Topic: Why is it so hard for a older women | |
Ya know? I've been thinking about it...this "idea" that men have about women...'Healthy, fit, inner beauty, outer beauty, sexy....."" all want sexy women no matter how "sexy, or not" that man is ....if they want have to be sexy..I'm 65 yrs old...I have learned to HATE the word 'sexy'. BUT women HAVE to be sexy... ![]() Women are NATURALLY sexy...they don't have to prove a damn thing to anyone..they don't have to go the the hairdresser, spa or gym, just to please a the time they hit 50...they have earned the right to have a few extra pounds, some grey hair and sagging breasts..Childbirth, marriages, jobs, life and MEN have taken their toll on most women at this age. That is NOT to say they can't be sexy, or try to please a man..IF that man pleases them also...but to be treated like cattle on an auction block is not cool. ![]() you said it MUCH more eloquently my dear! hear hear!! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I guess that goes both ways ![]() ![]() |
I guess that goes both ways ![]() ![]() Officer! She told me to turn at the last second and I thought it was an emergency!! |
Well u missed the next one because I couldn't, we were yaking and not paying attention. U would of passes that sucker and not even known it.
You tell him Carol...
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Well u missed the next one because I couldn't, we were yaking and not paying attention. U would of passes that sucker and not even known it. Because you were supposed to be reading the directions in reverse that got us there and giving me "heads up" for the turns. How soon the story changes!! ![]() |
Ya know? I've been thinking about it...this "idea" that men have about women...'Healthy, fit, inner beauty, outer beauty, sexy....."" all want sexy women no matter how "sexy, or not" that man is ....if they want have to be sexy..I'm 65 yrs old...I have learned to HATE the word 'sexy'. BUT women HAVE to be sexy... ![]() Women are NATURALLY sexy...they don't have to prove a damn thing to anyone..they don't have to go the the hairdresser, spa or gym, just to please a the time they hit 50...they have earned the right to have a few extra pounds, some grey hair and sagging breasts..Childbirth, marriages, jobs, life and MEN have taken their toll on most women at this age. That is NOT to say they can't be sexy, or try to please a man..IF that man pleases them also...but to be treated like cattle on an auction block is not cool. ![]() you said it MUCH more eloquently my dear! hear hear!! ![]() ![]() ![]() You also happen to be beautiful and sexy without trying. ![]() |
Well u missed the next one because I couldn't, we were yaking and not paying attention. U would of passes that sucker and not even known it. Because you were supposed to be reading the directions in reverse that got us there and giving me "heads up" for the turns. How soon the story changes!! ![]() |
Well u missed the next one because I couldn't, we were yaking and not paying attention. U would of passes that sucker and not even known it. Because you were supposed to be reading the directions in reverse that got us there and giving me "heads up" for the turns. How soon the story changes!! ![]() I have a witness! |
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Ya know? I've been thinking about it...this "idea" that men have about women...'Healthy, fit, inner beauty, outer beauty, sexy....."" all want sexy women no matter how "sexy, or not" that man is ....if they want have to be sexy..I'm 65 yrs old...I have learned to HATE the word 'sexy'. BUT women HAVE to be sexy... ![]() Women are NATURALLY sexy...they don't have to prove a damn thing to anyone..they don't have to go the the hairdresser, spa or gym, just to please a the time they hit 50...they have earned the right to have a few extra pounds, some grey hair and sagging breasts..Childbirth, marriages, jobs, life and MEN have taken their toll on most women at this age. That is NOT to say they can't be sexy, or try to please a man..IF that man pleases them also...but to be treated like cattle on an auction block is not cool. ![]() Adding my 2 cents. People need to just relax & become friends first. I see so many in a big rush to have a relationship. FRIENDSHIP is a relationship. I know that I am very set in my ways; don't plan to change & even having a good friendship, takes getting used to the other person. OPINION: Take a big CHILL PILL & let life be what it is. Don't push so hard, accept what comes, hope for more IF you want, LEARN to RELAX & be GLAD for what you get. |
Ya know? I've been thinking about it...this "idea" that men have about women...'Healthy, fit, inner beauty, outer beauty, sexy....."" all want sexy women no matter how "sexy, or not" that man is ....if they want have to be sexy..I'm 65 yrs old...I have learned to HATE the word 'sexy'. BUT women HAVE to be sexy... ![]() Women are NATURALLY sexy...they don't have to prove a damn thing to anyone..they don't have to go the the hairdresser, spa or gym, just to please a the time they hit 50...they have earned the right to have a few extra pounds, some grey hair and sagging breasts..Childbirth, marriages, jobs, life and MEN have taken their toll on most women at this age. That is NOT to say they can't be sexy, or try to please a man..IF that man pleases them also...but to be treated like cattle on an auction block is not cool. ![]() Adding my 2 cents. People need to just relax & become friends first. I see so many in a big rush to have a relationship. FRIENDSHIP is a relationship. I know that I am very set in my ways; don't plan to change & even having a good friendship, takes getting used to the other person. OPINION: Take a big CHILL PILL & let life be what it is. Don't push so hard, accept what comes, hope for more IF you want, LEARN to RELAX & be GLAD for what you get. ![]() |
I agree Don both my husbands were friends first. My x and me and the kids still have dinners on sunday once or twice a month. The kids like it.
The Pig nose!
Pigs can't relax. They have to stick their noses in everything, sniff around, root a bit, then squeal with joy when you find a truffle! ![]() |
The Pig nose! Pigs can't relax. They have to stick their noses in everything, sniff around, root a bit, then squeal with joy when you find a truffle! ![]() and then it's off to the packing house for them...not pretty ![]() |
I think that most woman "our" age have a hard time finding someone because they don't put themselves "out there". You are not going to find the "love of your life" sitting at home watching TV and knitting. It seems that most women are afraid to venture out anywhere alone. And I don't mean hanging out in bars. They spend their time with the same small group of friends, shy from making even casual contact with anyone they don't know, and then wonder why they don't meet people. I like staying home. And I did find a really super guy via the computer.... Unfortunately he is across the Atlantic ocean. Venture out? Hey I walk the dogs every day. Go out? Make friends? Does that mean I have to change out of my toga and dress like the rest of the people? |
I live in a small town in the middle of the desert.. closest large city is 80 miles away.
Tho' I have been on a couple of date sites, I have never have met up with a woman from either of the sites. So geography can be a problem for dating. I'm not so ugly as to make you sick.. I hope.. smile.. and very tall but I have put up pix on both sites... nothing I try seems to work. I have never dated "younger women" I have always seened to be attracted to women my age, or slightly older... and at 66 yrs old it is harder to find women my age... lol... they're all married, or in the old folks home... sorry, I had to toss that last one into the mix There is an answer to the problems I have... I mean besides staying single... but what ever the problem is, I haven't found it. ??? |
Hard to find love!!?? Well. It wasn't hard for Me at all please women don't get all shook up and mad and start blasting me with harsh words. The following is only my opinion I repeat: ONLY MY OPINION!!!!! (ya might agree-ya might not) I notice a lot of man bashing. Alot of bitterness because of past relationships throw it away!!! Bashing? Why?? It doesnt make sense to me. One women does it and others flock like seagulls. The bitterness? It's unattractive and men are really turned off by it. They come out and say it but noone listens love is found by people who love themselves and are happy and show it to the world. Men are attracted to women who they see are strong -threw their baggage away and march on with confidence-a sense of humor-and their feminitity in tact this goes for men too! I know I'm no authority on the subject but there really is love for everyone out there ya know maybe stop wanting this and stop wanting that and giving every guy a fair chance? Even the "nice" ones that are always getting a bad rap? ![]() REMEMBER: this is just my most humble of opinions I agree with much of this in your post, however, at any age it is not our job to restrict our thoughts or speech so that men will like us. we accept each other with imperfections or it is not going to work. I have had some experiences that did not turn out the greatest in the man department, and often he (the man) did do stuff that totally sucked. But, first, I know that not all men will do those things, and second, in some cases I did not handle the situation well either. Many of my ex boyfriends I am still on good or civil terms with but most of them were dishonest with me - including my ex husband. is that my fault? no. but I am being much more careful about what I believe and who I choose to associate with now. So I have responsilbilty too, for personal growth to examine my choices but none of that changes the facts about some of the things these men did or said that were not honest or excuses them. I have also had a lot of wonderful moments, and some good experiences , just haven't fallen in love and it does get harder as one ages - I am open to loving someone but also not that flexible as to my lifestyle preferences. society in general does not value age period- which is just stupid, and it values age in women even less. |
An intriguing question - well posted! To be honest, I often feel that perhaps we try too hard to find love: perhaps we should let it find us? It surely will if given the chance.
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Many Young people do not find Love. Love goes beyond just dating someone and many date casually, move from one person to the other. We have to have a relationship, which often takes Work; Accepting each other with imperfections or it is not going to work. |