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Sun 02/21/10 01:08 PM
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Sat 02/20/10 08:29 PM
There are all KINDS of illegal activities going on in this world because law enforcement is executed with finite resources. When I'm visiting a crime-ridden area, I jaywalk and break minor traffic laws (on my bicycle) with abandon, knowing that the police are just too busy with serious criminals to bother me. This is just how it is, and unless you are willing to volunteer for your police department and/or pay much higher taxes, I think its silly to whine about the fact that they prioritize and are going to let some things slip by. If you think the illegals should be moved up their priority list, maybe you should get involved in political activism. Edit: I don't intend this as an insult - just a fact of human perception/psychology: your message might be more effectively delivered if you spend some time/attention on your use of language. aw I don't like to just sit around . but I understand why you have to get out and move around after work OFFICER ![]() WHEN A LIBERAL YELLS RACIST IT JUST MEANS HE DOESN'T HAVE A INTELLIGENT REPLY . SO THEY YELL RACIST AND START TRYING TO DENAGRAT YOU . there a little short on personality .Can you see them walking threw the woods they would see racist behind every tree , or going pass a white church and a group of elders are talking out front they would start screaming racist at they drove by .they see divils every where . they have NO CREDABILTY AT ALL . Very low brow . are you saying that you don't know what being said here . would it help if I spoke slower . what i am saying is , why would a person throw the country to the curb for no reason at all or is he trying to hurt us for some reason . unknown to us . we have 6.5 million people out of work or under employed . there are 36 million illegals here holding jobs here . more than enough jobs for us to go back to work . I'll say right now its a lie when you say the legals won't take the jobs . tyson chicken got rid of the illegals and then hired our nieabors , they had to pay them more , they got a 4 dollar raise . is that wrong ? don't libs like us . and try visualizeing capitels . ![]() |
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Sat 02/20/10 07:49 PM
Wassa' matter, Libs? To close to the truth and to respond, you would have to agree? Don't wanna' pissoff ya' massah?: There were 12 Governors who signed the letter to raise the cap... among them are Rick Perry, Tim Pawlenty, and Arnold Schwarnzenwegger. This whole thread is a lame attempt to bash President Obama...sure that's the American way to critisize the president but...but....wait for it..... ![]() “He had delusions of adequacy.” — Walter Kerr now that list is a real brain trust . its not the highly educated we are fighting about they would creat work for us . it's the dullars we DO NOT NEED . we don't have to do any thing . the schools are turning out dumb ***** all over the country . just pay attention to these post here from liberals and you can see we have no shortage of tupi people .tupi I know this is misspelled |
The only part of your post that I don't agree with is the part about of giving green card to people with degrees. As long as its in a field we need here I want to see all the smart people in the world come here . That's the way it was before the Mexican invasion. Why is it such a problem to keep the uneducated out . We have to many home grown ones to try and find work for. what do we need more for? I guess we could cut the welfare in half . Half for the people on welfare now and half for the ones coming .
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Fri 02/19/10 08:42 PM
LOL at Obama being racist....i guess that's why 90 percent of his staff is white. Besides, this isn't OBama's responsibility, it's ICE..which i believe is still being ran by Bush's guy..i could be wrong. does it hurt to think this hard ? Janet Napolitano is over it .. at least read the paper . she ordered ice not to raid any more plants here . as far as obama goes between the two of them I think he is . I only wonder about her . She may be only following orders . and if she isn't and acting on her own ... Why hasn't he fired her . He is the boss . I don't blame the janitor for the failings of management ..Theres no kings in my mind . |
I would say YOU need to elect a new Sheriff. They (Sheriff Joe Arpaio) round up illegals all the time here in Arizona and nobody blames the President. We have some of the toughest laws on the books in Arizona and guess who signed the laws?? JANET NAPOLITANO!! That's right. Janet was the Governor here before she went to work in Homeland Security. Missouri ![]() Now if you think thats going to be g ood for you look at all the countrys that have done that in recent years .. but like most illiberals you don't think for yourself . Someone has a hand up you controling what you say and think .. If this place isn't worth fighting for get out .. Do the math and tell your self what that does to the elections . They are already voteing if you don't know that . Just not all of them YET ... Now for once in your life think! Instead of waiting for the group thought of the day .... |
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Fri 02/19/10 08:32 PM
yesterday 14 illegals were arrested in farmington mo. the sheriff upon the request of some of the people of farmington went to a HAMPTON INN CONSTRUCTION SITE and checked the green cards of the workers . they found 14 men there illegally One was wanted on a warrant and the othere 13 were illegally here . The sheriff call obamas government to get them transported to a federal jail where they should be held til sent back to mexico . But OBAMAS GOVERNMENT REFUSED TO COME SAYING THERE WERE TO BUSY PROTECTING US FROM shoe bombers . THEN THEY TOLD HIM TO HOLD THE ONE WITH THE WARRANT AND TO RELEASE THE OTHERS AND TO NOT PICK ANY MORE UP . THEY WENT BACK TO WORK AND THE CITIZENS OF THE TOWN ARE STILL UNEMPLOYED . They told him not to enforce the laws against illegals , to mind his own business or else . barrack and janet Nepolano refuses to help our people support there familys there children or pay there bills for food and meds for there wifes an kids . what the hell is wrong with them . are they planning to over throw the government ? are they RACIST . YOU KNOW HE WOULDN'T BE PRESIDENT IF WE HADDENED VOTED FOR HIM . DOES HE JUST HATE HIS WHITE COUNTRY MEN .. DID HIS WHITE FAMILY FAIL HIM SOMEHOW ? Well 'cashu', here's the score: ... if we are to follow the tentative logic of that OP of yours, it would appear that President Obama is personally responsible for every single person working for the US of A government. Furthermore, always tentatively following the tendentiously twisted logic of the OP, President Obama, without a chance to defend himself by having this most outrageous charge thrown out of the people's court, gets unconditionally judged and condemned for alleged illegal actions of others in 'his alleged governement'. Now, here's where this whole flawed piece of dubious mental construct falls apart. Given that what is good for the goose, is good for the gander, you must apply the 'Cracker Jack' logic of the OP to the whole situation and everyone at play!!! In that case the Sheriff would never have had to call any 'obama government'. HE failed his job and duty to the people of the USA miserably. All he had to do was CUFF the HAMPTON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY OWNER, AND THROW HIM IN JAIL FOREVER, FOR HIS CRIME OF HIGH TREASON AGAINST HIS OWN PEOPLE, ... IN HIRING UNQUALIFIED WORKERS. You see what I mean 'cashu', you failed in applying the very logic of your post before reaching your judgment and condemnation. President Obama is as far as could ever be from any shade of racism. On the other hand, I do agree that there are very strong racist overtones coming out of the OP. For your own good 'cashu', I would strongly advise that you stay away from whomever 'helped' you in the construction of this OP. THEY ARE DEFINITELY A BUNCH OF IRRECOVERABLE RACISTS, and cannot possibly represent a constructive and positive influence on you. Should you keep 'rubbing elbows' with such dark subjects, not only are you going to come across as a racist because of them, which I'm sure you're not, but your ability to think and articulate your thoughts logically and coherently will be contaminated to no ends. Trust me 'cashu', STAY AWAY FROM THOSE SO-CALLED 'FRIENDS'. And yes I do blame the guy at the top of the pile for every thing that is done on his watch . In other words when he does nothing to correct the problem the its his fault . And thats at all businesses . and for your sheriff joe . He was ordered by the federal government not to bother the illegals and he is under a court oder not to also. Besides he's a smuggler Don't you remember when he took the sheriffs dept. helo. and flew an illegal deep inside mexico to get her kids back . Then flew her and the kids back in the sheriffs helo . I can think of a whole lot of felonys in what i just described . And of course our sheriff wasn't bit slapped by a hair stylist . fee fee la az. |
Possible White House Coverup
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Fri 02/19/10 07:53 PM
Coverup ? I'm suprised he's not the president .I just wonder how dunb have we become .
Lynyrd Skynyrd Sells Out
Interesting. So...lemme get this straight. They don't support Obama...so they are sell outs?? Brilliant deduction there, Sherlock. Heaven forbid they get paid well for being who they are. Oh wait. I forgot. You libs don't want ANYONE getting paid for being good at what they do. Guess what...Lynyrd Skynyrd has never been a " liberal " band. They always believed in God, Guns and the U.S.A. just because they don't agree with YOUR version of it, doesn't mean they sold out anything. As someone else said, they are doing the shows to stand up for what they believe in. They don't really need the money since their records STILL sell pretty well. any thing you like that the illiberals don't is racist and you must be a moron . so what new ? there on the verge of extinction ignor them and let them crawl of in the slim .. they have nothing to say . |
Do they teach grammar, sentence structure, spelling, history, caps-lock in Missouri? did they ever explain to you you don't matter .... |
SOUNDS TO ME LIKE SOME PEOPLE ARE A LITTLE TRIED OF THE BULL . I hope he got the ones who were makeing his life a liveing hell . some people just deserve everything they get . but usually the wrong people are hideing and someone who has done nothing die ..but no one wants to fix it so what can you say but O WELL ....
yesterday 14 illegals were arrested in farmington mo. the sheriff upon the request of some of the people of farmington went to a HAMPTON INN CONSTRUCTION SITE and checked the green cards of the workers . they found 14 men there illegally One was wanted on a warrant and the othere 13 were illegally here .
The sheriff call obamas government to get them transported to a federal jail where they should be held til sent back to mexico . But OBAMAS GOVERNMENT REFUSED TO COME SAYING THERE WERE TO BUSY PROTECTING US FROM shoe bombers . THEN THEY TOLD HIM TO HOLD THE ONE WITH THE WARRANT AND TO RELEASE THE OTHERS AND TO NOT PICK ANY MORE UP . THEY WENT BACK TO WORK AND THE CITIZENS OF THE TOWN ARE STILL UNEMPLOYED . They told him not to enforce the laws against illegals , to mind his own business or else . barrack and janet Nepolano refuses to help our people support there familys there children or pay there bills for food and meds for there wifes an kids . what the hell is wrong with them . are they planning to over throw the government ? are they RACIST . YOU KNOW HE WOULDN'T BE PRESIDENT IF WE HADDENED VOTED FOR HIM . DOES HE JUST HATE HIS WHITE COUNTRY MEN .. DID HIS WHITE FAMILY FAIL HIM SOMEHOW ? |
ya know...if they want to joke and make fun of Palin, Pelosi, Bush or Obama and all in between, then that is fine with me....but a child with Down's syndrome? Chillse wasn't an old woman either. She was in her teen age years. And at that time in your life things like this hurt way more . But bill and his wife had the sense not to make a big deal of it . Yes it was a very cowardly thing to do and the guys that did it needed to have their ***** beaten but we are too civil according to the courts, to do. What's right .. next best thing is to let it go ...that way it dies faster . |
This is what happens when the Airport security (?) is a company who employs people for $9/hr. It is unheard of outside USA. Someone is making a lot of cash though..ripping of the airlines and the government. I expect it to get even worse in the future. again i say who sits the standards . the janitor ? is anyone running the place? Why doesn't someone take responablity? They get a lot of money to do their jobs. Why aren't we holding them responsabil? Is there a no its not my fault ,thing going on here in this time period? When you are paid A LOT OF MONEY won't you at least do it . Janet is the top official below OBAMA are you wanting to blame him? He did hire her? Do we always have to blame the lowest paid person for all the poor leadership ? GET REAL IF YOU DON'T WANT TO FIRE HER LETS AT LEAST LETS REDUCE THE PAY SCALE TO FIT PROFORMANCE .. MAYBE $5 per hour . |
Emailing The Big Money Boys
Does emailing the big money boys (politicians,news media personalities,captains of industry) really accomplish anything? Does the ability to email these types just give the 'little guy' a false sense of power? depends on how many people send the e mail. And if you can find the right address. They have people who count the e mails on each issue. |
By my count yesterday there as about 9 who gave it up . both demos and repubs . there was no mention of party just quality .
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Wed 02/17/10 04:10 PM
Doesn't really matter WHO is in charge. It's getting utterly ridiculous. when do you blame the person in charge . it happens a lot .and yes you do blame the person in charge we pay her a lot of money to do her job .not just to sit and look pretty . |
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Wed 02/17/10 04:05 PM
Because people that don't like Republicans have to find any way they can to degrade her. WHY DO REPUBLICAINS screen foul when somebody returns the ball to them? I remember when bill Clinton was president the republicans went to the news papers to say how ugly she was. I saw the cartoon there crying about, and it was a lot nicier than the other insult. It even made the young girl seem smarter than the other kid. So stop whining . I HAVE TO ADMIT what they said in the news papers about Chilsa showed no class at all. Wow talk about white trash .... As far as this show goes they take shots at everyone so again palin please if your all touchy feely about your family GAT OUT OF POLITICS . OR ITS GOING TO HAPPEN AGAIN . This is one of the things that made me wonder about Obama s sex . when he wouldn't rise to te bait . |
Israeli Hit Squad
http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/world-news/israeli-hit-squad-that-killed-hamas-commander-had-irish-passports-14670094.html?r=RSS This story was aired on ABC News tonight. This is how the Israelis do business now in bringing in suspects. "Put the Hit Out on Them." I guess I should be thankful that Israel is an ally to the U.S. and not an enemy. ![]() ![]() ![]() Another article describes an 11 person team with ties to a Palestinian faction and 4 different countries passports: http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2010/feb/17/mabhouh-murder-script-killers Al-Mahmoud was an arms dealer in a world where deals gone bad sometimes have lethal consequences and he had many enemies certainly including the Israelis. He has been responsible for the deaths of many innocent people. Good riddance to a very nasty character. FUNNY THING ABOUT HIM . His family loves him and his people think he's a hero . DOES YOURS .. |