So I have a dilemma which is keeping me awake...
I have 1,200.00 left. I have no job. I am collecting unemployment but I have yet to get the money and it most likely won't be available until mid January at the very earliest. My car needs wheel bearings 817.00 rent is 400.00. I could fix the car and possibly pay January rent. Then I would have no money for food or gas money or anything for that matter. I could fix the car, get an additional 300.00 for my security deposit, and move back into my parents house leaving me with about 500.00 in my pocket, plus I would still be collecting unemployment. The problem with this is, they live in the middle of NOWHERE! It would be at least a 3 and a half hour drive to an interview at the very least. Plus I'd have to come up with security all over again and 1st month and probably last month's rent, plus gas to go to and from interviews with. Gas thankfully is cheaper... Suggestions? |
Cats are different cats will only show affection to certain people.
Dogs don't necessarily love someone else more than their owner. My dog doesn't I repeat doesn't ever play with me when she has other new people to play with. She hates to play with me and will only do so when we go and do things that only relate to us. She just got bored with me because I've been there every single day of her life and she loves new people. She gives love to everyone in the world. She's a social dog.
For example rope in the house... I live with roommates. She will not bring me the rope. She will bring the rope to everyone else but not to me. When we go outside, she grabs the frisbee and gives it only to me. Ball outside only to me. Certain things dogs do and certain things they don't. My dog only sleeps with me, she doesn't even attempt to sleep with another person. So how can you tell that the dog loved you more than another guy? As for loving my dog more than a girlfriend/lover? Don't get me wrong, I love my dog, she's amazing! However, she's not a girlfriend, she's not a lover. I obviously hold more love towards my dog than I do some stranger who I just started hanging out with. Still though, I don't think you could compare the 2... I don't even understand how this is possible.. Hah. |
No I just happened to click on your thread and immediately ejected based on your writing. You came on wayyy too strong in the beginning of a thread. Plus there's the whole rate me section in another forum discussion. Better luck there?
I would think that teenager marriages wouldn't have the cheating element nearly as much mostly because they're working and together. They generally aren't making a substantial living since they're both teenagers, generally barely able to scrape by with ends meet, and their time is pre-occupied with the first years of sex. Sex can't be boring if it's brandy new. Plus they don't have all the skills in the world to attract someone from the other sex to want a real relationship because they haven't dated all that much in their life.
Maybe if you let people know you since sex isn't premeditated just by looks then maybe just maybe they would answer you.
full collapse
Of housewives cheat?! I knew I should have became a poolboy! what about the other 70% of men that tend to cheat and dont say they dont.. ![]() ![]() People who are corrupt cheat, people who are pure don't. Men or women truly doesn't matter all that matters is what is in the heart. |
Free Will
Do we have Free Will or are we completely determined? For the first time I believe I have complete free will. Then you sir aren't very smart. They like to make us think we have free will, but everything is determined by how much money you make. |
yeah and I dont really like it when you try to talk to them and they are busy texting...disrespectful... Hahahaha wtf? That's never happened. |
Lately the characteristic I find most unnatractive is the attention span/ conversation. If I am always controlling the conversation,I have become to hate it. I hate how everything is predetermined by me and everything I do is what gets done in the relationships I've been involved with except for 1 of them. That was 2 relationships ago, I found a girl who could speak up, do what she wanted to do and include me in on, knew what she wanted sexually, and actually talked a lot. I don't mean girls can't talk if you are talkative but in my experience the girl is always second when talking not first.
I truly believe that is the most unnatractive quality pretty much every girl I've ever encountered possesses. It's quite annoying to me. |
I think it all depends on the community. I still find parks are rather geared to be openly social rather than private such as parties, clubs, and local gatherings. People like privacy in certain settings and aren't always looking to make conversation everywhere in life but the park... especially a dog park man it's crazy how many people you talk to in just one day not to mention the dog has a blast. I think the dog park is better than the net although I don't know anything about dating at them. All I ever do is socialize and make friends. It takes time before I can even see myself with a girl.
so... What are you ?
I have no idea what people label me as but I can guarentee no one has a label for my entire clique that I chill with. There are too many different types of people within our clique from music differences to clothing styles to long hair or short hair, military haircuts, to business uniforms to construction uniforms.. I mean everyone is different within my circle of friends. I don't think any of us dress alike at all.
This isn't just guys either, it goes with girls as well. We have friends who are dating wearing hollister and abercrombie mixed with our friends that are girls who wear iron maiden tees and jeans... From tons of makeup like barbie to none and the ever so grunge scene lives on... From mohawks to crew cuts it's just the way we're. We're people indulged in friendship not through mutual musical interests, and certainly not through work interests but for the mere simple fact that as a society of people we have found kindred who accept us for who we're and look at us as equals until someone does wrong. It could be many different things such as stealing, or taking away someone's girl or guy. It happens a lot and we always recruit more people in the end or at least that's the way Jersey was. Now I live in Humble and I haven't made friends outside of my house yet.... Someday.... I see myself as a person, I don't even have a clear name. My friends refer to me as chuck, charlie, chaz, chuckles, and charles. Tehy all take in a name and whatever fits for them is fine with me. I'd love to see people mistake me for something I'm not like a thug, that'd be hilarious. |
i know i said goodnight but
okay im talking about city owned cameras ppl not private city like as in surveillance wich are all over stores whtas the diff between stores and downtown sidwalks oh and ps i always wear pants And you don't think men look at a butt in tight jeans? Hahahhaha. You act like we care if you're in a skirt or not. As for city cameras *sigh* cameras can be used to look at suspicious behavior but who's looking at them? What if the people behind the camera are able to tilt it to look down people's tops? What if the guy behind that camera gets off to envisioning what they're seeing in their fantasy world instead of doing their job? Why do I need to be watched evrywhere I go in life? Can they see inside of our homes? Are they infiltrated with heat sensors instead of just traditional lenses? There's all kinds of problems with this and most leads to invasion of privacy. Imagine if cameras were constantly fixated upon your bedroom window, your shower, your house... It's not exactly cool. |
Does humble count?
have you ever
I've done it on purpose a couple of times and accidentally a few times as well.. I blame the sun for the times I did it accidentally though.
Anyone under 30 should reply
My fantasies aren't indulged by drugs or drinking. is everyone on this site so uptight? or take everything so literally? no wonder you are all single! oh wait im single too...DAMNIT! I wasn't being uptight about it. I just answered it. Hah and there's always time to find that fountain of youth as well... :). |
I have found some of the nicest people in local public parks, coffee houses, cafes, but most importantly dog parks!!! See because no matter what kind of day you were having and even if you don't have the balls to approach the girl that you're checking out from afar, the dogs always dig ya and bring smiles to your face.
i know i said goodnight but
Cameras in public and what they can do to people...
Let's say I was in public and I took a picture of you and then of your butt and decided to make a nice little collage of it. Then I showed it off to everyone I knew and was like damn yo that girl was fine, I so ****ed her the othernight. All of my friends take the picture and claim the samething to their friends and so it goes on. In a small community your reputation vanishes within an instant based upon what you wore 10 years ago or 10 days ago. Cameras are invasive and why would people want a picture of me? I'm a nobody. That's just an example but I could see how people get paranoid over these kinds of things. |
Your date goes great
and you couldn't be more happier at the moment. The food at the restaurant was great, the wine perfect, the service, the ride back home. You put on your fire and get another bottle of wine out. You put on some music and suddenly your date takes off the shoes and socks. Now mind you, your date is hot! Hottest you have ever seen! and as the shoes and socks are off you are looking at the ugliest feet you have ever seen. Maybe you even see one green toe at the process. Would you still date that person the next day? The last girlfriend I had had a foot problem. She missing half of each of her 10 toes. She was born with this problem and uh she dumped me but it's probably for the best because that was ****ing freaky man. She was like an alien... Seriously though, I don't think I'd dump a girl I was into because of their feet even if they were going to be hereditary to any offspring we might create. |