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Topic: What will you do?
Jess642's photo
Sat 09/20/08 02:10 PM

I am soooo looking forward to the new address for you and he, and the little people,, I have to sit on my hands and not ask the 5 736 493 questions I want to ask...

this patience thing sucks..grumble :wink: laugh

new address...so am I - you have no idea!!!!!!!!!

He reminds me to be patient ... I reply 'this IS me patient!' laugh

but in our house it would appear that I am the little people ... curses to my short legs laugh

laugh flowerforyou

Ya gotta love the lanky young bucks, and their elastic limbs!flowerforyou ( and the not so young lanky limbed buck:wink: )

ArtGurl's photo
Sat 09/20/08 02:17 PM
Edited by ArtGurl on Sat 09/20/08 02:17 PM

I am soooo looking forward to the new address for you and he, and the little people,, I have to sit on my hands and not ask the 5 736 493 questions I want to ask...

this patience thing sucks..grumble :wink: laugh

new address...so am I - you have no idea!!!!!!!!!

He reminds me to be patient ... I reply 'this IS me patient!' laugh

but in our house it would appear that I am the little people ... curses to my short legs laugh

laugh flowerforyou

Ya gotta love the lanky young bucks, and their elastic limbs!flowerforyou ( and the not so young lanky limbed buck:wink: )

uh huh blushing blushing blushing

no photo
Wed 09/24/08 09:55 PM
:heart: I would live out howand who I am now,,the SAME..
Regardless of heaven or hell or just DEAD BLANK
I am who I am through the growing and learning of all ways of people around me.

My wrongs and rights have been felt and lived.
And I "FIT" wih others and "FEEL" with others to know "WE" live as close to one with each other as we can.

And IN this LIFE here. I want only to have been known by another and remmbered through their memories as the person I live life to do and be here,"ME".

My stone can read,
DAD,SON,BROTHER, and a FRIEND to the world.:wink:

no photo
Thu 09/25/08 08:55 AM
Exactly what I do now..write, paint, play, live, breathe , be

Jess642's photo
Thu 09/25/08 01:49 PM

Exactly what I do now..write, paint, play, live, breathe , be

Did you notice how those that are solid in their world, they know who they are... they have a clear acceptance of themselves, have no resistance in exploring an imaginary scenario?

I find it fascinating....


alonenotlonely's photo
Thu 09/25/08 01:56 PM

What will you do if the whole basis of your understanding of this life, and the after this life, (whatever that may be) doesn't exist?

If you knew without any doubt that there is no heaven, no redemption, nothing like what you believe is after this life, what might you do?

Basically, lets rip the rug out from under our feet, the floor too, and see what happens, hyperthetically of course...:wink:

Uuuuhhhhhhh, let me guess? Be surprised?

Jess642's photo
Thu 09/25/08 01:57 PM

What will you do if the whole basis of your understanding of this life, and the after this life, (whatever that may be) doesn't exist?

If you knew without any doubt that there is no heaven, no redemption, nothing like what you believe is after this life, what might you do?

Basically, lets rip the rug out from under our feet, the floor too, and see what happens, hyperthetically of course...:wink:

Uuuuhhhhhhh, let me guess? Be surprised?

So you would be surprised???


SkyHook5652's photo
Thu 09/25/08 01:59 PM
Did you notice how those that are solid in their world, they know who they are... they have a clear acceptance of themselves, have no resistance in exploring an imaginary scenario?

I find it fascinating....

Very astute observation! (Or maybe that's just my own self-centric conceit talking and I've just proved myself to be very insecure.:wink:laugh)

Jess642's photo
Thu 09/25/08 02:02 PM

Did you notice how those that are solid in their world, they know who they are... they have a clear acceptance of themselves, have no resistance in exploring an imaginary scenario?

I find it fascinating....

Very astute observation! (Or maybe that's just my own self-centric conceit talking and I've just proved myself to be very insecure.:wink:laugh)


I just reread the whole thread, and the common theme seems to appear, a commonality between differences...

Humans fascinate me.... we are so rudimentary really, and yet we vehemenantly deny this, and attempt to be as complex as possible...


Plainome's photo
Thu 09/25/08 02:17 PM
Edited by Plainome on Thu 09/25/08 02:18 PM

Well golly gee...you are a very bitter person. I hope you get some help for that.


Whoa there QS!!! Plainome is not bitter, she shared her opinions, which as you know, we all have...

Dismissal is an indication of having moved out of dialogue, and into monologue...

Your dismissal of Plainome is inappropriate and unfortunately quite disappointing, for me to read.

You are welcome to your god, no one can take that from you.... and Plainome is welcome to her beliefs.

Interesting how things can be interpreted differently by different people. Personally, I took that "...bitter..." statement as just playfully humourous sarcasm, and the flower as an indicator of same.

I could see your point if anything the poster had said in previous posts showed that she had "humor"..........to me it seemed to be condescending, but that could easily be "bitterness" on my part.

I must admit to being a bit "bitter" when it comes to dealing with people who send me to "hell" because I do not believe as they. I struggle with not "judging' them for their judging of others........

It frustrates me to see people "preach" love, but yet they have no idea on how to "practice" love...........but arguing with them never does any good, so I'm not sure why I do it, lol.

I became a bit judgemental myself with a few comments in my posts, and for that I apologize. I do not apologize for my "points" just any attacks I made have made in the process....flowerforyou

SkyHook5652's photo
Thu 09/25/08 03:08 PM

Well golly gee...you are a very bitter person. I hope you get some help for that.


Whoa there QS!!! Plainome is not bitter, she shared her opinions, which as you know, we all have...

Dismissal is an indication of having moved out of dialogue, and into monologue...

Your dismissal of Plainome is inappropriate and unfortunately quite disappointing, for me to read.

You are welcome to your god, no one can take that from you.... and Plainome is welcome to her beliefs.

Interesting how things can be interpreted differently by different people. Personally, I took that "...bitter..." statement as just playfully humourous sarcasm, and the flower as an indicator of same.

I could see your point if anything the poster had said in previous posts showed that she had "humor"..........to me it seemed to be condescending, but that could easily be "bitterness" on my part.

I must admit to being a bit "bitter" when it comes to dealing with people who send me to "hell" because I do not believe as they. I struggle with not "judging' them for their judging of others........

It frustrates me to see people "preach" love, but yet they have no idea on how to "practice" love...........but arguing with them never does any good, so I'm not sure why I do it, lol.

I became a bit judgemental myself with a few comments in my posts, and for that I apologize. I do not apologize for my "points" just any attacks I made have made in the process....flowerforyou
You're probably right about judging the comment by past posts. I just came into the middle of the conversation and didn't go back and get any background on it, so you probably had a better grasp of the whole picture than I did. flowerforyou

arkdanimal's photo
Tue 09/30/08 12:17 AM

What will you do if the whole basis of your understanding of this life, and the after this life, (whatever that may be) doesn't exist?

If you knew without any doubt that there is no heaven, no redemption, nothing like what you believe is after this life, what might you do?

Basically, lets rip the rug out from under our feet, the floor too, and see what happens, hyperthetically of course...:wink:
I think I would go fishing!

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