure offered by the MILITARY ITSELF,,,and changing his mind about serving is not in any way OVERTLY giving comfort to an enemy just by choosing not to serve or else It is when you cite the Muslim religion as the reason. I guarantee it just upped the enemies morale. and why is citing muslim belief any more treasonous the citing christian belief or any other? sad day when americans start believing a young american is an enemy because they subscribe to muslim faith,,,,he is still an american, his muslim religion is every bit as lawful a reason as someone elses christian religion or personal oath( I think I read of a doctor who was discharged for CO) the muslim bigotry has GOT to stop would any of this talk of treason even occur if he had said he was a christian who was changing his mind about war? I doubt it treason is a serious offense that isnt supported by an overt action to FOLLOW The law Because the terrorists, AQ and the Taliban are using their religion to justify what they are doing. whats that got to do with him having second thoughts about killing? Just saying, it's in their religion to kill. |
Although look at a portion of At-Tawba (Surah 9:5), stating Koran 9:5 "Kill the disbelievers wherever you find them." Yea, they are really a religion of peace and tolorance. the same thing is implied about christians They entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and soul; and everyone who would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, was to be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman. (2 Chronicles 15:12-13 NAB) I will make Mount Seir utterly desolate, killing off all who try to escape and any who return. I will fill your mountains with the dead. Your hills, your valleys, and your streams will be filled with people slaughtered by the sword. I will make you desolate forever. Your cities will never be rebuilt. Then you will know that I am the LORD. (Ezekiel 35:7-9 NLT) BUT my book is alot LARGER than these two passages as the qu ran is much bigger than the snippets people post to 'prove' their point and 'justify' their bigotry and hatred I am a person of peace, and I am a christian,,,,,how do you imagine THAT happened when there are several passages in The Bible which so seemingly justify and support killing people for their beliefs and their actions,,,,??? muslims are as human as you or I and their faith runs a gamut as large as those considering themself christian,, there is no ONE size fits all belief to those claiming christianity and likewise there is none for those claiming Islam. |
Although look at a portion of At-Tawba (Surah 9:5), stating Koran 9:5 "Kill the disbelievers wherever you find them." Yea, they are really a religion of peace and tolorance. the same thing is implied about christians They entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and soul; and everyone who would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, was to be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman. (2 Chronicles 15:12-13 NAB) I will make Mount Seir utterly desolate, killing off all who try to escape and any who return. I will fill your mountains with the dead. Your hills, your valleys, and your streams will be filled with people slaughtered by the sword. I will make you desolate forever. Your cities will never be rebuilt. Then you will know that I am the LORD. (Ezekiel 35:7-9 NLT) BUT my book is alot LARGER than these two passages as the qu ran is much bigger than the snippets people post to 'prove' their point and 'justify' their bigotry and hatred I am a person of peace, and I am a christian,,,,,how do you imagine THAT happened when there are several passages in The Bible which so seemingly justify and support killing people for their beliefs and their actions,,,,??? muslims are as human as you or I and their faith runs a gamut as large as those considering themself christian,, there is no ONE size fits all belief to those claiming christianity and likewise there is none for those claiming Islam. No it's not the same as cristians. Islam teaches you to go out and kill the Non Believers or Infadels. They will die by the sword. The bible just says non believers will burn in hell. |
Although look at a portion of At-Tawba (Surah 9:5), stating Koran 9:5 "Kill the disbelievers wherever you find them." Yea, they are really a religion of peace and tolorance. the same thing is implied about christians They entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and soul; and everyone who would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, was to be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman. (2 Chronicles 15:12-13 NAB) I will make Mount Seir utterly desolate, killing off all who try to escape and any who return. I will fill your mountains with the dead. Your hills, your valleys, and your streams will be filled with people slaughtered by the sword. I will make you desolate forever. Your cities will never be rebuilt. Then you will know that I am the LORD. (Ezekiel 35:7-9 NLT) BUT my book is alot LARGER than these two passages as the qu ran is much bigger than the snippets people post to 'prove' their point and 'justify' their bigotry and hatred I am a person of peace, and I am a christian,,,,,how do you imagine THAT happened when there are several passages in The Bible which so seemingly justify and support killing people for their beliefs and their actions,,,,??? muslims are as human as you or I and their faith runs a gamut as large as those considering themself christian,, there is no ONE size fits all belief to those claiming christianity and likewise there is none for those claiming Islam. No it's not the same as cristians. Islam teaches you to go out and kill the Non Believers or Infadels. They will die by the sword. The bible just says non believers will burn in hell. umm, since when does being 'put to death' or 'slaughtered by the sword' not constitute killing? |
Edited by
Sat 09/04/10 12:59 PM
Here are some choice passages from the KJV Bible which when read in isolation makes the Bible appear to be a primer for evil:
1) In Leviticus 25:44-46, the Lord tells the Israelites it’s OK to own slaves, provided they are strangers or heathens. 2) In Samuel 15:2-3, the Lord orders Saul to kill all the Amalekite men, women and infants. 3) In Exodus 15:3, the Bible tells us the Lord is a god of war. 4) In Numbers 31, the Lord tells Moses to kill all the Midianites, sparing only the virgins. 5) In Deuteronomy 13:6-16, the Lord instructs Israel to kill anyone who worships a different god or who worships the Lord differently. 6) In Mark 7:9, Jesus is critical of the Jews for not killing their disobedient children as prescribed by Old Testament law. 7) In Luke 19:22-27, Jesus orders to kill anyone who refuses to be ruled by him. any religion can be used to justify hatred... |
Although look at a portion of At-Tawba (Surah 9:5), stating Koran 9:5 "Kill the disbelievers wherever you find them." Yea, they are really a religion of peace and tolorance. the same thing is implied about christians They entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and soul; and everyone who would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, was to be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman. (2 Chronicles 15:12-13 NAB) I will make Mount Seir utterly desolate, killing off all who try to escape and any who return. I will fill your mountains with the dead. Your hills, your valleys, and your streams will be filled with people slaughtered by the sword. I will make you desolate forever. Your cities will never be rebuilt. Then you will know that I am the LORD. (Ezekiel 35:7-9 NLT) BUT my book is alot LARGER than these two passages as the qu ran is much bigger than the snippets people post to 'prove' their point and 'justify' their bigotry and hatred I am a person of peace, and I am a christian,,,,,how do you imagine THAT happened when there are several passages in The Bible which so seemingly justify and support killing people for their beliefs and their actions,,,,??? muslims are as human as you or I and their faith runs a gamut as large as those considering themself christian,, there is no ONE size fits all belief to those claiming christianity and likewise there is none for those claiming Islam. No it's not the same as cristians. Islam teaches you to go out and kill the Non Believers or Infadels. They will die by the sword. The bible just says non believers will burn in hell. umm, since when does being 'put to death' or 'slaughtered by the sword' not constitute killing? I am saying it does. Thats what the Quran teaches and this guy cant use his religion to hide behind that, not to mention major Islamic groups are coming forward saying he can't use Islam as an excuse. |
Here are some choice passages from the KJV Bible which when read in isolation makes the Bible appear to be a primer for evil: 1) In Leviticus 25:44-46, the Lord tells the Israelites it’s OK to own slaves, provided they are strangers or heathens. 2) In Samuel 15:2-3, the Lord orders Saul to kill all the Amalekite men, women and infants. 3) In Exodus 15:3, the Bible tells us the Lord is a god of war. 4) In Numbers 31, the Lord tells Moses to kill all the Midianites, sparing only the virgins. 5) In Deuteronomy 13:6-16, the Lord instructs Israel to kill anyone who worships a different god or who worships the Lord differently. 6) In Mark 7:9, Jesus is critical of the Jews for not killing their disobedient children as prescribed by Old Testament law. 7) In Luke 19:22-27, Jesus orders to kill anyone who refuses to be ruled by him. any religion can be used to justify hatred... Those are not accurate passages. The Bible is full of errors, being that anyone who knows any history of it knows that most of it was made up by religions scholors at the Council of Nicea, which makes it very innacurate. Where the Quran was written directly by Mohammud. |
Yay, more Muslim groups are coming out against this traitor!