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Topic: U.S. Soldier, Citing His Muslim Religion, Seeks Conscientiou
msharmony's photo
Thu 09/02/10 02:46 PM

why doesnt he have an equally viable consideration for deployment based upon his TRUST being violated through muslim bigotry in his own unit,

people are typing about how he lost the respect and trust of others in his unit,, but it seems like they were the first to lose HIS

He lost their trust when he made the decision not to guard the backs of his fellow troops.

Airborne Infantry is a team sport.

If one team player decides he doesn't wasnna' play, it puts the rest in the way of danger.

The Military isn't a job you can just quit. Paperwork, applications. They just might find him another job. But, wherever he goes, he will be treated just like any other coward.

If he refuses orders, he will be Court Martialed, tried and sentenced.

He can get anything from a Dishonerable Discharge to time in Prison along with Dishonerably Discharged.

Happens all the time.

Cowards come in all religions.

his fellow troops may have lost HIS trust long before this decision,,like, BOOT CAMP

from the article
'Abdo, for his part, said he has endured harassment, discrimination and intimidation due to his religious beliefs since joining the military, particularly during basic training at Fort Benning in Georgia. He also claimed to be the target of "resentment" from fellow soldiers due to his prayer schedule.

"Some of them would say I hate Jews, some of them even asked me, 'Would you kill your own family? Are you sure you're not on the wrong side?'" Abdo said. "It was daily. It was daily for sure."

It's one thing to whine discrimination and quite another to prove it.

If he can prove it, his Court Martial will decide if it's real or false claims from a coward.

What baffles me is, he went through all that training and now, decides to quit.

Why, waste all that tax payer money and quit in basic?

I still predict it's because he went weak-in-da-knee coward.

Again, nobody begged him to go into specialized training to kill.

He could have chosen to be a secretary.

a twenty year old quitting something,, theres a traitor if ever there was one,,,whoa whoa

plenty of twenty year olds are unsure of what they want and toggle back and forth,, look at college majors in their first several years and how often they change,,,there is just no public outcry or civil punishment for such decisions about education,,,

Who said traitor?ohwell

I said coward.

If his request is denied and he's ordered to Afghanastan to kill Muslim Terrorists, he still has the choice to say no.

He did "Volunteer" to train to kill Muslim Terrorists or, whoever the Gubament decides is the enemy at the time.laugh laugh

'Hell he probably supports AQ and the Taliban and doesn't wanna hurt his brother's.

Worthless piece of garbage. This is the kinda of a$$hole that give our troops a bad name'

= traitor

all that judgement because a young man chose not to follow through with his enlistment,, would that be the assumption had a young christian man made the same objection after enlisting and having his faith and customs belittled and questioned?


Lpdon's photo
Thu 09/02/10 05:00 PM

why doesnt he have an equally viable consideration for deployment based upon his TRUST being violated through muslim bigotry in his own unit,

people are typing about how he lost the respect and trust of others in his unit,, but it seems like they were the first to lose HIS

I saw that.

But even with that, he should have the right to get out if he doesn't want to be there.

I can't see how they can keep people outside of their will.

I agree. I think I will look up the numbers for objectors yearly and see how many are christians,,,,

seems the emphasis here is on WHAT his religion is instead of WHAT his reasons are,,,

No, if he were christian I would be saying the same thing.

Refusing to deploy is a MAJOR crime. As well as a couple others can be added. People get sentanced up to 5 years alone for refusing to deploy.

Lpdon's photo
Thu 09/02/10 05:01 PM

why doesnt he have an equally viable consideration for deployment based upon his TRUST being violated through muslim bigotry in his own unit,

people are typing about how he lost the respect and trust of others in his unit,, but it seems like they were the first to lose HIS

He lost their trust when he made the decision not to guard the backs of his fellow troops.

Airborne Infantry is a team sport.

If one team player decides he doesn't wasnna' play, it puts the rest in the way of danger.

The Military isn't a job you can just quit. Paperwork, applications. They just might find him another job. But, wherever he goes, he will be treated just like any other coward.

If he refuses orders, he will be Court Martialed, tried and sentenced.

He can get anything from a Dishonerable Discharge to time in Prison along with Dishonerably Discharged.

Happens all the time.

Cowards come in all religions.

his fellow troops may have lost HIS trust long before this decision,,like, BOOT CAMP

from the article
'Abdo, for his part, said he has endured harassment, discrimination and intimidation due to his religious beliefs since joining the military, particularly during basic training at Fort Benning in Georgia. He also claimed to be the target of "resentment" from fellow soldiers due to his prayer schedule.

"Some of them would say I hate Jews, some of them even asked me, 'Would you kill your own family? Are you sure you're not on the wrong side?'" Abdo said. "It was daily. It was daily for sure."

It's one thing to whine discrimination and quite another to prove it.

If he can prove it, his Court Martial will decide if it's real or false claims from a coward.

What baffles me is, he went through all that training and now, decides to quit.

Why, waste all that tax payer money and quit in basic?

I still predict it's because he went weak-in-da-knee coward.

Again, nobody begged him to go into specialized training to kill.

He could have chosen to be a secretary.

a twenty year old quitting something,, theres a traitor if ever there was one,,,whoa whoa

plenty of twenty year olds are unsure of what they want and toggle back and forth,, look at college majors in their first several years and how often they change,,,there is just no public outcry or civil punishment for such decisions about education,,,

Who said traitor?ohwell

I said coward.

If his request is denied and he's ordered to Afghanastan to kill Muslim Terrorists, he still has the choice to say no.

He did "Volunteer" to train to kill Muslim Terrorists or, whoever the Gubament decides is the enemy at the time.laugh laugh

'Hell he probably supports AQ and the Taliban and doesn't wanna hurt his brother's.

Worthless piece of garbage. This is the kinda of a$$hole that give our troops a bad name'

= traitor

all that judgement because a young man chose not to follow through with his enlistment,, would that be the assumption had a young christian man made the same objection after enlisting and having his faith and customs belittled and questioned?


That was me no Willing, and he probably does.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 09/02/10 05:18 PM
Veterans Group Calls On Soldiers to Refuse Orders to Deploy to Afghanistan and Iraq

Monday 14 December 2009

by: Dahr Jamail, t r u t h o u t | Report

(Image: Jared Rodriguez / t r u t h o u t; Adapted: US Army Africa, The U.S. Army)

In response to President Barack Obama's announcement on December 1 to deploy 30,000 additional troops to the occupation of Afghanistan, the organization March Forward!, comprising both veterans and active-duty members of the US military, has called on all soldiers to refuse their orders to deploy.

"March Forward! calls on all service members to refuse orders to deploy to Afghanistan and Iraq," reads a press release from the group from December 3. "We offer our unconditional support and solidarity. Join us in the fight to ensure that no more soldiers or civilians lose their lives in these criminal wars."

Michael Prysner, a former corporal in the Army who served from 2001-2005 and a veteran of the occupation of Iraq, co-founded the group with another Iraq war veteran, James Circello.

Truthout asked Prysner how he responds to those who believe a soldier should always follow orders, no matter what.

"In my experience the majority of people joining the military today join out of necessity, like money, jobs, help for their family, etc., so most don't join for ideological or patriotic reasons. Most are driven into the military by economic conditions. We see this playing out now, as people are joining in droves because of the economy."

Prysner added, "Yes, people do sign a contract to follow orders, but those orders are wrong and unlawful. We want to educate people to the fact that these are immoral orders, and they [soldiers] are being used as muscle for corporations, to colonize the developing world, and it's not legitimate. People who join and take this oath seriously who think they are in [the military] to defend the US, this is not what we are being used for in the military today."

Prysner has written about his experience in Iraq, "... there was no computer screen separating me from the suffering civilian population. I spent 12 months in Iraq, doing everything from prisoner interrogations, to ground surveillance missions, to home raids. It was my firsthand experiences in Iraq that radicalized me. I believed I was going to Iraq to help liberate and better the lives of an oppressed people, but I soon realized that my purpose in Iraq was to be the oppressor, and to clear the way for US corporations with no regard for human life."

After he separated from the Army in 2005, Prysner "understood that the occupation I was a part of was a crime against humanity. I understood that illegal conquering of Iraq was for profit, carried out by a system that serves a tiny class of super-rich whose endless drive for wealth is at the expense of working people in the United States and abroad."

According to Prysner, the lessons he learned from being part of the US occupation of Iraq taught him that, "I still had the same drive to fight for freedom, justice and equality as I did when I joined, and I understood that fighting for those things meant fighting against the US government, not on behalf of it."

To those who call him and his organization "anti-American" and/or "unpatriotic," Prysner has this to say:

"I would say that I have more in common with my sisters and brothers in Iraq and Afghanistan than I do with these people in DC who've sent us to war. If that's unpatriotic, then yes, I am. But patriotism and racism are the only things the military has to fall back on to convince people to do the things we are being asked to do today."

March Forward! was founded in 2008, and the aim of the organization is "to unite all those who have served and who currently serve in the US military, and who want to stand up for our rights and for that which is right."


There seems to be more than just him.

Lpdon's photo
Thu 09/02/10 05:25 PM
whoa Being NATO and the UN both voted on Military force in both countries as did Congress and the Senate, it is not illegal.

I am tired of hearing this because it is bunk and EVERY court someone has pulled this **** at gets tossed out.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 09/02/10 05:57 PM
Edited by Dragoness on Thu 09/02/10 06:39 PM
In Canada once more, U.S. troops fleeing a war
Posted 5/28/2010 12:07 AM | Comments 1,834 | Recommend 24

Iraq war deserter Kimberly Rivera, with one of her children, attends a war resisters support meeting in Toronto with Charlie Diamond, center, a Vietnam War objector and Phil McDowell, who went AWOL after being ordered back to Iraq under the Army's "stop-loss" policy.

By Judy Keen, USA TODAY
TORONTO — Patrick Hart came here in 2005, when he couldn't face a second deployment to Iraq. A U.S. Army sergeant with almost 10 years of active duty, he would rather stay in Canada forever than return to a war he thinks is wrong.

Hart, 36, knows that some people think he is a traitor, but he has no regrets. "I've bled for my country, I've sweated for my country, I've cried myself to sleep for my country — which is a lot more than some people who are passing judgment on me have done," he says. "I would rather go sit in prison than go to Iraq."

Deportation, court martial and prison are imminent threats to Hart and about 200 other U.S. troops seeking sanctuary in Canada. Despite being members of an all-voluntary military, some oppose the war in Iraq so strongly they are willing to leave their country behind — much like Americans of an earlier generation who crossed the border in the 1960s and '70s to avoid serving in Vietnam and built new lives here.

Some of the draft dodgers and deserters of the Vietnam era, most of them now graying Canadian citizens, are helping the young deserters fight legal battles and find work and housing.

"They understand," Hart says.

In Canada today, the political climate and immigration policies are less hospitable for the new deserters than during the Vietnam era. The conservative government of Prime Minister Stephen Harper refuses to give asylum or refugee status to those U.S. troops seeking sanctuary here, although Parliament on Tuesday will debate a bill that would let them stay.

Charlie Diamond was 23 when he fled to Canada from Connecticut in 1968 to avoid going to Vietnam. By then, the war was unpopular in both countries. Americans were marching in the streets in protest and young men were burning their draft cards.

Now 64 and a Canadian, he is reciprocating for the welcome he found here.

"I want my country once again to be a refuge from militarism," says Diamond, who has joined others who refused to fight in Vietnam — they prefer the term "resisters" — in the War Resisters Support Campaign.

Canada did not support the American invasion of Iraq, and polls show that most Americans also believe the war was a mistake. Today's deserters enlisted "in good conscience," Diamond says, "thinking they were defending America when in fact the whole thing was a lie."

Young men who left the USA to avoid serving in Vietnam were widely accepted by Canadians and a network of fellow war opponents who helped them find shelter and jobs. Under Harper, Canada's government has tightened immigration policies, and every Iraq deserter who has applied for refugee status has been turned down. Immigration Minister Jason Kenney says that "being a deserter from voluntary military service in a democracy does not, in any way, meet the … definition of a refugee."

In March, Kenney proposed more limits: Immigration appeals for people from countries with good human rights records would be heard only by the Federal Court, ending deserters' chances of winning in lower courts, and failed claimants would be deported in a year instead of the current four years.

Most of the Iraq war deserters in Canada are in hiding, says Michelle Robidoux, spokeswoman for the War Resisters Support Campaign. The group is in touch with more than 40 of them. Two others were deported, tried and sentenced to prison in the USA. Some returned home voluntarily.

More than 50,000 Americans old enough for military service came to Canada to avoid the draft and the Vietnam War, says John Hagan, a Northwestern University sociology and law professor who was among them and wrote a 2001 book, Northern Passages, about the exodus. About half remain in Canada today, he says, despite President Carter's 1977 amnesty offer, which applied to draft dodgers but not deserters.


Lpdon's photo
Thu 09/02/10 06:10 PM
This punk will be the Belle of the ball once he hit's the brig.

willing2's photo
Thu 09/02/10 08:13 PM

This punk will be the Belle of the ball once he hit's the brig.

His best bet would be to accept his fate if ordered to Afghanistan. He has no further future in the Military. They prefer to keep their stuff in-house.

Or, he could opt out to desert and try to make it to Canada. There is no guarantee Canada will keep accepting Illegal Immigrants of the US variety. They always have the option of shutting down the desertion house and deporting all of them.

Then, where would they run, Mexico? laugh laugh laugh

mightymoe's photo
Thu 09/02/10 08:16 PM

In Canada once more, U.S. troops fleeing a war
Posted 5/28/2010 12:07 AM | Comments 1,834 | Recommend 24

Iraq war deserter Kimberly Rivera, with one of her children, attends a war resisters support meeting in Toronto with Charlie Diamond, center, a Vietnam War objector and Phil McDowell, who went AWOL after being ordered back to Iraq under the Army's "stop-loss" policy.

By Judy Keen, USA TODAY
TORONTO — Patrick Hart came here in 2005, when he couldn't face a second deployment to Iraq. A U.S. Army sergeant with almost 10 years of active duty, he would rather stay in Canada forever than return to a war he thinks is wrong.

Hart, 36, knows that some people think he is a traitor, but he has no regrets. "I've bled for my country, I've sweated for my country, I've cried myself to sleep for my country — which is a lot more than some people who are passing judgment on me have done," he says. "I would rather go sit in prison than go to Iraq."

Deportation, court martial and prison are imminent threats to Hart and about 200 other U.S. troops seeking sanctuary in Canada. Despite being members of an all-voluntary military, some oppose the war in Iraq so strongly they are willing to leave their country behind — much like Americans of an earlier generation who crossed the border in the 1960s and '70s to avoid serving in Vietnam and built new lives here.

Some of the draft dodgers and deserters of the Vietnam era, most of them now graying Canadian citizens, are helping the young deserters fight legal battles and find work and housing.

"They understand," Hart says.

In Canada today, the political climate and immigration policies are less hospitable for the new deserters than during the Vietnam era. The conservative government of Prime Minister Stephen Harper refuses to give asylum or refugee status to those U.S. troops seeking sanctuary here, although Parliament on Tuesday will debate a bill that would let them stay.

Charlie Diamond was 23 when he fled to Canada from Connecticut in 1968 to avoid going to Vietnam. By then, the war was unpopular in both countries. Americans were marching in the streets in protest and young men were burning their draft cards.

Now 64 and a Canadian, he is reciprocating for the welcome he found here.

"I want my country once again to be a refuge from militarism," says Diamond, who has joined others who refused to fight in Vietnam — they prefer the term "resisters" — in the War Resisters Support Campaign.

Canada did not support the American invasion of Iraq, and polls show that most Americans also believe the war was a mistake. Today's deserters enlisted "in good conscience," Diamond says, "thinking they were defending America when in fact the whole thing was a lie."

Young men who left the USA to avoid serving in Vietnam were widely accepted by Canadians and a network of fellow war opponents who helped them find shelter and jobs. Under Harper, Canada's government has tightened immigration policies, and every Iraq deserter who has applied for refugee status has been turned down. Immigration Minister Jason Kenney says that "being a deserter from voluntary military service in a democracy does not, in any way, meet the … definition of a refugee."

In March, Kenney proposed more limits: Immigration appeals for people from countries with good human rights records would be heard only by the Federal Court, ending deserters' chances of winning in lower courts, and failed claimants would be deported in a year instead of the current four years.

Most of the Iraq war deserters in Canada are in hiding, says Michelle Robidoux, spokeswoman for the War Resisters Support Campaign. The group is in touch with more than 40 of them. Two others were deported, tried and sentenced to prison in the USA. Some returned home voluntarily.

More than 50,000 Americans old enough for military service came to Canada to avoid the draft and the Vietnam War, says John Hagan, a Northwestern University sociology and law professor who was among them and wrote a 2001 book, Northern Passages, about the exodus. About half remain in Canada today, he says, despite President Carter's 1977 amnesty offer, which applied to draft dodgers but not deserters.


*******... thats why gays shouldn't be allowed in the military...

no photo
Thu 09/02/10 08:19 PM

" ... "I was more faithful to God before I joined the military and that's what kind of stirred me," he said. Military duties have really consumed every part of my day and did not allow me time to involve myself with the Islamic community to maintain what duties I felt that I owed God. This is really what made me come to the conclusion that I'm not ready to die.... "

Awwwwwww ... that's just so effin' touching. He didn't know before he signed on the dotted line that the military kills people and breaks things ... ? He thought all they did was sit around in 'Kumbaya' circles and think about Jeebus all day ... ? This is such bullshitt it's not funny. If there's a good side to it, it's that he'll never be another 'Major Hasan'.Well, not INSIDE the military. Outside, what's to stop him from 'serving his god' by being 'ready to die' for his 72 virgins ... ?

willing2's photo
Thu 09/02/10 08:22 PM

*******... thats why gays shouldn't be allowed in the military...

Just from memory, I believe Canada quit allowing draft dodgers to jump the border.

It was screwin' with US Canadian relations.

willing2's photo
Thu 09/02/10 08:25 PM

" ... "I was more faithful to God before I joined the military and that's what kind of stirred me," he said. Military duties have really consumed every part of my day and did not allow me time to involve myself with the Islamic community to maintain what duties I felt that I owed God. This is really what made me come to the conclusion that I'm not ready to die.... "

Awwwwwww ... that's just so effin' touching. He didn't know before he signed on the dotted line that the military kills people and breaks things ... ? He thought all they did was sit around in 'Kumbaya' circles and think about Jeebus all day ... ? This is such bullshitt it's not funny. If there's a good side to it, it's that he'll never be another 'Major Hasan'.Well, not INSIDE the military. Outside, what's to stop him from 'serving his god' by being 'ready to die' for his 72 virgins ... ?

He was taught some pretty gnarly killin' techniques. Snipin', stabbin', slicing and dicing, explosives, how to make explosive devices. One killin' machine, that boy!

Lpdon's photo
Thu 09/02/10 08:33 PM

This punk will be the Belle of the ball once he hit's the brig.

His best bet would be to accept his fate if ordered to Afghanistan. He has no further future in the Military. They prefer to keep their stuff in-house.

Or, he could opt out to desert and try to make it to Canada. There is no guarantee Canada will keep accepting Illegal Immigrants of the US variety. They always have the option of shutting down the desertion house and deporting all of them.

Then, where would they run, Mexico? laugh laugh laugh

Just let him goto Afganistan and be with his brothers when we bomb the hell out of them.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 09/02/10 08:53 PM

*******... thats why gays shouldn't be allowed in the military...

Just from memory, I believe Canada quit allowing draft dodgers to jump the border.

It was screwin' with US Canadian relations.

The story if from May of this year about a man who is dodging currently and has been since 2005

Thomas3474's photo
Thu 09/02/10 09:13 PM

A Muslim soldier from Texas who joined the U.S. Army last year now wants to leave the military, claiming he is a conscientious objector whose devotion to Islam has suffered since he took an oath to defend the United States against all enemies.

Pfc. Naser Abdo, a 20-year-old infantryman assigned to the 101st Airborne Division at Fort Campbell, Ky., filed for conscientious objector status in June because his faith and the military simply don't mix, he told FoxNews.com. The Army has deferred his scheduled deployment to Afghanistan.

"Islam is a peaceful religion, it's not a religion of warfare," Abdo said. "And it's not a religion of terror. As a Muslim, we stand against injustice, we stand against discrimination, and I feel it's my duty as an individual to do this."

Abdo, the Texas-born son of a Muslim father and a Christian mother, said his relatives and wife stand by his decision and that he will likely refuse to deploy if his application for CO status is denied.

"I was more faithful to God before I joined the military and that's what kind of stirred me," he said. Military duties have really consumed every part of my day and did not allow me time to involve myself with the Islamic community to maintain what duties I felt that I owed God. This is really what made me come to the conclusion that I'm not ready to die....

"I knew that if I went to Afghanistan and, God forbid, something were to happen, that my faith was so weak that I wouldn't be admitted into heaven….

"The conclusion I came to is that I can't participate in the U.S. military, including any war it's involved in or any war it will be involved in in the future," he said.

Fort Campbell spokeswoman Kelly DeWitt said Abdo's deployment has been deferred, but according to Army regulations he may be deployed to Afghanistan at any time like other members of his unit.

"The Army recognizes that even in our all-volunteer force, a soldier's moral, ethical or religious beliefs may change over time," an Army statement read. "The Army and Fort Campbell has procedures in place for soldiers who declare themselves to be conscientious objectors and who apply for conscientious objector status."

According to documents obtained by The Associated Press, Abdo cited Islamic scholars and verses from the Koran as reasons to seek separation from the Army.

"I realized through further reflection that God did not give legitimacy to the war in Afghanistan, Iraq or any war the U.S. Army would conceivably participate in," he wrote.

J.E. McNeill, an attorney and executive director of the Center on Conscience and War, a Washington-based group that defends the rights of conscientious objectors, said it's difficult to predict the chances that Abdo's application will be approved. But on the surface, she said, it appears Abdo's case meets the standard for conscientious objector status.

"What he has to show is that he's opposed to war in any form," she said. "So the question is, is he opposed to any war or is he opposed to [Iraq and Afghanistan]?"

Applications for conscientious objectors -- defined by Army Regulation 600-43 as a person who is "sincerely opposed, because of religious or deeply held moral or ethical (not political, philosophical, or sociological) beliefs, to participating in war in any form" -- can take up to six months to process. Approval rates in the Army over the last seven years have averaged 58 percent. Across all U.S. military branches, 53 percent of conscientious objector status applications were approved from 2002 through 2006.

Of the 1.4 million enlisted U.S. military personnel as of Sept. 30, 2009, less than half of 1 percent identified themselves as Muslim, according to military statistics, and roughly the same rate of U.S. Army soldiers identified themselves as Muslim. Religious affiliation for military personnel currently serving in Iraq or Afghanistan was not available since servicemembers are not required to disclose that information.

Citing Army regulations, Abdo's attorney, James Branum, said Abdo will be interviewed by a chaplain and a psychologist prior to an informal hearing with an investigating officer, who will recommend whether to approve or deny the application.

If the claim is denied, Branum said Abdo could re-file with new evidence; seek to take the matter to a federal civilian court; refuse to deploy or drop the matter altogether. He acknowledged that Abdo could go to jail if he refuses to obey orders to deploy.

"We're trying to avoid that kind of showdown," Branum told FoxNews.com. "At this moment, Abdo is in a place where he's not going to violate his conscience."

Branum said he's received a "fair number" of emails regarding Abdo's case, some of which he said included death threats against the soldier and suggestions that his citizenship be revoked.

Abdo, for his part, said he has endured harassment, discrimination and intimidation due to his religious beliefs since joining the military, particularly during basic training at Fort Benning in Georgia. He also claimed to be the target of "resentment" from fellow soldiers due to his prayer schedule.

"Some of them would say I hate Jews, some of them even asked me, 'Would you kill your own family? Are you sure you're not on the wrong side?'" Abdo said. "It was daily. It was daily for sure."

A website detailing Abdo's situation has resulted in roughly 15 donations totaling about $250 for his legal defense. He's also received dozens of messages protesting his decision, which he said were "disgusting and hateful."

"You make me sick," read one message. "You make everyone I know sick."

Another message read: "I am not sure why you joined the Army to begin with, but as an Army Wife here at Fort Campbell, KY, I wouldn't want someone like you deploying with MY husband. It's good to stand by your religion and beliefs and I would be lying if I said I understood what they are, because I don't."

Abdo said he understands the dissension.

"By no means am I expecting a standing ovation," he said.


Put his a$$ in the brig. Refusing to deploy? C'mon now an Airborne Soldier who's beliefs won't let him go to war? This was a guy obviously joining the Army for a free ride here in the states for a couple years, then realized that he was going to war and it just got to deep. Look at what he say's, "I'm not ready to die." That tells you right there what he's about.

He had no business joining the military. He knew we were in the middle of several conflicts when joining. He should at the very least get a dishonorable discharge and deported.

Thousands of other Muslim soldiers and you don't see them bitching.

Hell he probably supports AQ and the Taliban and doesn't wanna hurt his brother's.

Worthless piece of garbage. This is the kinda of a$$hole that give our troops a bad name.

Give this guy a Darwin award.We have had a full blown war with Islam for at least 8 years now.Considering he is twenty and could enlist at 18 that would give him at least 6 years to get his head out of his butt and realize the Army has been killing Muslims for at least 6 years.

He knew what he was getting into despite what the recurter said because the contracts are all the same in the wording.It is just how many years you sign up for is the difference.To make sure you understand exactly what you are signing up for you inital each and every paragraph after the recruiter reads it to you.Needless to say half of the pages deal with going to War,fighting in War,following orders,madatory inactive reserves following discharge,working all hours,working all days,being sent anywhere in the world for any length of time,and a hundred more things I can't think of.

Lpdon's photo
Thu 09/02/10 09:15 PM

A Muslim soldier from Texas who joined the U.S. Army last year now wants to leave the military, claiming he is a conscientious objector whose devotion to Islam has suffered since he took an oath to defend the United States against all enemies.

Pfc. Naser Abdo, a 20-year-old infantryman assigned to the 101st Airborne Division at Fort Campbell, Ky., filed for conscientious objector status in June because his faith and the military simply don't mix, he told FoxNews.com. The Army has deferred his scheduled deployment to Afghanistan.

"Islam is a peaceful religion, it's not a religion of warfare," Abdo said. "And it's not a religion of terror. As a Muslim, we stand against injustice, we stand against discrimination, and I feel it's my duty as an individual to do this."

Abdo, the Texas-born son of a Muslim father and a Christian mother, said his relatives and wife stand by his decision and that he will likely refuse to deploy if his application for CO status is denied.

"I was more faithful to God before I joined the military and that's what kind of stirred me," he said. Military duties have really consumed every part of my day and did not allow me time to involve myself with the Islamic community to maintain what duties I felt that I owed God. This is really what made me come to the conclusion that I'm not ready to die....

"I knew that if I went to Afghanistan and, God forbid, something were to happen, that my faith was so weak that I wouldn't be admitted into heaven….

"The conclusion I came to is that I can't participate in the U.S. military, including any war it's involved in or any war it will be involved in in the future," he said.

Fort Campbell spokeswoman Kelly DeWitt said Abdo's deployment has been deferred, but according to Army regulations he may be deployed to Afghanistan at any time like other members of his unit.

"The Army recognizes that even in our all-volunteer force, a soldier's moral, ethical or religious beliefs may change over time," an Army statement read. "The Army and Fort Campbell has procedures in place for soldiers who declare themselves to be conscientious objectors and who apply for conscientious objector status."

According to documents obtained by The Associated Press, Abdo cited Islamic scholars and verses from the Koran as reasons to seek separation from the Army.

"I realized through further reflection that God did not give legitimacy to the war in Afghanistan, Iraq or any war the U.S. Army would conceivably participate in," he wrote.

J.E. McNeill, an attorney and executive director of the Center on Conscience and War, a Washington-based group that defends the rights of conscientious objectors, said it's difficult to predict the chances that Abdo's application will be approved. But on the surface, she said, it appears Abdo's case meets the standard for conscientious objector status.

"What he has to show is that he's opposed to war in any form," she said. "So the question is, is he opposed to any war or is he opposed to [Iraq and Afghanistan]?"

Applications for conscientious objectors -- defined by Army Regulation 600-43 as a person who is "sincerely opposed, because of religious or deeply held moral or ethical (not political, philosophical, or sociological) beliefs, to participating in war in any form" -- can take up to six months to process. Approval rates in the Army over the last seven years have averaged 58 percent. Across all U.S. military branches, 53 percent of conscientious objector status applications were approved from 2002 through 2006.

Of the 1.4 million enlisted U.S. military personnel as of Sept. 30, 2009, less than half of 1 percent identified themselves as Muslim, according to military statistics, and roughly the same rate of U.S. Army soldiers identified themselves as Muslim. Religious affiliation for military personnel currently serving in Iraq or Afghanistan was not available since servicemembers are not required to disclose that information.

Citing Army regulations, Abdo's attorney, James Branum, said Abdo will be interviewed by a chaplain and a psychologist prior to an informal hearing with an investigating officer, who will recommend whether to approve or deny the application.

If the claim is denied, Branum said Abdo could re-file with new evidence; seek to take the matter to a federal civilian court; refuse to deploy or drop the matter altogether. He acknowledged that Abdo could go to jail if he refuses to obey orders to deploy.

"We're trying to avoid that kind of showdown," Branum told FoxNews.com. "At this moment, Abdo is in a place where he's not going to violate his conscience."

Branum said he's received a "fair number" of emails regarding Abdo's case, some of which he said included death threats against the soldier and suggestions that his citizenship be revoked.

Abdo, for his part, said he has endured harassment, discrimination and intimidation due to his religious beliefs since joining the military, particularly during basic training at Fort Benning in Georgia. He also claimed to be the target of "resentment" from fellow soldiers due to his prayer schedule.

"Some of them would say I hate Jews, some of them even asked me, 'Would you kill your own family? Are you sure you're not on the wrong side?'" Abdo said. "It was daily. It was daily for sure."

A website detailing Abdo's situation has resulted in roughly 15 donations totaling about $250 for his legal defense. He's also received dozens of messages protesting his decision, which he said were "disgusting and hateful."

"You make me sick," read one message. "You make everyone I know sick."

Another message read: "I am not sure why you joined the Army to begin with, but as an Army Wife here at Fort Campbell, KY, I wouldn't want someone like you deploying with MY husband. It's good to stand by your religion and beliefs and I would be lying if I said I understood what they are, because I don't."

Abdo said he understands the dissension.

"By no means am I expecting a standing ovation," he said.


Put his a$$ in the brig. Refusing to deploy? C'mon now an Airborne Soldier who's beliefs won't let him go to war? This was a guy obviously joining the Army for a free ride here in the states for a couple years, then realized that he was going to war and it just got to deep. Look at what he say's, "I'm not ready to die." That tells you right there what he's about.

He had no business joining the military. He knew we were in the middle of several conflicts when joining. He should at the very least get a dishonorable discharge and deported.

Thousands of other Muslim soldiers and you don't see them bitching.

Hell he probably supports AQ and the Taliban and doesn't wanna hurt his brother's.

Worthless piece of garbage. This is the kinda of a$$hole that give our troops a bad name.

Give this guy a Darwin award.We have had a full blown war with Islam for at least 8 years now.Considering he is twenty and could enlist at 18 that would give him at least 6 years to get his head out of his butt and realize the Army has been killing Muslims for at least 6 years.

He knew what he was getting into despite what the recurter said because the contracts are all the same in the wording.It is just how many years you sign up for is the difference.To make sure you understand exactly what you are signing up for you inital each and every paragraph after the recruiter reads it to you.Needless to say half of the pages deal with going to War,fighting in War,following orders,madatory inactive reserves following discharge,working all hours,working all days,being sent anywhere in the world for any length of time,and a hundred more things I can't think of.


Dragoness's photo
Thu 09/02/10 09:16 PM
We aren't warring against Islamslaphead

See that is part of the problem.

People don't even know what we are at war forslaphead

Lpdon's photo
Thu 09/02/10 09:17 PM

We aren't warring against Islamslaphead

See that is part of the problem.

People don't even know what we are at war forslaphead

Yea, you included.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 09/02/10 09:20 PM
Your right, we have been lied to so much how can anyone know.


Lpdon's photo
Thu 09/02/10 09:21 PM

Your right, we have been lied to so much how can anyone know.


I sure as hell don't see any christians or catholics fighting us over there. Just sayin'

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