I believe it was Hussein who told ya'll to hunker down and sacrifice for him. Do any of ya'll on unemployment have a back-up plan or you just going to sit and wait? I understand, you're probably looking for a job. Are you willing to do a job that will feed you and maybe keep you from being homeless? Me, I'm a survivor. Been on the streets a few times. Great learning experience. Yes, in the 70's, dug through dumpsters for food. My whole check going for rent and utilities, no tv, just a radio. When they were there, I'd take odd jobs for extra cash. Law of nature, the strong will survive. Are you strong enough? I don't believe mac d's pays enought to pay the rent and feed kids at the same time . and thats the way it is when you have to take kids jobs . I know the girls who wait tables here only get $3 per hour . If you want them to take those jobs then I think you should kick in the difference so that they can at lease wash . |
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Sun 02/28/10 11:58 AM
Well not sure what is happening in New York for I live in Texas and when my unemployment ran it's course this time due to Obama and the Bill he signed my unemployment was automatically reinstated and I did not even have to re-apply this time. Which normally you do and it only takes a phone call of about 15 minutes in order to do so. Not sure what the issue is with New York but due to Obama he has actually extended the unemployment more then once already. washington is not in NEW YORK ...I do not feel sorry for the degreed folk they had a good ride most of the time when the rest of us were scrambleing for the next meal. this isn't the first depression . I only hope they don't forget this lesson . And they could follow the masters and jump out thr 5 story window .yea I really feel sorry for them . |
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Sat 02/27/10 04:30 PM
http://english.aljazeera.net/news/asia/2007/04/200852513129407794.html The United States is supporting anti-Iranian groups operating out of Pakistan's remote border regions, the speaker of Iran's parliament has said. Gholamali Haddadadel accused the US of trying to put pressure on the government in Tehran, but said Pakistan was not involved in the operations. "There is no doubt in our minds that the United States spares no effort to put pressure on the Islamic Republic of Iran," he said. The US television station ABC News reported on Tuesday that the US had been secretly advising and encouraging a Pakistani group that had carried out raids in Iran. "The best indication of United States' support to a particular terrorist group is that one of the leaders of this terrorist group was given the opportunity to speak on VoA [Voice of America radio station] after committing the crime," Haddadadel said. "There is no news, no evidence, and we don't have any reason to believe that the military establishment in Pakistan is also supporting such militant groups." ABC News, citing US and Pakistani intelligence sources, said the raids had resulted in the deaths and capture of Iranian soldiers and officials. The group, called Jundullah and made up of members of the Baluchi ethnic group, who live in Pakistan and Iran, operated from the Baluchistan province, the report said. The group said it carried out an attack in February that killed at least 11 members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard on a bus in the Iranian city of Zehedan. ABC reported Pakistani government sources as saying the secret campaign against Iran was on the agenda when Dick Cheney, the US vice president, met Pervez Musharraf, the Pakistani president, in February. let me give you an english clue right now .. if there on our side they allies , patriots , heros , welcome imagrants friends . now If they are not on our side there terriost , enemys , bastards scum of the earth , infadels , guys with small icks ect.. does that help ? |
whatever is wrong in this country, we are still EXTREMELY blessed and spoiled and I hope our violent natures dont turn on each other or the people who serve in our government OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO there are too many people acting only on their own wims. With no care for the better good of the nation and with no understanding that their actions could destroy this that took so many to make . one last thing to those who need this co. the most . whose gona pay your welfare if the place doesn't survive . |
I agree 100%
![]() Real nice to poke fun at someone for having a heart condition. I have lost MANY people to heart disease. It's people like you who are the reason I left the Democratic Party and the reason that the Democrats are labeled The Looney Left. HOW TRUE HOW TRUE . |
Political Joke
10 people got laid off yesterday at a friends company, they just came in and said leave. I don't think jokes about people getting laid off are funny either. Sorry, too close to the bone for alot of people, even people on here, including myself while Bush was still in office and the crash hit. hmmm, how'd that start? I just got laid off myself. Your right the economy started to tank when President Bush was in office. It happened in 2006 when the Dems took control of the house and the senate and started massive spending. Then not to mention Obama spending more in the first 6 months in office then President Bush spent in over 8 years as President....... Just saying........... Half of that is lies right there. Just sayin..... Oh and I do believe you are repeating lies told to you passed off as truths Second of all, you don't know me you have only seen what I have been posting (mostly from political forums, which we obviously don't agree on) so don't EVER call me a liar. The one thing I do have is integrity and EVERYONE who knows me would be happy to verify that. Third of all,, what do you really know about politics? What you watch on tv or read in books? I've been there. I have gone to Non-Partisan and Partisan campaign schools. I have managed local campaigns. I have worked on local and national campaigns inn some form (either paid or volunteer) for the past 5 election cycles. When candidates who know me are going to announce running for office I am asked to join the campaign BEFORE the announcement. I choose not to be in politics full time because of BS bickering and partisan stupidity just like this. That is why I got trained to so Loss Prevention and Investigative work and only help on campaigns on a part time basis. I have recieved awards from NUMEROUS people in our government for my integrity. Including Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Senator John Ensign, Congressman Dean Heller, Frmr. Congressman and current Governor Jim Gibbons...Just to name a few. So do ever call someone out and accuse them of lies when you don't know them. Dam with all that schooling and insider training you'd think a guy like that would of remembered that it wasn't the political thiefs who caused this but the greeded rich folk . AT THE BANKS ... |
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Fri 02/26/10 04:37 PM
Oh I almost forgot to mention Obama also appointed supreme court justices along with other name democratic leadership that spends time reinterpreting the law and not enforcing it. They make changes on the bench and interpretations they are not allowed to like Sotomayor. The supreme court has been overstepping their powers a lot lately. Yes they have and I'm tired of it . we are suppose to have a 3 system not a monark . But get it strait now . It wasn't sotomayor it was the dam republicians . roberts pulled it off . feel lucky that he hasn't suppended your voteing rights . HE'S ON A ROLL . oBAMA SHOULD START TALKING ABOUT SOME OF THINGS HE HAS GOT DONE . Some times all we can see is the medical insurance . |
Yeah!! At least Obama got Guantanimo closed, and stopped that warrantless wire tap thing, and has stopped the Feds getting your personal cell phone location data whenever they want! Oh,..wait,... never mind! Well thank goodness that Obama got the country back on the right track and didn't let unemployment get above 8%! Oh wait,... never mind. Well at least Obama, with a supermajority in congress, got healthcare passed! Oh,...wait,... never mind. Well at least Obama isn't single-handely destroying the Democratic party! Oh wait,... never mind. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() What I STILL don't get is how you can constantly insult/jerk our president and don't even live here in the US. Whats your point of reference? It's called sedition . and its a crime . So does anyone know of a cop that isn't to busy ? |
sence Hemit is 95% illegals I wonder who done it ?
Its different because of the fact that AGE is the issue when legally defining who is a kid. I think its much broader than a biological number and actual maturity and experience should be considered instead of just age. An 18 year old male and a 15 year old girl might actually be more compatible than two 15 year olds,,and they are much more likely to have similar life experience, than a 30 year old and 15 year old. Laws shouldnt be strictly defined by a biological age,, in my opinion. I really don't see it . How could an educated person such as your self say It's ok for a juvnile to have sex with a 18 year old but not a 100 year old . It's the same crime . I mean if the kid was 5 years old and the sex offender was 10 . It's still a crime . And I use this example because it happened . The law has to be a line in the sand before it works . when one person sees a guy having sex with a 15 year old and people are saying what a shame it shouldn't be a crime the boy is so cute . well what are you going to say when it's a ugly guy . KIll him he shouldn't be allowed to live . the line between right and wrong should be a very bright one so that we know they did it with fore thought . |
Hussein has no management skills. The policies have been to pick up the torch of the previous pres. and carry on as usual. If it wasn't Hussein, it would be someone else. Time to go third party. ![]() Thank you for your ASSumption. I will remain unchecked because I choose to remain a Free Man. Sorry to see many choose to allow Gov. to monitor their diaper changes. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 'willing2', If being totally 'stuck' in spreading this centuries old mental VIRUS referred to as the '...protestant-don't-tell-me-what-to-'anything'...' virus, ... IS WHAT YOU CALL BEING A FREE MAN!!! Keep on 'husseining' away!!! ... we now understand the virus it stems from!!! ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ hey willing you dug out a real pure liberal this time ,didnt you ? |
Hussein has no management skills. The policies have been to pick up the torch of the previous pres. and carry on as usual. If it wasn't Hussein, it would be someone else. Time to go third party. ![]() You may be reading to much into the name . I don't think It's any kind of insult to call a person by his name . we aren't children now you do know that don't you . but I do have to admit we do get some pretty demented writers ever once in a while . |
There's no point in keeping Gitmo open anymore. I don't see how the Cuban government tolerates the U.S. having a base there anyway, it's just wrong. If you think it isn't, imagine if China wanted to detain prisoners in Seattle, WA. Would you be okay with that? Why aren't these suspected terrorists being tried in the courts? Military or civilian? Any court? They are just languishing away, with no trial, and often no charges. DOMJ needs to get their act together and start trying some cases. I don't see where those jokes can do any thing . |
there hasn't been a difference in the two parties for the last 40 years..you're just now noticing????? i also think the finger pointing on who caused the banking meltdown is comical on the repubs part. It was that "less govt" that gives you GOP'ers chills up your legs that allowed the banks and wallstreet to do what they did. Congress tried to set regulations but the GOP blocked it every single time..then there's the two silly wars that we shouldn't even be in...you can't blame the dems on that. I agree with this . There was a man who said this is what he blew up the trade centers for . ANY ONE REMEMBER BIN LADIN . with the cooperation of our government and the rich folk were broke .He brought down our economy which he said he was going to do .. |
More Words of Wisdom...
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Wed 02/24/10 05:37 PM
As if Obama would be the first president to make promises he can't keep. Every president before him has done that as well. No one wants to give Obama a chance, they'd rather see him fail so they can have manifest destiny. If they keep trying to make sure he fails, when he does they can say "See I was right" The difference now is the great depression is now . He is the president in a very bad time in our history and every mistake he or his underlings make has a much greater effect . he is trying very hard but some of the things he wants to do seem out of order . He should of got our people back to work first . he would of saved a lot of demos jobs if they had a little better planning . |
No More Hummers!
Thats really a shame we needed those jobs .
The only thing they needed there was the same that the other banks needed was compendant leadership . Ol party hardy only did what he thought he knew .
well I hope this time they don't trust strangers to count there money and watch and understand they need to keep tract of whats going on .