Game Consoles For Children
I got him the Switch. He is more interested in taking literally 500 - 600 snapshots of the main screen of his Paw Patrol game than actually playing the game. We played a little bit of a Pokemon game together though.
I would like to find a way to disable the screenshot button. Is there a controller that doesn't have the button maybe? |
You see a middle aged man, in a robe, pajama bottoms, and steel toed boots standing outside, smoking at 2PM. How do you judge him?
Game Consoles For Children
Now a days it really doesn’t seem to matter. Working for a grocery store I’ve seen them with either iPhones, iPads or Nintendo Switches so start there. He has a tablet. I'm looking more for something to connect to the TV, like a Playstation or XBox. |
Game Consoles For Children
At what age would a game console be suitable for a child? Also, which game console would be best for a child's first game console?
Unexpectedly seeing your ex
It's not a town, but a village, so yes it is small. And we didn't split with huge argument, although I got hurt really bad. But in a way there's nothing left to say and considering what we had and what happened in the end it is just awkward. I decided to just ignore him. Not out of spite or anger or anything. Just that I have nothing to say to him. He didn't say anything either, which if he had really wanted, could've done too. Maybe you find it awkward because at one time you two had a good relationship and all. Maybe a part of you still misses that. IDK. I know I miss the good times in many of my relationships, even though the people I have nothing for anymore, they are nothing more to me now than any other random stranger that passes by in my day to day life, but I miss the good times, not that I'm not over the relationships or anything, but I think it's normal to miss the good things even when we're over them. |
Your eyebrows
These days working on your eyebrows is highly fashionable. You can buy these special powders and shapers and whatnot, whereas in the past it was mostly plucking. I never did much concerning my eyebrows in the past. I was lucky to have beautifully shaped natural eyebrows. But then, as I got a li'l older, they weren't so full anymore and the hairs are a paler shade (not grey). Then, if I use a brown pencil on 'em I suddenly look a helluva lot different, and better. It makes your face speak, it opens up your face. I look more like 'me' again, hihi. But some shape them so much and solidly you can tell it's not natural. I don't like that. I've had a manager, pretty gal in her 20s, with tattooed eyebrows. horrible in capitals!! Funny how eyebrows make such a difference in how we look! How bout you? Do you groom, shape, pluck, and/or colour your eyebrows? Also a question for men as often the masculine's eyebrows get out of hand when they get a li'l older. Do you groom them? I have a little hair trimmer for nose and ear, but it has attachments for eyebrows. I use that, because I don't like the scraggly hairs. I don't notice much of a difference except that I look a touch more civilized, but I think that's because I know I groom myself. I don't think others notice or care to. It has nothing to do with masculinity or anything. It's more about self respect. You have to have enough respect for yourself to take care of yourself and properly groom yourself. |
Brush with the law.
Santa appeared in an American court. He was being cross-examined by the lawyer of a jumped up woman with her nose stuck up in the air. The lawyer went on, "Did you, Mr Clause, or did you not, call my client, not once, not twice, but three times, a ho?" Santa was a mushroom. |
Unexpectedly seeing your ex
Have you ever had that? Unexpectedly seeing your ex again, the one that you thought and felt you'd finally met THE one? A few weeks ago I thought I saw mine, but wasn't sure because of the face mask, but in a way I was sure. Just now at the information counter of the supermarket, and I see him standing on the other side also waiting for the employee to arrive. I see the recognition in his eyes and I'm not sure what to do or say. Do I say something at all even? Then the supermarket manager comes toward him to talk about something and the way that goes I can tell he's been there more often. Then I'm ready, so I walk past him, still not sure what to do. But I decide to just leave and not say anything either. After all, if he had wanted to see me or talk to me he could've initiated that. He knows where I live. It did make me nervous as hell though and I quickly cycled home. Back home, I get these questions. What the F is he doing here in my village? Why come here? He lives on the other side of the country. Is he still with that woman he left me for? WTF is he doing here, did he move to this area? And then I get angry. Meaning there clearly is some work to do concerning that relationship and what happened in the end. I can still feel the hurt now, and I'm angry. Angry he looked happy, angry he's here, angry he didn't say anything. Just GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. I had not expected this to ever happen with him as he lives nearly 2 hrs away from me. And really odd this happens after I got a few voice messages from a crystal seller whose voice and accent was EXACTLY the same as my ex's. How's that for coincidence? Have you had similar things with similar feelings? And what did you do? I have to see my ex. It's kinda court ordered. The only contact I have with her is in regards to my son. When I pick him up for our visits, I don't acknowledge my ex, just my son. I don't see or hear from any other exes, but for the most part things ended on good terms with all of them except the last couple. The one before her cheated on me, but she moved across the country, which kinda makes up for it because it's a part of the country I'll never be, so that's good, plus she supposedly hated the cold and now lives in one of the coldest places in the country, so good for her. |
It can happen for you too
I know I get what you were saying. Art is literally in my blood. My grandmother was an artist and some of her work has made it to the white house. I have family on both sides that have written books (one of which my grandmother illustrated). All my uncles on my mothers side were creative, knew how to play guitar and such. Most of my dreams have music in them and I often grind my teeth and click my tongue to music in my head. I do web design, coding, and writing. I'm also colorblind, yet have won awards for my web design. I self taught myself several instruments and how to read music. Would like to relearn and sharpen those skills though. At this time though, I'm happy with letting my creativity flow through my work as a marketer, particularly focusing on writing. That sounds good! Nothing better than being able to use your creativity in your work. I think having it 'run in the family' so to speak can be very inspiring :) Yeah, even my step grandfather had a bit of creativity. My grandparents would make arts and crafts, my grandfather would build things out of wood and my grandmother would paint them. They would sell them at crafts shows, even had people coming to their house to buy them. Yes, I'm able to use my creativity more freely for my own projects. For clients, I feel it gets a bit restricted though. |
It can happen for you too
It so easy to come to think that luck and fortune are only meant for the lucky few. But then look at Susan Boyle from Scotland who was on Britain's got Talent, in I believe 2009. She didn't exactly look the part, 47 yrs old, she allegedly had brain damage but later was (finally) diagnosed with Asperger's. Everyone was sniggering behind their hand or openly, whether audience or jury. It looked like Simon Cowell had great difficulty to not ridicule her too much. And then Susan started singing... Everyone was moved and in awe, and she got a standing ovation! Now... she has released a lot of albums, sold millions of copies, if she performs the show is sold-out within hours. Someone tarted her up, she looks good now when performing, and someone had the good mind to do her eyebrows, cos damn! hihi. And... she has a net worth of $40 million! She's travelled the world to perform, doesn't have to prove anything anymore, does the thing she likes, and has a great team around her. I just watched another clip of her performance in 2019, and yes, I cried. Might be a good reminder when you feel down, that you're going round in circles, won't ever achieve anything, that it's not for you, that you're too old blabla... It CAN happen! No matter how old you are... No matter what's wrong with you... No matter what you look like... It CAN happen, for you too! ![]() ![]() ![]() I can not sing. I can permanently lose my voice. I have a medical condition with my vocal cords, they have nodules and permanent scaring, so I'm really just a jalapeno pepper away from losing my voice. But, thanks for bringing it up. It wasn't an invite for people to sing, but alas. I know I get what you were saying. Art is literally in my blood. My grandmother was an artist and some of her work has made it to the white house. I have family on both sides that have written books (one of which my grandmother illustrated). All my uncles on my mothers side were creative, knew how to play guitar and such. Most of my dreams have music in them and I often grind my teeth and click my tongue to music in my head. I do web design, coding, and writing. I'm also colorblind, yet have won awards for my web design. I self taught myself several instruments and how to read music. Would like to relearn and sharpen those skills though. At this time though, I'm happy with letting my creativity flow through my work as a marketer, particularly focusing on writing. |
It can happen for you too
It so easy to come to think that luck and fortune are only meant for the lucky few. But then look at Susan Boyle from Scotland who was on Britain's got Talent, in I believe 2009. She didn't exactly look the part, 47 yrs old, she allegedly had brain damage but later was (finally) diagnosed with Asperger's. Everyone was sniggering behind their hand or openly, whether audience or jury. It looked like Simon Cowell had great difficulty to not ridicule her too much. And then Susan started singing... Everyone was moved and in awe, and she got a standing ovation! Now... she has released a lot of albums, sold millions of copies, if she performs the show is sold-out within hours. Someone tarted her up, she looks good now when performing, and someone had the good mind to do her eyebrows, cos damn! hihi. And... she has a net worth of $40 million! She's travelled the world to perform, doesn't have to prove anything anymore, does the thing she likes, and has a great team around her. I just watched another clip of her performance in 2019, and yes, I cried. Might be a good reminder when you feel down, that you're going round in circles, won't ever achieve anything, that it's not for you, that you're too old blabla... It CAN happen! No matter how old you are... No matter what's wrong with you... No matter what you look like... It CAN happen, for you too! ![]() ![]() ![]() I can not sing. I can permanently lose my voice. I have a medical condition with my vocal cords, they have nodules and permanent scaring, so I'm really just a jalapeno pepper away from losing my voice. But, thanks for bringing it up. |
I need some ideas ...
my first thought was for a name which has to have purple in it ... I thought purple haze ... I love jimmy ... know its about tripping or smoking but don't care... love the name and him ... any other names with purple in it ... that would be cool ... no ->not the purple peter eater :>) ...or barney :>) something cool ... Goldy Phlox |
He tells me he is mars rover and my body is mars .(Hypothetical) Should I be annoyed that his brain is thinking about science , astronomy and technology ![]() ![]() ![]() You can never really tell what someone is thinking .. although there may be subtle clues lol ... How important is it that you are the focus of someone’s imagination during passionate moments ? Needs polished a bit, but I think he's headed in the right direction. I'll make up silly lines like that to make her laugh a little while also showing her how I feel about her. Not just in the bedroom, but sprinkled everywhere. |
we are pregnant!
She didn't get knocked up all by herself. ![]() |
we are pregnant!
How do you feel when a couple says that? Pregnant means to have a baby growing in the uterus. So a man/a couple saying 'We are pregnant' doesn't make sense. It's not like the woman's uterus is suddenly his too. Now if they'd say "We are expecting a baby." That's different. I think if I was preggers and my partner would say "We are pregnant" I'd correct him. It just feels off, and personally I find it weird to hear people say that. How bout you? Who cares? I more concerned about how that person or people are going to be in society, so just don't be a shtiiy parent, and raise them right. I mean they'll go their own way and all, but at least teach them how to be decent people. |
Is it Right or Wrong for a Girl to Slap a Guy . There May be Many Reasons as Such . Give your Opinions ?? A girl can slap a guy when a guy can slap a girl, which is NEVER in general. Unless of course, it's in self defense. There are also exceptions such as intimacy, some people like weird things, and slapping each other in a consensual intimate manner is ok if both are into that sort of thing. |
Gay Love
Like penguins ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I'll show you a penguin Blondey. ![]() |
Breaking the rules.
Who is Rick, Morty and Jerry? |
Breaking the rules.
Are you a good or naughty citizen? No details of crimes please, petty crimes... sure. Care to share some anecdotes of the good or naughty things you, (or a friend) ![]() ![]() In your opinion why are you a good or naughty citizen, according to the standards of society? I'm more of a Rick than a Morty, living in a world full of Jerrys. |
Gay Love
Is there a slightest chance that a straight man could fall in love with a gay guy? ![]() No, people find sexuality confusing though, so a gay man could think he's straight or be afraid to admit he's gay, living the hetro lifestyle until getting tired of hiding who he really is. People say sexuality is fluid, but I don't think so. I think it's confusing for many and fluid is used to hide the confusion or the confusion gets mistaken for fluid. At the end of the day you are who you are. Anyway, if you're gay, why would you be interested in a straight man? Stop letting your weiner do the thinking. That's how people get in trouble. |