I AM in many elationships....I am mother, sister, aunt, grandmother, cousin, friend, lover, acquaintance, workmate...all of them relationships. Romantic relationship? I CHOOSE to be in one...daily,I CHOOSE to be in this thing, this moment, this lifetime with Stephen. want?...I have few wants. |
Decisions, decisions....
Nothing....I would do nothing with it, is not something I require, nor do my people.
We understand the value of love, respect and family, we know we have more than money can buy already. Let someone else agonise over which charity where is more worthy...and why. I'm too busy dancing in the loungeroom with my people, and laughing...swimming in the ocean, and embracing the wonder of the stars. ![]() |
What does a guy want?
Last I checked I had a pulse. Not all men are dependent on women, they are out there. No, I'm not a great cook but salad and fruit are my 2 favorite foods so I don't need to cook. Are you a vegan? That would explain your low sex drive. Sex hormones are largely made of triglycerides found in meat. You genuinely believe that? My partner and I have been vegetarians for over 30 years respectively, and lack of libido is NOT something either of us have a challenge with!...we have 11 children between us and neither of us are rampant 20 year olds.. |
run and hide....
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Tue 11/08/11 02:04 PM
| sitting here chuckling...I must look like the original doofus, to others! Stephen walked through my door, with a mutual friend of ours....and I knew....I knew instantly, there was something incredibly special about this man. We had a week together, not alone, kids, friends, campfires, music...a total of one night alone together, and we sat under the full moon, on my favourite beach, and talked, swam, and laughed until dawn..not even a kiss or hand holding to be seen! He left with our mutual friend, travelling north...exactly one week later, he walked back through my door...and is still here. Marriage?...nup, not ever on the agenda. Kids?...we have 11 between nup no need for more. Committed?...we live together in a house called 'Asylum'.. ![]() so happy for you Jess. I don;t think I would have expected anything less, you know what you want and don't muck around, So I can't see you fiddling around waiting when you know it;s right ![]() For me, Well I met him online. Flew across the world 5 weeks later to make sure he was the ONE. Was engaged a few weeks after that. He flew here. Now I'm going back and getting married. But saying that, I have had many offers of marraige that i laughed at as they where just silly and i hardly knew the person. Which sounds wierd as i was engaged after a couple of months, but somehow it was right. Now I am just confusing myself. Hello Josie!.... it isn't strange or KNEW, he KNEW...and the past year or so, has only strengthened that Knowing for both of you. it's funny, we have this giant empty country to rattle around in....plenty of places to hide, physically, and emotionally...and both of us are locked in, content, and happy. ![]() and yep, so far it is my favourite pic of Kevin and his little's so cool being a granny! |
run and hide....
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Tue 11/08/11 01:44 PM
| sitting here chuckling...I must look like the original doofus, to others!
Stephen walked through my door, with a mutual friend of ours....and I knew....I knew instantly, there was something incredibly special about this man. We had a week together, not alone, kids, friends, campfires, music...a total of one night alone together, and we sat under the full moon, on my favourite beach, and talked, swam, and laughed until dawn..not even a kiss or hand holding to be seen! He left with our mutual friend, travelling north...exactly one week later, he walked back through my door...and is still here. Marriage?...nup, not ever on the agenda. Kids?...we have 11 between nup no need for more. Committed?...we live together in a house called 'Asylum'.. ![]() |
Stephen has been away for 4 days...and it feels like 4 years...
I have so much respect for both of you, and the wise, patient way you both manage the gaps between visits. I may not post much anymore, new granbaby, busy life going on, and all...but I do from time to time watch you two, and admire the trust you have in yourselves, and each other. |
I believe the best answer to that question would have to come from the friends themselves who enjoy being around you. I am just blunt and up front. Some people call this a flaw... not me. As I typed out this OP...and then subsequently thought about how I would answer it....I had exactly the same thing going on for me. I am blunt...and those people who call me friend, seem to respect that of me...they don't ask if their bum looks big in those jeans, if they are having a fragile ego day.. ![]() ![]() I look at the calibre of people who call me friend, their authenticity, their honesty, their healthy respectful natures, their values, and their hearts and souls....and know I am blessed...and hope that I reflect those qualities back to them. |
Do you really need a video to look at about this? Your government already spys on you through the internet, your cell phone, the cameras around your town, gps, onstar, and the list goes on. They follow you, they hear you, and if you really need a video to see the truth, check out David Icke's website. I don't question the degree to which we are being spied on. But this is something that we take completely for granted, which many consider 'a necessity for living', and which his a government sanctioned monopoly (so you have no alternatives in service provider). You can still go buy a prepaid cell phone with cash - and then they can track the phone but they don't automatically know who it is. You can choose not to use onstar. Gps doesn't actually report your location, unless you integrate with another service (as is usually done on cell phones). The tech savvy /can/ mask their internet browsing from prying eyes, but to do this right you might need a server in another country. I don't disagree with you at all, but I find this particularly pernicious. We all need electricity. We can't choose another 'electricity provider'. You can't sign up for service anonymously and pay cash. I beg to can use a different electricity living in an apartment can use solar technologies to power their homes, there are amazing technolgies where even your windows can become solar collectors using photvoltaic film over windows. |
average= 50 extra pounds,
There's average, and then there is average...
average Australia is 5'6 and about 8 1/ 9 stone...umm..110/120 pounds for a woman...or a size 10 dress size... for a man 5'10 and about 11 stone... that's the average size and weight of a HEALTHY Australian....then there is average for borderline obesity... I'm 5'9 and currently 105 am in my eyes average...although on the skinny arsed side... the options are so limited here.. |
Response = interest?
![]() |
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Mon 11/07/11 08:03 PM
This is a spin-off from another thread about friends and acquaintances, that has got me thinking...
It's all fine and dandy to count your friends, and acquaintances, but something keeps popping into my head...BEFORE you can have friends, you have to know how to be one. So perhaps it is more to do with who YOU are, what your expectations, limitations, and potential is, that would draw someone to you, for friendship??? So, in all of this, I am asking, why would someone choose YOU as a friend? What do you bring to the table? |
Response = interest?
If someone bothers to email me.....then they are interested in SOMETHING to do with me...otherwise they would have emailed someone else.
![]() Most times it is something I have said in the forums here, or a question of what australia is like, or about my dog...(the pic in my profile album thingo)...or something of a non-chat up kind...although, that Eileena! ![]() ![]() If someone emails you....they have some form of interest in just may not be the kind of interest you would prefer. (You = a generalised 'you'...not a specific you) |
Meet Lara Lee.....
Lee, I just love this picture of Kevin and Lara Lee, so much emotion showing without showing any facial expression. Beautiful!!! ![]() ![]() Congrats again!! ![]() ![]() I had forgotten about letting the minglers know that aren't on facecrack!...shame on granny! and by the by...Happy Birthday Gorgeous Lady....xxxx ![]() |
It's kind of funny...I read each one, and could immediately think of a different girlfriend for each...
and which one best fits me..? 11...I think I have been each of these in my lifetime...well..the wife one and taking all of the resources is a bit of a misnomer... |
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Mon 11/07/11 01:52 PM
I asked Stephen this question,in response to these threads.... 'Would you have preferred to have asked me out, or for a walk, or whatever, than me having done the asking?' 'Was it emasculating to have me ask you, and to let you know how I was feeling about you?' To the first question, his response was...' No, it was refreshing, to have a confident, comfortable in her own skin woman, share her feelings, without any attachment to the answer. I felt quite relieved to know how you felt, as I could then share with you how I was feeling, for you.' he went on to say...'At our age Lee, (him,53 and me, 47)...we have out grown all the games attached to courting, and don't need a heap of confusing contradictory signals, to express what it is we want. Imagine taking the whole game playing behaviours of courting into the intimacy part of a relationship, how quickly it would unravel.' he laughed at my second question, and responded with...'Emasculating? Remember I am a Leo, with a Scorpio masculinity does not evolve around a woman playing fair maiden, if anything, I was flattered, and pleased with your confidence, I felt MORE male.' I wonder if other men, feel a similar thing to Stephen....? Thanks for asking him! I like hearing mens' opinions on this subject. There are no wrong answers on this subject. But for myself, it's nice to hear that people are getting away from the way things used to be and not playing so many games anymore. Being straight forward, whether man or woman, is usually appreciated. Congrats on the new grandbaby ![]() I like this is informative, for both men and women, and sharing dialogue, opinions, helps us learn more...(or in some cases less ![]() ![]() I knew I wanted to know more of Stephen, I knew I was drawn to him...I didn't know if it was reciprocal...unless I asked HIM...I still don't assume...and hope I never do...he is away for a few days, so these questions were posed over the phone. I also asked him, prior to him leaving, to reflect over the past six months and really look at his life he is making here, and to ask himself, is it (and I) still of his choosing, if it has become obligation, or habit..? I try hard to not take him, or 'us', for granted...everyday is a new day, with new choices...for both of us. This may not fit anyone else, but I know for ME it is what I require. (And Lara Lee is the most amazing miracle in the whole world, and the most beautiful baby ever born!! ![]() ![]() |
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Mon 11/07/11 01:39 PM
I do wonder if it is cultural, or regional, or what may be the underlying factors attached to friendliness, and developing close trusting friendships.
I know for Josie and I, as aussies, we are easy going, outgoing, friendly. Josie lives in an isolated city, with a fairly small (comparable to other countries,) population... I live in an isolated, tiny village- total population of the district of 2500 people...I wonder if that has an influence on how we veiw relationships... We live close to each other,(Not Josie and I, we are 1000's of kms apart) being in a small town here, we support each other, we see each other daily, we get to learn of each other, so have this trust of familiarity in place...I wonder if that influences our outlook. |
Meet Lara Lee.....
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Mon 11/07/11 01:29 PM
Something that truly made my heart melt, was watching this giant 6'3 bloke, ex special forces, self appointed hardarse, dissolve..completely unravel...all by this tiny 5lb15oz being.
This pic expresses all the tenderness, and vulnerability he is feeling for his new daughter...his giant hands, open across her body, his shoulders tucked around, and his chin protecting the top of her head....her head placed against his heart... Lara Lee has busted open a whole family of hearts, in her tiny little presence. ![]() |
Are guys really humble
if they write you telling you they are humble? First thing I think when a guy approaches me saying "I am a humble man" is NOT. I don't know why. It just goes like that in my head that if you were truly a humble person, you would not be announcing you were humble. Anyone else's thoughts? I'm automatically suspicious if someone tries to convince me of their own self-diagnosed positives. The ones who say "I'm a gorgeous girl" rarely are, in my opinion. The ones who write "I'm intelujint, and I'm looking for an intelogunt guy" have pretty much sunk their own battleship. I need to make those assessments for myself. If someone said "I'm a 900-pound green sofa made of radium" I would need some sort of confirmation on that. I'm not just going to assume they're telling the truth. I'm a cranky, cantankerous, contradictory old lady.... and I dare you to find out otherwise... ![]() |
If my world fell to bits tomorrow who would walk through my door to support me? If someone else's world fell to bits tomorrow whose door would I walk through to support them? The answers to those questions, are ...the people who call me friend, and the people I call friend. and would get really crowded in here, (at my house)....and I would walking through a lot of doors. My partner is my best friend, and the rest are dear friends. You are a lucky man.. Congratulations on the recently arrived. ![]() sorry for the confusion with the pic... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Conquer your fear.
I recently discovered I have a healthy respect/caution/fear of giant cranky mastiffy/bull araby type dogs, that leap at me with teeth bared... it took a completely mangled straw broom to recognise that was supposed to be my arm, that this dog was really ticked off, and didn't like people!!! Am I scared of all dogs?...nup...Any dogs?...just a giant black and white cranky one.. ![]() Me, I have no love of dogs either as I got bitten by a dog for no reason at all. If they start jumping on me; I would defend myself in anyway possible. Opps sorry if I gave the impression I don't like dogs!...just one particular dog that had a go at me, and ripped the broom out of my hand, that I had held up to block his lunge at me!!! ![]() We have two dogs of our a wee little snaker..a fox terrier...and a dingo/red cattledog cross... ![]() |