Topic: What will you do? | |
Well yeah but the punishment for my refusing to accept Christ as my savior is eternal damnation and torture in the fiery pits of hell correct? So if someone has a knife to my throat saying you better find Jesus real quick then I would be obliged to go along with that premise. At least while people were looking at me anyway. ![]() Krimsa...IF someone put a knife to your throat and forced you to accept Jesus, would NOT make you saved... Acepting Jesus has to come FROM THE HEART...and has to be done WILLINGLY. Krimsa..also.....God Knows you don't believe yet....and God is not going to beat you over the head ,because you don't yet believe. God is patient.. and God knows the real reason you don't believe becasue your eyes have not yet been opened. But that day will come....and God knows the day when you are ready, Krimsa....and in the meantime, He is sending forth His Word to you.....and preparing your heart. Krimsa... the ONLY time God wants You or anyone to believe and recieve Him, is when one MEANS IT...and BELIEVES and ACCEPTS JESUS , WILLINGLY. GOD DOES NOT WANT ROBOTS !! Morningsong, when there is a dire consequence for NOT accepting Christ as your personal savior,---->(Namely HELL) then how can you call any kind of acceptance "willing." As for God not wanting "robots" I think you are wrong. The Biblical God seems to want just that. He wants unquestionable obedience. ---> ROBOT <---- The "knife to the throat" remark was an example. Actually it is not exactly a knife to the throat, it is ETERNAL HELL FIRE AND DAMNATION. Which is a little worse than a knife to the throat. A knife to the throat I can handle. No problem. No biggie. ![]() As for "God is patient" <----Why wouldn't he be? After all, he is an eternal being. He has all the time in the world. ![]() But not really.....<------- Because from what I hear, there is this end of the world thingy that keeps popping up..... Hence a deadline. Not to mention.. humans only live about 60 to 80 years.. the old age thingy. So, we have deadlines. It don't hold water Morningsong... but oh well. JB |
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Sun 09/14/08 07:48 PM
That sounds like a threat. I can see why this god appeals to men in certain respects. He's forceful and a bad ass. Or he can be whenever he wants. We know what he did in the case of Sodom and Gomorrah. This god doesn't embody any attributes I would value in a savior. He sorely lacks in interpersonal skills. You can keep him/it whatever.
C'mon Krimsa, you know that wasn't a threat. Love comes from ones heart and can't be forced. If that was the case, I'd have a harem of beauties at my disposal.
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MORNING SONG SAID: A christian is someone who WILLINGLY CHOOSES CHRIST JESUS as his SAVIOUR..ON HIS OWN...WILLINGLY....and only God knows the time when that person is really ready to beleive and recieve Chrsit Jesus as His Saviour. So the point is.... NO Jess..God does NOT want BLIND ROBOT FOLLOWERS of HIM.... WITHOUT REAL FAITH IN HIM!!! If that were the case, then God would have made us all robots, without a free will to Choose. TRIBO REPLIES: a christian is someone who has accepted not only christ as his/her "SAVIOR" but also as their "LORD" !! Now what is >LORD< in this instance? |
take care Krimsa , everyone, gotta go to IHOP, all my dishes are clean and i'm to lazy to get them dirty again.
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Its also based on a much earlier Sumerian creation myth. It wasn't even really that creative and was basically plagiarized. The Sumerian tale had a lot more drama and romance. Thats all cut and condensed in the Tree of Knowledge story. ![]() There are MANY myths ...there is also the Mayan myth....the mythsd have many similarities to the TRUTH of God's Word..but that does not make them true. Just like there are many claiming to be christ.... there are false christs too...but I will say this....IF you SEEK the truth, You will FIND the Truth. God Looks upon the heart...and SEES when One is truly seeking Him. And if per chance, someone who is TRLY SEEKING GOD ,is already caughth up in a myth or a lie, and if that person is truly seeking the truth, God will get a hold of that person.. and lead Him OUT of a lie , and into the Truth. God see the heart.... No no my dear Morning Song. This is a little different. Its a Creation Mythology written by the ancient Sumerians who existed in the late 6th millennium BC. Get it. BEFORE CHRIST. Before the common era. Here is the link. Scroll down a little and you will see it. It sure is a good thing that plagiarism is not a sin because the writers of the bible are in deep shi-. ![]() There is no such thing as " before Christ", Krimsa......Christ JESUS always WAS...even from the very foundations of the world. Read that article I left on that other thread, Krimsa..about the people who lived, before Christ came to earth. |
There is no such thing as " before Christ", Krimsa......Christ JESUS always WAS...even from the very foundations of the world.
Read that article I left on that other thread, Krimsa..about the people who lived, before Christ came to earth. Oh Yeh right.... and so was I. ![]() I always was and I always will be. I am soul eternal. I am that I am. If what you say is to be taken as truth, then it is true for all. We all are soul eternal, Because we are all part of the eternal infinite creation. |
Jeannie...Read the Book of John again..and just ask God to make it all clear to you..and He Will.
I think you truly just want the truth..that's all.... you just want the Truth..and God knows that...and knows your heart ,Jeannie.......and will show you the truth Jeannie, if you seek Him with your whole heart now. ![]() |
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Sun 09/14/08 08:40 PM
Jess......what if someone were to ask you, "Jess ,lets just suppose that you were never born on this earth, and your birth never occurred , What would you do , Jess?" Silly question right, Jess? Why? I would ask if they were dreaming me, imagining me, or was I a myth? It isn't a silly question... and truth be told, I wasn't specifically calling on any particular religion to have a think of my queries.... but for ALL or ANY person, to reflect and IMAGINE for a second. I don't take anyone's beliefs away from them, nor express mine in any form but my own personal, (subject to change, being a human and all) ![]() I do find it interesting that the most reactive in the negative posts have come from only a handful of posters who seem to share the same belief structures... I do have to ask why is it not ok to simply roll back the rug for a second, and contemplate my questions..... |
Jess, I can see your thought provoking thread is not working for the Christians at all. No...really???? ![]() |
I'm really bad about not reading everything before I post......but I'll have to come back to this one anyway. In essence I have already experienced this once in my life.......having the rug pulled out from under me.....coming to the realization that everything I believed and everything I had done to try to be the "best" Christian was pointless....... That all along all I needed/wanted was to be me. No heaven, no hell, no greater being to hear me when I prayed............ Your whole equilibrium is thrown off, and it takes a bit for u to get ur footing again. Sometimes you simply jump into something else.....but find out it is the same, and then you avoid commiting to any concrete beliefs at all. The best you can do is hope that it is not all for naught. Unlike some here........I do not do what I do, or live how I live because I am afraid of it coming back on me......... Everything I do is because I want to be a better person. I would not change much......unless I just decided what the point in living life now was, just to die in the end. Everything is fleeting, and why suffer the misery that is life......longer than I have to. I'm not saying I'd commit suicide......but I would probably go into a state of depression for a while. Until I decided to live life to the fullest despite how it may end.......and I would do my best to pass something on......something that would help those to essence I would do what I hope to do anyways. Plainome....I like the passage that states... "Until I decided to live life to the fullest despite how it may end.......and I would do my best to pass something on......something that would help those to essence I would do what I hope to do anyways." That resonates in me, and the question comes up....why wouldn't you live like that right now? What would stop you? |
I'm gonna sure hope there's at least a blender so I can make margaritas and sit around and laugh at the craziness of life.
I don't have to have the imagination to believe anything but what God says...I won't be decieved anymore by the lies & tricks of the devil. If you want to be decieved that's your choice...don't try to denegrate mine because I KNOW what I believe in. I don't have to wonder who or what God is anymore...I know because He reveals Himself to the faithful. It IS finished! AMEN! Does that mean I'm the devil???? Ohhh ahhhh!!!! really???? Holy crap, batman! to the batmobile!!! Ok, enough of the sillies.....QS.... I respect your rigidity in your belief structures.... I applaud your decisions to remain true to your faith.... But I have to ask.... why is it that a question, a completely simple game of 'imagine if...' has created such a large reaction? |
I do have to ask why is it not ok to simply roll back the rug for a second, and contemplate my questions.....
Some fear to even think of the possibilities. That is pretty sad to be afraid to think something for fear that they might be denying their faith.... such fear. JB |
I'm gonna sure hope there's at least a blender so I can make margaritas and sit around and laugh at the craziness of life. Put de lime in de coconut and shake it all about! ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Sun 09/14/08 08:46 PM
I do have to ask why is it not ok to simply roll back the rug for a second, and contemplate my questions.....
Some fear to even think of the possibilities. That is pretty sad to be afraid to think something for fear that they might be denying their faith.... such fear. JB JB, I was reading your other post that suggests that what you dare to imagine will be the manifestation you perceive upon your death... I wonder if the intense reaction to have to even consider an alternative is too frightening... the rigidity and the narrowness is what creates a sense of safety. I wonder if the christian heaven is loooooong and narrow with big walls... ![]() |
Jeannie...Read the Book of John again..and just ask God to make it all clear to you..and He Will. I think you truly just want the truth..that's all.... you just want the Truth..and God knows that...and knows your heart ,Jeannie.......and will show you the truth Jeannie, if you seek Him with your whole heart now. ![]() I think everyone just wants the truth... that's all. The truth shall be known, I have faith in that. ![]() |
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Mon 09/15/08 05:01 AM
Its also based on a much earlier Sumerian creation myth. It wasn't even really that creative and was basically plagiarized. The Sumerian tale had a lot more drama and romance. Thats all cut and condensed in the Tree of Knowledge story. ![]() There are MANY myths ...there is also the Mayan myth....the mythsd have many similarities to the TRUTH of God's Word..but that does not make them true. Just like there are many claiming to be christ.... there are false christs too...but I will say this....IF you SEEK the truth, You will FIND the Truth. God Looks upon the heart...and SEES when One is truly seeking Him. And if per chance, someone who is TRLY SEEKING GOD ,is already caughth up in a myth or a lie, and if that person is truly seeking the truth, God will get a hold of that person.. and lead Him OUT of a lie , and into the Truth. God see the heart.... No no my dear Morning Song. This is a little different. Its a Creation Mythology written by the ancient Sumerians who existed in the late 6th millennium BC. Get it. BEFORE CHRIST. Before the common era. Here is the link. Scroll down a little and you will see it. It sure is a good thing that plagiarism is not a sin because the writers of the bible are in deep shi-. ![]() There is no such thing as " before Christ", Krimsa......Christ JESUS always WAS...even from the very foundations of the world. Read that article I left on that other thread, Krimsa..about the people who lived, before Christ came to earth. There were plenty of people and long established civilizations before Christ was on the scene. Dont be silly. It wont cause your entire belief structure to come crumbling down if you simply choose to acknowledge the existence of time and history in a linear sense. The Sumerians lived in what was then southern Mesopotamia. It would now be what we consider to be modern day Iraq. They were surrounded by Semitic peoples and were eventually conquered by the Akkadian. These groups of people who moved in and sacked the Sumerians spoke Semitic languages, had similar religions, and worshiped related deities. Three major religions,Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, grew out of Semitic traditions. So no darlin, your bible is not origional. Not even close. Read this ancient Sumerian Creation myth to see for yourself. |
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Mon 09/15/08 10:16 AM
Plainome ..only you yourself KNOW if you have already asked Jesus into your heart and meant it...and if you have already asked Jesus in...well, then just because you are fleeing from religiousity ,doesn't mean you are fleeing from the Lord...ok? nd don't let anyone make yuo feel that way. When the Lord comes into our life, we are not supposed to feel tied down..... and I would say, if some one or some group is making you feel tied down.....or controlling you....RUN from that...... That is called religious bondage. Hmmmmmm, I see your point, but there is a slight problem. Anything that has absolutes has a box, anyone in a box, is tied down. The aboslute that I must accept "Christ" the man/god into my heart.......and serve "him" faithfully ties me down to: 1. Having him lord over my life......when he is another man/being 2. Believing that I need someone else to "save" me........and to "intercede" for me. 3. It means that I can not go directly to my own "God", my god is in is this not understood by you??? I do not need to pray to request forgiveness from anyone but myself and those I have personally wronged...... I do not have "sins" that cause me bondage, and there is no HELL that I will go to because of said sins. I do not/nor can I sin against any "God" that is really a God. I am who I am, no apologies, no guilt, I am me. You so completely do not understand............that teaching/preaching that one must reach out to something outside of themselves in order to be "good" or "holy" or "accepted" is bondage............. I know what/who "Christ" is for me.......and as I stated he is energy, not a man. He does not wish worship of me, but is part of me. It is religions that separates man from their inner god, yes...........but to assume that one needs forgiveness for being born what they are.........does the same thing. "Jesus Christ" is just a title...........a name. Maybe it was a man who existed at one time........or possibly just an"idea".........Even in the Bible he never requested "worship". He said he was the way, yes...........but which way did he lead?? With compassion, love, forgiveness.........and eventually death to this world. SO, the only way to "Heaven" is by his example (if he was a man) not by how you are baptized, or whom you worship, or the means you learn to love and accept yourself. IF you NEED to seek forgiveness from someone else, to be able to forgive yourself, by all means do.........BUT no one but my own heart/spirit/energy/life is "God" of me. Everything I need, everything I am, is right here within me.....I am not in need of anything more. "Jesus" is not the only way to freedom...........he may be A way for many...........but others who claim "Christianity" are no more free than a fox caught in a trap. So, my friend..........rather than accepting that Jesus doesn't set everyone (being egotistical) assume that they aren't doing it right........because if they were, they would be as you!!!!!!!!! It isn't Christ that sets you free, it is the ability to forgive and love that sets us free, plain and simple. Whatever path works for a good path, but NOT everyone is meant to tread YOUR path. |
I'm really bad about not reading everything before I post......but I'll have to come back to this one anyway. In essence I have already experienced this once in my life.......having the rug pulled out from under me.....coming to the realization that everything I believed and everything I had done to try to be the "best" Christian was pointless....... That all along all I needed/wanted was to be me. No heaven, no hell, no greater being to hear me when I prayed............ Your whole equilibrium is thrown off, and it takes a bit for u to get ur footing again. Sometimes you simply jump into something else.....but find out it is the same, and then you avoid commiting to any concrete beliefs at all. The best you can do is hope that it is not all for naught. Unlike some here........I do not do what I do, or live how I live because I am afraid of it coming back on me......... Everything I do is because I want to be a better person. I would not change much......unless I just decided what the point in living life now was, just to die in the end. Everything is fleeting, and why suffer the misery that is life......longer than I have to. I'm not saying I'd commit suicide......but I would probably go into a state of depression for a while. Until I decided to live life to the fullest despite how it may end.......and I would do my best to pass something on......something that would help those to essence I would do what I hope to do anyways. Plainome....I like the passage that states... "Until I decided to live life to the fullest despite how it may end.......and I would do my best to pass something on......something that would help those to essence I would do what I hope to do anyways." That resonates in me, and the question comes up....why wouldn't you live like that right now? What would stop you? Only myself......... (And I strive to keep him out of the way.) ![]() |