Community > Posts By > squonk

squonk's photo
Wed 12/17/08 06:45 AM
I've never heard of someone having class when they wear ripped jeans. I've never heard of someone wearing jeans and having class.

Behavior is a small fraction I think even though the dictionary says and behavior.

squonk's photo
Wed 12/17/08 06:27 AM
When was the last time you were benevolent? What did you do?

I've never heard of class being used to regard most of what you said. Compassion eh I'm tossed about this one, gentility I agree with, benevolent definately agree with, humility I disagree with...

What some may see as rich, I may not. What I see as rich is Bill Gates, Donald Trump. These are rich, these are upper echelon.

Middle class varies significantly nowadays especially because of women in the workforce. What used to be a substantial living for the upper echelon class was a direct result of only one person working, now it is both working. It wasn't always so.

When your name carries merit such as a Kennedy for instance, you're looked at quite differently than the ordinary person. This doesn't mean that you're above or below someone else it's just the way things are. Born into it, raised in it, adopted into it, it truly doesn't matter, what matters is once you're there habits which may have been a custom to previous engagements in your life no longer exist in the presence of these people. Your behavior is dictated by your environment at least from my standpoint and experience. This doesn't mean that the bum on the street isn't nicer than these people. I never said the upper echelon are nice people or kind or filled with humility. You said the word class not I, all I did was fill in my perspective of it. Just because a football player is granted a lot of money to play football doesn't mean he has class. Just because a girl grew up in front of the tv camera to sing doesn't mean she is fit to lead a child's life, or to be accepted into high society.

Money isn't the only importance. Everyone can make money, everyone can have money, but it doesn't mean you're at their level or have the background that they do. You may feel humble in their presence but I guarentee Donald Trump doesn't get Humble around too many people if any. It doesn't mean that they're courteous to every single person alive, they have butlers and employees and maids. The employees aren't treated as people but rather as indentured servants to a certain extent. I can say this because I know of one, she's my godmother the maid to my mother, her 3 brothers and her sister. SHe's the sweetest lady I've ever met in my life, to me she's more important to this world than mother theresa was, however, she didn't have class. She had the title of maid, caregiver. That is all she ever was to my grandmother and grandfather, but she was much more to the children.

Mannerisms that are taught are much different than a normal family. I'd go on but I don't really know how to explain the things I've seen and encountered. To family and the upper echelon of society you act a certain way but to those not seen as such, are dismissed casually or un casually depending on the person whom you're speaking about. I am speaking just about class and how it is interpreted through me. Sorry if I bored you.

squonk's photo
Wed 12/17/08 05:39 AM

Money doesn't buy class? Psh I don't what universe you're from, but if you have wealth you're brought up much differently than the common middle class. The upper echelon tier has certain requirements to be around and act accordingly these are fundamental principles that are taught from the beginning of your life.
perhaps...but then again, maybe you should get a better definition of what class is!!!!

I happen to agree, I think they need to check there definition of class.

So I conferred with the dictionary just to be sure that I wasn't mistaking the word for what I assumed it was. After reading the term in the dictionary I stand by exactly what I said.

It isn't suitable in my family not to be dressed up in proper attire at all times while being around my family. There is no sweatpants, there is no sweaters or cheap jackets. It's a suit and tie plus the jacket for all men worn with leather shoes not sneakers. This goes for dinner, breakfast, lunch, sitting in their home. When you sit your back shall be erect not slouching. When you eat you shall eat with the proper utensils, you will not slurp, no elbows are ever to be on the table, etc.

Suit and tie is a must look at the picture in my profile, I was getting ready to be with my family.

If you have ever watched the movie A League of their own, the girls who go trough the training to become baseball stars in the league had to sit through classes to be taught how to act around the upper echelon of society.

The only time it is acceptable to be in casual wear is if you're going to a public place like a zoo, or an amusement park. Everything else is always formal attire.

I'd go on but clearly you either didn't understand what I meant or you didn't grow up the way I did. My family isn't a typical American family. They belong to a higher class of people than a typical American. I consider myself a typical American with the background of a family in the upper tier.

squonk's photo
Wed 12/17/08 05:19 AM

Depends on what they were admitted into a mental hospital for but then again by the time you learn something this personal you're probably already dating. I wouldn't break up with someone because of it.

At what point in dating do you feel a person has a moral obligation to tell a potential partner/life partner, what-have-you, this information (the FULL story)? First, second, third date? Later in the relationship? I believe the sooner the better, in the first or second date and/or certainly before ANY kind of sexual relating takes place.

For that matter, how soon do you think a person should disclose that they have been arrested (and what for) and done jail time (including how many times, when, and for how long)?

Again, my answer stands the same. However, in most of these cases, you will probably never get the full truth, if any. It has to do with character.

While having certain types of character defects might, being mentally ill doesn't necessarily make you a burden or a menace to society. It depends on the factors I mentioned in my above post.

Ok You started so here we go.

I was 15 years old, the very first girl I kissed broke up with me, I had a premonition that my step uncle who raped me for 8 years was going to or had already started raping his 1 year old child, and I threatened suicide. They admitted me for 30 days, and put me back in about a month later for another 7 days. They put me on meds which I don't take, and that was a decade ago. 4 months after being admitted my step uncle was arrested for raping his 1 year old son, he spent the next 6 years in a prison where he stayed until he was released in the summer of 2004.

Now do you honestly think that I need to tell that to a girl before she dates me? No.. Not at all.

Oh as for me being mentally ill, nope I'm not mentally ill. I served in the United States Navy, I graduated highschool, I went to college, and I just had a job disappear from Southwest Airlines. I think I've held up my end of the bargain quite well but I still can't change my past. I think if I was to release all of that information on to someone that I wanted to move further with, it would back them up into a corner and be like oh **** goodbye. I don't think I'd risk losing someone whom I'm getting to know and possibly moving forward into a very long future with them because I decided to tell them I went to a mental institution back when I was a teenager.

The past doesn't haunt me, I've moved on and I don't feel the need to tell a future girl of mine at the beginning of meeting my life story.

squonk's photo
Wed 12/17/08 04:28 AM
Depends on what they were admitted into a mental hospital for but then again by the time you learn something this personal you're probably already dating. I wouldn't break up with someone because of it.

squonk's photo
Wed 12/17/08 04:14 AM
From internet users it can definately be yes to this question but from people who know me, not at all. I give out too much information. I have been told I have a memory like an elephant, I remember everything to the slightest detail which actually sucks because I always catch people in a lie whether they meant to lie or not.

squonk's photo
Wed 12/17/08 04:13 AM
Money doesn't buy class? Psh I don't what universe you're from, but if you have wealth you're brought up much differently than the common middle class. The upper echelon tier has certain requirements to be around and act accordingly these are fundamental principles that are taught from the beginning of your life.

squonk's photo
Wed 12/17/08 04:03 AM
Still I went out and found the topic of interest from autozone since all I kept seeing were special tools needed...

Just as I thought, I'm ****ed!,2009301/initialAction,repairGuide/shopping/repairGuide.htm?pageId=0900c15280078b82 that is my car.

squonk's photo
Wed 12/17/08 03:57 AM
Ok so I did some more research.

This time I am going to use a sports car since my car is a sports car.. Toyota and a Mitsbushi not sports cars.

When you visit that site you can scroll down to the do you have any questions on how to install front wheel bearings. They talk about pressing and requiring special tools and should be done by an ASE certified mechanic because if done wrong premature failure results and premature failure=wheel lock or actually FALLING off the vehicle which could potentially kill me or others. THis isn't changing your tire, this isn't changing your oil or belts or brake pads. This is a pretty serious job oh wait it is probably the most serious job you can **** up in the car not because it will cost you a lot to replace *which it will* but because it can take your life and my car can't flip over with me living..

squonk's photo
Wed 12/17/08 03:50 AM
I watched the youtube thing. First it was the rear, second he didn't do the inner bearing, third it was a toyota.

So what I did was I clicked on the front wheel bearing on that same screen, and that was a mitsubishi.

Either way they both used tools, that I don't have. The second one did replace the inner wheel bearings however he had a vice grip and some other tools that I don't. If the Mitsubishi model is the same as the Nissan 240sx model for the bearings, then and only then would I attempt it. However, neither of them talked about them being pressed. Plus different types of vehicles have different layouts. On the 240sx forum it clearly says it's pressed you must replace the whole hub unless you can press it which means it's not a DIY project. The 240sx forum is all about DIY work and suggestions and that person was clearly told you're beat for the 240 kind of like how the mechanic sent me on my way instead of trying to give me tips to do it myself.

squonk's photo
Wed 12/17/08 03:08 AM
Do you honestly think I would pay a mechanic if I could do it myself? Nissan 240sx has been my life for the last decade. It was the first car I was ever introduced to, and when I got it inspected *I thought it was the tranny* and I was told it was the wheel bearing and it had to be pressed I knew right then and there I couldn't do it myself. I didn't settle and was like ok here's my money I did some research of what it costs to do this job, a typical mechanic per wheel bearing is 350.00 if he's being nice. It's a ***** of a job and it takes a long time, it has nothing to do with me being mechanically inclined. Trust me, if all I had to do was pay for a part and follow step by step directions for the next month, THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I WOULD DO!

squonk's photo
Wed 12/17/08 03:03 AM
It's not the price of the part man, it's the work to put the part in. I don't have the machine necessary to press the wheel bearing together. It's a crucial part of your wheel assembly, mind you, you have to take apart the entire wheel assembly.

I won't be replacing the whole hub because I found a good mechanic so I saved money but the problem is they're ****ing pressed. I can't **** with that no one can unless you have the equipment to do it which means you own a shop. This isn't a simple task.

squonk's photo
Wed 12/17/08 02:53 AM

would you be willing to ask your parents for a loan?

Hahahaha my mom is disabled after sufferring 2 heart attacks in the last 3 years, she's retired, and is currently awaiting SSI.

My dad is dead.

My stepfather is also retired, he collects disability from the military.

Altogether now they have no money.

93 Nissan 240sx LE

squonk's photo
Wed 12/17/08 02:42 AM
It's the wheel bearings and they need to be pressed. I don't have equipment like that.

squonk's photo
Wed 12/17/08 02:35 AM
the jets won?

squonk's photo
Wed 12/17/08 02:33 AM
I once had this girl tell me how she likes to give her shake... I was like yeah huh ok I'm down with that... And it was pretty cool I must say, felt like one of those mattresses you see in those cheap motels that you put a quarter in.

The reason they're attacking you is because you're typing with slang and there's no need to type with slang. The other reason is you contradicted yourself numerous times in the thread.

From reading your screen name, it gives the idea that you're a performing master at the 69 position whether or not you intended for that to be the image you're trying to show off. That's how it comes across. Most people will not read this thread, it will go away and all that will be left is your screen name.

Mind you, the forum isn't where a true connection will be made. It will most likely come from random browsers and when they see your name, they will be hesitant to even clicking on your profile.

Just a heads up homie!

squonk's photo
Wed 12/17/08 02:23 AM
Thanks for the tip 20 miles away but then you have to travel again right to the location of the job that they assign you to?

I don't see how I am going to make it 20 miles when my car needs a repair immediately...

squonk's photo
Wed 12/17/08 02:12 AM

squonk's photo
Wed 12/17/08 02:05 AM
I don't know of any bus routes nearby, it's at least .5 miles to the central road from my development probably a 10 minute walk to the main street of my development maybe longer.

I just moved here fyi, plus if I go your route I have food for 2 months, rent for 2 months but still no job prospect and unemployment may or may not kick in by then and if it doesn't, I am without car, home, and money.

squonk's photo
Wed 12/17/08 01:53 AM :)