Topic: obama&janet nalapono are racist | |
yesterday 14 illegals were arrested in farmington mo. the sheriff upon the request of some of the people of farmington went to a HAMPTON INN CONSTRUCTION SITE and checked the green cards of the workers . they found 14 men there illegally One was wanted on a warrant and the othere 13 were illegally here .
The sheriff call obamas government to get them transported to a federal jail where they should be held til sent back to mexico . But OBAMAS GOVERNMENT REFUSED TO COME SAYING THERE WERE TO BUSY PROTECTING US FROM shoe bombers . THEN THEY TOLD HIM TO HOLD THE ONE WITH THE WARRANT AND TO RELEASE THE OTHERS AND TO NOT PICK ANY MORE UP . THEY WENT BACK TO WORK AND THE CITIZENS OF THE TOWN ARE STILL UNEMPLOYED . They told him not to enforce the laws against illegals , to mind his own business or else . barrack and janet Nepolano refuses to help our people support there familys there children or pay there bills for food and meds for there wifes an kids . what the hell is wrong with them . are they planning to over throw the government ? are they RACIST . YOU KNOW HE WOULDN'T BE PRESIDENT IF WE HADDENED VOTED FOR HIM . DOES HE JUST HATE HIS WHITE COUNTRY MEN .. DID HIS WHITE FAMILY FAIL HIM SOMEHOW ? |
Well this post is ridiculous from title to end.
Waste of my precious reading time. |
Well this post is ridiculous from title to end. Waste of my precious reading time. ![]() |
Do they teach grammar, sentence structure, spelling, history, caps-lock in Missouri?
Do they teach grammar, sentence structure, spelling, history, caps-lock in Missouri? did they ever explain to you you don't matter .... |
yesterday 14 illegals were arrested in farmington mo. the sheriff upon the request of some of the people of farmington went to a HAMPTON INN CONSTRUCTION SITE and checked the green cards of the workers . they found 14 men there illegally One was wanted on a warrant and the othere 13 were illegally here . The sheriff call obamas government to get them transported to a federal jail where they should be held til sent back to mexico . But OBAMAS GOVERNMENT REFUSED TO COME SAYING THERE WERE TO BUSY PROTECTING US FROM shoe bombers . THEN THEY TOLD HIM TO HOLD THE ONE WITH THE WARRANT AND TO RELEASE THE OTHERS AND TO NOT PICK ANY MORE UP . THEY WENT BACK TO WORK AND THE CITIZENS OF THE TOWN ARE STILL UNEMPLOYED . They told him not to enforce the laws against illegals , to mind his own business or else . barrack and janet Nepolano refuses to help our people support there familys there children or pay there bills for food and meds for there wifes an kids . what the hell is wrong with them . are they planning to over throw the government ? are they RACIST . YOU KNOW HE WOULDN'T BE PRESIDENT IF WE HADDENED VOTED FOR HIM . DOES HE JUST HATE HIS WHITE COUNTRY MEN .. DID HIS WHITE FAMILY FAIL HIM SOMEHOW ? Well 'cashu', here's the score: ... if we are to follow the tentative logic of that OP of yours, it would appear that President Obama is personally responsible for every single person working for the US of A government. Furthermore, always tentatively following the tendentiously twisted logic of the OP, President Obama, without a chance to defend himself by having this most outrageous charge thrown out of the people's court, gets unconditionally judged and condemned for alleged illegal actions of others in 'his alleged governement'. Now, here's where this whole flawed piece of dubious mental construct falls apart. Given that what is good for the goose, is good for the gander, you must apply the 'Cracker Jack' logic of the OP to the whole situation and everyone at play!!! In that case the Sheriff would never have had to call any 'obama government'. HE failed his job and duty to the people of the USA miserably. All he had to do was CUFF the HAMPTON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY OWNER, AND THROW HIM IN JAIL FOREVER, FOR HIS CRIME OF HIGH TREASON AGAINST HIS OWN PEOPLE, ... IN HIRING UNQUALIFIED WORKERS. You see what I mean 'cashu', you failed in applying the very logic of your post before reaching your judgment and condemnation. President Obama is as far as could ever be from any shade of racism. On the other hand, I do agree that there are very strong racist overtones coming out of the OP. For your own good 'cashu', I would strongly advise that you stay away from whomever 'helped' you in the construction of this OP. THEY ARE DEFINITELY A BUNCH OF IRRECOVERABLE RACISTS, and cannot possibly represent a constructive and positive influence on you. Should you keep 'rubbing elbows' with such dark subjects, not only are you going to come across as a racist because of them, which I'm sure you're not, but your ability to think and articulate your thoughts logically and coherently will be contaminated to no ends. Trust me 'cashu', STAY AWAY FROM THOSE SO-CALLED 'FRIENDS'. |
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I would say YOU need to elect a new Sheriff. They (Sheriff Joe Arpaio) round up illegals all the time here in Arizona and nobody blames the President. We have some of the toughest laws on the books in Arizona and guess who signed the laws?? JANET NAPOLITANO!! That's right. Janet was the Governor here before she went to work in Homeland Security.
Missouri ![]() |
yesterday 14 illegals were arrested in farmington mo. the sheriff upon the request of some of the people of farmington went to a HAMPTON INN CONSTRUCTION SITE and checked the green cards of the workers . they found 14 men there illegally One was wanted on a warrant and the othere 13 were illegally here . The sheriff call obamas government to get them transported to a federal jail where they should be held til sent back to mexico . But OBAMAS GOVERNMENT REFUSED TO COME SAYING THERE WERE TO BUSY PROTECTING US FROM shoe bombers . THEN THEY TOLD HIM TO HOLD THE ONE WITH THE WARRANT AND TO RELEASE THE OTHERS AND TO NOT PICK ANY MORE UP . THEY WENT BACK TO WORK AND THE CITIZENS OF THE TOWN ARE STILL UNEMPLOYED . They told him not to enforce the laws against illegals , to mind his own business or else . barrack and janet Nepolano refuses to help our people support there familys there children or pay there bills for food and meds for there wifes an kids . what the hell is wrong with them . are they planning to over throw the government ? are they RACIST . YOU KNOW HE WOULDN'T BE PRESIDENT IF WE HADDENED VOTED FOR HIM . DOES HE JUST HATE HIS WHITE COUNTRY MEN .. DID HIS WHITE FAMILY FAIL HIM SOMEHOW ? ![]() |
i think floridas population would be 10,000
Edited by
Fri 02/19/10 05:39 PM
There are all KINDS of illegal activities going on in this world because law enforcement is executed with finite resources. When I'm visiting a crime-ridden area, I jaywalk and break minor traffic laws (on my bicycle) with abandon, knowing that the police are just too busy with serious criminals to bother me.
This is just how it is, and unless you are willing to volunteer for your police department and/or pay much higher taxes, I think its silly to whine about the fact that they prioritize and are going to let some things slip by. If you think the illegals should be moved up their priority list, maybe you should get involved in political activism. Edit: I don't intend this as an insult - just a fact of human perception/psychology: your message might be more effectively delivered if you spend some time/attention on your use of language. |
To attack a poster for their lack of proper grammar is against the rules and not very adult like.
I hope whoever slammed the op at least gets some time out. As a matter of fact, Napolitano is blatant about not allowing the Law to be enforced. Who's her boss? And why does he let her slide. Because, he's gonna' need all those Illegals to vote for him next go round. The sane majority will have their eyes wide open and he won't stand a chance with us. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano stunned many listeners during an appearance on CNN when she asserted that illegal immigration is really not a crime. In an interview with CNN’s John King last week, Napolitano discussed Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Ariz., a strict enforcer of immigration laws who says he wants illegal aliens to be prosecuted and jailed. King said: “A lot of Democrats in Congress want you to investigate him. They think he is over the line. He says he is just enforcing the law and the problem is the federal government.” Napolitano responded: “Sheriff Joe … knows that there aren’t enough law enforcement officers, courtrooms or jail cells in the world to do what he is saying. “What we have to do is target the real evil-doers in this business, the employers who consistently hire illegal labor, the human traffickers who are exploiting human misery. “And yes, when we find illegal workers, yes, appropriate action, some of which is criminal, most of that is civil, because crossing the border is not a crime per se. It is civil. But anyway, going after those as well.” The fact is, crossing the border without authorization is a crime. The statute reads: “Any alien who enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers . . . shall, for the first commission of any such offense, be fined under title 18 or imprisoned not more than 6 months, or both.” |
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Fri 02/19/10 05:53 PM
My question is HOW can someone call someone else a racist WHEN THE MAJORITY OF THEIR POSTS HAVE RACIST OVERTONES!!!!
I sometimes wonder if people even realize what they post!!!!!! |
LOL at Obama being racist....i guess that's why 90 percent of his staff is white. Besides, this isn't OBama's responsibility, it's ICE..which i believe is still being ran by Bush's guy..i could be wrong.
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Fri 02/19/10 08:32 PM
yesterday 14 illegals were arrested in farmington mo. the sheriff upon the request of some of the people of farmington went to a HAMPTON INN CONSTRUCTION SITE and checked the green cards of the workers . they found 14 men there illegally One was wanted on a warrant and the othere 13 were illegally here . The sheriff call obamas government to get them transported to a federal jail where they should be held til sent back to mexico . But OBAMAS GOVERNMENT REFUSED TO COME SAYING THERE WERE TO BUSY PROTECTING US FROM shoe bombers . THEN THEY TOLD HIM TO HOLD THE ONE WITH THE WARRANT AND TO RELEASE THE OTHERS AND TO NOT PICK ANY MORE UP . THEY WENT BACK TO WORK AND THE CITIZENS OF THE TOWN ARE STILL UNEMPLOYED . They told him not to enforce the laws against illegals , to mind his own business or else . barrack and janet Nepolano refuses to help our people support there familys there children or pay there bills for food and meds for there wifes an kids . what the hell is wrong with them . are they planning to over throw the government ? are they RACIST . YOU KNOW HE WOULDN'T BE PRESIDENT IF WE HADDENED VOTED FOR HIM . DOES HE JUST HATE HIS WHITE COUNTRY MEN .. DID HIS WHITE FAMILY FAIL HIM SOMEHOW ? Well 'cashu', here's the score: ... if we are to follow the tentative logic of that OP of yours, it would appear that President Obama is personally responsible for every single person working for the US of A government. Furthermore, always tentatively following the tendentiously twisted logic of the OP, President Obama, without a chance to defend himself by having this most outrageous charge thrown out of the people's court, gets unconditionally judged and condemned for alleged illegal actions of others in 'his alleged governement'. Now, here's where this whole flawed piece of dubious mental construct falls apart. Given that what is good for the goose, is good for the gander, you must apply the 'Cracker Jack' logic of the OP to the whole situation and everyone at play!!! In that case the Sheriff would never have had to call any 'obama government'. HE failed his job and duty to the people of the USA miserably. All he had to do was CUFF the HAMPTON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY OWNER, AND THROW HIM IN JAIL FOREVER, FOR HIS CRIME OF HIGH TREASON AGAINST HIS OWN PEOPLE, ... IN HIRING UNQUALIFIED WORKERS. You see what I mean 'cashu', you failed in applying the very logic of your post before reaching your judgment and condemnation. President Obama is as far as could ever be from any shade of racism. On the other hand, I do agree that there are very strong racist overtones coming out of the OP. For your own good 'cashu', I would strongly advise that you stay away from whomever 'helped' you in the construction of this OP. THEY ARE DEFINITELY A BUNCH OF IRRECOVERABLE RACISTS, and cannot possibly represent a constructive and positive influence on you. Should you keep 'rubbing elbows' with such dark subjects, not only are you going to come across as a racist because of them, which I'm sure you're not, but your ability to think and articulate your thoughts logically and coherently will be contaminated to no ends. Trust me 'cashu', STAY AWAY FROM THOSE SO-CALLED 'FRIENDS'. And yes I do blame the guy at the top of the pile for every thing that is done on his watch . In other words when he does nothing to correct the problem the its his fault . And thats at all businesses . and for your sheriff joe . He was ordered by the federal government not to bother the illegals and he is under a court oder not to also. Besides he's a smuggler Don't you remember when he took the sheriffs dept. helo. and flew an illegal deep inside mexico to get her kids back . Then flew her and the kids back in the sheriffs helo . I can think of a whole lot of felonys in what i just described . And of course our sheriff wasn't bit slapped by a hair stylist . fee fee la az. |
I would say YOU need to elect a new Sheriff. They (Sheriff Joe Arpaio) round up illegals all the time here in Arizona and nobody blames the President. We have some of the toughest laws on the books in Arizona and guess who signed the laws?? JANET NAPOLITANO!! That's right. Janet was the Governor here before she went to work in Homeland Security. Missouri ![]() Now if you think thats going to be g ood for you look at all the countrys that have done that in recent years .. but like most illiberals you don't think for yourself . Someone has a hand up you controling what you say and think .. If this place isn't worth fighting for get out .. Do the math and tell your self what that does to the elections . They are already voteing if you don't know that . Just not all of them YET ... Now for once in your life think! Instead of waiting for the group thought of the day .... |
Edited by
Fri 02/19/10 08:42 PM
LOL at Obama being racist....i guess that's why 90 percent of his staff is white. Besides, this isn't OBama's responsibility, it's ICE..which i believe is still being ran by Bush's guy..i could be wrong. does it hurt to think this hard ? Janet Napolitano is over it .. at least read the paper . she ordered ice not to raid any more plants here . as far as obama goes between the two of them I think he is . I only wonder about her . She may be only following orders . and if she isn't and acting on her own ... Why hasn't he fired her . He is the boss . I don't blame the janitor for the failings of management ..Theres no kings in my mind . |
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Edited by
Fri 02/19/10 10:35 PM
yesterday 14 illegals were arrested in farmington mo. the sheriff upon the request of some of the people of farmington went to a HAMPTON INN CONSTRUCTION SITE and checked the green cards of the workers . they found 14 men there illegally One was wanted on a warrant and the othere 13 were illegally here . The sheriff call obamas government to get them transported to a federal jail where they should be held til sent back to mexico . But OBAMAS GOVERNMENT REFUSED TO COME SAYING THERE WERE TO BUSY PROTECTING US FROM shoe bombers . THEN THEY TOLD HIM TO HOLD THE ONE WITH THE WARRANT AND TO RELEASE THE OTHERS AND TO NOT PICK ANY MORE UP . THEY WENT BACK TO WORK AND THE CITIZENS OF THE TOWN ARE STILL UNEMPLOYED . They told him not to enforce the laws against illegals , to mind his own business or else . barrack and janet Nepolano refuses to help our people support there familys there children or pay there bills for food and meds for there wifes an kids . what the hell is wrong with them . are they planning to over throw the government ? are they RACIST . YOU KNOW HE WOULDN'T BE PRESIDENT IF WE HADDENED VOTED FOR HIM . DOES HE JUST HATE HIS WHITE COUNTRY MEN .. DID HIS WHITE FAMILY FAIL HIM SOMEHOW ? Well 'cashu', here's the score: ... if we are to follow the tentative logic of that OP of yours, it would appear that President Obama is personally responsible for every single person working for the US of A government. Furthermore, always tentatively following the tendentiously twisted logic of the OP, President Obama, without a chance to defend himself by having this most outrageous charge thrown out of the people's court, gets unconditionally judged and condemned for alleged illegal actions of others in 'his alleged governement'. Now, here's where this whole flawed piece of dubious mental construct falls apart. Given that what is good for the goose, is good for the gander, you must apply the 'Cracker Jack' logic of the OP to the whole situation and everyone at play!!! In that case the Sheriff would never have had to call any 'obama government'. HE failed his job and duty to the people of the USA miserably. All he had to do was CUFF the HAMPTON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY OWNER, AND THROW HIM IN JAIL FOREVER, FOR HIS CRIME OF HIGH TREASON AGAINST HIS OWN PEOPLE, ... IN HIRING UNQUALIFIED WORKERS. You see what I mean 'cashu', you failed in applying the very logic of your post before reaching your judgment and condemnation. President Obama is as far as could ever be from any shade of racism. On the other hand, I do agree that there are very strong racist overtones coming out of the OP. For your own good 'cashu', I would strongly advise that you stay away from whomever 'helped' you in the construction of this OP. THEY ARE DEFINITELY A BUNCH OF IRRECOVERABLE RACISTS, and cannot possibly represent a constructive and positive influence on you. Should you keep 'rubbing elbows' with such dark subjects, not only are you going to come across as a racist because of them, which I'm sure you're not, but your ability to think and articulate your thoughts logically and coherently will be contaminated to no ends. Trust me 'cashu', STAY AWAY FROM THOSE SO-CALLED 'FRIENDS'. And yes I do blame the guy at the top of the pile for every thing that is done on his watch . In other words when he does nothing to correct the problem the its his fault . And thats at all businesses . and for your sheriff joe . He was ordered by the federal government not to bother the illegals and he is under a court oder not to also. Besides he's a smuggler Don't you remember when he took the sheriffs dept. helo. and flew an illegal deep inside mexico to get her kids back . Then flew her and the kids back in the sheriffs helo . I can think of a whole lot of felonys in what i just described . And of course our sheriff wasn't bit slapped by a hair stylist . fee fee la az. You should have retired when you had a chance 'cashu'. Now you've totally ruined it for yourself. I have no idea how you'll ever climb back out of this one. I mean your OP and following posts, have now officially reached the state of intellectual bankruptcy; ... no possible intelligent debate could ever be salvaged out this thread. Better chance on the next one 'cashu'. |