Community > Posts By > Quikstepper

Quikstepper's photo
Fri 12/26/08 05:13 PM
Edited by Quikstepper on Fri 12/26/08 05:16 PM
Giacomo...there is no goodness without God. His goodness is extended to the unbelievers as well.

Whatever is good...whatever is noble...think on these things. The very nature of God is revealed thru love, hope, faith, gentleness, kindness, etc etc. The very universe cries out God in heaven.

He is who He is.

Quikstepper's photo
Fri 12/26/08 08:42 AM

We are governed not because we want to be, but because we have to be..... Can't take care of our own lusts and greed.... Plain and simple...slaphead

The most lustful & greedy are the ones making the rules, & breaking them.

Yu got that one right!!!!

Quikstepper's photo
Fri 12/26/08 08:41 AM
Only in a university do they teach this stuff.

It's only when you get into the real world that you realize these things are not issues, except in people's minds.

Quikstepper's photo
Fri 12/26/08 08:10 AM
WOOHOO! I love a good party!

I went to many good ones this year...only no setting trees on fire or people swinging from chandeliars now...but good anyway. laugh

There's never a holiday gone by without some holiday jokes to go with them.

Quikstepper's photo
Fri 12/26/08 08:02 AM
Edited by Quikstepper on Fri 12/26/08 08:02 AM
The concept of a free people was always based on their ability to SELF govern...that means rights WITH responsibility.

Big govt. is what you get when people are dumbed down.

Quikstepper's photo
Fri 12/26/08 07:59 AM
A belated Merry Christmas to all...

I hope you enjoyed your holiday season.

I'm looking forward to 2009.

Quikstepper's photo
Fri 12/26/08 06:34 AM
Just as I suspected...more dumbing down the society. Sad...very sad. That people actually agree with these pathetic excuses.

Quikstepper's photo
Fri 12/26/08 06:32 AM

BTW...don't discount Conservatives & Christians. For myself...I really do try to keep it real. You seem like my kind of person so I hope we can start a new trend here of having civil discussion. As on the Christian singles threads

I'll keep that in mind, Quick.. If I can figure out where the christian singles is I will check them out one day. Thank you..

Ah well, if you go to your profile & click on the will get there. I believe aside from GRB.. there are various other boards so people can have quiet discussion without all the verbal trolling that goes on in GRB & politics.

I personal would like to see it evolve into some real discussion.

Quikstepper's photo
Fri 12/26/08 06:23 AM
Express with joy & gladness what He brings into the & gladness!

Quikstepper's photo
Tue 12/23/08 09:07 PM
Try this...

Quikstepper's photo
Tue 12/23/08 09:06 PM
It's been that kinda year...I know what you mean. I ususally like this time of the year but with everything in upheavel it just adds to the craziness.

I say the same year will be a better one. drinker drinker drinker

Where's a mamosa when yu need one darn it!

Quikstepper's photo
Tue 12/23/08 08:59 PM
Edited by Quikstepper on Tue 12/23/08 09:01 PM

Both sides Con and Lib are equally at fault here, I think you might agree with that. It really doesn't matter who starts it, but it always seems to be hot button items that get the craziness going. I think I have learned that in a public forum like this some people's only purpose is to start a topic they know will start a fight.

I look for real discussion and though I am not above playful trivia, I prefer discussion. When that is interupted by sexual inuendo and whatever, the discussion becomes confusing and disconnected.

Unfortunately one can't always be prepared for some of the absolutely uninformed things people say and not hanging out very often in public forums I have to admit that at times I wear my heart on my sleeve.

I don't know that we can ever get past our divisions which seem to be the most popular topics, and I don't know if there can ever be a really in depth discussion of these issues with Christians because the Biblical views so immutable, but I find I try every now then even though I expect it won't work well for me in the end.

That's why mostly religion and politics is so often not a favorite topic on either side in the real world.

I know that I have found some of the things you have posted very offensive and hurtful, and I thought to myself, geez, I don't even know this women, why does it bother me so much.

We can all pretend we are above being hurt by others words, but if we are really honest, they absolutely do hurt, doesn't matter if it's a best friend or a stranger.

So QuickStepper, despite the fact that I have been angered by your words and responded in kind out of frustration, I call a truce because I think that despite what you believe that I might not, you have been genuine in your response here. .

And I appreciate that you did add your voice to this topic. I don't know how long I will be able to handle this site and keep my nerves in tact. LOL But I will know that there are a great deal of people out there willing to hear my side of things and consider them, most times that enough for me.

LOL...Uh Yeah! It's like a train wreck you can't keep your eyes off of. hahahaha Sometimes I feel the need to take a bath after being here. LOL

I do try to have discourse with people...I try the see if a person can be real. The swipes I take at some because when I rang the bell nobody was home. So I resort to sarcasms cause it is what it is.

As for the rest... they are all gone. BTW...don't discount Conservatives & Christians. For myself...I really do try to keep it real. You seem like my kind of person so I hope we can start a new trend here of having civil discussion. As on the Christian singles threads. shouldn't be offended by my comments...they are never directed at people I don't know. :wink:

Quikstepper's photo
Tue 12/23/08 08:49 PM
More nonsense...BUSH can only run for TWO terms...his time is up! He was not run out of town. Get a grip.

It just goes to show that there are traitors among us.

Quikstepper's photo
Tue 12/23/08 08:44 PM
He means take your faith seriously & don't take God for granted. ....for that reason many sleep & are sick among you.

Quikstepper's photo
Tue 12/23/08 08:38 PM
Edited by Quikstepper on Tue 12/23/08 08:40 PM

I'm a Christian and I don't count on facts with the Old Testament. It was written by men long time ago and was difficult to interpret. I concentrate more on Jesus' life. Jesus denounced the laws of the Old Testament.

No way...Jesus had compassion on those whose lives were ruined by sickness & ignorance & unrepentant sin. Unlike those who arrogantly hated Him & wanted to kill Him for teaching what He taught. They were rebellious against His teaching. I think the term Jesus used was vipers & snakes.

Don't think for one minute Jesus condoned sin... or else why would God say He is coming back for a church that is without spot or wrinkle. The Bible says alot about sin. Take the admonishment as a sign of God's love toward you.

He did denounce the old laws of the Old Testament.

What is wrong with concentrating on his teachings more then the Old Testament?

No he didn't ... even when He showed compassion to the prostitute....He said...if no man judges you I won't either, but Jesus also said Go & sin no more.

Jesus said He came to fulfill the law...not abolish it. It's the bible.

If you knew that God's admonishments are not judgements there would be no confusion.

Quikstepper's photo
Tue 12/23/08 05:38 PM

I'm a Christian and I don't count on facts with the Old Testament. It was written by men long time ago and was difficult to interpret. I concentrate more on Jesus' life. Jesus denounced the laws of the Old Testament.

No way...Jesus had compassion on those whose lives were ruined by sickness & ignorance & unrepentant sin. Unlike those who arrogantly hated Him & wanted to kill Him for teaching what He taught. They were rebellious against His teaching. I think the term Jesus used was vipers & snakes.

Don't think for one minute Jesus condoned sin... or else why would God say He is coming back for a church that is without spot or wrinkle. The Bible says alot about sin. Take the admonishment as a sign of God's love toward you.

Quikstepper's photo
Tue 12/23/08 05:30 PM

ha ha, my friend asked me to keep him away from upper management at the Christmas party on Friday. Up to the point where I got drunk I did just that, then I kind of lost track of what he was up to. Went looking for him and he was bear hugging and kissing his old manager ha ha ha

LOL...Oh geez! Is that office appropriate? laugh

For an Irish Christmas party that's mild...

LOL...I know how wild they can get too... hehehe

Quikstepper's photo
Tue 12/23/08 01:21 PM

You won't get that with political animals. This board & the general religion board are two boards where most people just want to argue.

This is the first I have seen you say the word lib or liberal with out sarcasm QuickStepper, so i am a bit surprised your even here. But never the less, I wouldn't find a captive audience in a Christian singles or other Christian forum, because I have found they don't want to look at things from any point of view that isn't strictly Christian or biblical, so we end up getting nowhere or back the same old arguments.

I don't want this topic to be from a biblical point of view of gay marriage or morality, because we already know what that is. I want to discuss with people that aren't completely closed off to an other view point. I don't know what a political animal is, I came here because I see that there are people willing to discuss differing points of view that are not biblically based so that is where I wanted to start, with people that really like to discuss different points of view that don't necessarily bother them to discuss. Not sure I am making sense, it's getting late for me.

The Christian friends I have do not take the bible literally. The ones that do we can not discuss this because when you do they feel attacked and dismissed, so there is no way to discuss it with them with out heated argument no one wants.

Sorry missed my point...I was saying that like the Christian singles board where it more civil because you are REQUIRED to be civil, if they had a LIB board and a CON board where the other was required to be civil... you might get some real discussion without all the hostility that goes on... If you go to the gen religion board then go to Christian singles you will see what I mean about being civil as opposed to the trolling that goes on in the GRB.

That's what I'm talking about.... Yu know...Christians may not agree with you but they would never bash you like what is done on the gen religion or politics board. That's the difference.

You are sarcasm is humor toward some of the absurdities I see posted on these boards. I have not really personally attacked anyone here like I have been attacked & many others who just stopped posting because they were visciously attacked by the Rat Pac for disagreeing with them & they know there won't be any real honest discussion about anything.

I can take it as well as dish it out. Some here want to dish it out but get offended when they get slammed back. That's the difference. Is it worth getting kicked or getting threatening e-mails by mods? Not really... so that's where it's at. I guess unless people calm down you won't see any real discussion.

Best to you tho...I hope you succeed.

Quikstepper's photo
Tue 12/23/08 01:04 PM


Oh so is this what we are to expect...more GOP bashing instead of holding DEMS feet to the fire to see if they can actually govern.

Get off the Palin bigot bashing...she has nothing at all to do with congress.

Quikstepper's photo
Tue 12/23/08 01:03 PM
Edited by Quikstepper on Tue 12/23/08 01:07 PM

I predict that everyone who wants him to fail will work very hard to make that happen! whoa


Oh you mean like what the DEMs did to any REP initiative...scare mongering? Bush didn't work.

OTOH... facts ARE facts & we all know that DEMS take no responsiblity for anything or they would have been voted out of office as well. So much for their own voters holding them accountable and all that. Right?

I do want to see OBAMA succeed. That might mean throwing out all the LIBS in two years though. Can you handle that?

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