Topic: What will you do? | |
So the point is.... NO Jess..God does NOT want BLIND ROBOT FOLLOWERS of HIM.... WITHOUT REAL FAITH IN HIM!!! It's impossible for me to ever believe that the Bible has anything to do with the creator of this universe MorningSong. I don't believe that God is that stupid or that cruel. And I never will believe it. More to the point; why would I even want to? It's impossible for me to believe in the Bible MorningSong. Absolutly impossible. It's not an option. Therefore if the story is true then the Biblical God did not give me any options. I can't possibly believe that God is as stupid and as ignorant as the Bible claims he is. I don't believe that God is at war with a fallen angel. And I don't believe that God is a loser. According to the Bible God lost almost all of humanity to Satan during the Great Flood. God actually had to cheat by intervention to avoid losing the last few remaining souls. So the biblical God is not only a loser but a cheater as well. It's an utterly dispicable picture of a God IMHO MorningSong. I could never believe that the creator of this universe is as lame as the God the bible portarys. I don't believe that our creator is that stupid, nor that callous. So it's not even an option for me. |
I'm really bad about not reading everything before I post......but I'll have to come back to this one anyway.
In essence I have already experienced this once in my life.......having the rug pulled out from under me.....coming to the realization that everything I believed and everything I had done to try to be the "best" Christian was pointless....... That all along all I needed/wanted was to be me. No heaven, no hell, no greater being to hear me when I prayed............ Your whole equilibrium is thrown off, and it takes a bit for u to get ur footing again. Sometimes you simply jump into something else.....but find out it is the same, and then you avoid commiting to any concrete beliefs at all. The best you can do is hope that it is not all for naught. Unlike some here........I do not do what I do, or live how I live because I am afraid of it coming back on me......... Everything I do is because I want to be a better person. I would not change much......unless I just decided what the point in living life now was, just to die in the end. Everything is fleeting, and why suffer the misery that is life......longer than I have to. I'm not saying I'd commit suicide......but I would probably go into a state of depression for a while. Until I decided to live life to the fullest despite how it may end.......and I would do my best to pass something on......something that would help those to essence I would do what I hope to do anyways. |
Jess, I can see your thought provoking thread is not working for the Christians at all. The only thing that would work for Christians is to send them all away to an insane asylum. ![]() How sweet. ![]() |
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Sun 09/14/08 06:45 PM
Well yeah but the punishment for my refusing to accept Christ as my savior is eternal damnation and torture in the fiery pits of hell correct? So if someone has a knife to my throat saying you better find Jesus real quick then I would be obliged to go along with that premise. At least while people were looking at me anyway. ![]() Krimsa...IF someone put a knife to your throat and forced you to accept Jesus, would NOT make you saved... Accepting Jesus has to come FROM THE HEART...and has to be done WILLINGLY. Krimsa..also.....God Knows you don't believe yet....and God is not going to beat you over the head ,because you don't yet believe. God is patient.. and God knows the real reason you don't believe because your eyes have not yet been opened. But that day will come....and God knows the day when you are ready, Krimsa....and in the meantime, He is sending forth His Word to you.....and preparing your heart. Krimsa... the ONLY time God wants You ,or anyone, to believe and recieve Him, is when one MEANS IT...and BELIEVES and ACCEPTS JESUS , WILLINGLY. GOD DOES NOT WANT ROBOTS !! |
Oh hush!
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Sun 09/14/08 06:41 PM
Its also based on a much earlier Sumerian creation myth. It wasn't even really that creative and was basically plagiarized. The Sumerian tale had a lot more drama and romance. Thats all cut and condensed in the Tree of Knowledge story. ![]() There are MANY myths out there ...there is also the Mayan myth....and the myths may have some similarities to the TRUTH of God's Word....but that does not make them true. Just like there are many claiming to be christ.... there are false christs out there too... but I will say this.... IF You SEEK the Truth With Your Whole Heart... You will FIND the Truth... and the TRUTH Will SET YOU FREE!!! God Looks upon the heart...and SEES and KNOWS when One is Truly Seeking Him. And if per chance, someone who is TRULY SEEKING GOD ,is already caught up in a myth or a lie, and if that person is truly seeking the truth.... God will get a hold of that person... and lead Him OUT of a lie , and Lead him into the Truth. God sees and knows the heart.... |
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Sun 09/14/08 06:21 PM
Ok, the thing that gets me about "Christians" (or at least the ones who do this) is that they assume that if u just experienced what they have........IF you only knew what they knew.........IF you were to truly accept the faith, and love and commune with "God" that you would be just as they are....... That "God" can only be interpreted or understood on their terms....... Yanno, all it is is trying to have a hold on "God" as was previously said. Anyone who follows a formula for salvation follows the same path. If I do a+b+c then I will get d.
I was "Christian" for twenty three years of my life......and I'm only 28. For three years I didn't want to let go of it, but realized that I could not attest to it, as I didn't truly believe it with all my heart anymore, there were too many inconsistencies in what I felt in my spirit and what I heard taught/read in the Bible. I am now treated as a sinner/outsider/enemy by those who once claimed to love me......the only time they want to talk to me is to try and convince me that "God" will accept me back...........I never turned my back on "God" so why would he need to take me back??? It is all so egotistical. They claim that it is non-believers who are full of pride.....but it is quite the believe that your way is the only way......and to even believe that your denomination gets "Christianity" right while others get it "wrong"..........that you have some kind of hold on "God" because you are his child.......while claiming that he created everyone (that would make all his children)..........What could you possibly use as a better example of PRIDE?? Anyhoo, my point was that I lived it, wholeheartedly. I believed in Christ.....but as time went....I realized that my believe in what Christ was didn't line up with what the church taught. What I felt when I prayed.....didn't line up with what the Bible said in some places. The spirit that came with some words in the Bible didn't match up with other "vibes" of other verses.............I finally came to the conclusion that I know what "Christ" is to me, but that others definitely could know this same energy but could give it a different name..........a simple one is "compassion". I've been there, done that.........I know what the Bible has to say, and have been given the gift of the "Holy Spirit" (another thing the church lays claim to........that is open to anyone that is open to truth, imo) and that spirit is what has guided me to love and accept myself, to strive to become better, to let loose of guilt and shame........and to truly love others unconditionally............ I have OUTGROWN Christianity, not backslid from it........GET IT?? Anyhoo, I just had to throw that in there. This process is NEVER easy for someone who truly believed it, and I hate it when someone makes light of it, as if u are just lazy, or that you dont' care about your soul. I came to this conclusion about "God". If he is indeed all powerful, all knowing, all loving.......if he is I AM THAT I AM.........then he indeed knows what/who I am better than I do myself. I trust, I have faith, I believe that whatever happens will be. I have no need to secure my place anywhere......I will go wherever it is I am to go.......and will do what I can with that situation. If you truly believe that your "God" was who you say he is.......I mean the good parts......then you would have the same faith. You would know that it is not your place to judge. God does not judge by outside appearances but by the heart.........and no one can determine another's heart......NO ONE. He is not limited by your "book" and you only do him a disservice by quoting it as an authority. Any God that is a true "God" as Christians claim theirs is........could never have his laws, his heart, his spirit put into something so..........barbaric as a book............. To reiterate what I said before........if I knew for a fact (which I don't believe could ever really happen) that any belief I had was false and that when I die I am just "gone" (it is impossible for something to become nothing in the general sense of the word...but anyhoo) I would not live my life any differently. I think I would be saddened, but it is not my beliefs about that afterlife that control what I do in this life. |
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Sun 09/14/08 06:18 PM
Well yeah but the punishment for my refusing to accept Christ as my savior is eternal damnation and torture in the fiery pits of hell correct? So if someone has a knife to my throat saying you better find Jesus real quick then I would be obliged to go along with that premise. At least while people were looking at me anyway. ![]() Krimsa...IF someone put a knife to your throat and forced you to accept Jesus, would NOT make you saved... Acepting Jesus has to come FROM THE HEART...and has to be done WILLINGLY. Krimsa..also.....God Knows you don't believe yet....and God is not going to beat you over the head ,because you don't yet believe. God is patient.. and God knows the real reason you don't believe becasue your eyes have not yet been opened. But that day will come....and God knows the day when you are ready, Krimsa....and in the meantime, He is sending forth His Word to you.....and preparing your heart. Krimsa... the ONLY time God wants You or anyone to believe and recieve Him, is when one MEANS IT...and BELIEVES and ACCEPTS JESUS , WILLINGLY. GOD DOES NOT WANT ROBOTS !! Morningsong, when there is a dire consequence for NOT accepting Christ as your personal savior,---->(Namely HELL) then how can you call any kind of acceptance "willing." As for God not wanting "robots" I think you are wrong. The Biblical God seems to want just that. He wants unquestionable obedience. ---> ROBOT <---- The "knife to the throat" remark was an example. Actually it is not exactly a knife to the throat, it is ETERNAL HELL FIRE AND DAMNATION. Which is a little worse than a knife to the throat. A knife to the throat I can handle. No problem. No biggie. ![]() As for "God is patient" <----Why wouldn't he be? After all, he is an eternal being. He has all the time in the world. ![]() But not really.....<------- Because from what I hear, there is this end of the world thingy that keeps popping up..... Hence a deadline. Not to mention.. humans only live about 60 to 80 years.. the old age thingy. So, we have deadlines. It don't hold water Morningsong... but oh well. JB |
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Sun 09/14/08 06:24 PM
What will you do if the whole basis of your understanding of this life, and the after this life, (whatever that may be) doesn't exist? If you knew without any doubt that there is no heaven, no redemption, nothing like what you believe is after this life, what might you do? Basically, lets rip the rug out from under our feet, the floor too, and see what happens, hypothetically of course... ![]() really, nothing different than I'm doing now, i still think there is a fair chance that once we die - that is it, so if it is it, it will not matter - once I'm gone I'm gone - it only matters if i have gone on to something else - and then i will know for sure what is truth and was is not - till then i will just continue ""being"" - worry? Fret? care? - not a chance [che sara sara - ![]() |
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Sun 09/14/08 06:29 PM
Its also based on a much earlier Sumerian creation myth. It wasn't even really that creative and was basically plagiarized. The Sumerian tale had a lot more drama and romance. Thats all cut and condensed in the Tree of Knowledge story. ![]() There are MANY myths ...there is also the Mayan myth....the mythsd have many similarities to the TRUTH of God's Word..but that does not make them true. Just like there are many claiming to be christ.... there are false christs too...but I will say this....IF you SEEK the truth, You will FIND the Truth. God Looks upon the heart...and SEES when One is truly seeking Him. And if per chance, someone who is TRLY SEEKING GOD ,is already caughth up in a myth or a lie, and if that person is truly seeking the truth, God will get a hold of that person.. and lead Him OUT of a lie , and into the Truth. God see the heart.... No no my dear Morning Song. This is a little different. Its a Creation Mythology written by the ancient Sumerians who existed in the late 6th millennium BC. Get it. BEFORE CHRIST. Before the common era. Here is the link. Scroll down a little and you will see it. It sure is a good thing that plagiarism is not a sin because the writers of the bible are in deep shi-. ![]() |
So the point is.... NO Jess..God does NOT want BLIND ROBOT FOLLOWERS of HIM.... WITHOUT REAL FAITH IN HIM!!! It's impossible for me to ever believe that the Bible has anything to do with the creator of this universe MorningSong. I don't believe that God is that stupid or that cruel. And I never will believe it. More to the point; why would I even want to? It's impossible for me to believe in the Bible MorningSong. Absolutly impossible. It's not an option. Therefore if the story is true then the Biblical God did not give me any options. I can't possibly believe that God is as stupid and as ignorant as the Bible claims he is. I don't believe that God is at war with a fallen angel. And I don't believe that God is a loser. According to the Bible God lost almost all of humanity to Satan during the Great Flood. God actually had to cheat by intervention to avoid losing the last few remaining souls. So the biblical God is not only a loser but a cheater as well. It's an utterly dispicable picture of a God IMHO MorningSong. I could never believe that the creator of this universe is as lame as the God the bible portarys. I don't believe that our creator is that stupid, nor that callous. So it's not even an option for me. Abra.. I say this with love and with upmost sincerity, my friend... ![]() Satan is LYING to you Abra...and is having a heyday with you....the enemy has sold you a Lie about the truth of God's Word...and you have bought it .... hook, line and sinker. Abra...I am praying your spiritual eyes will be opened to the truth of God's Word, and not the lie that the enemy has been telling you. You see Abra, when your spiritual eyes DO become finally opened, you are gonna be such a threat to the devi's kingdom.....becasue of all those years he lied to you..and the devil knows it.....and that is why the devil is trying to keep you in the dark, Abra. But one day ,you ARE going to see the light...and the devil trembles..cause the devil KNOWS..that once you see the Truth, you are gonna fight FOR God and His WORD...just as hard as all those years , you fought against the Word of God. |
So the point is.... NO Jess..God does NOT want BLIND ROBOT FOLLOWERS of HIM.... WITHOUT REAL FAITH IN HIM!!! It's impossible for me to ever believe that the Bible has anything to do with the creator of this universe MorningSong. I don't believe that God is that stupid or that cruel. And I never will believe it. More to the point; why would I even want to? It's impossible for me to believe in the Bible MorningSong. Absolutly impossible. It's not an option. Therefore if the story is true then the Biblical God did not give me any options. I can't possibly believe that God is as stupid and as ignorant as the Bible claims he is. I don't believe that God is at war with a fallen angel. And I don't believe that God is a loser. According to the Bible God lost almost all of humanity to Satan during the Great Flood. God actually had to cheat by intervention to avoid losing the last few remaining souls. So the biblical God is not only a loser but a cheater as well. It's an utterly dispicable picture of a God IMHO MorningSong. I could never believe that the creator of this universe is as lame as the God the bible portarys. I don't believe that our creator is that stupid, nor that callous. So it's not even an option for me. Abra.. I say this with love and with upmost sincerity, my friend... ![]() Satan is LYING to you Abra...and is having a heyday with you....the enemy has sold you a Lie about the truth of God's Word...and you have bought it .... hook, line and sinker. Abra...I am praying your spiritual eyes will be opened to the truth of God's Word, and not the lie that the enemy has been telling you. You see Abra, when your spiritual eyes DO become finally opened, you are gonna be such a threat to the devi's kingdom.....becasue of all those years he lied to you..and the devil knows it.....and that is why the devil is trying to keep you in the dark, Abra. But one day ,you ARE going to see the light...and the devil trembles..cause the devil KNOWS..that once you see the Truth, you are gonna fight FOR God and His WORD...just as hard as all those years , you fought against the Word of God. Quick question..........If you are going to pray for him......why not just do it?? Why do you have to post all about it on a public forum??? |
Morningsong, if you believe that about abra, you will believe ANYTHING. All I can say is please don't hold your breath.
Seriously. JB |
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Sun 09/14/08 06:59 PM
I'm really bad about not reading everything before I post......but I'll have to come back to this one anyway. In essence I have already experienced this once in my life.......having the rug pulled out from under me.....coming to the realization that everything I believed and everything I had done to try to be the "best" Christian was pointless....... That all along all I needed/wanted was to be me. No heaven, no hell, no greater being to hear me when I prayed............ Your whole equilibrium is thrown off, and it takes a bit for u to get ur footing again. Sometimes you simply jump into something else.....but find out it is the same, and then you avoid commiting to any concrete beliefs at all. The best you can do is hope that it is not all for naught. Unlike some here........I do not do what I do, or live how I live because I am afraid of it coming back on me......... Everything I do is because I want to be a better person. I would not change much......unless I just decided what the point in living life now was, just to die in the end. Everything is fleeting, and why suffer the misery that is life......longer than I have to. I'm not saying I'd commit suicide......but I would probably go into a state of depression for a while. Until I decided to live life to the fullest despite how it may end.......and I would do my best to pass something on......something that would help those to essence I would do what I hope to do anyways. Plainome.......first of all, you are Very VERY Beautiful...nothing plain about you atall. Precious...... you wrote and I quote... "....In essence I have already experienced this once in my life.......having the rug pulled out from under me.....coming to the realization that everything I believed and everything I had done to try to be the "best" Christian was pointless....... " See.....being in a christian environment ..and having it shoved down your thoat... did not make you a christian at all. And Precious? Franklin Graham felt the same way, and rebelled aganst God for years...and his father is the famous Billy Graham. BUT....ONE DAY....ONE DAY...... Franklin Graham came to God ON HIS OWN FREE WILL..and today, he is MIGHTILY USED OF GOD!! And the same goes for you, Precious... God wants YOU to Come to Him on your own, Not because it was shoved down your throat. And God knows when you will be ready..and He waits..patiently and lovingly. But don't hesitate if God is dealing with your heart, Precious....even today...cause that is God wooing you. Don' turn away, when He gently tugs at your heart...cause that is God reaching down to you...cause He knows you are now ready and willing to recieve Him now..on your own.....willingly. Today is the day of salvation. ![]() |
I'm really bad about not reading everything before I post......but I'll have to come back to this one anyway. In essence I have already experienced this once in my life.......having the rug pulled out from under me.....coming to the realization that everything I believed and everything I had done to try to be the "best" Christian was pointless....... That all along all I needed/wanted was to be me. No heaven, no hell, no greater being to hear me when I prayed............ Your whole equilibrium is thrown off, and it takes a bit for u to get ur footing again. Sometimes you simply jump into something else.....but find out it is the same, and then you avoid commiting to any concrete beliefs at all. The best you can do is hope that it is not all for naught. Unlike some here........I do not do what I do, or live how I live because I am afraid of it coming back on me......... Everything I do is because I want to be a better person. I would not change much......unless I just decided what the point in living life now was, just to die in the end. Everything is fleeting, and why suffer the misery that is life......longer than I have to. I'm not saying I'd commit suicide......but I would probably go into a state of depression for a while. Until I decided to live life to the fullest despite how it may end.......and I would do my best to pass something on......something that would help those to essence I would do what I hope to do anyways. Plainome.......first of all, you are Very VERY Beautiful...nothing plain about you atall. Precious...... you wrote and I quote... "....In essence I have already experienced this once in my life.......having the rug pulled out from under me.....coming to the realization that everything I believed and everything I had done to try to be the "best" Christian was pointless....... " See.....being in a chrsitian environemt ..and having it shoved down your thoat, did not make you a christian. And Precious? Franklin Graham felt the same way, and rebelled aganst God for years...and his father is the famour Billy Graham. BUT....ONE DAY....ONE DAY...... franklin Graham came to God ON HIS OWN FREE WILL..and today, he is MIGHTILY USED OF GOD!! And the same goes fro you precious... God wants YOU to Come to Him on your own, Not becasue it was shoved dowen yuor throat. And God knows when you will be ready..and He waits..patiently and lovingly. But don't hesitate if God is dealing with your heart, Precious....even today...cause that is God wooing you. Don' turn away, when He gently tugs at your heart...cause that is God reaching down to you...cause He knows you are now ready and willing to recieve Him now..on your own.....willingly. Today is the day of salvation. ![]() No offence, but I found ur post rather patronizing. You got it all wrong, while belittling my experience. It was not force fed to me, as a matter of fact I tried to force feed it to my parents who were living a life of "sin". I wondered why they just wouldn't come back to "God"......and doubted whether my dad could even be heard when he prayed..... Anyhoo, I have had very deep revelations while walking the "christian" walk........I even wanting to become an evangelist......... It was not something I "rebelled" against, and it seems u missed a main point in my post. It would not have been a "rug pulled out from under me" if I had rebelled and never truly believed it for myself, now would it?? I am happier now, and am more at peace NOW than I ever was walking that path.....and I WILL NEVER BE TIED DOWN BY IT AGAIN. But, thx for your "concern". |
A christian is someone who WILLINGLY CHOOSES CHRIST JESUS as his SAVIOUR..ON HIS OWN...WILLINGLY....and only God knows the time when that person is really ready to beleive and recieve Chrsit Jesus as His Saviour. So the point is.... NO Jess..God does NOT want BLIND ROBOT FOLLOWERS of HIM.... WITHOUT REAL FAITH IN HIM!!! If that were the case, then God would have made us all robots, without a free will to Choose. TRIBO REPLIES: a christian is someone who has accepted not only christ as his/her "SAVIOR" but also as their "LORD" !! Now what is >LORD< in this instance? |
Plainome...if something were "tying me down", I would run from it too .
Jesus sets the captive free. Jesus is NOT about making you feel "tied down"...RELIGON does that to you. Jesus is about RELATIONSHIP... back with the Father...and there is great Joy and Freedom in that Relationship..not bondage or feeling tied down...again, RELIGION does that..and yes, there are a lot of even spirit filled christians, religions, that are caught up in religious bondage... and God wants to set people FREE from bondage to religiousity. I know christians that are spirit filled, but under bondage to the letter of the law....and I would FLEE from that too, if that were the case with me. "The Letter of the law KILLETH, but the Spirit Freeth". |
Personally I hate that term "lord": and it really bothers me. I dont know why but it has a very oppressive, feudal ring to it. It seems to hearken back to old English law when those lords would have surfs and tenants living on their land and work them to death essentially as slaves and servants. Its just an uncomfortable association in my opinion.
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Personally I hate that term "lord": and it really bothers me. I dont know why but it has a very oppressive, feudal ring to it. It seems to hearken back to old English law when those lords would have surfs and tenants living on their land and work them to death essentially as slaves and servants. Its just an uncomfortable association in my opinion. ![]() as well it should lord in both the greek and aramaic means "MASTER" savior and "MASTER" |
Plainome ..only you yourself KNOW if you have already asked Jesus into your heart and meant it...and if you have already asked Jesus in...well, then just because you are fleeing from religiousity ,doesn't mean you are fleeing from the Lord...ok?
nd don't let anyone make yuo feel that way. When the Lord comes into our life, we are not supposed to feel tied down..... and I would say, if some one or some group is making you feel tied down.....or controlling you....RUN from that...... That is called religious bondage. |