Topic: What will you do?
Krimsa's photo
Sun 09/14/08 02:25 PM

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 09/14/08 02:27 PM
QS wrote:

We know without a doubt that God does indeed exist, is real & true to His word.

So what does that tell you?

It tells me that people who are easily brainwashed and deluded become Christians.

The rest of aren't afraid to question ancient myths. We aren't so easily lead like blind sheep into the pasture of fear and ignorance by the fraudulent stories of men.

Do you honestly beleive for one second that all non-believers of the biblical myth are 'evil' people or people who have knowingly and willingly rejected their creator in favor of siding with a demonic angel in a stupid war game?

If you believe that then clearly are are easily led without thinking about things at all.

All you need to do is open your eyes and look around you and you can see that the biblical myth is a lie.

I can't be true. It's not even close to being reasonable.

Krimsa's photo
Sun 09/14/08 02:31 PM
Its also based on a much earlier Sumerian creation myth. It wasn't even really that creative and was basically plagiarized. The Sumerian tale had a lot more drama and romance. Thats all cut and condensed in the Tree of Knowledge story. :tongue:

no photo
Sun 09/14/08 02:32 PM

I don't have to have the imagination to believe anything but what God says...I won't be decieved anymore by the lies & tricks of the devil.

If you want to be decieved that's your choice...don't try to denegrate mine because I KNOW what I believe in. I don't have to wonder who or what God is anymore...I know because He reveals Himself to the faithful. It IS finished!


Good for your Quick!drinker

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 09/14/08 02:42 PM

So for you unbelievers, you better find something to believe in or else you may wake up after death in a vast wilderness of nothing if that is what you believe.

And you will have created it.

So learn to use your imagination and your belief to create the next world or there may not be a next world for you.

And don't even think of Hell.


The only thing that I have decided upon is to believe that if there is a God it has to be nicer than me. flowerforyou

Clearly the biblical God is not nicer than me. So that one is out of the running.

God has to be nicer than me if she exists at all. :wink:

That's the only thing I need to know.

Anything lesser than that would be a demon, not a god. devil

And I don't believe that God is a demon like the Christians claim.

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 09/14/08 02:49 PM

Its also based on a much earlier Sumerian creation myth. It wasn't even really that creative and was basically plagiarized. The Sumerian tale had a lot more drama and romance. Thats all cut and condensed in the Tree of Knowledge story. :tongue:

Truly, anyone who can't see that the Bible is just piecemeal mythology can't have researched ancient history very well at all.

I often wonder why biblical scholars don't confess the truth of this and acknowledge that the bible can't be the true word of god because it contains too many parts of preexisting myths.

But like Jeannie mentioned so many times in other threads. The truly church is a business. Why would these people cut their own throats both financially and in terms of authority by confessing that their basis of authority is a farce?

They aren't going to do that.

What would a church have left it if denounces the basis of its own doctrine?

People want to come together under some common belief system and the biblical myth has become the most popular myth that people are willing to accept. Why they are so willing to accept it is beyond me, but the fact remains that they are.

So people will continue to use it as long as they can gain a following by using it.

Krimsa's photo
Sun 09/14/08 02:57 PM
Its actually right there if you want to see the similarities. I dont want to post it here because its not what the thread is about. I only added it to annoy Eljay. :tongue: I love the rib thing. Too funny. happy

no photo
Sun 09/14/08 03:01 PM

So for you unbelievers, you better find something to believe in or else you may wake up after death in a vast wilderness of nothing if that is what you believe.

And you will have created it.

So learn to use your imagination and your belief to create the next world or there may not be a next world for you.

And don't even think of Hell.


The only thing that I have decided upon is to believe that if there is a God it has to be nicer than me. flowerforyou

Clearly the biblical God is not nicer than me. So that one is out of the running.

God has to be nicer than me if she exists at all. :wink:

That's the only thing I need to know.

Anything lesser than that would be a demon, not a god. devil

And I don't believe that God is a demon like the Christians claim.

Then when you die you will meet a woman. You will ask her who she is, and she will tell you, I am God, and I am nicer than you.


Abracadabra's photo
Sun 09/14/08 04:07 PM

Then when you die you will meet a woman. You will ask her who she is, and she will tell you, I am God, and I am nicer than you.


That would be so cool! glasses

I'd sing her a song right away.

Oh Lord won't you buy me a pack of Tarot
A card deck that tells me what I need to know
Owl shuffle it wildly and deal out a spread
And ask it to tell me how to get you in bed

Oh Lord won't you buy a pentacle charm
Owl swap it with farmers and buy us a farm
You can raise horses and owl plow the fields
we can make moonshine from the grapes that it yields

Oh Lord won't you buy me a magical wand
a long rod of magic that'll make you respond
Owl dip it in honey to make it so sweet
and teach you the passions I've learned on the street

Oh Lord won't you buy me a magical quill
a pen that's more potent than a sword that can kill
I write you a story that you can create
and we'll live forever on a magical date

Oh Lord won't you buy me a cup of elation
we'll drink it together and share the sensation
Owl be your lover and you'll be my gal
for in me you've created your ultimate pal


no photo
Sun 09/14/08 04:10 PM
For some strange reason I keep hearing the sound of Janice Joplin.... mmmmmmm.....ohwell huh :banana:

no photo
Sun 09/14/08 04:15 PM
Jess.. allow me to answer your question with a question:

Jess......what if someone were to ask you, "Jess ,lets just suppose that you were never born on this earth, and your birth never occurred ,
What would you do , Jess?"

Silly question right, Jess?

Cause you KNOW that you KNOW that you KNOW , you were already born on this late to be convinced otherwise...cause YOU ARE ALIVE and and have ben LIVING on this earth for a while now!!!

Same with a Born again christian...they KNOW they are born AGAIN..cause their spirit came ALIVE...and they KNOW now , that they are NOT the same..cause God bore witness with their spirit , letting them KNOW they are BORN AGAIN!!!

God Himself, thru the Holy Spirit, has now stepped into the christian's heart.....and now LIVES in the Chrsitian...making that christian now a NEW CREATURE IN CHRIST ( BORN AGAIN)!!! is not just some belief we chrsitians MUCH MUCH MUCH MORE than that.....something actually transpired in a christians is called being Born again!!!

And when christians are BORN Again of the Spirit..... there is no quessing DOUBTS.......christians KNOW....cause God LETS CHRISTIANS KNOW!!

NO DOUBTS for a Christian now, who is born of the Spirit......just like there are no doubts , Jess, that you were born of the flesh...and live .

For a born again Christian...old things are passed away...behold ALL things have become NEW!!!

It is not about just some beliefs we christians is about becoming new creatures in christ..this being born again, it is NOT just about some BELIEF, and nothing more!!

WHEN a Christian becomes BORN AGAIN IN THE SPIRIT......there are now
NO MORE DOUBTS for that Chrsitian, when that happens....
That Chrsitian KNOWS, he has become BORN AGAIN!!!

And Jess, a True Chrsitian wants the Whole World to Know this New Birth in Christ too.....we don't want to keep it to can we.....we share because of God's Love in Us for you all......and we Must tell the Good News.
We want You to Know this New Birth Too.

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 09/14/08 04:18 PM

For some strange reason I keep hearing the sound of Janice Joplin.... mmmmmmm.....ohwell huh :banana:

Ok, I confess. It wasn't exactly original.

Will I be sent to hell now for having commited the sin of plagiarism?

I guess owl get to meet the authors of the bible then too if Plagiarism is a sin. laugh

no photo
Sun 09/14/08 04:24 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 09/14/08 04:25 PM

Cause you KNOW that you KNOW that you KNOW , you were already born on this late to be convinced otherwise...cause YOU ARE ALIVE and and have ben LIVING on this earth for a while now!!!

Same with a Born again christian...they KNOW they are born AGAIN..cause their spirit came ALIVE...and they KNOW now , that they are NOT the same..cause God bore witness with their spirit , letting them KNOW they are BORN AGAIN!!!

God Himself, thru the Holy Spirit, has now stepped into the christian's heart.....and now LIVES in the Chrsitian...making that christian now a NEW CREATURE IN CHRIST ( BORN AGAIN)!!! is not just some belief we chrsitians MUCH MUCH MUCH MORE than that.....something actually transpired in a christians is called being Born again!!!

And when christians are BORN Again of the Spirit..... there is no quessing DOUBTS.......christians KNOW....cause God LETS CHRISTIANS KNOW!!

NO DOUBTS for a Christian now, who is born of the Spirit......just like there are no doubts , Jess, that you were born of the flesh...and live .

For a born again Christian...old things are passed away...behold ALL things have become NEW!!!

It is not about just some beliefs we christians is about becoming new creatures in christ..this being born again, it is NOT just about some BELIEF, and nothing more!!

WHEN a Christian becomes BORN AGAIN IN THE SPIRIT......there are now
NO MORE DOUBTS for that Chrsitian, when that happens....
That Chrsitian KNOWS, he has become BORN AGAIN!!!

And Jess, a True Chrsitian wants the Whole World to Know this New Birth in Christ too.....we don't want to keep it to can we.....we share because of God's Love in Us for you all......and we Must tell the Good News.
We want You to Know this New Birth Too.

I am very happy for you Morningsong, and for your sake I hope it lasts.

Krimsa's photo
Sun 09/14/08 04:24 PM
Edited by Krimsa on Sun 09/14/08 04:26 PM
Sounds to me like a personality type that might be drawn to this concept would be one that desperately feels they need to "shed their old skin" and embrace a new kind of life or mode of living. Thats just what is resounding in my head when I listen to this. Thats not a bad thing. Absolutely not and many, if not all of us, have felt that way at one point or another in our lives. However, there are ways to accomplish this and have a fresh start and new beginning without all this craziness involved which is actually distracting from the real work that needs to be done on yourself. Its also delusional. You cant get away from who you once were. Our life experiences are what make us unique as individual human beings. Good or bad those are important parts of us.

Dragoness's photo
Sun 09/14/08 04:36 PM
I would do nothing different from what I do now. I live a good moral life, with genuine morality not the morality of religion which reaks of prejudice and intolerance.

I live each day on this earth with the best I can give for that day for myself and those I love. I know we have to care for ourselves in order to be healthy and well enough to care for others and that is what I do.

Dragoness's photo
Sun 09/14/08 04:38 PM
Jess, I can see your thought provoking thread is not working for the Christians at all.

no photo
Sun 09/14/08 04:57 PM

The reason I live my life as I do now, has very little to do with "fear of God" and everything to do with respect for humanity, nature and self.

I would not change a thing if I discovered the Bible were just a well written mythology.

I don't believe morality and kindness would hold any less merit were God not backing you? flowerforyou

bigsmile Thankyou! It was kind of my point... why do we do what we do in life, if we take away all the thoughts, beliefs, understandings, and were just us?

Nothing to hide behind...would we be basically the same?

So if that was your point why didn't you just say so?
People live in accordance to their beliefs. If their beliefs change, their approach to life will probably change too.

When I went from agnostic to a belief in spiritual life after death, I did change my approach just a little. I realized that I must accept responsibility not for just this one life, this one fleeting moment, but for the entire span of the universe... because suddenly I realized that life or existence may very well be eternal.

But my approach to this single life time, as an agnostic, was what opened the door to my spirituality. By placing my attention on the present life, the present moment, I slipped into a state of awareness that is eternal. It was the eternal NOW.

Live for the moment..... forever.


I guess because I arrived at that point, through asking myself the same questions... and asking it of others...

JB... do you prefer to discover things for yourself, or be told flat out what is and what isn't?

Ok Jess... let's take a look at what you wrote here ....

you wrote and I quote:

"...JB... do you prefer to discover things for yourself, or be told flat out what is and what isn't?..."

OK Jess, God does NOT expect YOU or ANYONE , to just blindly accept something told to them, just because someone TOLD them something!!!!
RELIGION DOES THAT TO PEOPLE..amd that is NOT what FAITH in God is all about!!!
At ALL!!!

Just like a person can be in a spirit filled christian home, and hear about Jesus all his life and go to church all his life , does NOT make that person a christian.

A christian is someone who WILLINGLY CHOOSES CHRIST JESUS as his SAVIOUR..ON HIS OWN...WILLINGLY....and only God knows the time when that person is really ready to beleive and recieve Chrsit Jesus as His Saviour.

So the point is.... NO Jess..God does NOT want BLIND ROBOT FOLLOWERS of HIM.... WITHOUT REAL FAITH IN HIM!!!

If that were the case, then God would have made us all robots, without a free will to Choose.

Krimsa's photo
Sun 09/14/08 05:08 PM
Edited by Krimsa on Sun 09/14/08 05:18 PM
Well yeah but the punishment for my refusing to accept Christ as my savior is eternal damnation and torture in the fiery pits of hell correct? So if someone has a knife to my throat saying you better find Jesus real quick then I would be obliged to go along with that premise. At least while people were looking at me anyway. :tongue:

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 09/14/08 05:18 PM

Jess, I can see your thought provoking thread is not working for the Christians at all.

The only thing that would work for Christians is to send them all away to an insane asylum. laugh

Krimsa's photo
Sun 09/14/08 05:19 PM

Jess, I can see your thought provoking thread is not working for the Christians at all.

The only thing that would work for Christians is to send them all away to an insane asylum. laugh

laugh laugh laugh Anti-psychotics can be your friend.