woman admits to poisoning
yini de la torre pled guilty in federal court to consapericy to tamper with consumer produts. she placed a dangerous pestacide in the food at 2 mexican restaurants in kansas city kansas at least 1 of which she worked at. at least 36 were sicked in the second incident alone. her motive appers to be that she wanted to punish the oweners of the restaurants for fireing her husband. she claims that her husband made her do it. his trial starts in late may. for more information see This is nothing . The health dept . in los angelus county found a mexican cheeze factory of useing useing a toilet brush to stir the cheeze . aw it was a used reg . brush . the first time they caught them they thought she did it because she didn't know better . but the second time they yelled at her . the third time they made the management talk to her . The fourth time they started fineing the co . and of course the 5,6,7 times were the same except on the 7 time they went to the news papers . one more thing it was the same women and the co. sells nation wide .. Now yo all enjoy those beans .... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Ya see, we don't need thousands of pages or trillions of dollars in taxes laid on us. We already have Medicaid and Medicare. Adjust those so all folks fit in either. WOW!!! I had to read it twice, slowly!!! «... We already have Medicaid and Medicare. Adjust those so all folks fit in either...» That's exactly what Obama's revised proposal is all about. It was made to PLEASE you and yours 'willing'. I bet you didn't even read it?!?!?! I guess you prefer scaring yourself to death (without proper coverage) by repeating 'taxes, taxes, taxes!!!' in front of the mirror. But if you truly care to look into this situation outside of the grossly partisan intoxication, I suggest you inform yourself and read up on the true economic reality of this healthcare challenge in the USA. You might start by honestly asking yourself what is the cost to ALL American people for not ensuring 'FAIR AND ACCESSIBLE' COVERAGE to ALL its citizens!??!?? Take your time, and ask yourself the question. The answer to that one might come close to the figure you erroneously attributed to YOUR solution, which Obama wrote up for YOUR approval. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX you should read your own writings this sounds like you have been sniffing your own gases to much . Brilliant rebuttal! Such poise! So, ... how should I say, ... rustic!!! ... bordering on vacuous and primitive!!! 'cashU', I believe Congress awaits the contribution you could make to this country through your debating skills alone!!! I urge you to run for office! I have a feeling you would make quite an impression on a lot of folks out there!!! actually I have been the reason for many of the changes in the past 40 years . but this is the most important one this country has ever faced .I don't use latin words unless there is no other way to say something . To address the issue .I for one don't think we should have health insurance at all . Its the reason health care cost so much already .If we out lawed it the cost of medical care would drop to what we can afford because in a capitist system you are worth what you can get, not what you think your worth . Are you following my logic ? It wouldn't take the doctors very long to figuire out what there services are really worth because its the abilty to pay that sets the true price . Now with the deep pockets of the insurance co.s they can charge more . Without them who could afford them . So be brave it a poker game . |
I don't understand how you would go for that one 'cashU'?!?!? This plan is most definitely not ready for prime time. It is suggests TO JAIL the person responsible to ensure that workplaces are free of illegal workers. That means workplaces will be full of illegals, while anyone trying to do anything about it will BE JAILED!!! Completely destroys everything the man proposes about 'jobs first' NOW DON'T IT?!?!?! VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV well you post where it says this . some times I'm a littl slow on the intrig . but I would like to see where it says that in his post .. |
Should child sex offenders be allowed to earn good time credits? State legislators are considering 30 different bills to strenghten sex offender laws, and we want to know what you think. Sound off below. Of course sex offenders need to have good time if other prisoners get good time for being good in the prison. Is this the kind of guy you are talking about? He should be eligible to get out of jail early for good behavior? PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP good time is what they give the prisnors for not breaking the rules . Its one of the main control methods of prisnors that the government has . other wise even the guards wouldn't be able to get out alive .. Prosecutors expect to add more counts to a lengthy indictment against a Delaware pediatrician charged with serial molestation of 103 children as investigators urge former patients and parents to come forward. A grand jury returned a 160-page indictment Monday against Dr. Earl Bradley of Lewes with 471 counts of sexual crimes. The case has shocked the close-knit coastal community of Lewes and the central Delaware town of Milford, where Bradley closed an office in 2005 after police investigated him. |
It would depend on the offense, in my opinion. the title of sex offender , even child sex offender, comes under such a BROAD umbrella that many people with the label probably shouldnt really be incarcerated in the first place let alone stigmatized their whole lives. As yellowrose pointed out,, someone could be 18 and with a 15 year old and potentially become labeled the rest of their lives. I think for VIOLENT type, nonconsentual , offenders there should be STRICT psychological evaluation before any THOUGHT of release. I can agree with everything you say here except your 2 paragraft . If its ok for anyone to have sex with the kids then why would any age be different . you got a problem with wrinkels . |
in an effort to be fair, they should have the same rights as other prisoners....mind you i'd rather see them castrated or or some such painful thing, but thats the side of me that is a child molestation survivor...i have thought up some rather cruel methods of punishment for them so it's a good thing im not a judge lol This goes back to what I just said . If you want the punishment increased demand you elcted leaders do what we want for a change . sitting and grumbleing doesn't change any thing . This site and all the other sites like this is a great place to start a grass roots campain to make the punishment fit the crimes . |
If you think they get out to fast go to your state house and demand the add more time to the sentence . but you are wrong about sex offenders repeating most don't . only on tv do they all repeat .
the parent said no so the school should never of given the kid food . its not harmful to miss 1 meal . I as a parent would never of done that to my kid but it's not my kid we are talking about .
Ya see, we don't need thousands of pages or trillions of dollars in taxes laid on us. We already have Medicaid and Medicare. Adjust those so all folks fit in either. WOW!!! I had to read it twice, slowly!!! «... We already have Medicaid and Medicare. Adjust those so all folks fit in either...» That's exactly what Obama's revised proposal is all about. It was made to PLEASE you and yours 'willing'. I bet you didn't even read it?!?!?! I guess you prefer scaring yourself to death (without proper coverage) by repeating 'taxes, taxes, taxes!!!' in front of the mirror. But if you truly care to look into this situation outside of the grossly partisan intoxication, I suggest you inform yourself and read up on the true economic reality of this healthcare challenge in the USA. You might start by honestly asking yourself what is the cost to ALL American people for not ensuring 'FAIR AND ACCESSIBLE' COVERAGE to ALL its citizens!??!?? Take your time, and ask yourself the question. The answer to that one might come close to the figure you erroneously attributed to YOUR solution, which Obama wrote up for YOUR approval. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX you should read your own writings this sounds like you have been sniffing your own gases to much . |
Ya see, we don't need thousands of pages or trillions of dollars in taxes laid on us. We already have Medicaid and Medicare. Adjust those so all folks fit in either. But, like everyone is saying in most all other threads. Jobs first, thin Gov., cap work permits, deport the Illegal, and fine and/or jail the employer who is hiring them. One other thing. Jail the person responsible for making sure our workplace is free of Illegals. At last a post that is needed . you should be in the white house . this would work ......... |
I was talking with my neighbor and she has a couple grand children in Elementary School...They are teaching the kids proper hygiene. The washing of hands, covering of the mouths when coughing and sneezing, EXT....They have hand sanitizers everywhere and the kids are "ENCOURAGED" to use them...My kid is grown but I think this is GREAT!!!!! Schools are a "LOCAL" issue and should remain that way...If you don't like whats happening in your schools...GET INVOLVED, I like our schools and have NEVER had a problem with them... As far as the OP I wouldnt have a problem with it in our school system!!!! no wonder they can't pass a lit . test with out a curbe .there's no time for the 4 r's |
we were losing 800,000 jobs a month when OBAMA came in, last month we lost 20,000. That is fairly significant progress in my eyes. It wont be totally fixed in a year,,we were DEEP in the hole and there is only so much that time allows when there are SO MANY things to work on. we have to get 280000 jobs per mo. to i, prove things . any thing less than that isn't even keeping up . I haven't seen any new jobs but i did see a lot of government workers get raises . |
I think he's going to bit slap the republicains . I read he was pounding the table when he was talking to the demos . he's really fighting for the program .
Edited by
Mon 02/22/10 09:04 PM
I tell everyone that may seem interested and as bad as it is . there are a lot worst things out there than aids . they are just begining to be heard of . but a couple of the SID'S cause cancer in a lot of places that are not in any way treatable . once you get them you have them forever and each and every time you have any type of sex you spread it . I can remember when a certain group of guys would get clap and run around giveing it to every push over laffing all the time . the guy that this articule is about is not new . was loved by every girl he ever met ..are you realy sure that this liberty is for you , what you thought it was ? don't pull any more trains they have engineers for that.
How come I know what race the robbers were and not the victims? Sad to hear. dam racist . |
Good for this teacher.I was also raised that way and I still open doors for women and give up my seat for them if I am riding a bus or a train.It really makes their day and I get nice complements from them.Once in a while I open a door for a girl and she gives me a dirty look and says "I can do that myself".One time I was riding a crowded bus and this lady asked this man sitting if he wouldn't mind giving up his seat for her.He said "thats what woman rights gets your a**" and got back to reading his paper.I couldn't help but to start laughing like most of the people around us did. well this is the simple reason but it started back in the earle 60's . they didn't want to be treated like a lady . so now they get what there grandmothers wanted . freedom to find there own sit ect . and that funny look was she was wondering if you were going to demand sex for opening the door . |
It's not a bad idea for the schools to teach etiquette, but unless the parents reinforce it, it won't be effective. It does need to start at home. Too many parents these days want everyone else to do their jobs for them. I agree, it does START at home, but school is a great environment to Re inforce it. I agree. In other words, it seems to be backwards. It starts at home and the school can help reinforce it. Not that they teach it and the parents think that is good enough Only one problem with this... who's going to teach all those parent's who never bothered to learn? The kids A little of that might happen. However, I think first we need to change how we as a society act. Instead of this 'me' culture we have, we need to develop a culture of respect for others and concern with doing what is right. I guess this is a start, but unless we have a big culture shift I do not see it passing to many other people. Sadly. uh that's called ethics and all the great philosophers wondered if it was good. Why don't we teach it in school . |
How much ya wanna bet that, at some point in the near future, the ACLU sues the school because the teacher might have some students whose religion dictates that women are inferior to men. how much do you want to bet those kids that leran to be so polite never get a date ..well be the kids that the rest of school kid in the *** every day . |
I feel what he said was sufficient, it really is between he and his loved ones , a PRIVATE affair thats none of our business really. If he continues to be an awesome golfer, he has done what I expect and have always expected. I think it would of been sufficent if he had not said anyt hing . I never wanted to hear about his nasty life style. He's a male hore thats all . Something to protect your family from .. |
He's just sorry he got caught. ![]() ![]() SO ARE THIEFS . |