The word "marriage".
I see marriage as the devil's tool...
It's like when you watch those movies and the devil goes "I'll do this for you but I will take your soul from you" goes hand in hand with marriage but they mix it up a little differently... and I quote "until death do you part"... Coolness I get a lifetime partner but an eternity of loneliness!!! Yay I'm a winner!!!! |
Looks Vs. Personality
So many women are very vain and wont give some guys even the slightest chance because there not six three tan and full of muscles. If you look average and have a totally awesome personality is this acceptable? I haven't always seen myself as this kind of prince that women look for, but I have had my fair share of beautiful girls. |
Kind of ironic, when so many people like to say "looks don't matter." They matter to me. ![]() Looks matter to some sort of degree but it doesn't mean that an attractive female is the one I'm going to choose either. For example, I've never kissed a blonde girl or a red headed in my entire life. I don't find them attractive no matter how many thousands or millions of other people do. |
you only live once
There is much more to life than just sex.
is abstinence dead?
I'm glad a few people on here srr things my way, my screen name should be left out of the equasion. I'm offering a discussion point, I wasn't attacking anyone so insulting my profile pics are unnecessary. it was only up to show that I am athletic. I believe in abstinence for myself and hope to find a woman who shares my views. A shirtless man =athletic.. Last I checked athletes aren't judged by how they look, rather they're judged by what they're capable of doing. You without a shirt doesn't mean you're athletic at all. Slaves never wore shirts, were built like brickhouses but I guarentee they wouldn't be able to run a marathon, they wouldn't be able to catch a football or swim in the olympics... Athleticism is the ability to do a certain skill or many types of skills, but it doesn't mean you have to look a certain way to do it. I was captain of my freshman swimming squad, I was the fastest swimmer in my freshman class. I didn't look like an athlete. I had nice little belly, I was almost overweight by oh 2-3 lbs or so at the time for my height. That doesn't mean I wouldn't kick your ass at swimming though. I would've been the better athlete even though I didn't look physically appealling. I don't look at guys nor do I look at guys with their shirts off... My guess is I'm probably the smallest framed guy of this board, I will outswim probably everyone on this board, and I survived navy bootcamp, as well as 2 years in the service. I don't look like I am an athlete, but I can run. I can probably do more push ups in a row than you but that doesn't mean that I look good while doing it. With athletes, it's all about heart and how much they want something. It has very little to do with how good you look in the mirror. |
is abstinence dead?
With the way life, role models and the media are these days it will only get harder for everyone including some children to practice abstinence. Its worth the wait and gives you and your partner peace of mind, knowing you are free of STI(d)'s and that your not just giving it up to anyone when your lonely or in an alternate state of mind. If you want to practice abstinence dont give in to peer pressure and the world around you. If a partner would like a peace of mind about being std free the only way anyone would know for sure is to be tested. Look the biggest part about this is, do you believe the other partner. The only person who will ever truly know is the virgin. STDs can also be transmitted in other ways as well without ever engaging in a sexual activity. Just FYI. I don't believe you should look down on someone because they're infected with an incurable disease. That's kind of pathetic from my perspective. |
I get to pee standing up.... :).
Songs that make you cry.
I have a few that touch me
Mute I never said a word, to you. And on the night you said you were leaving, I wanted to cry. Because I’m just mediocre, that’s what I am, in my eyes. So I never thought that it would hurt you or make you cry. But I’m not mediocre to you. I never said a word, to you. And on the night you said you were leaving, I almost died. Because I’m just mediocre, that’s what I am. So I never saw that it would hurt you that I could let you leave. Because I’m not mediocre to you. But I never said a word. Now on nights I cry alone, where you can’t see me. Wonder how I’ll fair alone, I need you more than I need air to breath. And I think on words like failure, I know it all too well. I have changed for the worse, I know. But I can’t keep you from the world; it’s your life to lead. But I would if I could, and keep you here forever. I could never say, that I needed you to stay. I didn’t know that’s all you needed me to say. Did you really think I didn’t care? I thought I wore my feelings on my sleeves. Do you think you’ll like it better there? Or do you just want to be away from me. Yeah, I know that I have changed inside. I lost faith in everything. But there is one thing that will never change. I told you I would be with you forever and a day. but I'm sure you don't want a huge text file. |
I've always been caught off guard as in there were no evident problems to me but all of sudden it was over so I've been pretty speechless.
I think it depends on a number of things.
First and foremost depending on what problems are arising it's crucial for both to be forgiving. If both partners aren't forgiving of the past, they will never get past it and it will always remain unsettled and will eventually come back to always haunt eachother. For me there are a few things that I don't dig. One is lying. I am adamant about staying friends no matter how the relationship turns out but with liars I don't even want to be around them. I associate them with stealing and being unfaithful and I can't put them into my social circle of friends if I can't trust them. So liars are usually kicked to the curb almost immediately. For other problems even if both are forgiving, it really depends on what is tearing them apart rather than what is bringing them together. It's hard to just put things down because I haven't dealt with a lot of situations in life and I honestly never get a real answer why relationships don't work out. |
I don't think it's possible for me to be unfaithful.
I've drank my fair share of a lot in life but I've seen a dude down the biggest bottle of vodka in just 3 gulps I have ever seen. He then drank 3 40s in a span of oh I don't maybe an hour... He would later die in life of alcohol poisoning but not that night.
on a you...??
First of all I don't do dates.
I do however think of neat little things to come up with.. They're my ideas and I keep them to myself so that other guys don't go taking them and making a potential lover of mine know what's coming in the future :). You have a convertable you must not date cool chicks. Cool chicks hop in. :). Opening doors psh... That defeats the purpose of the car. The only door I open is the door for my mother and my dog. Everyone else can hop on in unless it's raining but that involves an umbrella. Although I prefer the rain on my face but I guess if we were to actually go out and it was really cold or something I would use the umbrella and I would open the door. Flowers... I don't just give flowers flowers with and fade away no real memory of receiving them. I instill a little bit of magic with this idea. My own interpretation of how flowers should be given to lovers. I pay for evenings with my friends it's no different with a girl. I don't believe it's possible for a peasant to treat a girl like a queen. I don't have the power, the money, or the accessories to be able to do such a thing. I work with what I got. I'm probably too nice :(. |
In Your Honor
When I find myself in dirt will I find you?
Watch Your Mouth %$^*er
Of course but it gets much harder after I've had some drinks.
What is your favorite--
you put winger before warrant and claim that music doesn't suck yet I see no methods of destruction... I mean come on man that was the band that taught me how to whistle!
No definately not.
I mean no disrespect whatsoever but your screen name is going to give me nightmares for the rest of my life.
scene girls
I got a new one for ya to think about.
If I wear some spandex, a mask, get a cool bad ass cape, and I wear that for like 2 solid years will people regard me as a superhero? |