Community > Posts By > Quikstepper
All you have to do is go down the list of threads ... there are enough violations in these topic titles alone...but it still goes on no matter how offensive. Doesn't it Txgal? Well since you directed your question towards me I will give you my opinion concerning your question. Actually what I see most of the time that the problems arise from is when someone reads another opinion then decides to not answer the question in hand but to direct their answer towards another’s opinion instead. But they can not do so within a debate style instead they choose to degrade that person with in the process calling them names, cursing them ect... Talking down to another as if they were stupid or their opinion does not matter will only lead to others no longer hearing what one has to say about the issue. Oh and I suppose telling Christians they can't post here or there is not starting fights? What about the negative posts to those who are of good cheer? Their posts get slammed by the goons around here. Maybe there should be a push for more civility all the way around. I notice it's only posts of Christians defending against the crap posted by some here that get deleted. Like they's your choice but it doesn't look good when all people see posting here are the loonies. |
What A New Year!
Happy New Year Whitebutterfly...
You are so gracious. Blessings of love & God's abundance to you in 2009! |
I am clear on what it means to them. They just don't realize that outside of their belief system, the word has no meaning. It certainly does to those who have to pay the consequences. You don't understand. Paying the consequences for your actions and even for your thoughts has to do with the law of cause and effect and the law of attraction, not something you refer to as "sin." The term "sin" refers only to a religious doctrine and has to do with obedience of a particular religious concept of God. It only has meaning to people who accept that particular doctrine. The law of cause and effect, is a natural law and has nothing to do with religion. Uh...if I smoke or do drugs I pay the consequence... anything that is harmful to us is also sin. It's not love for ourselves & we are to be good stewards of our bodies as well. WRONG is sin just like crime is sin... if you don't agree that's your choice. Free will or whatever you want to call it, but it's still what it is. The consequences are real. That's why God calls it sin because He sees what we do as destructive to ourselves, our lives & to those around us. |
Wow! I thought OBAMA was above the frey. I guess he fooled alot of people...didn't he?
Obama And That Other Ponzi Scheme President-elect's name may emerge in Norman Hsu fraud trial DECEMBER 31--As if being linked to one high-profile criminal case weren't enough, President-elect Barack Obama's name may soon pop up in another federal prosecution, this one involving a massive Ponzi scheme (no, the other massive Ponzi scheme). In addition to the Rod Blagojevich pay-for-play probe, Obama could figure in the upcoming fraud trial of Norman Hsu, the disgraced Democratic fundraiser who was charged last year with operating a $60 million pyramid scheme. According to investigators, Hsu, a major Hillary Clinton fundraiser, pressured investors to donate money to political candidates with whom he was aligned. In a letter last week to U.S. District Court Judge Victor Marrero, Hsu's lawyer, Martin Cohen, requested a 60-day delay in the start of Hsu's trial, scheduled to open January 12 (Cohen cited the "extraordinary level of negative publicity" generated by the recent arrest of alleged Ponzi schemer Bernard Madoff). In his December 22 letter, a copy of which you'll find below, Cohen also noted that Hsu was already "notorious for his political activities" and that it was "inevitable" that his client's "connections" to Bill and Hillary Clinton "and other democratic notables--including perhaps the president-elect--will be introduced at trial." Before becoming a key fundraiser for Hillary Clinton's presidential bid, Hsu co-hosted a 2005 California fundraiser for Obama's political action committee and introduced the Illinois Democrat to Marc Gorenberg, a Silicon Valley venture capitalist who later joined the Obama campaign's national finance committee. Prosecutors allege that Hsu directed his investors to donate money to specific candidates, and then reimbursed them in violation of federal campaign laws. Unswayed by Cohen's argument, Marrero declined to delay the trial, which will begin a week before Obama's inauguration. (6 pages) |
Media wants Money
If this isn't an uneccessary reditribution of wealth by lib newspaper oulets I don't know what is. They should go where they the toilet. Independant my arse... They should keep regulations on the media or we would never get balanced reporting. That's for sure. Reevaluating media regulations Tough times may call for lax restrictions By BRIAN LOWRY The perils of media consolidation have been a longstanding concern. Even during a stint working for Tribune Co. as they futilely attempted to squeeze synergies out of TV-print combinations, I banged the drum against allowing TV, radio stations and newspapers coagulate in too few hands, fearing ethical abuses or the nagging appearance of them, as well as the loss of independent voices to watchdog government and the media itself. Today, though, amid daily waves of depressing economic news, conflicted voices sound preferable to neutered or, worse, deceased ones. It's not a given that further relaxing restrictions on media consolidation would significantly benefit ailing broadcasters and newspapers at this late stage. Economies of scale certainly haven't kept Time Warner from shedding staff at its magazines or Tribune out of bankruptcy. |
Edited by
Thu 01/01/09 07:02 AM
Well, all the laughter and humor has been choked out of this one. Yes like everything else with the Christian bashing bigots on these boards. They are like the rat pack & attack everything...I guess because it interupts their COUNTER culture mentality. I guess their sense of humor gets lost too. In any case that was the joke..April Fools Day being their holiday. |
If your an adult and you need somebody else or something else to tell you what is wrong or right then you have a problem. Did someone teach you how to read????? Many things are "TAUGHT" exclude people of faith from the realm of possibilities is the only ignorant thing to think. I don't remember talking to you, I was just answering the OP question "how do you tell right from wrong" as an infant you need to be taught but as an adult whatever faith or non faith you should know by then what is right or wrong. I'm sorry for you and if I believed in God I would pray for you. Oh my God....LOL (shakes head) |
Maybe by what your decisions produce... If this is in response to what you should be judge on, I disagree. You should be and are judge everyday by you intentions, and effort to do good for and by people. You do not need ancient stories to be able to understand this. Uh...not really since the best intentions are paved in hell. Since laws came from God & not mankind I would think your assumptions are all together wrong. It's always best to stick with God...He has our best interests at heart, not secular mankind or govt. If someone intends something to be good, works at it and fails to have a good outcome, then it is a matter of ignorance NOT evil. Education helps ignorance. But not if you stick you head in the sand, or the bible .. . same thing IMNSHO ions. s how Most laws are summed up in the 10 commandments. That'barbaristic peoples were tamed & nations made civilized. To deny that is a foolish thing. Those laws that are other than ..well we can see how bad those nations are doing. For example, slavery in the sudan is one. No one here has any cause against our nation when there is famine hunger & slavery not to mention persecutions of all sorts in the third world nat Go tell it to someone who doesn't know better. It's just too easy to bash the very God & nation who blessed you. Like it or not, believe it or not billie's only because of God's mercy that YOU are not consumed. Well said Yes well there are too many who want to pervert the truth & neutralize the Word of God with their revisionist POV's & slanderous twisted logic. Christians should speak up & tell the truth. |
New Year's Resolutions
Liberal? Having a hard time coming up with some New Years resolutions? Let me help… Start telling the truth. To everyone. All the time. Even in elections. Find a cure for tantrums. Vote once. Even in off years. Just in your State. Your County. Try to put humans (especially the unborn) above animals. Tell the truth to blacks about which party REALLY supported them in the past, and does the most to “free” them now. Stop trading cigarettes and other favors to the elderly and homeless for votes. Acknowledge that “Pro Choice” means two choices- 1. Have the baby 2. Kill the baby Be proud of being a liberal (if that is intellectually possible). Stop hiding behind sugar coated terms like “progressive” when what you really mean is “I want to do whatever I want to do…” Stop complaining about big business while at the same time living in the lap of luxury buying their products. You ‘greeny’ silly little granola eating Birkenstock wearing environmentalists- replace your 1973 VW Bus. It is not ‘eco friendly’. And while you’re at it, please don’t tell me you are ‘Mr. Save the Planet’ when you are doing it on your computer- made by low cost Chinese labor… shipped here in big tankers on the ocean, using diesel fuel… made from plastics, which are petroleum products… trucked to the store, which is probably ALSO a big business (like Best Buy or Office Depot). Realize that “Hope”, “Change” and “Yes we can!” are slogans, and not solutions, plans, or actions. Realize that talking louder does not make your point more likely to be logical. Take some courses in History, Law, and Government so you can understand that Judges are not legislators. Stop crying about Fox News. The biggest problem you have with them is that, as Jack Nicholson said, “YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH!” What you really don’t like is, someone trying to get out the side of the story you would rather see swept under the rug. Happy New Year!!! Shame on you, Gio. damn !...I'm not even safe here... Not to worry Gio... it won't be long till people will be begging REPS for help in solving problems. We already know DEMS have no solutions, except counter culture ones that is. |
Starting the New Year Right!
Edited by
Thu 01/01/09 06:15 AM
Some good words of advice. Is there anything in your relationship with God that you would like to change in the New Year?
Live It! READ: Ezekiel 33:30-33 You are to them as a very lovely song . . . they hear your words, but they do not do them. —Ezekiel 33:32 Each year, one of my goals is to read the entire Bible. While listing it among my New Year’s resolutions, I noticed a bookmark on my desk. On one side was a brief appeal for people to take in foster children. On the other side were these words referring to that appeal: “Don’t read it. Live it. Real children. Real stories. Real life.” The people who produced the bookmark knew how easily we absorb information without acting on it. They wanted people to respond. Regular intake of God’s Word is a worthy practice, but it’s not an end in itself. The prophet Ezekiel spoke to an audience who loved to listen but refused to act. The Lord said to Ezekiel: “Indeed you are to them as a very lovely song of one who has a pleasant voice and can play well on an instrument; for they hear your words, but they do not do them” (33:32). Jesus said: “Whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock” (Matt. 7:24). How will each of us read the Bible this year? Will we read it quickly to achieve the goal of getting through it? Or will we read it with the aim of doing what it says? Don’t just read it. Live it! — David C. McCasland The Bible gives us all we need To live our lives for God each day; But it won’t help if we don’t read Then follow what its pages say. —Sper The value of the Bible consists not only in knowing it but obeying it. |
I am clear on what it means to them. They just don't realize that outside of their belief system, the word has no meaning. It certainly does to those who have to pay the consequences. |
So are you saying that people only have free will when it comes to sin?
In my book decisions people make for better or worse are all part of free will. |
Good grief. Some arab guys that had been indoctrinated to hate America took advantage of simple freedoms that Americans enjoy everyday and then hijacked airplanes and flew them into buildings. End of story. Plain and simple and exactly what happened on 911. Yes... LOL It's so simple right? They say you can't make this stuff up! OOPS! Oh yes you can... if your a commie that is. |
Preamble to Social Mayhem
What always perplexes me is that those who do not want to be controlled seem to also want the services that are provided by that control. We gripe about the corruption, but don't bother to question it. Maybe the people in control are not any different. But, the people are different and need to not become complacent again. When the wealthy stop thinking... while being so elite, yet, with such low self esteem... that if they can do it, anyone can do it, will the greed that has overcome this country cease to exist. Then maybe one party will stop telling the other party to "suck it up, and stay beaten down"...(not the actual term I was thinking)! That pies just not tasting so good these days. Well actually if every incumbant would have been voted out in this last election that would have definately turned the tables in John Q. Public's favor. That would have sent a clear & loud message of no more business as usual. DEMS are in for a big awakening also. They have been getting a free pass while REPS have been doing the heavy lifting. Now let's see what DEMS do. LOL Considering what is being posted on this board .... (I'm not holding my breath on that one or putting money on it either.) Let's see who all those LIBS who voted to let them stay will put their money on???? LOL Oh, the occasional lucid moment...then it's gone. OOPS! I guess you didn't see where your bias went huh? |
All out war
Uh no...Iraqis want us there...
Get your facts straight. |
All out war
I hope they finsih the job until no terrorist is left standing. It's about survival... you know...that thing that someone does for YOU so you can have the freedom to be as wrong as you want to. |
Preamble to Social Mayhem
Edited by
Wed 12/31/08 04:55 PM
Two parties are there to create a division and a perception of choice. Both lead in the same direction. Democrats argue from the point of good morals and bad economics, Republicans from the point of better economics and worse morals. The setup is designed to keep you fighting for one of the sides, while you really should be looking for good morals and good economics. This is a proper application of old "divide and conquer" principle. You have to divide your enemy on something where there isn't any sensible division, then none of the sides will find itself guiltier than another, and the division will not be solved. It wasn't always like this. I attribute the deep division on the clintons. They ushered in such lowlife politicking on such a grand scale. They didn't need Mr. America anymore when they have Mr. Illegal Alien, & Mr. Foreign Money, & Mr. UN thug nations & all the rest of the outsider thugs who supported them. ...but let's not go ther because if they don't produce after such self proclaimed agrandizement, they will be gone in two years. |
Preamble to Social Mayhem
Edited by
Wed 12/31/08 04:50 PM
What always perplexes me is that those who do not want to be controlled seem to also want the services that are provided by that control. We gripe about the corruption, but don't bother to question it. Maybe the people in control are not any different. But, the people are different and need to not become complacent again. When the wealthy stop thinking... while being so elite, yet, with such low self esteem... that if they can do it, anyone can do it, will the greed that has overcome this country cease to exist. Then maybe one party will stop telling the other party to "suck it up, and stay beaten down"...(not the actual term I was thinking)! That pies just not tasting so good these days. Well actually if every incumbant would have been voted out in this last election that would have definately turned the tables in John Q. Public's favor. That would have sent a clear & loud message of no more business as usual. DEMS are in for a big awakening also. They have been getting a free pass while REPS have been doing the heavy lifting. Now let's see what DEMS do. LOL Considering what is being posted on this board .... (I'm not holding my breath on that one or putting money on it either.) Let's see who all those LIBS who voted to let them stay will put their money on???? LOL |
You believe that?I got some nice ocean front property in Arizona I would like to sell you.Enought of the 9/11 conspiercies.We all know what happened we all know it wasn't a inside job because after 7 years not a single person has been indited or gone to jail.We all know every anti-Bush anti-American has tried to find one person who they could arrest and put in jail to prove 9/11 was a inside job and yet nothing has happened. ...or until the next attack on our soil leaves them shaking in their boots that is. I really wanna see the LIBS wave the white flag of surrender to terrorists & assorted thug govts., the cowards that they are. LOL The stupidity of it all... |
All out war
I hope they finsih the job until no terrorist is left standing.