Community > Posts By > Zero_Effected

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Thu 08/04/16 12:00 PM

A slow trace with two fingers from just below and to the side of the eye, down the cheeckbone, over the jaw, gently hooking the chin with the index finger and guiding closer.

A look in the eye like "you are the most amazing person ever", noses graze in a 1/8 head turn, eyes close, lips already moistened, "slightly" opened mouth, 3 or 4 bitelike pecks, press to make the seal, tongues just barely touch a couple times, a slow pull away with a slight nibble on the bottom lip that extends it a little bit before letting go....repeat "you are the most amazing person ever" look.

drool PHEW! very smexy and descriptive stuff there Beach :thumbsup:

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Thu 08/04/16 11:53 AM
don't stop the party
get the party started
party all night
it's my party
life of the party

Gimme 5 thing you'd like to do with your mate (hobbies, common likes, events or fun/sport things.. etc)

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Wed 08/03/16 07:48 AM

in case ya want more

I gots ta do some work *zee walks to the escalator and heads upstairs* waving

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Wed 08/03/16 07:43 AM
wouldn't know.. never get drunk :angel:

guess it helps that I don't drink.. bigsmile

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Wed 08/03/16 07:40 AM
here ya go bro

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Wed 08/03/16 07:31 AM
Edited by Zero_Effected on Wed 08/03/16 07:31 AM
agoraphobia (Fear of open spaces or of being in crowds)
arachnophobia (Fear of spiders)
anuptaphobia (Fear of staying single)
claustrophobia (Fear of confined spaces)
glossophobia (Fear of speaking in public)

Gimme 5 ways to tell someone you like/love them

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Wed 08/03/16 07:18 AM
then beat it again till it stops movin!!! pitchfork

ahhhhhhh.. the faint aroma of decomp in the mornin..
*note to self.. check back patio for cracks or exposure..* :thumbsup:

it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood bigsmile

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Tue 08/02/16 07:02 PM

bigsmile drinker laugh smokin

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Tue 08/02/16 06:56 PM
Air Canada
Air Egypt

Gimme 5 ice cream flavors (and Vanilla doesn't count!)

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Tue 08/02/16 06:50 PM
I'm cautious by nature.. having been burned a few times(haven't we all been).. so I usually start looking from the moment we start talking.. I'll ask pertinent questions to see what the answers will be.. then after a few email exchanges I'll revisit the original questions with a slight variation and see if the constancy holds.. I listen to my gut too.. and typically nip it in the bud before we even meet! am I closing myself off to opportunities? perhaps.. but if I see/read/hear things that I know aren't attractive to me.. I figure why waste each others time!?!
Don't get me wrong.. I may be guarded, but I'm not jaded!

admittedly though.. I'm a student of human behavior with a degree in psychology.. so I guess I kinda cheat blushing and probably why I've been single so long laugh

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Tue 08/02/16 06:35 PM

Gimmie 5 things you love to BBQ


Gimme 5 Chinese food dishes

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Tue 08/02/16 06:34 PM

Give me 5 major shopping stores

Best Buy
Canadian Tire (only in Canada you say? pity bigsmile )

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Tue 08/02/16 06:25 PM
This one's just WRONG---> :tongue: kinda reminds me of the Cheshire cat

ma fave blue meenie face is GONE too tears and replaced with THIS?? :angry:

I really miss the dancin banana.. this one--->:banana: is just LAZY ohwell

progress.. HA! noway

*CHANTS* bring back all the old smileys... bigsmile

hey.. I've got an think .. let's all deactivate our accounts for 24hrs in protest! pitchfork


seriously though.. keep an eye out for the "feedback" section.. maybe we'll get lucky and they'll get a break from chasing the bad guys (scammers/frauds) long enough to ask our opinions :thumbsup:

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Tue 08/02/16 06:10 PM

That's just weird.

laugh I LOVE it laugh

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Tue 08/02/16 11:23 AM

TOTALLY Important! I laugh at just about everything, including ME (although I DO know when to be serious) so if he doesn't have a funny bone, know how to let loose and have some knee slapping, belly aching laughter.. we won't click!

sadly.. lack of laughter in today's world is NOT conducive to a long, HAPPY, stress free life OR relationship.. IMO!

Hi Zero Effected .

Based on a couple of the responses here, laughter in a relationship is not a priority for everyone once the person makes them smile.

But just like you , I actually feel incomplete if I don't have that laughter vibe going with my mate. Not that a couple will be laughing all of the time, but I certainly look forward to those moments :smile:

that's true Peggy.. it's not EVERYone's idea of a relationship breaker..
like I said though.. I laugh at just about everything.. I (like I'm sure many others) have had a lot of rough times to get thru.. and found the only thing that kept me sane was finding the funny in any given situation.. so if I was around someone who didn't know how/when to laugh OR didn't find most silly things funny.. we'd not get along.. and I'd be whoa my eyes till I couldn't take it any longer laugh
cheers drinker

on a side note.. feel free to call me Zee.. flowerforyou

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Tue 08/02/16 11:14 AM
why.. yes there is! bigsmile waving

welcome to M2.. enjoy the forums!

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Tue 08/02/16 11:00 AM


welcome! just jump in any time or simply pull up a stool and enjoy a cold one! we have velcro seats so ya can drink and never worry bout fallin off
drinks laugh

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Tue 08/02/16 10:59 AM

boy it looks like this pub has been around for some time now....
Do ya'll welcome strangers in.... I do like to sit at the bar and have a drink and chat sometimes.... lol

absolutely my dear.. everyone's welcome.. drinker
and yup.. been around for a decade now (well.. in 6 months that is laugh)

even SMELLS like a bar.. with a faint melmacian aroma mixed in bigsmile

YO DAVE.. FRESH MEAT!!!!! (luckily for her, not of the feline persuasion pitchfork laugh

welome! flowerforyou

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Tue 08/02/16 10:54 AM
TOTALLY Important! I laugh at just about everything, including ME (although I DO know when to be serious) so if he doesn't have a funny bone, know how to let loose and have some knee slapping, belly aching laughter.. we won't click!

sadly.. lack of laughter in today's world is NOT conducive to a long, HAPPY, stress free life OR relationship.. IMO!

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Tue 08/02/16 07:30 AM

How many times were you sent to the Principals office?....whoa

never! I was a nerdy geek who followed the rules and when I didn't.. never got caught smokin

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