Topic: What will you do? | |
Where faith exists... Fear is not. indeed.....not sure how to respond to such, as many interpretations and many branches of thought could come from such statment, lol... "faith in what" would be the question from me if there was anything said leading into more discussion, lol.... there are few "professed believers" that would EVER say what they believe was first founded on FEAR OF SELF DAMNATION, which if one wishes for self, so be it, each is free, but to preach a "truth of peace" then it must be able to create peace, and things sought to be believed steming first from FEAR FOR SELF ONLY, seems can only create for others more same TRUTH OF ONE........ is fear a bad thing? if say sought to "remove fear" to have more self peace, so be it, but if seeking to have understanding for others, one would have to have walked completely thru fear themself, so this could only come from first seeing fear, so fear brought to this place, so fear was needed and as a good teacher, but it's USE cannot be disolved it seem unless greater truth does not contain it, which would seem to be some possible meaning of what you say....... seems one's "root motive" for all done is at the very heart of what all things believed will create for one, and then for all if spoken to all, if words spoken are believed by others...... just rambling ideas man...... peace |
Edited by
Wed 09/17/08 09:57 AM
Where faith exists... Fear is not. indeed.....not sure how to respond to such, as many interpretations and many branches of thought could come from such statment, lol... "faith in what" would be the question from me if there was anything said leading into more discussion, lol.... there are few "professed believers" that would EVER say what they believe was first founded on FEAR OF SELF DAMNATION, which if one wishes for self, so be it, each is free, but to preach a "truth of peace" then it must be able to create peace, and things sought to be believed steming first from FEAR FOR SELF ONLY, seems can only create for others more same TRUTH OF ONE........ is fear a bad thing? if say sought to "remove fear" to have more self peace, so be it, but if seeking to have understanding for others, one would have to have walked completely thru fear themself, so this could only come from first seeing fear, so fear brought to this place, so fear was needed and as a good teacher, but it's USE cannot be disolved it seem unless greater truth does not contain it, which would seem to be some possible meaning of what you say....... seems one's "root motive" for all done is at the very heart of what all things believed will create for one, and then for all if spoken to all, if words spoken are believed by others...... just rambling ideas man...... peace One awakens to the sheer magnitude of all they've been and done to escape that feeling of self-damnation and shivers at the vast open-ness of a life beyond that place. Riding this razor's edge of recognition and admission, one can wholly feel the stark contrast between two worlds. It makes for giddiness comparable to feelings felt at the youngest age remembered. |
What will you do if the whole basis of your understanding of this life, and the after this life, (whatever that may be) doesn't exist? If you knew without any doubt that there is no heaven, no redemption, nothing like what you believe is after this life, what might you do? Basically, lets rip the rug out from under our feet, the floor too, and see what happens, hyperthetically of course... ![]() Much of the whole basis of my "understanding" of this life and after this life is currently in complete unheaval (not that it was ever set in stone). Geez... I 'spose I'd have to give up "knowing" anything and be a happy idiot. ![]() |
Where faith exists... Fear is not. indeed.....not sure how to respond to such, as many interpretations and many branches of thought could come from such statment, lol... "faith in what" would be the question from me if there was anything said leading into more discussion, lol.... there are few "professed believers" that would EVER say what they believe was first founded on FEAR OF SELF DAMNATION, which if one wishes for self, so be it, each is free, but to preach a "truth of peace" then it must be able to create peace, and things sought to be believed steming first from FEAR FOR SELF ONLY, seems can only create for others more same TRUTH OF ONE........ is fear a bad thing? if say sought to "remove fear" to have more self peace, so be it, but if seeking to have understanding for others, one would have to have walked completely thru fear themself, so this could only come from first seeing fear, so fear brought to this place, so fear was needed and as a good teacher, but it's USE cannot be disolved it seem unless greater truth does not contain it, which would seem to be some possible meaning of what you say....... seems one's "root motive" for all done is at the very heart of what all things believed will create for one, and then for all if spoken to all, if words spoken are believed by others...... just rambling ideas man...... peace One awakens to the sheer magnitude of all they've been and done to escape that feeling of self-damnation and shivers at the vast open-ness of a life beyond that place. Riding this razor's edge of recognition and admission, one can wholly feel the stark contrast between two worlds. It makes for giddiness comparable to feelings felt at the youngest age remembered. Ahuh, ahuh........ |
Where faith exists... Fear is not. I read through most and this is the only thing that I 100% agree with. |
What will you do if the whole basis of your understanding of this life, and the after this life, (whatever that may be) doesn't exist? If you knew without any doubt that there is no heaven, no redemption, nothing like what you believe is after this life, what might you do? Basically, lets rip the rug out from under our feet, the floor too, and see what happens, hyperthetically of course... ![]() Well, then it would be like this, confusion, choas, etc. for eternity. |
QS wrote:
We know without a doubt that God does indeed exist, is real & true to His word. So what does that tell you? It tells me that people who are easily brainwashed and deluded become Christians. The rest of aren't afraid to question ancient myths. We aren't so easily lead like blind sheep into the pasture of fear and ignorance by the fraudulent stories of men. Do you honestly beleive for one second that all non-believers of the biblical myth are 'evil' people or people who have knowingly and willingly rejected their creator in favor of siding with a demonic angel in a stupid war game? If you believe that then clearly are are easily led without thinking about things at all. All you need to do is open your eyes and look around you and you can see that the biblical myth is a lie. I can't be true. It's not even close to being reasonable. No, I dont believe all non believers are "evil" I know non believers and many are good people that live good lives, they just for one reason or another do not believe as I do. I believe that some people that claim to be christian can be evil as well. I don't believe the Bible is a lie, myself. I do believe that some door knocking bible thumping folks have turned some away from God with the tactics they use. I think that during the millenium (again, my belief), all will know the truth and there will be no unanswered questions. It will be a time of teaching. There will still be some that choose another path at that time but it will be with open eyes and understanding of the truth. Many will come to God at that time but not all. Its is not a second chance as some call it, because with what is being taught in so many cases, many have not had even a first chance. Peace and love to all, on both sides of this debate. |
Where faith exists... Fear is not. Hmmmm... I don't discredit where you are coming from AB... when one is perfectly centred in their truth, there is no need for fear, or for any other emotive expression... However, (yep, there's always one.. ![]() Faith.... is that with the mind? Is that the 'I think... therefore I am'... kind of thing? I dunno.... I prefer... I feel....therefore I am. You and I both know of, and respect each other's personal understandings... and neither of us have ever had cause to admonish each other... I Am.... (for me...) ...part of the All. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I don't have to have the imagination to believe anything but what God says...I won't be decieved anymore by the lies & tricks of the devil. If you want to be decieved that's your choice...don't try to denegrate mine because I KNOW what I believe in. I don't have to wonder who or what God is anymore...I know because He reveals Himself to the faithful. It IS finished! AMEN! Does that mean I'm the devil???? Ohhh ahhhh!!!! really???? Holy crap, batman! to the batmobile!!! Ok, enough of the sillies.....QS.... I respect your rigidity in your belief structures.... I applaud your decisions to remain true to your faith.... But I have to ask.... why is it that a question, a completely simple game of 'imagine if...' has created such a large reaction? If I may say this without actually insulting (something I do my best to avoid). What is faith?? Is faith believing in what you know to be true?? Is it depending on your experience because "God" has "proved it to you"??? Is it being unchangeable, unmovable, unimaginative in the sense that you will not consider the possibility of anything else..........considering that you may be wrong??? See, because I thought faith was trusting.....trusting in what you do not have any proof of?? If "God" has proved anything to you, that proof is not is fact to you. Faith is what goes beyond the facts. Faith is what you have when you have NO facts. Faith is what you have when you have NOTHING to go on. Faith is believing that if you are wrong.........everything will work out as it should anyways. Faith is admitting that you may not know the answers........that the answers may be unknowable to you at this time...............BUT Faith is what you have left........when all the "facts" all the "rituals" all the "titles" all the "names" are taken away......... Faith isn't something someone else can give (including some other "God") but something that is in every person.......something that religions try to have a corner on.......but really can't because every human being has it. I took out the last part because it was a very wrong should be because FAITH proves itself. As noticed, I highlighted the imperative in your statement. Another false assumption is saying faith is something not given by God. Also faith is something that God gives us all because, as God's word says, we are all BORN WITH a measure of faith. I have no other statement other to say that some here have found the truth & others are still seeking. Therein lies the difference. Keep looking, God will find you. It's my prayer that you all come to the full knowledge of the truth. They were not any more of an assumption than what you have are no more qualified to know what is truth than I am..........but you seem to think you are. And I am the one who has pride??? Anyhoo, you can not "prove" your statements to me. As I have said many times in this forum, and I don't have many posts, the Bible is not "God's Word" imo so I do not/can not/will not use it as fact or "proof" as you choose to. I'm not stupid, unspiritual, uneducated in the biblical sense, or lacking God simply because it doesn't fit your "program". I do not claim that your personal God is not God to you, I simply say he is not mine.........but yet you try to push him on me??? Anyhoo............... You, and the rest like you are very good at.........proving my main points. Thank you! Well golly are a very bitter person. I hope you get some help for that. ![]() |
Well golly are a very bitter person. I hope you get some help for that. ![]() Whoa there QS!!! Plainome is not bitter, she shared her opinions, which as you know, we all have... Dismissal is an indication of having moved out of dialogue, and into monologue... Your dismissal of Plainome is inappropriate and unfortunately quite disappointing, for me to read. You are welcome to your god, no one can take that from you.... and Plainome is welcome to her beliefs. |
What will you do if the whole basis of your understanding of this life, and the after this life, (whatever that may be) doesn't exist? If you knew without any doubt that there is no heaven, no redemption, nothing like what you believe is after this life, what might you do? Basically, lets rip the rug out from under our feet, the floor too, and see what happens, hyperthetically of course... ![]() What will I do? Hmmmm .... same as yesterday ... ![]() |
Something just occurred to me. For those who answered "Nothing would change", it would seem to mean that their beliefs have no relationship to how they operate on a daily basis. Kinda like their "religion" had nothing to do with anything in "this life". Interesting.
Edited by
Fri 09/19/08 06:54 PM
Something just occurred to me. For those who answered "Nothing would change", it would seem to mean that their beliefs have no relationship to how they operate on a daily basis. Kinda like their "religion" had nothing to do with anything in "this life". Interesting. I don't agree SkyHook ... Every day I strive to make someone else's life easier. Every day I bring a positive attitude into the world. Every day I try to bring more light to the planet. I require no doctrine to tell me what is moral or righteous. If there is no life after this one then I will have done what I could for the people I could... If there is some God head in the sky waiting to judge me for my time here then I can think of little that is worthy of serious punishment in this lifetime ... If I operate under the belief that nothing is separate then I cannot treat another badly for in doing so it would be like doing that to myself ... quite literally ... ...and if I find out that is wrong and that I am completely separate then how have I caused any harm or done anything to regret anyway? If I live from the notion of being a creator of my life and find out later that is not the case ... what is the harm? I choose the more empowering view ... They are all just 'ideas' ... 'concepts' ... why can't they change? Why can't they all be true? Why can't they evolve? Why do we have to be so wrapped up in one that we can't entertain the notion of another? We know nothing for sure! I tread softly and shine a big light ... ![]() |
Edited by
Fri 09/19/08 06:40 PM
Well golly are a very bitter person. I hope you get some help for that. ![]() Whoa there QS!!! Plainome is not bitter, she shared her opinions, which as you know, we all have... Dismissal is an indication of having moved out of dialogue, and into monologue... Your dismissal of Plainome is inappropriate and unfortunately quite disappointing, for me to read. You are welcome to your god, no one can take that from you.... and Plainome is welcome to her beliefs. Interesting how things can be interpreted differently by different people. Personally, I took that "...bitter..." statement as just playfully humourous sarcasm, and the flower as an indicator of same. |
What will you do if the whole basis of your understanding of this life, and the after this life, (whatever that may be) doesn't exist? If you knew without any doubt that there is no heaven, no redemption, nothing like what you believe is after this life, what might you do? Basically, lets rip the rug out from under our feet, the floor too, and see what happens, hyperthetically of course... ![]() What will I do? Hmmmm .... same as yesterday ... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
What will you do if the whole basis of your understanding of this life, and the after this life, (whatever that may be) doesn't exist? If you knew without any doubt that there is no heaven, no redemption, nothing like what you believe is after this life, what might you do? Basically, lets rip the rug out from under our feet, the floor too, and see what happens, hyperthetically of course... ![]() What will I do? Hmmmm .... same as yesterday ... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Maybe ... the bruises are hard to hide ![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() Perhaps bruises could be a new form of longing body art.. ![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() Perhaps bruises could be a new form of longing body art.. ![]() ![]() I found what had been misplaced... I left it at 'home' ![]() ![]() |
I am soooo looking forward to the new address for you and he, and the little people,, I have to sit on my hands and not ask the 5 736 493 questions I want to ask...
this patience thing sucks.. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I am soooo looking forward to the new address for you and he, and the little people,, I have to sit on my hands and not ask the 5 736 493 questions I want to ask... this patience thing sucks.. ![]() ![]() ![]() new am I - you have no idea!!!!!!!!! He reminds me to be patient ... I reply 'this IS me patient!' ![]() but in our house it would appear that I am the little people ... curses to my short legs ![]() |